What inspired your messageboard alias?

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Silver Crusade

Was it a favorite character? Maybe the avatar you chose? or something you came up with after a few beers( me raising hand).

Silver Crusade

Tempestorm is a name I have used is various forms for years. The first instance I recall using it was for a Paladin/Cleric named William Tempestorm in the old AOL hosted NeverWinterNights game.

As to how I came up with it? Well, the name itself is rather redundant. Tempest, a violent storm... and storm, well pretty self-explanirotry, no?

Sometimes I shorten it and just use Tempest. /shrug

I like the art of William Hogarth, so when I had to pick a name for a forum once upon a time, I randomly picked "hogarth".

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I used to go by "Ravendark" on other tabletope roleplaying boards. I also used it as my alias on the X-box. One day, while playing a X-Box LAN game of Halo 2 with friends, my brother got onto my account when I wasn't looking and, as a joke, changed my user name to "Ravingdork."

Not only did it make me laugh, I liked it so much that I decided to adopt it. My brother likewise chose to change his online handle from "Galaxy Bad@$$" to "Galactic Geek."

So now you have the twin brothers "Galactic Geek" and "Raving Dork" taking the internet by storm.

I chose my avatar image when joining Paizo.com because I could find few things goofier than a Mr. Magoo styled image--rather appropriate for a raving dork, I think.

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I couldn't think of any interesting name when creating my profile... Then I looked around the room and noticed a Motorhead CD. So I decided to try "Lemmy".

I picked this avatar because it seemed like a fun and light-hearted sort of guy.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Back when I was much younger, my cousin used to come to my house after school. For one reason or another, he shortened/morphed my first name into "Jiggy". I think the progression was from Jacob (my name) to Jake to Jakey to Jiggy.

Somehow, it stuck.

Well, my 3rd Edition character was a sorceror named Kolokotroni. I always sucked at coming up with names (I am bad with names in general), and had just done a report on The historical figure of the same name. Being a greek name it sounded 'foreign' enough to work, so I went with that. And so began a long tradition of mine in gaming to use Greek for magical things like verbal components of spells.

I've since used it as a forum avatar in alot of places.

Does anybody remember Shadowbane? A now-defunct MMO with a branching class system. Scouts, one of the rogue-based advanced classes, could spot other rogues-based characters sneaking about.

I was my guild's chief scout and, as a journalist IRL, I thought Scripps Howard was a pretty amusing name for a character whose job was running out ahead of everybody and reporting on what was going on.

It just kind of stuck.

Sissyl was a demon in the Atland webcomic, may it rest in peace.

My original alias (theheadkase) has been my handle on almost anything since I had brain surgery 11 years ago.

Pendin Fust came from the story of Faust. I was coming up with a backstory for a monk character who hated Fey, and I thought to that story. My monk sold his soul (figuratively) to gain superior martial arts techniques and wears his hate for Fey like a pendant. So I bastardized the 2 and came up with Pendin Fust.

I'll give anyone two guesses.

It's not going to be the first guess.

I have used this name for 14 years or so, since I got Worms Armageddon and had BogieB and Buzzard as names for my worms team.

Silver Crusade

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Well the two thoughts that come to mind is the recipe or the song lyric... I'll go with the song lyric.

"It's another tequila sunrise... Starin' slowly 'cross the sky Said goodbye... He was just a hired hand Workin' on the dreams he planned to try... the days go by"

Silver Crusade

Me and a friend were sitting around BS ing and somehow the conversation turned to "oh don't be the dude in the basement wearing tin foil on your head"( I blame it all on dogfish head 90 minute IPA) and so tin foil helmet eventually morphed to my current alias.

Mine is based on the character Crowley from the show Supernatural. Crowley, at one point, was the "King of the Crossroads;" He was the lead Crossroads demon.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Me (playing game on friend's computer): DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE!

Friend: You sound awfully violent, isn't that against your religion?

Me: Look, I kill pixels so I don't feel the need to kill things in real life.

Friend: Ah, so you're some kind of "death Quaker" then.

Tequila Sunrise wrote:

I'll give anyone two guesses.

It's not going to be the first guess.

ummm....You listen to the Eagles a lot??

Mine is who I am and what I do. The avatar is how I feel during most of the games we play...trapped and screaming for control... lol

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Being a fan of 1970-1980 anime i searched my materials (DVDs, comic books,illustrations....) until i fell on my favorite saga ever : the works of Go Nagai and everything Mazinger related.
Gandal was one of the main villains from "Ufo Robot Grendizer" (1978) and i preferred him to some of the usual starring heroes (Daisuke-Duke Fleed ; Kabuto Koji ; Hikaru Makiba.....)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm afraid mine's truly boring - character from a campaign I played in BECMI D&D back in the mid-80's. Said character name followed me through the editions, and became one of my online identities.

From the "Mysteries of Udolpho" by Ann Radcliffe.

For me Captain Yesterday was the alias for fry in the episode of futurama where leela and fry gain super powers from a muscle cream they get from Dr Zoidberg. bender also joins them.

I took my alias from a character I had in a D&D 3.5 campaign I actually played in. I have been involved with gaming for a little over twenty years but I have always been relegated to GM duties with very little opportunity to actually build/play a character from the ground up and I thought he was pretty bad ass. So when I was signing up for the forum and needed a name, this was what jumped in my head.

I really liked the idea of the SAMAS pilots in Rifts.

I stole the name from my Brother's infiltrator in Dark Ages of Camelot.

A combination of my wife and my's aliases for a lot of things mushed together after we saw some Precious Moment statue she had to have 'I'll love you Knight and Day.'

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We don't like to talk about what happened to the 4th though 8th Musketeers...

Freeform body and mind morphing RP. One person changed me from an icy b!%+@ to Kyonko and everyone else agreed that the name and developing personality fit me. From there, it just stuck.

Grand Lodge

As an Ravenloft fan, i choose the title Darklord. The name Morius is a memento to the book The Praise of Folly, from Erasmus. A mindblowing text.
The avatar looked like bad ass

My name comes from the general lifestyle i've led from an early age, always unable to socialize/ ostracized from kindergarten to senior graduation day. Always in the shadows, it's no surprise that i've a fixation for shadows and darkness. Combine that with a longstanding wish that magic, of some sort was real, and what I would have been if I could.

pretty depressing, isn't it.

Silver Crusade

Xzaral was the villain from my first 2nd edition campaign back in '95ish.

He was obssessed with destroying the gods and was attempting to acquire powerful artifacts (suits of armor they had worn when descended from heavens). By acquiring the complete sets of both suits he planned to kill the LG and LE gods (who were brothers), absorb their divine power and become something akin to a god himself. All for the betterment of the human race. He was also a human supremist, hating all demi-humans, and had declared war on them, enslaving the dwarves and at war with the elves. In the end, he succeeded.

During the course of the story, one of the PCs had acquired a third eye that when opened, revealed the truth (meant to be vague). What happened is that after absorbing the divine essence and the heroes fight Xzaral, they learn with the third eye open that divinity itself is just an illusion perpetrated by Faith and are able to defeat him at the cost of the life of another PC.

Xzaral also happened to be the child of a third PC, who had went back into time (he was gone for a few sessions, and we worked that out), so he had some ties to that whole thing.

And a forth PC was sent by the Gnomish God of Death since Xzaral was doing not nice things with the demi-human souls. His abode was located on the moon, which was the gateway to the afterlife.

Man, I loved that campaign.

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Evil Lincoln is one of history's greatest villains according to Futurama.

I became Mythic the day the book came out. Got to keep on the cutting edge.

First edition ad&d cleric named Mulgar was my first character. Played him off and on for years, got to 18th level. He was a healbot supreme, and a righteous dude.

Sovereign Court

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... <crickets /> ...

Iron Kingdoms!

Liberty's Edge

7 is my lucky number, as has been shown throughout my life.

I occasionally change avatars, but the rule is, they must all have glowing eyes.

Not from the two-headed dog of Geryon, if that's what you were thinking.

Actually pulled it from 3.5's Tome of Magic, Orthos is one of the two 8th-level Vestiges. Its symbol is that of the Goetia demon Murmur, so I'm not too surprised they changed the name. And ToM's flavor for it basically made it Azathoth, so that's cool too.

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This is kinda embarrassing

It was late at night. I had recently taken Norco. "Justin Rocket" (just in rocket) sounded like a funny porn name *shrug*.

Don't choose your online name while you're on drugs

Scarab Sages

Name I came up with for a story set on my homebrew campaign world. Background NPC mage, long dead by the time the heroes came around, but influential in his day. For the image, I picked what looked like a good "old wizard" pic.

Justin Rocket wrote:

This is kinda embarrassing

It was late at night. I had recently taken Norco. "Justin Rocket" (just in rocket) sounded like a funny porn name *shrug*.

Don't choose your online name while you're on drugs

Being one who regularly takes Norco for post-auto accident leg pain (the accident was years ago) I can attest to the fun thoughts that roll through one's brain after taking one.

Shadow Lodge

It was just kind of sitting there. So I took it.

Shadow Lodge

It has been one of my handles since high school so I stuck with it. Doc is a reference to my love of diagnosing and solving problems while grey is symbolic of the moral ambiguity that often comes with many of the answers inherent to the larger and more onerous questions we deal with.

Sovereign Court

Stole the name from the Forgotten Realms a very long time ago and have used it in most every online game I have played since. Started with Neverwinter Nights but is most recognized from WoW. Firetree represent!

Gambit is a reference to the chess term--sacrificing something for something else, or better positioning.

Soul means Soul.

Drejk is ortographic transcription of Drake in Polish. Drake is a nickname I was using since the middle to late nineties.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

I'll give anyone two guesses.

It's not going to be the first guess.

ummm....You listen to the Eagles a lot??

You have proven me wrong, here's a cookie!

I'd been listening to the Eagles for years before I discovered that a tequila sunrise is something I could drink.

And I still vastly prefer the one I listen to.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Justin Rocket wrote:

This is kinda embarrassing

It was late at night. I had recently taken Norco. "Justin Rocket" (just in rocket) sounded like a funny porn name *shrug*.

Don't choose your online name while you're on drugs

Being one who regularly takes Norco for post-auto accident leg pain (the accident was years ago) I can attest to the fun thoughts that roll through one's brain after taking one.

*laughs* I've got a spinal injury and take about 22 prescription pills a day to handle the chronic pain. Hallucinations and fun thoughts are like my own personal holo-deck - if Peewee Herman programmmed it.

The 8th Dwarf is a Hobbit reference and the Streetname of my favourite Shadowrun character.

I chose the icon because I am short and had red hair and beard, now that I am old it's gone grey brown.

NPC I never got to make into a PC. Lathiira was meant to serve as a sort of chronicler in my own campaigns. She's drow with all the problems that entails, so she learned to alter her appearance in order to blend in. Hence the reason my avatar changes from time to time :)

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Kajehase started out as the password to my first ever account on a website. I basically took the first two letters in my names and got KaJeHa - and then the site told me I had to use eight figures, so I added the "se" as that was the top domain of the site.

I'm not a boat.

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Justin Rocket wrote:
*laughs* I've got a spinal injury and take about 22 prescription pills a day to handle the chronic pain. Hallucinations and fun thoughts are like my own personal holo-deck - if Peewee Herman programmmed it.

I used to take Talwin for pain. I remember once laughing for hours because when I blinked I could hear my eyelids clanging shut... lol

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