Making the most out of the Viking archetype?


A Reign of Winter game's coming up, and I thought a Viking would fit in well.
The class has a few cool abilities between rage, intimidation, and sword+shield specialization. What feats would work best with these? I imagine two weapon fighting, yes, anything to work with the intimidate and rage?

The Shield Master line seems pretty effective, whereas Death or Glory is just an awesomely thematic feat.

Something more appealing, but I imagine harder to work, would be a Viking/Paladin. How well would these classes work together, synergistically?
Would it kill the character's effectiveness, would you be better off just playing an honorable nordic warrior rather than multiclassing into paladin?
Raging AND being a badass holy warrior seems like a pretty cool idea, but is it feasible?

Not especially, no. It makes you pretty MAD. Charisma, Strength, Constitution, and I think Wisdom.

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What works well with the Viking is the thunder and fang feat.
You end up having a mainhand weapon that deals 2d6 and retain your shield bonus while doing a shield bash.

Combine that with the trait that increases your shield bash damage by 1 and you should have a nice setup.

If done as a human you can have T&F up and running as fast as no other class. You are already somewhat MAD because of the TWF prerequisite of Dex.

Wow, I was going to say that the multiclass wouldn't work. As i thought that you needed to be non lawful to rage (As the barbarian class states), but that is not listed under the actual rage ability. The viking archtype also does not have any alignment restrictions.

Vikings aren't really a lawful bunch, but guess you can have a lawful one and still rage. Weird.

No, it says so under ex-barbarians, you'll lose the ability to rage if you become lawful.

Yeah, but this is a fighter, not a barbarian. You gain the Rage class feature, you do not gain the barbarian alignment restrictions along with them, the same way you don't get trap sense and uncanny dodge.

I figured out a pretty strong build using mounted orc or half-orc vikings, but you need two approximately the same.

They each take mounted combat, ride-by attack, spirited charge, the beast totem line, amplified rage, coordinated charge, one other teamwork feat and leadership. Their cohorts are both half-orc barbarian 1/synthesist summoner X with the amplified rage feat.

The trick is to ride your cohort, who rages at the same time as you. You then both gain the big bonus from amplified rage. Now you can ragelancepounce a target and ride-by a good distance past it. Your partner is also using amplified rage with his cohort/mount and he can ragelancepounce the same enemy as an immediate action using coordinated charge. You can then ragelancepounce the same target AGAIN with your own immediate action. When your partener's turn comes around, he can ragelancepounce once, but you don't have an immediate action, so you have to wait a full round to repeat the triple combo.

My take on the Viking fighter:

Human Viking Fighter

STR 18 (+1 at 8, 12, 16, 20 lvls)
DEX 16 (+1 at 4 lvl) (early belt of dexterity +2 for ITWF)
CON 16

Alternate Racial Traits: Heart of the Fields

Traits: Defender of the Society, Optimistic Gambler

1 TWF, Improved Shield Bash, Power Attack
2 Weapon Focus: Shield
3 Doubleslice
4 Raging Vitality
5 Weapon Specialization: Shield
7 Shield Slam
8 Rage Power: Strenght Surge, retrain Doubleslice for Intimidating Prowess
9 Extra Rage Power: Superstitious
10 Rage Power: Lesser Beast Totem
11 Shield Master
12 Rage Power: Beast Totem, retrain Weapons Specialization for Combat Reflexes
13 Extra Rage Power: Greater Beast Totem
14 Dazing Assault
15 Extra Rage Power: Come and Get Me
16 Rage Power: Reckless Abandon, retrain Weapon Focus for Improved Sunder
17 Extra Rgae Power: Witch Hunter
18 Rage Power: Spell Sunder
19 Extra Rage Power: Eater of Magic
20 Raging Brutality

Basically complete the shield master feat tree, take itwf, combat reflexes and dazzing assault and then take as many rage powers as possible. Come and Get Me is awesome, as well as pounce, reckless abandon and the superstitious feat tree. Strenght surge is there to make the free bullrush attampts and later the sunder attempts count.

LoneKnave wrote:
Yeah, but this is a fighter, not a barbarian. You gain the Rage class feature, you do not gain the barbarian alignment restrictions along with them, the same way you don't get trap sense and uncanny dodge.

I see.


You are a worse enemy for your buddies than any monsters with a build like that. You will fail any Will saving throw, and any Charm type ability will have you murder your own team.

XMorsX wrote:

My take on the Viking fighter:

Human Viking Fighter

STR 18 (+1 at 8, 12, 16, 20 lvls)
DEX 16 (+1 at 4 lvl) (early belt of dexterity +2 for ITWF)
CON 16

Alternate Racial Traits: Heart of the Fields

Traits: Defender of the Society, Optimistic Gambler

1 TWF, Improved Shield Bash, Power Attack
2 Weapon Focus: Shield
3 Doubleslice
4 Raging Vitality
5 Weapon Specialization: Shield
7 Shield Slam
8 Rage Power: Strenght Surge, retrain Doubleslice for Intimidating Prowess
9 Extra Rage Power: Superstitious
10 Rage Power: Lesser Beast Totem
11 Shield Master
12 Rage Power: Beast Totem, retrain Weapons Specialization for Combat Reflexes
13 Extra Rage Power: Greater Beast Totem
14 Dazing Assault
15 Extra Rage Power: Come and Get Me
16 Rage Power: Reckless Abandon, retrain Weapon Focus for Improved Sunder
17 Extra Rgae Power: Witch Hunter
18 Rage Power: Spell Sunder
19 Extra Rage Power: Eater of Magic
20 Raging Brutality

Basically complete the shield master feat tree, take itwf, combat reflexes and dazzing assault and then take as many rage powers as possible. Come and Get Me is awesome, as well as pounce, reckless abandon and the superstitious feat tree. Strenght surge is there to make the free bullrush attampts and later the sunder attempts count.

i like but god its the most useless noncombat character ive seen

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

i don't have time to try to put together a whole build, but if you want to mix pally with viking i'd look at the fey foundling feat and the celestial totem- good a ton of mileage from heals.

Liberty's Edge

I'd go with Intimidating Prowess and Cornugon Smash to get the most out of your intimidation, and then Superstitious/Witch Hunter/Spell Sunder for rage powers, along with Reckless Abandon and Strength Surge.

I'd avoid the TWF route. I know it's probably "optimal" but IMO the investment versus the payoff isn't great.

Defender of the Society is a good trait since you aren't going to be getting heavy armor, and anything that gives you a bonus to intimidate should probably be your next bet.

I'd make a Viking 6 Paladin 6+ with Fey foundling, and celestial totem. Can really heal yourself well, have a good charisma for intimidating, good saves and AC, seems viable to me.

Makarion wrote:


You are a worse enemy for your buddies than any monsters with a build like that. You will fail any Will saving throw, and any Charm type ability will have you murder your own team.

Early game just have someone cast on you protection from evil. Willsaves are not so dangerous at early levels anyway. From 9th lvl onwards with the Superstitious rage power tree your saves are going to be just fine. You are no paladin, but you are better on this regard than the typical fighter.

EsperMagic wrote:
XMorsX wrote:

My take on the Viking fighter:

Human Viking Fighter

STR 18 (+1 at 8, 12, 16, 20 lvls)
DEX 16 (+1 at 4 lvl) (early belt of dexterity +2 for ITWF)
CON 16

Alternate Racial Traits: Heart of the Fields

Traits: Defender of the Society, Optimistic Gambler

1 TWF, Improved Shield Bash, Power Attack
2 Weapon Focus: Shield
3 Doubleslice
4 Raging Vitality
5 Weapon Specialization: Shield
7 Shield Slam
8 Rage Power: Strenght Surge, retrain Doubleslice for Intimidating Prowess
9 Extra Rage Power: Superstitious
10 Rage Power: Lesser Beast Totem
11 Shield Master
12 Rage Power: Beast Totem, retrain Weapons Specialization for Combat Reflexes
13 Extra Rage Power: Greater Beast Totem
14 Dazing Assault
15 Extra Rage Power: Come and Get Me
16 Rage Power: Reckless Abandon, retrain Weapon Focus for Improved Sunder
17 Extra Rgae Power: Witch Hunter
18 Rage Power: Spell Sunder
19 Extra Rage Power: Eater of Magic
20 Raging Brutality

Basically complete the shield master feat tree, take itwf, combat reflexes and dazzing assault and then take as many rage powers as possible. Come and Get Me is awesome, as well as pounce, reckless abandon and the superstitious feat tree. Strenght surge is there to make the free bullrush attampts and later the sunder attempts count.

i like but god its the most useless noncombat character ive seen

You mean that you are useless outside combat because of the 7 Int and Cha? Well, you are probably right, but then again you are not special in this regard no matter how much Int you have so no big deal. Also bear in mind that starting from 8th level you are a very potent Intimidator.

Anyway, I guess you could mix Fighter with with Paladin, but generally Paladins scale very nice with levels. If you really like them I would suggest to stick to Paladin and just give him Viking flavor.

nate lange wrote:
i don't have time to try to put together a whole build, but if you want to mix pally with viking i'd look at the fey foundling feat and the celestial totem- good a ton of mileage from heals.

These are both good ideas, any other ideas to pump up their offensive synergy?

Paladin 14 (Sacred Shield) / Fighter 6 (Viking).

Celestial totem is the only Rage power you really want, and although you miss out on Greater Weapon Focus, you'll gain 4th level paladin spells - worth the exchange to me. Between Antagonize-as-a-move, 5/day half damage for your party (assuming they move smartly), nice AC bonuses for everyone, etc, it should be pretty good times to be a tank.

If you want more offense, I can't look much beyond TWF, but that's A. a lot of feats and B. suddenly an extra stat you need to work on.

Glutton wrote:
I'd make a Viking 6 Paladin 6+ with Fey foundling, and celestial totem. Can really heal yourself well, have a good charisma for intimidating, good saves and AC, seems viable to me.

How would you stat out someone like that? You need good strength and con for fighting, decent dex for twf and decent cha for paladin.


Str 16 +2 from human
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 14

I suppose you could dump int or wis.

igotsmeakabob11 wrote:
Glutton wrote:
I'd make a Viking 6 Paladin 6+ with Fey foundling, and celestial totem. Can really heal yourself well, have a good charisma for intimidating, good saves and AC, seems viable to me.

How would you stat out someone like that? You need good strength and con for fighting, decent dex for twf and decent cha for paladin.


Str 16 +2 from human
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 14

I suppose you could dump int or wis.

An interesting way to go for a barb/pala hybrid is to take the fatigue mercy and rage cycle with 1/rage powers.

Take a level dip into Mad Dog Barbarian to get an animal companion mount. Choose dire tiger or roc. And it is a level of barbarian which should stack for abilities.

Dark Archive

Purchase a Clear Spindle and put in your wayfinder. Protection from evil all the time.

Scarab Sages

Umbranus wrote:

What works well with the Viking is the thunder and fang feat.

You end up having a mainhand weapon that deals 2d6 and retain your shield bonus while doing a shield bash.

Combine that with the trait that increases your shield bash damage by 1 and you should have a nice setup.

If done as a human you can have T&F up and running as fast as no other class. You are already somewhat MAD because of the TWF prerequisite of Dex.

This was going to be my suggestion as well. A human Viking can have the Thunder and Fang feat up and running at 2nd level and mechanically it is perfectly suited to the Viking archetype. I actually tend to go with more balanced stats with the Viking instead of dumping, you'll be getting Rage and you've got a class ability that is better if you didn't dump CHA. There's a couple of traits and feats in the People of The North (as well as a lot of other places) that'll help you boost your WIS, so I usually grab at least a Will-boosting trait and then snag Superstition as a Rage power when I get the chance.

You can safely dump Cha by taking Intimidating Prowess. That is for a pure fighter, if you also go Paladin you want at least 14 Charisma, 16 would be even better if you could afford it.

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You'd still substract your CHA mod. So a negative CHA is still undesirable.

LoneKnave wrote:
You'd still substract your CHA mod. So a negative CHA is still undesirable.

Yes it is undesirable. But it is no big deal, especially as you gain levels and increase your strenght. In my case, I just cannot afford raising it. A build that does not take the TWF feats can have a zero or even positive modifier.

Scarab Sages

LoneKnave wrote:
You'd still substract your CHA mod. So a negative CHA is still undesirable.

You're also burning a feat, and Thunder and Fang TWF like I was suggesting plus shield feats is a lot of feats, especially when you still need to grab Rage Powers.

Scarab Sages

XMorsX wrote:
LoneKnave wrote:
You'd still substract your CHA mod. So a negative CHA is still undesirable.
Yes it is undesirable. But it is no big deal, especially as you gain levels and increase your strenght. In my case, I just cannot afford raising it. A build that does not take the TWF feats can have a zero or even positive modifier.

You don't have to have 18,16,16 in your starting stats. Considering you don't even get Rage until 4th level you can afford to shave a point or two from CON, and the same is true of STR. Just a couple points in those two spots gives you enough points to run without dump stats and have something other than a near imbecilic death machine, at least negating the negatives to your mental stats, if not actually leaving enough to give you a positive modifier.

You could start with 14 Con and make it 15 by 4th lvl for Raging Vitality, but then you will not have 17 dex by lvl 7 for ITWF. You could also start with 15 or even 14 Str and have 17 or 16 after racial mod, but this will mean that you are stuck with +3 Str bonus, because your 4th point is not going to your Strenght. I don't like this scenario, but even if you do this, I believe that raising Wisdom for your Willsaves is more important than raising Charisma. Anyway, you start intimidating as a swift action only after 10th lvl and by then you do have Intimidating Prowess.

I tried Thunder and Fang too, but it does not seem to worth the feat investment. You want Shieldmaster by lvl 11 for TWF builds and by then rage powers are better than feats IMO. By going with Thunder and Fang you either have to delay Shieldmaster or drop nice feats that synergise well with the build like Intimidating Prowess, Raging Vitality, Combat Reflexes (essential for CAGM) etc. Also remember that you are still MAD, so you cannot realistically expect to have high Charisma and Wisdom without gimping your Strenght or ditching Raging Vitality (or most possibly both), so losing Intimidating Prowess will severely limit your Intimidate potential.

Go Hobgoblin, make him fearsome and take:


Everything solved.

What about the first lvl feat? For the build I posted at least, the loss of even one feat will set you way back. Most TWF builds have the same problem too I guess.

Apparently we're using 25 points, which is pretty sweet for the Viking/Paladin as it'll help with his mad MAD.

And I'm pretty set on playing a human (Ulfen).

Str 16
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 14

+2 from human to any physical stat.. not sure which.

Feats are going to be tight for this, however, if the majority of levels are paladin (as they probably should be).

Ssalarn wrote:
Superstition as a Rage power when I get the chance.

I don't think Superstition is worth the tradeoff without human barbarian FCB.

Scarab Sages

igotsmeakabob11 wrote:

Apparently we're using 25 points, which is pretty sweet for the Viking/Paladin as it'll help with his mad MAD.

And I'm pretty set on playing a human (Ulfen).

Str 16
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 14

+2 from human to any physical stat.. not sure which.

Feats are going to be tight for this, however, if the majority of levels are paladin (as they probably should be).

You need to put that +2 into DEX so you can take the TWF feats.

If he goes Viking/Paladin he may not have the feats for TWF, especially if he also plans on Fae Upbringing. Plan your feats to level 11 or so and pick your dex accordingly. Remember that you should aim for mithril full plate (you are proficient from paladin, and it counts as medium for purposes of the Viking abilities).

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