themanfromsaturn |
Hello all, first post.
I was looking for some advice for a (obviously sub-optimal) fighting halfling chef who throws butcher knives and wields a frying pan in combat. I'm building the character around a feat in a 3rd party book called 'Frying pan mastery'. To have it, you need 'catch off guard', and you get +2 to hit with a frying pan.
I was thinking of using the 'hidefoot' variant halfling that gives a +2 to con instead of cha.
My starting stats would be something like
ST 16
DX 16
CON 15
INT 13
WIS 7 (because let's be honest, how wise is it to go into battle with housewares? I'll likely pick up iron will at some point to compensate.)
CHA 7 (i'm picturing him as a curmudgeonly gordon ramsay/lenny henry type chef)
Feat chain- Catch off guard, frying pan mastery, combat expertise, improved disarm (to knock weapons away- unarmed foes are flat footed against me!)
Okay, so here's where you guys come in. I was thinking either free-hand fighter or rogue. Which is better? Is there a better option i haven't thought of? Good traits? Feats? Obviously, this is a zany character, but I'd like to surprise people with what he's capable of.
Any tips?

Cazin |
After some consideration, I've decided to go with swashbuckler rogue, with an eye toward the 'master chef' prestige class from 'the quintessential halfling'.
I didn't expect it to, but I ran the numbers and it looks like this little guy will be a force to be reckoned with! Who knew!
I would seriously consider a monk of the empty hand/underfoot adept (another monk kit) Think pint sized Jackie Chan.
Here are a few things to consider:
Fighting trait:
Surprise Weapon: You are skilled at fighting with objects not traditionally considered weapons. You gain a +2 trait bonus on attack rolls with improvised weapons.
Equipment trait:
Rough and Ready: When you use a tool of your trade (requiring at least 1 rank in the appropriate Craft or Profession skill) as a weapon, you do not take the improvised weapon penalty and instead receive a +1 trait bonus on your attack. This trait is commonly used with shovels, picks, blacksmith hammers, and other sturdy tools — lutes and brooms make terribly fragile weapons.
Combat Feat:
Equipment trick, rope: Tangle (Throw Anything): You can throw a coiled length of rope as a ranged weapon. If you hit with a ranged touch attack, the target becomes entangled. It can cut or burst the rope, or escape with a DC 15 Escape Artist check. The rope must be unsecured to use this trick.
Good luck!

themanfromsaturn |
Blackbloodtroll- Why do you recommend the breaker barbarian? I see that it does bonus damage with improv weapons, but the way i see it, the sneak damage form rogue is going to amount to a LOT more. (my build is going to result in a LOT of flat-footed opponents) Is there something I'm overlooking?
Cazin- I'll take a look at underfoot adept. Thanks for the recommendations!
Also, I noticed 'improved weapon mastery'. PERFECT choice for my 11th level feat!

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Sneak Attack has nothing on the +1 bonus on damage rolls with improvised or broken weapons for every three levels beyond 3rd, and the bonus to strength.
Constant static bonuses to damage, that effect attacks to all opponents, compared to situational damage, that doesn't effect all opponents.
Sneak attack is a "wheee dice!" mechanic that is harder to get off than people realize, and usually a trap to players who think rolling a lot of dice means more damage.
A Wild Rager/Breaker Barbarian will out damage, the Rogue, and do it more often.

themanfromsaturn |
That's a fair point, and well made. however, I think between disarm+catch off guard and maxed-out acrobatics, i should be able to set up a lot of opportunities to use sneak attack.
I'll run some simulations and see what works better in practice. Thanks for expalining your recommendation, blackbloodtroll, it means a lot.

pennywit |
I'd go with barbarian, but give him a ridiculously low Profession (cook) bonus. His rages could key off people who criticize his cooking. Better yet, see if your GM will let you turn one of the rage/skill powers (like raging swimmer) into something that buffs your cooking skills instead.
At level 7, take Leadership. Your cohort would be a barbarian sous chef, and your followers would all be experts.

Atarlost |
You won't land disarms reliably enough to benefit from Catch Off Guard as a rogue. Go fighter or barbarian. Barbarian with Strength Surge is one of the best ways to land combat maneuvers. Magus with True Strike may be better at lower levels. Lore Warden Fighter is also pretty good. Nothing else need apply.

themanfromsaturn |
I'm a little resistant to the idea of a barbarian just because i've never played one and i'm completely unfamiliar with how they work. Fighter is a legit option.
How about feinting instead of disarming to deny my opponents their dex bonuses and allowing sneak attacks? It isn't hard max out bluff for a halfling, and it doesn't seem like a lot of opponents would have crazy high sense motive.

themanfromsaturn |
just as a rules clarification:
rough and ready, and surprise weapon both grant a trait bonus to attacks- that means they do not stack.
That's a bummer, but I'd just drop rough and ready. As the lesser of the two it's only a +1, and I already get the penalty for improv weapons dropped thanks to 'catch off guard'

ZanThrax |

Dirty Fighter is a half-orc/orc racial trait that gives a +3 to feint attempts.
Rabble Rebel is a halfling-only regional trait that gives +2 to feint and slight of hand (in combat), but it requires that three of your allies are threatening the target. If there's four PCs surrounding one enemy, I don't think you should have any reason to feint in the first place so this one's pretty useless.

themanfromsaturn |
ArmouredMonk13- i don't think that's how disarm works, but a weapon with the 'disarm' quality gives a +2 bonus- that's where my thinking is going right now.
I think I can make a solid case to my GM that a meat-hook or crowbar are structurally and functionally similar to a jutte or shang gou, (i can snag a proficiency with these thanks to swashbuckler) and so i should be able to use them as improvised weapons with the disarm quality. I'd naturally prefer the meathook, as it is more 'chef-y'

themanfromsaturn |
blackbloodtroll- here is my reasoning for rogue: since 'catch off guard' is a prerequisite for what i wanted to do, and it causes flat-footedness, i figured I would try to capitalize on that with sneak attack.
Vivsectionist alchemist... now THAT is an intriguing suggestion! I'll look right into that.

Tom S 820 |

I Second the alchemist Vivsectionist. I see you "cooking" your Extracts
and take Infusion Discovery.
Infusion: When the alchemist creates an extract, he can infuse it with an extra bit of his own magical power. The extract created now persists even after the alchemist sets it down. As long as the extract exists, it continues to occupy one of the alchemist's daily extract slots. An infused extract can be imbibed by a non-alchemist to gain its effects.

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Wouldn't Rough and Ready be better than Surprise Weapon? It both ignores the -4 penalty and gives you a +1, whereas Surprise Weapon just gives you a +2, landing you at -2...
"Catch off Guard", which they're taking, eliminates the penalty anyway so better off taking surprise weapon for a +2.