What kind of character would you make for Mummy's Mask?

Mummy's Mask

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And... Go!.... :)

Liberty's Edge

Dervish dancer magus!

Tomb tomb raider bard!

Thuvian Alchemist!

Nexian Transmuter!

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I would play Brendon Fraiser's character from The Mummy.

While exploring a recently discovered tomb in Egypt he gets transported to Golaria and he spends the adventure looking for a way home.

He'll either be a gunslinger or a swashbuckler

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Rubber Ducky guy wrote:

I would play Brendon Fraiser's character from The Mummy.

While exploring a recently discovered tomb in Egypt he gets transported to Golaria and he spends the adventure looking for a way home.

He'll either be a gunslinger or a swashbuckler

This is a good inspiration and starting point!

Rubber Ducky guy wrote:

I would play Brendon Fraiser's character from The Mummy.

While exploring a recently discovered tomb in Egypt he gets transported to Golaria and he spends the adventure looking for a way home.

He'll either be a gunslinger or a swashbuckler

And we already have a winner! Honestly the best character idea for this AP!

Pharasmin Inquisitor!

i would play the DM!

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An archaeologist bard. Obvii.

Liberty's Edge

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Undead hunter Pharasmin cleric.

Silver Crusade

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Oh God how to narrow it down....

Regal Osirioni Sarenraen cleric. Genuinely good, but with the values dissonance dialed up to 9, playing off Osirion's cultural traditions. Probably my strongest contender so far.

Reboot of my Legacy of Fire character from a cancelled campaign, Osironi khopesh fighter-type, former slave that was ported off to Katapesh at a young age, earned his freedom and came back home with a head full of idealized images of what Osirion was in his head, and now having to face the reality that doesn't live up to that image.

Common class Osirioni desert ranger, with some cobra and scorpion reverence working into the flavor.

Osirioni white necromancer guardian of the dead w/ mummy companion, heavy on duty to the Phraonic line as a whole and having to come to grips with not all of it being particularly deserving of that loyalty throughout Osirion's history. Would remain big on respecting hte sanctity of Osirion's dead and history though.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Rubber Ducky guy wrote:

I would play Brendon Fraiser's character from The Mummy.

While exploring a recently discovered tomb in Egypt he gets transported to Golaria and he spends the adventure looking for a way home.

He'll either be a gunslinger or a swashbuckler

Might not even need to get this complex, I'm thinking of running this as a "modern" (aka 1920's) adventure set in Egypt. With inspiration provided by The Mummy, Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider.

Grand Lodge

I'll be participating in this little jaunt, ladies and gentlemen. Osiriontology is my particular cup of darjeeling, after all.


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Post Ascension Daniel Jackson as an Aasimar (the variant that looks fully human) Lore Oracle who was sent back to te material realm to prevent a great disaster (the details for which he cannot remember as per the SG ascension rules)

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A completely miscast dog-sledding husky-training ranger from Irisen investigating the odd imposition of warm weather in his home town during Sands of Winter, Part 1 of the adventure path, Dominion of Summer. :-P

Hmm... I'm almost tempted to stick with that now.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

Mwangi Divine Hunter Paladin is jumping out at me.

Grand Lodge

Osirian Magus, or Desert Wind Monk (Probably qing gong monk)... So looking forward to this AP... >.< It can't come soon enough!!!

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Maybe a vulture domain druid from the Faiths and Philosophies book that just came out. Or a skinny stoner of a summoner with a large talking dog Eidolon.

Definitely a treasure hunter of some breed. Class undetermined.

Liberty's Edge

If I get to play in it - if - I'm leaning toward a scrawny street-rat thief, ideally one who gets caught up in the events somewhat unwillingly. I kinda want it to be a dwarf kid, just to play with the stereotypes a little.

I would recycle the character I played in our aborted Serpent's Skull game, an elderly gnome archivist bard.

Sovereign Court

I want to make a time oracle.

The Exchange

Will finally make my living monolith!

The Exchange

Straight up Sothan Cleric of Nethys. Played like a schizoid kleptomaniac: "Oooh...shiny light magic! Muahahaha...crepuscular black magic! Itwillallbemine!"

I wonder if there'll be opportunities to die in service to the Ruby Prince and be raised by his command...

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Some (very) rough concepts:

Gnome (Explorer, Pyromaniac) Wizard (Primalist; Admixture school)/Oracle (Spellscar mystery)/Mystic Theurge

Ifrit (Efreeti Magic, Fire Insight) Bard (Dervish Dancer)

Human (Osiron) Alchemist (Cryptbreaker)

Human (Alkenstar; Heart of the Wilderness, Heroic) Gunslinger/Ranger (Battlescout, Skirmisher) with Hero's Fortune (will use Hero Points)*

*- Yes, this character is somewhat based on Brendon Fraiser in The Mummy; Alkenstar does supply gunslingers as mercenaries, after all...

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

Same here, just on a concept:

-Osirionologist, either bard or alchemist from Cheliax and from noble-ish family. Kinda inspired by Varian Jeggare from Dave Gross.

-Classic rogue, lockbreaker and sneaky with hint of assasin. Arabian nights-themed who is alarmingly superstitious.

-Knight of Osirion. Osirian cavalier with Khopesh and stuff, trying to prove something. Bit of a dick.

- Rakshasa blooded tiefling with navy past. Most likely to be a hireling for someone else in the party to guard him.

Grand Lodge

-Garundi Crypt Breaker Alchemist

-Gnome Burglar Rogue

-Taldan Lore Warden Fighter focusing on combat maneuvers with a whip who always carries bags of sand for judging the weights of objects on pressure plates

Osiriani Archaeologist Bard, a dashing young man who explores ancient tombs for the satisfaction of gaining knowledge and the thrill of escaping death traps.

Gebbite Necromancer, a friendly young gal who expatriated from Geb to see more of the world, and doesn't really understand why you foreigners are so squeamish about Necromancy. It's recycling!

Ending my AP subscription was clearly a mistake.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Qadiraian Desert Druid, mix between hired guide and mystery seeker. Has the Desert Domain.

The same character I always play:

a good-aligned drow duel-wielding scimitars ranger.

But in all seriousness, I think I'll go with an Osirian Half-Elf Dervish Dancer Bard, a character I concepted for Legacy of Fire but didn't get to play...

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Seth Parsons wrote:

The same character I always play: ** spoiler omitted ** ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL!

But in all seriousness, I think I'll go with an Osirian Half-Elf Dervish Dancer Bard, a character I concepted for Legacy of Fire but didn't get to play...

well then.... i will play a cynical human rogue/fighter wielding a short sword and dagger with perpetual five o' clock shadow:) or maybe a bald dandy drow with a rapier and foppish hat that has everyone else do the fighting while he collects the rewards;) lets name him..... Marlaxle;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

well I want to play an undercover this who wants to make sure the honored dead aren't disturbed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rubber Ducky guy wrote:

I would play Brendon Fraiser's character from The Mummy.

While exploring a recently discovered tomb in Egypt he gets transported to Golaria and he spends the adventure looking for a way home.

He'll either be a gunslinger or a swashbuckler

I would play Brendon Frazier's character from George of the Jungle and sit at the table in nothing but a Loin cloth flexing my "muscles".

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

A cleric.

Silver Crusade

More than likely, a NPC Cleric.

Liberty's Edge

Seems like a good game to go Living Monolith

Considering Blood of the Moon is out next month, some kind of werecrocodile/skinwalker might be cool.

Devastation Bob wrote:
Considering Blood of the Moon is out next month, some kind of werecrocodile/skinwalker might be cool.

10/10, would play

The Exchange

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I'm planning on trying to convince someone to GM this for me. If I'll succeed, I will want to play a Pathfinder for this one. Not going to decide a class, race, or more detailed background until the AP itself. Suffice to say, I have this idea for an arcane archer running around in my head for a long time - born to a wealthy family, his parents pressured him into studying all manner of things (thus an extensive knowledge of all manner of things like architecture, history, ancient Osirian, etc.), as well as wizard levels.
Despite being extremely intelligent (int 18), the young lad felt that his calling was not the life of a scholar but of an adventurer, so he sort of ran away, join with the Pathfinders and discovered quite a knack for protecting himself with a bow.

So yeah, a int 18 fighter/wizard/arcane archer is the goal. Optimizers will shun me, and I have no idea if this will work or not, but I really like the concept!

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

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I want to play a skeezy street-mage sorcerer (or perhaps an arcanist, depending on how the playtest looks) with a monkey familiar who picks people's pockets.

My goal during the campaign is to, at some point, be the jerk who pries the gem out of the obviously trapped statue, putting the party in a tight spot.

Dark Archive

I would have to find a way to play a character like Gaara of the Desert from Naruto. I mean come on a massive desert full of sand and a character who can control sand? What could be better? :D

theHunterD13 wrote:
I would have to find a way to play a character like Gaara of the Desert from Naruto. I mean come on a massive desert full of sand and a character who can control sand? What could be better? :D

Well, you could do a multiclass ninja/desert druid, or just plain desert druid. Seriously, look at their 13th level power:

Dunemeld (EX)
At 13th level, a desert druid can assume the form of a swirling mass of sand at will. This is equivalent to gaseous form, but the druid gains a land and burrow speed of 10 feet rather than a fly speed. While in this form, the druid gains a circumstance bonus on Stealth checks made in desert terrain equal to her druid level.

This ability replaces a thousand faces.

You become the sandstorm!

Dark Archive

Seth Parsons wrote:
theHunterD13 wrote:

You become the sandstorm!

Seth, I see you understand the potential of this build lol. I think it would be a lot of fun. I even found a 3.5 homebrew class called the sandbender that I think my GM would let me play if we ever ran Mummy's Mask.

Liberty's Edge

theHunterD13 wrote:
I would have to find a way to play a character like Gaara of the Desert from Naruto. I mean come on a massive desert full of sand and a character who can control sand? What could be better? :D

Sandshaper from the 3.5 Sandstorm is perfect for this and requires very little work to convert to PF (just skills really).

I'm thinking a monk, perhaps a servant to someone or even another pc if it's someone who'd be cool about it.

The Exchange

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My other thought is playing a Wizard from Ustlav who is a member of the Esoteric Order of the Palatain Eye looking to follow the steps of the order's founders.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'd like to play some sort of Taldan Gentleman Scholar and Explorer (muttonchops not optional) probably Bard, though I'm unsure of any archetypes.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Squeakmaan wrote:
I'd like to play some sort of Taldan Gentleman Scholar and Explorer (muttonchops not optional) probably Bard, though I'm unsure of any archetypes.

The Archeologist is a popular one for that. A lot of folks on here want to play that.

Dark Archive

Coridan wrote:
theHunterD13 wrote:
I would have to find a way to play a character like Gaara of the Desert from Naruto. I mean come on a massive desert full of sand and a character who can control sand? What could be better? :D
Sandshaper from the 3.5 Sandstorm is perfect for this and requires very little work to convert to PF (just skills really).

Just looked into the sandshaper Coridan and it is amazing. Much less work to modify than the other class I found. Would want to work with my GM and add one or two powers to expand the prestige class a little and it would be perfect! Thanks for the heads up. Now to decide on an Arcane casting class.

Maybe a Noble Scion. Undeads? Hire someone to destroy them.
The penultimate dilatantte who will not get personally involved but let minions do all the work.

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