oynaz |
Hi guys,
My Kingmaker campaign is nearing its end, and in my next campaign I am back to being a player after years of GMing. Whew!
So, our next campaign is coming up. It is going to be a classic fantasy campaign, and I have decided on my character concept: The Chosen One! But not in the classic Wizard's First Rule etc. kind of way. This guy is convinced he is The Chosen One, and is loaded with arrogance. He is entirely unfazed by the deadliest of dangers, he cannot lose since he is Chosen after all, but if people do not immediately do as he says, or things do not go as he wishes, he is entirely baffled. How can they not do as he says? He is The Chosen One.
I am uncertain as to class and exact background though, and that is where you guys come in. Inspire me!
Campaign rules:
Lvl 1 to 16
Summoner is banned. If I really want to play one, I will probably be allowed if I nerf it heavily.
No gunslingers
The GM will probably adopt my houserules: Everybody receives one extra skill point per level. Fighter gets a boost (+2 skill points per level, Bravery grants plusses to Will Save instead of only against fear).
Core rules, Advanced Players Guide, Advanced Combat and Advanced Magic (or whatever they are called) are allowed, I can probably use other content as well if I ask him.
I have an idea in my head. A summoner seems like a good choice for this concept. He is born with his powers, so he have not had to work very hard - good for the arrogance, and he even has the charisma to get away with it.
I like the idea of an animal companion, so the Sylvan bloodline sounds nice.
I don't think I want to blast a lot. The Chosen One does not get his hands dirty! Rather, I will focus on summoning and battlefield control.
So a draft build:
Human sorc - sylvan bloodline (15 point) - level 1
STR 10
Dex 12
Con 12
Wis 9
Int 12
Cha 18 (incl +2 racial)
Feats: Toughness, Boon companion (technically not allowed, but I am quite confident I will be allowed if I ask)
Favored class bonus - extra spell known
Eyes of the forest (perception +1, becomes a class skill)
Magical Lineage (Spell? Stone Call, maybe?)
Er, something. Perception, Knowledge local, Stealth and Intimidation?
Spells: Mage armor, Enlarge, Sleep
However, this build is merely a first draft.
So, let me hear what you think.

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Ooh, I hate chosen ones. I am glad you have found the humour that he is arrogant and blind to his own faults. For extra inanity, make him an orphan who was left on the steps of the paladin's church as a baby. Be sure to give him a special birthmark (but not a disfiguring one of course).
There is a trait - 'Hunter's Blood' - which does the following:
"Benefit: You earn a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy when used to gather information, Knowledge (religion), and Survival when used for tracking when related to an undead quarry. Choose one as these as a class skill. The undead have a +1 bonus on any roll to learn about you, as your family’s fame precedes you."
If you could get a house rule of a similar trait for other enemies you might have a good angle. He may be the chosen one, but that means other people know he is.

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I would be tempted to take this drawback and thus gain another trait.
Pride: You can't abide challenges to your dignity, authority, or honor. When someone threatens, accuses, or challenges you, you take a —2 penalty on Diplomacy checks and Sense Motive checks involving that creature until the creature apologizes to you.
Could be an amusing character flaw … not that you would have such a thing

williamoak |

I would be tempted to take this drawback and thus gain another trait.
Pride: You can't abide challenges to your dignity, authority, or honor. When someone threatens, accuses, or challenges you, you take a —2 penalty on Diplomacy checks and Sense Motive checks involving that creature until the creature apologizes to you.
Could be an amusing character flaw … not that you would have such a thing
This is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY! An arrogant character shouldnt be able to diplomatize.

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

thematically, a human destined sorcerer with the reroll feats sounds like the way to go. if you want to be a summoner type (without being the summoner class) cleric is a good choice... he was chosen by a god to be a vessel of its power (justifying the 'chosen one' attitude) and they're effective summoners- take sacred summons, augment summoning, and superior summoning as feats; you won't need super high wis (cause summoners aren't worried about DCs) so you'll be able to afford decent cha too- take the evangelist archetype (to proselytize on your own behalf, lol) and you'll be able to use the bard-like ability to buff all your summoned creatures and channel energy to heal them all... should be pretty potent :)

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

you can be arrogant and have a high wisdom...
it doesn't matter how wise you are (or smart, or anything else) if you truly believe you are superior to others (as this character clearly will) you will come across as arrogant. that's the key- its not that he's so foolish he just blindly thinks he's invincible, its that he's so supremely confident in his destiny that he believes he can rise to whatever challenge he must. plus, as i said, if you're building a summoning cleric you don't even need that much wis.

Vazt |

Maybe consider these options:
Halfling- Adaptive Luck alternate trait and associated feats give you the luck of the chosen one, better ac, bonus to save vs. fear, everyone knows short guys are cocky (that's why it's called a Napoleon complex)
Oracle- nature mystery gives you cha to ac and a mount (in the halfling's case a wolf), lore gives cha to ac and to knowledge skill checks so you can be a know-it-all chosen jerk, better armor, take legalistic curse and say, "I promise you, this is going to work", still focus on summoning
Witch- patron proves that you are chosen, instead of animal companion get improved familiar (even this angel/devil recognizes your chosen-ness and serves you), luck takes the form of fortune, charm, evil eye, and misfortune hexes, instead of insane laugh cackle is you proclaiming " I AM THE CHOSEN ONE!", flight hex because you are above everyone and you want them to see that, still focus on summoning

oynaz |
Thanks for all the suggestions. My last character was a witch, so I do not feel like playing one again, though I had lots of fun with the last one.
Likewise, I have played cleric/oracle (Favoured Soul, really) and druid a lot, so I would rather play something else. Nice suggestions, though.
You sold me on the Pride drawback! I will definitely get that.
Regarding the Destined bloodline, it is thematically appropriate (or is it? Part of the fun of this guy is the fact that know one really knows if he is chosen for anything), but mechanically dull until level 15.
The Paragon surge combo sounds fun, but extremely powerful, to the point of unbalancing the game. Hmm, I will think about that.

AndIMustMask |

i'd say look at a time mystery dual-cursed oracle (something like legalistic/tongues (when flustered he starts shouting in dwarvish)), and take the EH feats for the destined bloodline or something. MAYBE with a 1-level dip into witch to snap up the fortune hex (to use on himself--he IS the chosen one, after all)
grab the human reroll feats and hand him a defiant weapon and watch while he makes fate bend over and take it like a punk.
and remember you can take the following feats for an animal companion:
(source: Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths & Philosophies)
Nature Soul
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (nature)
checks and Survival checks.
Animal Ally
Prerequisites: Nature Soul, character level 4th,
Benefit: You gain an animal companion as if you were
a druid of your character level –3 from the following
list: badger, bird, camel, cat (small), dire rat, dog, horse,
pony, snake (viper), or wolf.