Looking to buy the BB in the UK

Beginner Box

As the title says i've spend a good few hours combing the internet looking for somewhere to get the Beginners box for a reasonable price in the UK - but with no joy.

I know i can get it direct from paizo, but the shipping weighs in around $52!!

If anyone could point me in the direction of a webstore, or has a copy they want to sell i'd be greatly appreciative.

I remember buying mine off bookdepository.com but that was a while back.

No joy there im afraid :(

The Exchange

I went through this process with a friend a while back. As far as I can tell, stock in the UK is down to individual copies in local game stores. You'll have to phone up individual stores and ask if they have it - I've not managed to find a copy at a store that also has a web presence. Well, we found one but it turned out that they didn't actually have it.

If you do order direct from Paizo, the parcel will be stopped at customs and assessed for 20% VAT plus a £8 collection fee. Factor that into the total cost.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Try buying from Germany? Or Europe? Shipping will be cheaper...

They pop upon eBay.de from time to time for around 25-30€.

Tellurian has it for 26€, but I'm not sure how good their english is. Postage to the UK via insured DHL parcel should not be higher than 15€. And you can pay by bank transfer without any fees.

This book shop has it listed for 13€, but its probably a typo. Apparently the shop mainly sells technical literature, but it does ship internationally. Might be worth a try...

The boxed set is beautiful and there is nothing like having the high-quality cutout cards and glossy books, but if you can't get your hands on the physcial product, it may be more cost effective to purchase the pdf from Paizo and print it yourself.

If you just need the rules to start playing and can manage without the nice props from the Begginer Box, I've gathered the OGL rules for the Beginner Box online at www.pfbeginner.com.

Good luck!

Wayland games sell it, although its currently out of stock with claims that more are on order.

http://www.waylandgames.co.uk/paizo-publishing/pathfinder/pathfinder-beginn er-box/prod_16724.html

Thanks for all the help guys, however despite a fairly extensive search it looks like there are no available copies in the UK, or at least not that can be found.

@PFBeginner - thanks but unfortunately i'm attempting to buy it for a nephew as a present. He's keen to get into more nerdy related activities - it looks like i will be going to get him a copy of the 4e Red Box instead.

Im advised that its been out of stock/unavailable for some time now.

On that note id like to say (just encase a representative of paizo is reading) that they would do well to remember how important the Red box and other type of starter kits were in term of making us as kid develop a lifelong roleplaying habit, and not having a starter kit available (for an entire country) will inevitably mean that those childhood memories (and brand loyalty) wont be developed for pathfinder but a rival system (d&d in this case)

Not a rant mind, just a unfortunate fact. And i was sooo looking forward to playing through the kit with him!

The Exchange

Jrawkus2 wrote:

Thanks for all the help guys, however despite a fairly extensive search it looks like there are no available copies in the UK, or at least not that can be found.

@PFBeginner - thanks but unfortunately i'm attempting to buy it for a nephew as a present. He's keen to get into more nerdy related activities - it looks like i will be going to get him a copy of the 4e Red Box instead.

Im advised that its been out of stock/unavailable for some time now.

On that note id like to say (just encase a representative of paizo is reading) that they would do well to remember how important the Red box and other type of starter kits were in term of making us as kid develop a lifelong roleplaying habit, and not having a starter kit available (for an entire country) will inevitably mean that those childhood memories (and brand loyalty) wont be developed for pathfinder but a rival system (d&d in this case)

Not a rant mind, just a unfortunate fact. And i was sooo looking forward to playing through the kit with him!

There is a link somewhere on the boards to a store in Germany that has it. No import or VAT on goods within the EU if you can get past the language barrier. And it was pretty cheap.

Edit: Facepalm - it's about 4 posts up in this thread. Need coffee...

I live in Germany and I'd be happy to help you with any language-related problems. Also, if you find one here but can't get it delivered we might be able to figure something out as my flat mate is travelling to the UK regularly (and I live in Aachen which is just 4 hours or so from London by train).

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Jrawkus2 wrote:

Thanks for all the help guys, however despite a fairly extensive search it looks like there are no available copies in the UK, or at least not that can be found.

Im advised that its been out of stock/unavailable for some time now.
n that note id like to say (just encase a representative of paizo is reading)

Per this thread: Out of stock/Print our technical director Vic Wertz, has mentioned that many of our distributors should be getting a restock soonish. It may or may not make its way to your FLGS in time for your nephew's gift, but I hope you have fun introducing him to gaming regardless! And just remember, it doesn't have to be a "one or the other" thing forever, learning multiple systems can be fun too ;)

I got mine from the Orc's Nest in London, but their website says it is temporarily out of stock. I just checked Amazon - wow! It's almost twice the RRP there.

Thinkgeek have it for $35 (and then add vat on that)... but currently you get a free t-shirt as well? and you can get money towards offsetting the customs by taking advantage of various newsletter deals...

Doki-Chan wrote:
Thinkgeek have it for $35 (and then add vat on that)... but currently you get a free t-shirt as well? and you can get money towards offsetting the customs by taking advantage of various newsletter deals...

They're out of stock too.

I'm looking for a box too, but I'm in Estonia, so preferably from a place in the EU that would ship it to me. Put in an order on eBay a few days ago but it got cancelled since they found out that they didn't actually have it in stock, doh!

In the UK there are apparently only one or two distributors of games (in general, not just pathfinder) that sell to virtually all the shops, so generally speaking everyone sells out of a popular product all at once.

It sucks. i had to wait 12 months for a reprint of Robinson Crusoe, for example.

It used to be worth buying from the US but ever since the airmail price hike, thats not really been practical. Sadly your best hope is that they get a restock in sometime soon - which with beginner box is fairly likely, I'd have thought, as its an obviously popular product from a big name.

As others have said, try buying it from Germany.

Try games lore they are good on price i get most of my stuff from them and delivery is very good longest I've waited was just two days

I think Forbidden Planet in Belfast has it or at least they had it very recently. I was looking at it about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Their number is (02890)438744. I'm not sure if they do mail order but I'm happy to help out with postage if that's all is needed. Only half of people seem to realize Belfast is in the UK so phone calls and postage are no more expensive than posting and calling between London and Manchester so don't let that put you off. Sorry if that comes across badly but you'd be surprised how often people have the wrong idea.

Good luck

Looks like they're about to be in stock again, pre-order up on The Book Depository, already ordered mine :)

Try Waterstones online here

Angryhead wrote:
Looks like they're about to be in stock again, pre-order up on The Book Depository, already ordered mine :)

I was just about to say the same thing, and it's a good price too.

I preordered through The Book Depository. The countdown to release day came and went and nothing happened. They've now sent me an email saying the publisher will not have copies for them until April 2014!

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

The Beginner Box should be available in the UK. I'll shake some trees and see what I can find out.


There's a new edition of the Beginner Box listed on Amazon UK (the box cover says "New Book Inside!") but it's not due to go on sale until April 2014. On the plus side, they're selling it for less than £20!


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Do not trust Amazon's release dates for our industry. The reprinted BB (with the new book) is out now, and Amazon may ship it whenever they receive it.

Don't know if it's too late to post but I just ordered it from WHSmith for about £10. Looking forward to trying Pathfinder.


Has anyone had any luck with this recently? Had a few orders cancelled in the UK saying they can't get any stock. Anyone have any German websites with stock in I could order from? Thanks

I ordered from WHSmith over a month ago Earth Ribbon, still got nothing. They just keep saying its on back order. Don't hold your breath if you are waiting for them.

That's disappointing but thanks for letting me know. Thought it sounded a bit too good to be true...

Earth Ribbon, I emailed and got this response

I very much regret that there has been a delay with your order. Our suppliers estimate that this product should be delivered to their warehouse on 26 November. Once dispatched, you should receive it within 3-5 working days.

If that's the case then I will just hang on a bit longer. Looks like there is just a lack of availability at the moment. Thanks.

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