Noireve |

So, I know if you just look at Monster Manual entries, the kobolds are weaker, but when put in the hands of a PC, which race do you guys find better? I know many of you are much better builders than I, so the question I ask is, on a class by class basis, who is better? The kobold? or the Goblin?
(I mainly ask this because in a group I was in we had 1 kobold [me as a Sorc] and 1 goblin [he was a cavalier... oddly enough] and we often gotten in to random banter about which of our kind was better [of which is like having 2 kids with down syndrome arguing about who is smarter but that is a whole different matter])

Mojorat |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Mechanically? The +4 dex means goblins excel in the areas the two races are best at. Thematically kobolds are far stronger simply due to organization. The funny thing about theme though given that somone cited tucker's kobolds, is that the scaley dog rat men of the olden days doesn't have much in common with the modern short man draconic complex kobold.

Treefolk |

Personally I like Kobolds far more then Goblins, but I've spent much of my past few years having little Kobolds tell me that they'll never forget waterworks. Personally the fact that a common flavor theme for Kobolds is that they've descended from dragons and have a culture that revolves around that is more openable to role-play then the goblin's burn-hate, writing is stealing thoughts. Certainly both are fun, I just feel that Kobolds edge out Goblins in the "feels" department.

Zouron |

Kobolds are in some respects the poor downtrodden underdogs of the monster worlds, even when they work together well them still get run over by a steam roller and traps? half the stuff that lives near them is either trap masters themselves or can barely be scratched by most things the Kobolds can make.
Personally I like seeing the Kobolds as these slightly alien people who dreams of a believed glory past and strive against all odds not to rule everything but to survive long enough for make sure their clan survive (and get a few good kicks in on whatever outsider they can before the end). Of course my view is just in how I experience them in the games and I tend to play them, I suppose they are more lawful then evil in my book, though they do enjoy a solid payback on the so called dominate races when the opportunity presents itself.

Threeshades |

The only point where a kobold might have anything to show against a goblin would be as a sorcerer oracle or bard. Because kobolds don't get a charisma penalty, but their gross attribute bonus total is still -4, with a -4 in a single attribute, while goblins are at 0 with a +4 in a single attribute and goblins don't suffer from light sensitivity.

Gator the Unread |

Some what off topic, as goblins are in the same racial group as hobgoblins and bugbears. With the goblins being...er...somewhat...unstable, using them as typical cannon fodder ("arrow depletion units" is the technical term, I think) sounds rather far fetched. However, sending fifty goblins over the wall of a castle, or in through a hidden tunnel, or sneaking a few dozen through the gate in a supply wagon, and then just letting them run free, might be a sound tactic for a hobgoblin general.
If you played We Be Goblins, you get an idea on the havoc a few goblins can cause. Picture that in a besieged city.
Kolbolds...I never liked them. I'd rather use goblins as my bad guys. As mini-dragons, they gained no favors in my eyes.

Kobold Catgirl |

Incidentally, I never got why goblins have a bad Charisma but no tiefling-style ability to let them be good bards. I mean, I know PF was reluctant to make changes (hence goblins remaining NE and not CE and taking no Wisdom penalties), but if the Goblins of Golarion book has the nerve to say goblins make bad barbarians because they're weak, surely it should have been consistent and said the same about goblin bards and sorcerers.

Goblin Bait |

I love kobolds way more than goblins, which is why i wish paizo would have put them at least closer to the other small races in power level. They have 5rp and most of those are tied into skills that are less than optimal for pcs, trapmaking and mining.
Goblins are definitely mechanically superior, but i would still pick kobolds everytime. PF goblins set my teeth on edge.

Lurk3r |

Not to derail, but is the archetype in the ARG?
It is. (see bottom of page)
I also like goblins better, with a caveat. PF goblins are kind of foreign to me. I always envision goblins as tricksters and tinkerers, kind of like dwarves' evil equivalent. I'm especially thinking of pre-WOW Warcraft goblins (before they became uglier halflings). PF goblins seem a lot less intelligent in the fluff which is why I find the CHA penalty a bit confusing. PF goblins are mountains of personality- I would think either INT or WIS. Instead, I just build racial outliers as PCs and homebrew them as being smarter when I GM. +4DEX is nothing to sneeze at.

Atarlost |
Kobold Cleaver wrote:Not to derail, but is the archetype in the ARG?It is. (see bottom of page)
I also like goblins better, with a caveat. PF goblins are kind of foreign to me. I always envision goblins as tricksters and tinkerers, kind of like dwarves' evil equivalent. I'm especially thinking of pre-WOW Warcraft goblins (before they became uglier halflings). PF goblins seem a lot less intelligent in the fluff which is why I find the CHA penalty a bit confusing. PF goblins are mountains of personality- I would think either INT or WIS. Instead, I just build racial outliers as PCs and homebrew them as being smarter when I GM. +4DEX is nothing to sneeze at.
That would be kobolds, not goblins. Kobolds and dwarves are based on the same mythological creatures.

mplindustries |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

That would be kobolds, not goblins. Kobolds and dwarves are based on the same mythological creatures.
Er, what? I strongly disagree with this. Kobolds actually had two distinct origins, neither having anything to do with dwarves.
Kobolds were most commonly household spirits that could shapechange into small animals and bless/curse/manipulate their household. They were like mini-hearth gods, and people left offerings and stuff to appease them like you would to any other spirit that could mess with your life. These Kobolds were equally good, bad, or indifferent in folklore--there's no "alignment trend." This version is pretty much identical to the origin of goblins.
The other version of Kobolds are mine spirits. They were usually tricksters that screwed with miners something fierce. They made noise in the tunnels and poisoned people's ore. Specifically, they tricked people into mining Cobalt, thinking it was something more valuable, and smelting it and poisoning themselves. And yes, the name Kobold and Cobalt come from the same source because of this.
Dwarves, meanwhile, are from Norse myth, and they were just really good crafters that weren't Norse people. They weren't even necessarily short/stout/etc., they were just foreign. In fact, some sources conflate them with the svartalfar--the dark elves. And for reference, the dark elves were not black like drow, they were literally svart--swarthy. Basically, the dwarves/dark elves were probably Mediterraneans and the light elves were just other fair skinned people that weren't Norse--maybe Celts or other Germanic tribes.

The Quite-big-but-not-BIG Bad |

This whole discussion started from banter between two party members, right? Is this in-character or out-of-character?
OoC, sure goblins are mechanically superior.
If the discussion is in-character though, kobolds are (or pretend to be) far superior. While goblins' main accomplishments are being used as arrow-fodder, being good at burning stuff and catchy chanting. kobolds (can) claim to be of draconic descent, build respectable fortifications and put fear in mighty adventurers with their cunning traps. kobolds sometimes even serve dragons, while goblins serve orcs or ogres at best!
Never forget that (non-monstrous) PCs joke about goblins but respect/fear kobolds, often both IC and OoC.

Inkaos |

Goblins have a racial barbarian AT focused on biting people. That wins them a lot of points in my eyes.
However, in the hands of a GM, or players in a defensive situation, kobolds can be lethal.
If I was a general in the pathfinder world, Kobold Auxiliaries would be near the top of my list of things to obtain for my army. A heap of small size irregulars with darkvision, natural armour and a bonus to perception, traps and stealth? They would make amazing scouts and ambushers for any army.

Kolokotroni |

I personally like kobolds a lot more. Goblins are funny and entertaining, but they arent all that interesting. Their motivations are straight forward and fairly 2 dimensional. Granted I've loved the 'we be goblins adventurers', and my dm had me near tears as we wiped out the remains of the Licktoad tribe in the start of Jade Regeant. So its not like i dont like goblins.
But I am loving a Kobold Pirate I am playing in a skull and shackles game, and I am using the super genius games Kobold Kings rules for pc race equivalent kobolds. So they dont HAVE to be way weaker, the Koldemar described in that product are easily a match for any of the core races.

Kobold Catgirl |

I've had loads of fun playing both crazy goblins and spiteful, self-important kobolds. They're both pretty awesome races, really.
I can see a war between a goblin tribe and a kobold tribe playing out either way. Kobolds may be better-organized, but the sheer cartoonish power of the goblins is sure to throw a spanner in the kobolds' plans.

notabot |

"Kobolds are defined by their class levels—they do not possess racial Hit Dice. A kobold with NPC class levels takes a –3 penalty to its CR (rather than the normal –2 penalty)"
What exactly does that mean? It means an extra level of adept or warrior. Which means a tougher enemy (more HD) and potentially more useful feats and spells. A level 5 kobold warrior is CR2 and a nasty archer (if you use crossbows). A level 9 adept is CR 6 and has a lightning bolt (9d6) and mirror image and see invisibility available.
As solos not so great, but as part of a larger mid level encounter these things can be lethal additions without breaking the CR allowance.
For players goblins are better, since the players don't get to reep the benefits of being "weak" like the GM can.

FanaticRat |
I know people talk about kobolds and goblins all the time, but how many GMs even let you play as them? On that matter, how many other pcs would even want to play with one?
That said, I like kobolds better, even though it seems goblins are overall better. I just wish kobolds didn't have such crappy stats. I was really, really hoping for Kobolds of Golarion to have some alternative to the cumulative -4 stat penalty.

Shadowdweller |
Kobold fan here. The way I see them, they tend to be more methodical and less fractious than goblins, resulting in more of a genuine threat. As the goblin fluff tends to imply that goblins tend to be nearly as great a danger to their own communities as they are to others.
From a DMing perspective: I love aagravating players with little traps, sending large hordes at the PCs (thanks to the CR-reduction) that can effectively coordinate tactics, and playing up Kobold bluster and cowardice. That said, I like goblins as well :)

FanaticRat |
I mean they do have some cool options (Kobold Confidence is such a cool feat, especially if you're playing a high Cha class) but those stat penalties are just eugh. It's hard to justify playing one unless you really, really love kobolds and your GM cuts you a break.
I've not played a goblin either, but I did hear a story on another site about a granny goblin alchemist who fluffed all her bombs and extracts as baked goods and whose formulae book was nothing but crude pictograms and occaisional dwarven words. That sounds pretty fun to play.

Gator the Unread |

Goblins have a huge bonus to ride and stealth, +4 dexterity, plus they are small sized. This translates into a +10 bonus to stealth for your average goblin. For one with a class with stealth as a class skill, that raise the skill bonus to +12 at first level. A goblin could sneak into a kobold's mine and steal whatever he wanted and be out again before the kolbold is any wiser.
...mind you, the goblin would likely be caught trying to light the mine on fire, but the ability is there...