Corsario's Kingmaker Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Human(Shoanti) Ranger/7 [HP63/84; AC19,T11,FF18; F+6,R+6,W+4; Per+10/12/14; Init +2]

I brought my snow leopard.

Elf Wizard

See? :D

Fighter 6 - Shifter 1 - SoW 2 | Negative Level 2 - Con -3 | HP 76/76 53/53 | AC: 26, T: 16, FF: 18| Fort: +12 11, Ref: +9, Will: +5 | BAB: +9, CMB: +17, CMD: 29, | Init: +2 | Perception: +17 | Stamina 9/9

Welp, that was some crappy rolling.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map
Tarina wrote:

Am I correct in assuming that I cannot bring my wolf to the party?

Tarina's nanny's name is Lalia, as I mentioned earlier if possible I want Lalia to be of noble birth. I'm not sure if she should belong to one of the seven major brevoy noble houses or not, or if that would be allowed, so please let me know.

The wolf is to big for the party, sorry. He wouldn't like it anyway. ;)

Yes, she can be a noble. You choose the family, I roll with it. That should be fun!

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map
Kaldwell wrote:
Welp, that was some crappy rolling.

Yes it was... Better for me! ;)

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map
Halcorg wrote:
I brought my snow leopard.

But left it outside, playing poker with the wolf :)

Female Lyrakien Familiar
Corsario wrote:
Halcorg wrote:
I brought my snow leopard.
But left it outside, playing poker with the wolf :)

Xritha wonders whether she should head out to check on the puppy and the kitten she left playing with some swordlord's children to make sure than nobody gets eaten . . . er, hurt.

Female / Male Human (Mwangi - Jambala Jaeg) Updated Quest Sheet

So we have a stegosaurs, a snow leopard and a celestial wolf. All we she missing is a trex or a dragon and there's a party outside too lol ;)

Female Lyrakien Familiar
Ni'Tir and Chimalma wrote:
So we have a stegosaurs, a snow leopard and a celestial wolf. All we she missing is a trex or a dragon and there's a party outside too lol ;)

And a fairy who can talk to the animals.

Female / Male Human (Mwangi - Jambala Jaeg) Updated Quest Sheet

Oh lord the the diabolical thinking of companions is afoot. Before we know it there will be an incident involving a fairy and my stego attacking a candy shop. Ni'Tire would die from laughter. :)

@Kiri your words are being heard by everyone attached to the message spell correct?

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard(Diviner(Foresight)) 5/Harrower 3/Mythic(archmage) Tier 2 - HP:68/68; AC11,T11,FF10; F+5,R+5,W+9/+10; Perc+5; Init +7

Depends on how Corsario handles Message. I assume that when I speak, everyone can hear it. Not sure whether you all speaking is heard by all, or only by me. I do not think that the spell is clear on this.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

1 person/level... but who is counting? :P

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard(Diviner(Foresight)) 5/Harrower 3/Mythic(archmage) Tier 2 - HP:68/68; AC11,T11,FF10; F+5,R+5,W+9/+10; Perc+5; Init +7

No, the question is whether the caster is like a switchboard, or if everyone can talk to everyone?

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map
You can whisper messages and receive whispered replies. Those nearby can hear these messages with a DC 25 Perception check. You point your finger at each creature you want to receive the message. When you whisper, the whispered message is audible to all targeted creatures within range.

Your call. Point and click ;)

The replies... like a switchboard, they only talk back to you.

Female Init +2; Senses Perception +10 AC 25 (Touch 12 Flatfooted 24) HP 43/89 F: +7, R: +4, W:+4

I know i am such a buzz kill lol ;)

Male Half-Elf Haunted Oracle of Life (Ancient Lorekeeper) 8/Hierophant 1

Sorry for being late. Something cropped up in real life. However, after thinking it over, I might be able to post every so often in this game. Just glancing over the excellent posts makes me think that the effort would be well worth it.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

Excellent, you are welcome to join in...

Male Human (Taldan) Wizard (transmuter) 3 | AC 12, T 12, FF 10 | hp 15/15 | F +1, R +3, W +4 | CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +1

Oh crap... I completely missed that there was a post for Sofia last night (I didn't think there'd be one as I hadn't introduced her at that point). My back pain flared up, and apparently my reading comprehension went out the window. *sigh* And now to fix this...

Male Human Weapon Master 5/Hellknight 2

I apologize for the delay, what with my wife bringing new life into the world lol, but the Hellknight has arrived.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard(Diviner(Foresight)) 5/Harrower 3/Mythic(archmage) Tier 2 - HP:68/68; AC11,T11,FF10; F+5,R+5,W+9/+10; Perc+5; Init +7

Hmmm, Hellknight + Varisian Harrower. Should be interesting.

Male Human Cav 4, Bard 1, Battle Herald 3 Marshall 1

@Kiritta: I seriously lolled at your small statement above, for some reason I couldn't stop picturing this big armored guy, sitting in a cramped tent getting a harrow reading. Ssrsly funny to imagine him getting into said tent. :)

Female / Male Human (Mwangi - Jambala Jaeg) Updated Quest Sheet

Just to give you all a heads up Danath and I play together in real life. Albeit he is new to the boards but we work in the Oilfield together so come this friday we may be down for a couple of days due to flying to work.

Remote oilfield, fun times lol.

Male Human Cav 4, Bard 1, Battle Herald 3 Marshall 1

Yep, I only do it for the money as all that flying screws up my stomach. >.<;

In two-three months our work place will be in the -40 F* and lower range (we've seen -110 F* below and worked in it too!). Woo fun, sometimes I wish I worked somewhere nicer like... Hawaii.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

Sounds great that you can play in Real Life and by PbP.
Good luck at your job, be careful.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

Damn! I read what I wrote and know I put you in a really hard place. You have a very hard decision in front of you.
I think I have made my recommendation clear...
"In game" your characters doesn't have time to discuss what to do (specially Venetia) besides a quick glance. But feel free to discuss, of you want, in here, in this thread.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard(Diviner(Foresight)) 5/Harrower 3/Mythic(archmage) Tier 2 - HP:68/68; AC11,T11,FF10; F+5,R+5,W+9/+10; Perc+5; Init +7

This is where your lack of a law-chaos dichotomy causes a bit of a breakdown. A truly lawful character will either swear fealty honestly, or not swear it at all. A LE character would swear fealty in such a manner that the sworn statement could be twisted into not having its intended meaning.

A chaotic character, on the other hand, would have no qualms with lying. CG can lie, but would only do so if it would not cause harm to another. CN and CE, well, they care about nobody but themselves, so who cares if the lie causes great harm.

At least this is my view.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map

The fact that the character doesn't have a "label" over his head doesn't mean he has no honor. The only thing is that is more complex than lawful-neutral-chaotic.
But anyway, thanks for choosing. The first one was the harder. And you were first. So thanks!

Female Human Paladin (Holy Tactician) 5 / Noble Scion 3 / Mythic (Guardian) 1

I'm going to hqve to ask a few questions first mostly background questions:
1. Detect Evil, since Venetia can do this as a move action, she will, chances are he wasn't evil the last time they met, but times can change people.
2. As a noble of the house of Medvyed, Venetia should know what the relations between the two houses is, an it is ultimately something she will take into concern here, so are the two houses in good relations, bad relations, etc.
3. Does Rupert know about Tarina being Venetia's daughter or have any other political dirt on Venetia that Venetia knows of.

Female / Male Human (Mwangi - Jambala Jaeg) Updated Quest Sheet

From my understanding of the normal game House Orlovsky Garess, and Medvyed are closely aligned while the other three are stand against them. However as this is Corsarios game i too would be interested to know the relations of the houses.

Personally Ni'Tir doesn't care either way as she isn't from Brevoy. :-D

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map
Venetia Medvyed wrote:

I'm going to hqve to ask a few questions first mostly background questions:

1. Detect Evil, since Venetia can do this as a move action, she will, chances are he wasn't evil the last time they met, but times can change people.
2. As a noble of the house of Medvyed, Venetia should know what the relations between the two houses is, an it is ultimately something she will take into concern here, so are the two houses in good relations, bad relations, etc.
3. Does Rupert know about Tarina being Venetia's daughter or have any other political dirt on Venetia that Venetia knows of.

He was not evil when they first met. In fact he was downright heroic and chivalrous. Not like a Surtova at all. He doesn't register as evil now either.

All the noble houses in Brevoy are, in public, on good relations. In private they all are looking for themselves, ready to ally or take advantage on the other at any opportunity. In particular houses Surtova and Medvyed are not in the best of terms.
But in particular Venetia is a big black sheep of house Medvyed. And Rupert is a big black sheep of house Surtova.
As far as Venetia knows he doesn't know about Tarina being her daughter, even as he briefly know her as a child, but is aware about Venetia's "lax" morals. Last time he didn't mind, even if he himself was not the promiscuous type.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map
Ni'Tir and Chimalma wrote:

From my understanding of the normal game House Orlovsky Garess, and Medvyed are closely aligned while the other three are stand against them. However as this is Corsarios game i too would be interested to know the relations of the houses.

Personally Ni'Tir doesn't care either way as she isn't from Brevoy. :-D

Nice question, I'll write about it... But in short there are not big alliances, is each one for itself.

Male Human Cav 4, Bard 1, Battle Herald 3 Marshall 1

Lmao, well that's a nice way of finding out who the king is in the beginning. :)

What shall Danath say... hmmmm.

Male Human Cav 4, Bard 1, Battle Herald 3 Marshall 1

Ni/Xi Why are you possibly picking a fight? And an HP seriously... :p

Init +3; Senses Perception +12, Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +3 Ranger 7 AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 18 hp 82 (7d10+12)

Danath Currently seated across from the weirdo Battle Herald

A girl's gotta have fun! :P Besides Xi is making friends. >.>; Sort of...

Male Human Cav 4, Bard 1, Battle Herald 3 Marshall 1

Spin it however you want weirdo~ lol :P I hope Corsario smashes you lol~!

Init +3; Senses Perception +12, Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +3 Ranger 7 AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 18 hp 82 (7d10+12)

:p we will see won't we~

Quit stalling post your realty already, don't make a lame speech~ jk

Gl oh mighty battle herald~ ;-)

Male Human Aldori swordlord | HP 105/105 | Hero Points 3 | Mythic 5/5
AC 24/16/18 | Fort +11 Ref +10 Will +7 (+2 vs. fear) | Init. +3 | Perception +11, Darkvision 60 ft | CM +11/25 (31 vs. trip & grapple)

Historical oaths of fealty were mutual, two-way relationships. The vassal promised allegiance. The lord promised protection. I copied Szymon's oath and condition statement from these two sources.

Szymon wants an honorable way out if Rupert acts badly and doesn't mind saying so, as a commoner by birth.

I also double-checked the recruitment thread and the characters did sign up knowing full well that the ultimate overlord was clearly the Dragonscale throne.

Just saying...


Male Human Weapon Master 5/Hellknight 2

So I've decided what to do with my Leadership feat's ability to have followers, I'm going to slowly recruit new members into my Hellknight Order as we establish settlements throughout the Greenbelt.

Female Human (Varisian) Wizard(Diviner(Foresight)) 5/Harrower 3/Mythic(archmage) Tier 2 - HP:68/68; AC11,T11,FF10; F+5,R+5,W+9/+10; Perc+5; Init +7

Being a Varisian gypsy, Kiri has a tough time with oaths. Or at least adhering to them if they do not benefit her.

Male Human Cav 4, Bard 1, Battle Herald 3 Marshall 1
Szymon Wojcik wrote:

Historical oaths of fealty were mutual, two-way relationships. The vassal promised allegiance. The lord promised protection. I copied Szymon's oath and condition statement from these two sources.

Szymon wants an honorable way out if Rupert acts badly and doesn't mind saying so, as a commoner by birth.

I also double-checked the recruitment thread and the characters did sign up knowing full well that the ultimate overlord was clearly the Dragonscale throne.

Just saying...


I assume this is for Corsario?

Btw I went to the same wiki lol xD how awesome is that? :)

Female Human Paladin (Holy Tactician) 5 / Noble Scion 3 / Mythic (Guardian) 1
Corsario wrote:
Ni'Tir and Chimalma wrote:

From my understanding of the normal game House Orlovsky Garess, and Medvyed are closely aligned while the other three are stand against them. However as this is Corsarios game i too would be interested to know the relations of the houses.

Personally Ni'Tir doesn't care either way as she isn't from Brevoy. :-D

Nice question, I'll write about it... But in short there are not big alliances, is each one for itself.

This is why I asked, I couldn't remember weather Medvyed was on the side of Rogarvia or Surtova, as some of the noble houses still are very much holding out hope that the house of Rogarvia returns. I know that as written Lebeda is trying to marry off one of their daughters into the Surtova family.

Male Human Cav 4, Bard 1, Battle Herald 3 Marshall 1


I've written it into Danaths story and if Corsario has no qualms i will keep utilized as is. But his family had stronger then normal ties with your house and his sister is married to one of your houses retainers. Whether or not you want our characters to have met or at last on good terms is up to you. I just wanted to say that other then those she already considers close you can rely/call on Danath if needed. I look forward to ring with you and everyone else of course hehe. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map
Szymon Wojcik wrote:

Historical oaths of fealty were mutual, two-way relationships. The vassal promised allegiance. The lord promised protection. I copied Szymon's oath and condition statement from these two sources.

Szymon wants an honorable way out if Rupert acts badly and doesn't mind saying so, as a commoner by birth.
I also double-checked the recruitment thread and the characters did sign up knowing full well that the ultimate overlord was clearly the Dragonscale throne.

Nice research, and a very good post for Szymon... Rupert wanted a surrender from all of you, and Szymon was able to let his true self show without causing a big Incident. Barely, but managed to.

About the ultimate overlord... Well, let's finish the prologue and we can talk about that.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map
Danath Orlovsky wrote:
Ni/Xi Why are you possibly picking a fight? And an HP seriously... :p

About Xi'Tir use of a hero point... Well, that's what they are for, and it did make a difference, so it was very well used (tactically speaking... Strategically speaking not so much). I hope you use the Hero Points frequently, and by doing heroic stuff to gain them quickly too.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map
Marius du'Caat wrote:

So I've decided what to do with my Leadership feat's ability to have followers, I'm going to slowly recruit new members into my Hellknight Order as we establish settlements throughout the Greenbelt.

Excellent! Think about who are you trying to recruit, and what the recruitment process will be like...

Male Human Cav 4, Bard 1, Battle Herald 3 Marshall 1

Danath took the same route in the oath giving and besides the less friction he encounters the easier it will be to move forward with certain plans.


Lol i understand i just love givong him/her a hard time. XD

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map
Danath Orlovsky wrote:


I've written it into Danaths story and if Corsario has no qualms i will keep utilized as is. But his family had stronger then normal ties with your house and his sister is married to one of your houses retainers. Whether or not you want our characters to have met or at last on good terms is up to you. I just wanted to say that other then those she already considers close you can rely/call on Danath if needed. I look forward to ring with you and everyone else of course hehe. ;)

No qualms whatsoever. And even if the "families" are friends or foe the individuals within those families can have other ideas.

And in Kaldwell, Venetia and Rupert's case they are at odds with their own families.

Liberty's Edge

Kingmaker Exploration Map
Danath Orlovsky wrote:
Danath took the same route in the oath giving and besides the less friction he encounters the easier it will be to move forward with certain plans.

Right... Danath has shown to be an extraordinary diplomat.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Scribe/0

My apologies Arv. I missed your comment to Marius. I'll come find you in the crowd :D

Male Human (Taldan) Wizard (transmuter) 3 | AC 12, T 12, FF 10 | hp 15/15 | F +1, R +3, W +4 | CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +1

Hey Corsario, just checking in. 40-odd posts since I last checked, wow. Unfortunately I won't be able to add mine until tomorrow. I've been staying at my fella's place for the weekend, and trying to post on an iPad with really dodgy Wi-Fi. I've been trying to catch up on my games all morning, and I left this one for last since I knew it would take the most effort, but now I have to go to my 'real world' game and I've run out of time. >.> I'm sorry, and you're free to GMPC Anton and Sofia if you need to move the game along. (If you decide to do that, Anton's curiosity prompts him to accept the Oracle's offer [though he'd probably consult Edeldhur first, since he trusts him], and he'll swear fealty, though he's sick of the political atmosphere and wants to get it over with.)

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