Paladin build


Hi guys.
Iam going to be playing a paladin in our next game.
Any ides to the best badass paladin bulid out ther? any ides is golden!
considereing a archer paladin.

25 point buy on ability.

Check out Bodhi's Guide to the Optimal Paladin and Antipaladin

Umm, what exactly do you want to accomplish with this character? I noticed the "considering archery paladin" but that's vague.

The build also depends on the campaign setting.

Silver Crusade

Hyperlance wrote:
Check out Bodhi's Guide to the Optimal Paladin and Antipaladin

@Pelle mrb: If you still have questions after this, let us know. Read the guide first. It offers a lot of solid advice that you'll just hear repeated.

Build is simple: Human, Oath of Vengeance, weapon bond + every archery feat going. Add a couple of extra lay on hands and you are golden.

Silas Hawkwinter wrote:

Build is simple: Human, Oath of Vengeance, weapon bond + every archery feat going. Add a couple of extra lay on hands and you are golden.

fun fact, you can stack oath of vengeance and oath against fiends (theres a thing mentioned in the oath spells for multiple oaths), for even more smite and divine bond flexibility.

its pretty freakin nifty.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

paladins have 3 things going for them (3 big things- i like pallys, i think they have a lot going for them but these three are huge): their saves are sick- potentially the best in the game (especially in higher point buy games); they have incredible survivability thanks to good armor options and the ability to self heal as a swift action; and, smite makes them absolute beasts against BBEGs. they do have drawbacks though- their fairly MAD and tend to be feat starved. the most badass builds will take advantage of the benefits while trying to minimize the hindrances.

i know there are some who disagree, but i'm not a big fan of the archer pally... it fails to take advantage of the survivability and chooses a very feat intensive combat style. its possible to do, and its great when smite is going and you get to full attack BBEG a bunch, but it'll take a while to come together. if you're interested in a feat intensive, high dex, pally i think you're better off with a sword-and-board build... you end up with even more attacks than the archer (2wpn fighting with imp shield bash) to really maximize smite bonuses and you'll have a really solid AC (particularly while smiting) and the swift heals to be a fantastic tank.

part of the problem with 'best' (besides the fact that its situational, and depends at least partly on party composition) is that different builds peak at different levels... so it depends on what level you're starting at and what level you'll finish at (and how much time you'll spend at each). the archer will probably hit its stride around 7 or 9, sword-and-board really comes into its own around 11 or 13... a 2handed power attacker is in good shape at like 3rd.

sample 2hander:

angelkin aasimar, pally 3
str 16+2race; dex 14; con 14; int 8; wis 10; cha 15+2race
feats: 1- power attack; 3- combat reflexes
wear a chainshirt or breastplate (if your not worried about being slowed) and fight with a bardiche or other reach weapon (get armor spikes in case someone closes with you and you can't step away for some reason). attack @ +6 for 1d10+9 and upto 3 AoOs (careful positioning will really maximize those) normally- with smite its +9 for 1d10+12.
hope something here is helpful. remember rule #1- having fun is the most important thing :)

wait, paladins arent MAD at all. you go STR/CHA with CON as a tertiary on a melee paladin, or DEX/CHA with CON as a tertiary on an archer paladin.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

AndIMustMask wrote:

wait, paladins arent MAD at all. you go STR/CHA with CON as a tertiary on a melee paladin, or DEX/CHA with CON as a tertiary on an archer paladin.

i'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not... 3 necessary stats is fairly MAD- its no monk, clearly, but compared to most casters, or even a fighter, there are more places they need points. plus, Dex build paladins can't really ignore STR either- they rely on it for damage the majority of the time (whenever they're not smiting).

Its usually better not to have silly high AC on a paladin. If anyone in the party is going to be hurt you want it to be the swift action self healing paladin, NOT the wizard... If you have crazy high AC most intelligent foes will attack somebody else!

The AC will not be to silly high because he will not have shield.
Also he will have 1 of 3 routes
Route 1 light armor little AC with high DEX.
Route 2 Heavy armor with little DEX.
Route 3 Med Armor with some DEX.

Either way it should end up about Base 18, 19,or 20.
4 chain shirt +4 DEX =18
Full plate 9 and +1 DEX=20
Breast Plate +6 and +3 DEX= 19 of 3

Yes he will add CHA to AC vs smite target but just vs his smite target.

With 25 point I would go balnce in stats DEX/CHA then CON/STR
DEX 15
CHA 15
CON 14
STR 14
10 or 11 in INT and WIS

I would go 1/2 elf, 1/2 ork, or human and put the +2 in to DEX.

If you are still reading this thread then ENLIGHTENED Paladin is the answer

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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"If you're still reading this"... 3 years later...

If he hasn't built this guy by now he probably isn't going to.

Grand Lodge

Nice Necro

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