Chris Kenney |
Nothing. You're a spellcasting class, so you don't multiclass "just because." It takes really strong reasoning before you'd consider it, and usually you'd do so at least as much because of flavor as mechanical advantage.
But you haven't given us any flavor, which leaves us mechanical advantage. But you also haven't given us what you're hoping to accomplish. So your strongest general option is "No multiclass."
I also question whether you've thought through this "Range and melee" thing. Ranged combat is strong, but takes a lot of feats and there's really no in-between. Melee takes up a few itself to really leverage what you've got, so you're probably going to want to pick one. Leave switch-hitting to fighters and rangers.

Dr Grecko |

I went 2 level dip Barbarian (wild rager/drunken Brute) for my Anger Inquisition Inquisitor
I did so because of thematic reasons as he grew up in a barbarian tribe. and wanted to get back in touch with his roots. The wild rager because he didn't take his training seriously growing up.. Drunken Brute because his brother died (another char) early in the campaign.
I'm heavily focused on intimidate so a half-orc inquisitor is a good option for this, combining some barbarian stuff makes it insanely good.
Pick up Moment of Clarity as your first Rage Power so you can still cast spells if you absolutely need to.
Then grab Intimidating Glare and Terrifying Howl (at appropriate level) by using two feats on Extra Rage power.
Now your first three turns look like this:
Round 1) Move up to a group of enemies (litany of Sloth to avoid AOO or save your spell and move to just outside AOO range) and cast Blistering Invective to intimidate all around you in 30'..
Round 2) Start Raging... If the guy next to you is still not intimidated, then Intimidating Glare as a move action. Standard Action - Terrifying Howl, and now all those "shaken" enemies begin to flee (While Still on Fire from Blistering Invective.. hehe). Swift Action Judgment if you feel the need.
Round 3) Begin Mop-up duties.
Honestly though, this build is probably better if you start as Barbarian and then move into Inquisitor. But I started Inquisitor and it works fine.
The rest of your feats you can do with as you choose. I added Intimidating Prowess to boost my intimidate to ridiculous levels. I'm doing this even with Charisma as a dump stat.

Ukki |
First, be careful about multiclassing since all your inquisitor abilities are based on class level. That said, here's a build I've been wanting to try out (critique appreciated!)
Go two levels gendarme order of the cockatrice cavalier. Dazzling display as a standard action without prereqs, power attack as a bonus feat, armor and weapon proficiencies (yay falchion!), and +2 moral bonus to hit on demoralized foes.
Pick a race that has bonuses to intimidate (half-orc or oni-spawn tiefling get a bonus and a favored class bonus).
Pick up intimidating prowess and cornugon smash.
If you can pick the rage subdomain you can get rage without being a barbarian.
Go crit fishing with your falchion at later levels (there are a couple inquisitor spells that like crits: flames of the faithful, weapon of awe).
I guess you could switch hit with this build since you don't need a melee weapon to dazzling display,you're pretty open on feats, and you've gotten power attack as a bonus already but really it works best for smashing people in the face.
In my build I also go with getting an animal companion from my domain, but rage is pretty awesome too.

Dr Grecko |

One thing to note about the rage domain, is you can't select rage powers with level req's. Plus you don't get them until 12th and 16th level. Which is rather late in the game for them to be of any use.
I thought about the rage domain a lot when considering this build, but ultimately went Anger Inquisition due to the Barbarian Level being Inquisitor Level -3 instead of half Inquisitor level.