Agents of Shield


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Okay now I'm REALLY confused....

Yeah me too. Someone clear this up for Thomas and I please.

James Rolfe is a big fan of the original Ghostbusters. Many of his fans asked him if he was going to go see the remake. He said no because he really had no interest in seeing the remake. Patton Oswalt basically went ballistic on him for it because he was thinking anyone who didn't want to see it or hated it were only hating it because the new ghostbusters were women and not because maybe they just weren't interested in it or honestly just didn't like the movie. At least that's what I heard.

Basically Patton Oswalt was being a pretentious jerk for a while to anyone who didn't like the new Ghostbusters movie like he did - most likely an aggressive response to a lot of the negativity that was directed toward the movie even before it came out.

/shrug I saw the new one and my daughter and I loved it. I watched the old ones as a kid and loved them.

I was expecting more of a story. But thank you Uncle Teddy.

Edit: Back on topic.

Wth is with Radcliffe? One week he's an evil scientist, the next he's helping a long lost lover become "immortal" inside a computer.

Scarab Sages

Uncle Teddy wrote:

James Rolfe is a big fan of the original Ghostbusters. Many of his fans asked him if he was going to go see the remake. He said no because he really had no interest in seeing the remake. Patton Oswalt basically went ballistic on him for it because he was thinking anyone who didn't want to see it or hated it were only hating it because the new ghostbusters were women and not because maybe they just weren't interested in it or honestly just didn't like the movie. At least that's what I heard.

Basically Patton Oswalt was being a pretentious jerk for a while to anyone who didn't like the new Ghostbusters movie like he did - most likely an aggressive response to a lot of the negativity that was directed toward the movie even before it came out.

Ok, that makes things a bit clearer. Next question - who is James Rolfe?

I had no idea either so I Googled him. Seems he's like the Tomi Lahren (or Young Turks if you prefer) of Geekiness. But, I consider myself pretty nerdy/geeky and hadn't ever heard of him so there you go.

Edit for clarity: He makes Youtube videos about nerd/geek related movies/videogames etc.

GM Niles wrote:

Wth is with Radcliffe? One week he's an evil scientist, the next he's helping a long lost lover become "immortal" inside a computer.

Well, he has an anti-death obsession (might be as big as Thanos' pro-death obsession), and it drives him to do both good and bad things. (I'd label him as Neutral, possibly True Neutral, not evil) It turns out that his long lost lover's condition is what drove that obsession.

KahnyaGnorc wrote:
GM Niles wrote:

Wth is with Radcliffe? One week he's an evil scientist, the next he's helping a long lost lover become "immortal" inside a computer.
Well, he has an anti-death obsession (might be as big as Thanos' pro-death obsession), and it drives him to do both good and bad things. (I'd label him as Neutral, possibly True Neutral, not evil) It turns out that his long lost lover's condition is what drove that obsession.

He's a neutral good antagonist mad scientist. His entire goal is helping people , and he doesn't care if it's with shield, as an independent researcher, the government etc.

So far he's cut fewer morality corners than colson has: colson shot up two of his own people to get the cure for sky. Radcliffs only indirectly responsible for someone's death and has gone through absurd lengths to avoid killing agent mae, despite the fact that she could wake up and snap his neck like a twig. I mean if we're going to blame people for making out of control robots that kill people... *looks at iron man...*

Hmm. So what's with his Darkhold obsession? Is it messing with his mind or is it just him genuinely trying to learn to do good?

GM Niles wrote:
Hmm. So what's with his Darkhold obsession? Is it messing with his mind or is it just him genuinely trying to learn to do good?

conventional science can't help him. He knows whats in there is science a thousand years beyond human understanding. Of course he wants it.

Imagine what you could do with science wikipedia back in roman times....

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Imagine what you could do with science wikipedia back in roman times....

Lest Darkness Fall

Scarab Sages

GM Niles wrote:
Hmm. So what's with his Darkhold obsession? Is it messing with his mind or is it just him genuinely trying to learn to do good?

In the comics, if I recall correctly, even reading it could forfeit your soul to Cthon, the book's original author (in the original scroll forms). It was worth it to some, as the book was one of the main repositories of black magic.

So far, the series seem to show people becoming possessive of the Darkhold the longer they have it and the more they use it. Kind of like the One Ring. Just with less pure magic.

Uncle Teddy wrote:

James Rolfe is a big fan of the original Ghostbusters. Many of his fans asked him if he was going to go see the remake. He said no because he really had no interest in seeing the remake. Patton Oswalt basically went ballistic on him for it because he was thinking anyone who didn't want to see it or hated it were only hating it because the new ghostbusters were women and not because maybe they just weren't interested in it or honestly just didn't like the movie. At least that's what I heard.

Basically Patton Oswalt was being a pretentious jerk for a while to anyone who didn't like the new Ghostbusters movie like he did - most likely an aggressive response to a lot of the negativity that was directed toward the movie even before it came out.

Worse, he (along with Paul Feig, and Melissa McCarthy) assumed James lived in his parent's basement. And when it was pointed out he had a wife and child, then targeted the family.

All because James told his subscribers he wasn't going to pay money to see a movie that based on the trailers he was not going to like. (And seriously, if you can't judge a movie based on the trailer, then the trailer is not doing its job.)

GreenDragon1133 wrote:
(And seriously, if you can't judge a movie based on the trailer, then the trailer is not doing its job.)

well, if you judge a movie poorly the trailer isn't doing it's job...

If you judge a movie as great based off of the trailer and its great then the trailer did an adaquate job

If you judge a movie as great based off of the trailer when its a terrible movie than the trailer did a great job.

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Okay! Enough of the "pro-anti reboot crowd!* This is Marvel Cinematic Universe, not...whatever this is.

Also I think Radcliffe is still basically good he's just willing to do immoral things to justify the ends.

Also he created the Matrix so you know someone will have to be the One.

Finally, while MCU Darkhold has yet to have you sign over your soul, it's has shown a strong propensity towards turning people evil in terms of gaining knowledge without the wisdom to understand it completely.

So less Necronomicon and more Redditt from beyond in my mind...

few things one I'd like to point out that that little matrix set-up thing has so much potential in the mental health industry it would affect millions seriously he should market that sell it for billions and just pay the government to do what he wants like a real business man.

second I thought they were trying to make a nitro make with that inhuman Australian guy that blew things up. did ghost rider kill him or just knock him out? but yeah I'm down with a nitro I just though nitro was younger and not as much of a red neck.


No that was JT "Hellfire" Slade for MCU. That's why he always used the flaming chain. But that wasn't Nitro by any stretch. Nitro blows HIMSELF up, not just random stuff.

Also I agree with that but considering the budget costs it might make the Government re-think that idea even with the burgeoning cost to healthcare.

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"you want fda approval on a machine that taps into your brain, designed by someone with ties to an anti inhuman terrorist organization, an illegal AI, AND said AI's has been reading the necronomicon to get ideas to set up this virtual world.

"... this is gonna cost me isn't it?

"A heftier bribe than that 2 week trial period for Fentany

Or for whatever sites offer escorts...

Scarab Sages

My one big question coming off last night's episode...

What was the 084 Coulson and May were sent to retrieve? I don't think they made mention of any specifics. Maybe they did, and I missed it.

Very fast paced episode. And there was a good bit of action. I liked it. Mack coming to Mace's rescue was pretty cool.

I was a bit disappointed about Ivanov. Seems his motives really just boiled down to I want revenge on Phil Coulson because my buddies died. So he does some researh, notices a bunch of other times Coulson was involved in stuff, and builds this elaborate Coulson-wants-aliens-invading-justification for his revenge. He saw what he wanted to see.

So, now they've got four LMDs at SHIELD (five counting the reactivated May). That was the one part I thought didn't work well with the fast pace of the episode. Radcliffe and company needed time to copy the memories of the people they replaced, and I see that's where the talk about commuications being cut and everyone being separated came in to play, but I just thought it felt kind of off.

Still, it makes me wonder what Radcliffe's long-con is about. Has he been driven mad by the Darkhold and is now thoroughly bent on power? Does he have some seemingly more noble goal in mind? Or was he always just a douche?

Maybe it's not even him. Maybe this really is all Aida.

Lastly, I kind of thought Mack was being a dick to Fitz. I was glad to see Simmons set Fitz straight. Looking forward to the two of them kicking some LMD ass next week.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

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I wasn't a fan at all of

How they slipped the LMDs in. It's playing with view perceptions by supposedly showing them what's going on, but then saying, ha ha, nope, you didn't actually see what happened. It's fine to do that if you then show the how it was done, but doing that in a different episode from the reveal is just not a good experience. I'd much rather that they didn't reveal LMDs got snuck in until next episode, and then also show in flashback scenes how it was done.

Overall I'm not sure how I feel since there weren't many moments that didn't already feel like it was Marvel doing either the Matrix or Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

About the ONLY thing I liked was they red shirted the Superior who really was just a fall guy.

I think Radcliffe has already lost control due to the fact he's gone that deep into the Matrix/Framework.

I will agree Mac's taking Fitz to task was a little TOO harsh. But then again, we've seen he's not a fan of hardware taking over human ware.

I am not surprised about Ivanov, after all this story arc is about a mad scientist and his creations and that is were the real focus should be.

Scarab Sages

True. I just hope they keep him around. I've grown fond of that actor.

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
True. I just hope they keep him around. I've grown fond of that actor.

Might be difficult.

He is also playing a regular character on The 100... though he pulled off that alongside a lead role in Black Sails last year (prior to his character being executed), so apparently he is pretty good at juggling two shows at the same time.

I also like his character and hope they actually save him...from himself.

Scarab Sages

Dragon78 wrote:
I also like his character and hope they actually save him...from himself.

Turn him to the side of SHIELD? Or at least not against them? Could be cool.

Dragon78 wrote:
I also like his character and hope they actually save him...from himself.

I assume we are going to get a cyborg minion Superior...hence AIDA's interest in him


I think you mean an LMD Superior but yes.

Nice how they started the episode with a not so subtle tip of how Coulson is going to figure out they are in the Framework.
Collecting and convincing everyone else, that might take some doing


I hope so. Right now I'm not feeling this episode as much as I did Nitro's appearance.

Then again I like Nitro as a villain.


that turned out worse than he was expecting


I'm guessing we're getting Dethlock 2.0. Maybe. I dunno. I gave up once it was shown he was still alive.

Thomas Seitz wrote:


I'm guessing we're getting Dethlock 2.0. Maybe. I dunno. I gave up once it was shown he was still alive.

I knew the moment Daisy/Skye/Quake/Tremors/etc. didn't check afterwards that he was dead. That trope is almost mandatory.


Eh. I figured this time Daisy had done him in to not survive before AIDA showed up.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I really liked Coulson's little "But for me, it was Tuesday" speech.

Sovereign Court

Sundakan wrote:
I really liked Coulson's little "But for me, it was Tuesday" speech.

I loved it.

Wait, Ming-Na was in that one also!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

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I would expect that the meet-up in the Matrix between five SHIELD agents and Radcliff will be instructive.


Maybe but that assumes Radcliffe will actually TALK to the agents and not let them know.

Hama and Sun,

Yeah that was pretty sweet.

I also enjoyed Coulson's Tuesday speech.

Scarab Sages

I thought tonight's episode was very not bad...

The only real complaint I could think of is reagrding the carry over from last week's episode, where Fitz and Simmons detect the LMDs of the others. I thought for sure they detected 4 LMDs in that corridor, but if Daisy wasn't actually one of those four.....

It could be explained away that Fitz, whom we actually now know was an LMD, was manipulating what Simmons saw. Another possible explanation is that there was one more person in that corridor, but not on the camera shot we saw, and that person was the fourth LMD. Maybe a sleeper who'll make it's presence known next episode, or more of a long term sleeper agent.

Either way, I loved the switch out with Fitz being the LMD instead of Daisy. That was a nice trick. And I loved the plan Daisy and Simmons came up with to take the other human agents out of the equation temporarily, then turn them to allies.

Poor Ivanov. That was pretty f$#@ed up, what Aida did to him. Seems like she's the ultimate big bad after all. The Rogue AI who could only solve the conflict in her programming by evolving to the point she could kill Radcliffe. The poor bastard. Still, he got what was coming to him.

I imagine we'll see more of Radcliffe in when they come back, that the remnant of his mind within the Framework will turn up to help out Daisy and Simmons in their quest to free Coulson and the others.

Lastly - WHAT THE F#+~?!? No new episodes until April? They've just had four since coming back, and now they're going on a month+ break? That's f+&$ed up.

Well at least now Agents of SHIELD is taking a page out of the Marvel playbook and giving us Secret Empire/HYDRA rules the world.

Seriously this is some screw-y ass Matrix shizzle.

Also someone pointed out as to WHY HYDRA won. No Coulson, no Avengers. Thus a nuked Midtown, probably no more heroes and thus HYDRA took over.

Best part for me, Brett Dalton is back baby!

I didn't think they could do it without it being cheesy, but MAN they did it. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:

Well at least now Agents of SHIELD is taking a page out of the Marvel playbook and giving us Secret Empire/HYDRA rules the world.

Seriously this is some screw-y ass Matrix shizzle.

Also someone pointed out as to WHY HYDRA won. No Coulson, no Avengers. Thus a nuked Midtown, probably no more heroes and thus HYDRA took over.

Best part for me, Brett Dalton is back baby!

I didn't think they could do it without it being cheesy, but MAN they did it. :)

And true to form he now gets to play a whole new version of the same character. Seriously I think the only other person who gets to have that much fun with a single role is Cavanagh over on Flash


It does appear that way. 4 seasons in, it's always going to be Grant Ward, just not always the Grant Ward we know from the first two-three seasons.


Well I guess Marvel TV has been busy trying to knock out the dents they'll need for Inhumans the TV show. I mean they already cast Bolton Roose/Snow as Maximus the Mad. Which is TOTALLY awesome. :)

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I was happy to see Daisy and Simmons working together as a team and the whole hugging thing as well;)

Disappointed about Radcliff but was expecting anyway.

I think I missed it but was Coulson a school teacher?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

I was happy to see Daisy and Simmons working together as a team and the whole hugging thing as well;)

Disappointed about Radcliff but was expecting anyway.

I think I missed it but was Coulson a school teacher?

Yes he was and I'm not too sure I approuve of the lesson he was teaching.

another oddity - Virtual Simmons is dead. This is important for a couple of reasons. First and most Obvious) Jemma and Daisy are hacking in to replace the virtual versions of themselves. Which means Jemma is waking up 6 feet under. Second) If the plan was to put Jemma into the framework why would Aida have virtual Jemma be dead instead of just some standby happy life like Daisy.

I think it has to do with the mystery lady, billionair Fitz is with. I think he's with a reprisentation of Aida. Somehow I think she wants him for herself. It's the way she kept using his first name when everyone else is "agent so-and-so"

naturally for Fitz to be happy with her, there needs to not be a Simmons.


Interesting idea! I like that more than "Gemma died in the battle of New York" or something.

Overall I think AIDA is probably having a hand but the fact is, when they hacked in, AIDA hadn't programmed it for more than 5-6 minds. So this also explains why no Gemma and more Grant Ward, since it didn't have either Daisy's or Gemma's input.

Hey, Brett and Chloe promised that in season 4 he was going to play a robot, or a dinosaur, or a robot dinosaur. :)

Thomas, I like the theory to explain the ending.

Also, first arc (Ghost Rider) was 8 episodes. LMD has run 7 so far. And there are 7 left. Could the rest of the season be inside the matrix?

Also, the title of the next episode appears to be "What If..."
If Stan Lee has a cameo, it will basically confirm that theory about his cameos.

Liberty's Edge

Radcliffe and Aida discussed how she had to make changes to the Framework as a whole to accommodate the 'one fixed regret' for each new occupant. Logically, as the number of occupants increased that would become increasingly more difficult to do.

Given that they hacked in, and Gemma likely doesn't regret being alive, it seems likely that the Framework was NOT updated to accommodate Daisy and Gemma. Presumably, this will mean that they don't have the mental disincentive to question their reality which keeps the others locked in to the false narrative.

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