Worshipper of Torag

Odgar's page

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I've got some hardcore writer's block, I've been thinking about this for almost a week now and I just can't come up with anything really solid. All I've come up with that I haven't completely hated so far is, he comes from the far north. He has some sort of mission involving trying to help Lycanthropes unable to control themselves, finding themselves and coming back to the side of good, and killing any that have grown to relish their monstrous acts and won't turn away from their evil ways. Inevitably redeeming his people who have gained such an evil and vile reputation. Think this could be developed into an actual backstory?

I actually have a similar question, I'm trying to work on a inquisitor/fighter(crossbowman) build. Mostly I would just like a crossbowman for the bad-ass flavor but at the same time I want to "...root out enemies of the faith..." and the bad-ass that brings what would you guys suggest?

Cheapy wrote:
Here's the lead designer explaining it, briefly. All the information is in the rules, but it's important to note that you get all your attacks, the touch spell, and the free attack to deliver the touch spell.

Thanks for the link, now if I can't convince him of it's proper mechanics next time we meet up, I'll just whip that link out :D

Basically, I need some sort of official ruling on this, because I know that I get 2 sword swings and a touch attack for this, but my DM is convinced that the free action sword swing consumes my 2nd sword swing so I only get one touch and one sword swing. I was originally just going to show him like 3 different posts all agreeing with me that, that is how it works, but I wouldn't be surprised if he said since those aren't from paizo themselves it doesn't matter what they say. So if someone could show me to the appropriate thread or link, or what ever I need to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that these work together that way, I would be most appreciated.

Ha! nice, perhaps Waraxe to knee?

What do you suppose dwarves call standing "shoulder" to shoulder with a human? standing shoulder to torso?

That... is a level of lame, words cannot describe... thanks though. :/

I mean like honestly, I have been looking all night and the best I've been able to do is find the little dot where it is in Mendev in the Inner Sea World Guide page 120, please tell me I'm just missing it somehow.