morrissoftxp |
Oracle level 9
A ninja player character is doing secret things which takes the player and DM away from table to talk . What I need is suggestions on how to find out what he is hiding. I want to role play it as a halfling who is curious about this fact.
At the moment I gave him a platinum band and said it was a magic focus which it is. And I use locate object to try to spot patterns and where he goes.

Mister Fluffykins |

He's a ninja, so chances are he's up to no good and he's starting to make trouble in your neighborhood. You're using Locate Object, so I assume you're some kind of spellcaster. Can you cast Invisibility? If so, begin preparing it as many times as you can - extended, if possible (buy a wand of Lesser Metamagic Extend if you can't), using higher level spellslots for extra preparations.
Then tell your DM you'll be following him about invisibly for as long as you can. Or, buy a Hat of Disguise and tail him that way. If your DM is any good, he'll start dropping you a hint or two, letting you figure out at least a few of the spots the ninja is going to.
From there, you can extrapolate as you please.

![]() |

We had the EXACT same situation with an evil cleric in our party. One game he didn’t make our crafting mage made a bunch of “Luck Coins” they all had deity on the back and on the front one had a star, another had a heart, one a rainbow, I think there was a diamond, I know there was a horse shoe. One coin had his holy symbol on the back. As long as the coin was on your person it would give you the effect of the bless spell.
The fun part was his coin broadcast his thoughts to anyone else with a coin. So when he went off to do something sneaky we were all able to listen in. We had a signal when we were listening in on him. We would all put two fingers to our head. It was funny having the entire party trying to put fingers to their head nonchalantly.
You could commission something like this.
In our game he wouldn’t leave the table so it was easy. In your game you may have to have the GM conspire with you. The GM could give you updates after the game of what you over heard. Or text you under the table.

Zhayne |

You could try just asking him. Just because he chooses to keep it a secret doesn't mean it's problematic, just something he chooses to keep private. If this guy's been your teammate for any length of time, you should be able to trust each other. That's kind of what 'teammate' means.
Remember, classes don't come with baked-in personalities, I say as a player of a Lawful Good ninja.