2014 AP is Iron Gods

Iron Gods

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It would be neat to also see a variety non-humanoid constructs beyond the layouts/configurations for the robots we've already seen in the Inner Sea Bestiary. Like maybe little maintenance/scout robots similar to more sophisticated and smaller cublis. I can picture a dozen or so "rolling" around a corridor or chamber focused on a task and ignoring the PCs until they tamper with something critical... in synchronous unison, all the cublis stop, roll up onto a corner, and pivot to face the threats...

(If not used in Iron Gods, cublis would also be a very cool "modron-inspired" being in Axis.)

Shadow Lodge

My gawd, I haven't been on site for 10 months and missed this!!!!!!!!!!

I was already pumped about the Mummy's Mask AP, and now *this*! I think I'm gonna faint...


Okay, forgive the ignorance, as I don't visit the boards regularly, but can someone explain the fervor over this AP to me. Robots? I get that there are some who like this element, or didn't get their fix in Ebberon or some other game system. There seems to be more interest in this AP than the one that is upcoming for scheduled release. Anyone care to speculate why that is?

My perspective: People have wanted it for a long time, but it was always "too niche, most people wouldn't like it." That's basically been the reason very little has been said about Numeria. They weren't sure how people would react. So combine intense appreciation for the area, with being constantly told there probably isn't a market for it, and that just increases pressure. People thought this would never see the light of day, and it is going to. Earlier than anyone ever thought.

And so the people who were looking forward to it are ecstatic.

A lot of this is also buoyed by Rasputin Must Die!, which is generally considered the reason Iron Gods came to be. There were a lot of naysayers about an adventure that went to Earth, and when it was finally released? Many of them begrudgingly admitted that Paizo handled it very well, and that is was a solid story, even if they still weren't a fan of going to Earth. Paizo showed that they were able to handle the strange and unconventional very, very well.

And that's just fueling the fans of Numeria even more.

Dark Archive

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Growing up in an age when Thundarr the Barbarian was probably the coolest cartoon on TV (and fantasy novels like Empire of the East and Witch World and Dragonriders of Pern included sci-fi elements), Numeria totally works for me, and even D&D adventures included sci-fi stuff like the mysterious technological city in northern Greyhawk or the crashed spaceship from Expedition to the Barrier Peaks.

Heck, it's been decades, and I still have to go to a section called 'sci-fi/fantasy' in most book stores, since the rest of the world hasn't quite caught on to the notion that robots and magic should be kept apart. :)

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Ahh, I so want to play this, but I dont think I'll find a GM that is willing to run it... We'l see when summer comes.

Can someone give a spoiler on what the ap's plot is,like they did with Mummy's mask?

Definitely using this as the sequel to kingmaker.

Nick O'Connell wrote:
Can someone give a spoiler on what the ap's plot is,like they did with Mummy's mask?

Nothing concrete as yet, but the gist of things from the announcement were that the "Iron Gods" are things waking up in Numeria and granting spells, and that a big focus of the AP will be exploring technology and faith.

More info in this thread, as well as scattered around elsewhere.

Cthulhudrew wrote:
Nick O'Connell wrote:
Can someone give a spoiler on what the ap's plot is,like they did with Mummy's mask?

Nothing concrete as yet, but the gist of things from the announcement were that the "Iron Gods" are things waking up in Numeria and granting spells, and that a big focus of the AP will be exploring technology and faith.

More info in this thread, as well as scattered around elsewhere.


Silver Crusade

williamoak wrote:
Ahh, I so want to play this, but I dont think I'll find a GM that is willing to run it... We'l see when summer comes.

I agree my player have zero or less interest in playing pathfinder in any techno mode... They will play Prirate with guns barely, and will not go Russia... The love sc fi games just not in a pathfinder...

I might play in such a game but would not run/ buy it...

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It's coming, the first volume of this AP will be reveled in one lunar cycle! :)

Sovereign Court

I'm running this Adventure Path, and can't wait to start reading it. Science-Fantasy is my favorite genre (Rifts) but very publishers can pull it off correctly. I have faith that Paiso's will get this right.

Silver Crusade

I'll be tempted to cancel my subscription during this waste of 6 months of adventure path, but I might read it out of morbid fascination.

This AP can't get here soon enough.

lichhunter wrote:
I'll be tempted to cancel my subscription during this waste of 6 months of adventure path, but I might read it out of morbid fascination.


Dragon78 wrote:
This AP can't get here soon enough.

Agreed man. I'm utterly convinced the space-time continium is slowing down specifically for this reason. We're not gonna get anything Numeria-related until late June when the Numeria book comes out! UUUURGH

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lichhunter wrote:
I'll be tempted to cancel my subscription during this waste of 6 months of adventure path, but I might read it out of morbid fascination.

How does it feel to hate fun?

Dark Archive

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Alex Smith 908 wrote:
lichhunter wrote:
I'll be tempted to cancel my subscription during this waste of 6 months of adventure path, but I might read it out of morbid fascination.
How does it feel to hate fun?

Don't be antagonistic.

This AP isn't for everyone so those of us who want it shouldn't gloat.

Paizo Employee Developer

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Auxmaulous is right. Though lichhunter was a slight bit provocative using the word "waste," there's no reason to be upset that he or she doesn't like the same things you* do. I mean, I work hard on my parts of the Adventure Paths, and while I'm not joyous that people don't like the things we create, I completely understand that not everything we make is everyone's bag. That's just not possible.

Remember, you* liking something doesn't make it good, and you* disliking something doesn't make it bad.

We're all here to have fun.

* You in the general sense.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Adam Daigle wrote:
I completely understand that not everything we make is everyone's bag.

Great, bag jokes are back.

Paizo Employee Developer

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Well, after the bindle outrage of '11 and the sack incident in '12, I thought bag was coming back into acceptance.

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How many plastic bags does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None - they're too busy screwing the planet.

Sorry if that came out wrong but it was meant in the same spirit as saying that people who play truenamer in 3.5 have lost the ability to taste ice cream.

I've never bought an AP before. This one I will.

Silver Crusade

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My issue with technology blended with fantasy is that it dominates too much. What happens to the characters that adventure in Numeria? Do they then come down to Absalom to show of their new hover cars, force fields, and Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulators?

Or do those things stop working when they leave Numeria?

Do goblins and orcs have a chance against blasters and robots once those things are outside of Numeria? I mean the Ewoks did take down a legion of the Emperor's crack stormtroopers so I guess it's possible. Sigh.

Not everything needs to be crowbarred into Golarion.

There's a place in gaming for Jon Carter style adventures, just in a different realm of existence.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

How are hover cars different from magic carpets, force fields different from walls of force and explosive space modulators different from fireballs?

Actually, I guess most of the stuff would require fuels unattainable on Golarion (short of wish/miracle spells), so they would be long shut down while your mid-level Wizard would continue to genocide orc tribes using a bunch of core rulebook spells.

Dark Archive

Not going to defend this AP choice but I am going to defend their influences to address your concerns using those sources.

If they were at all influenced by Gamma World (which JJ has stated on occasion) and Expedition to the Barrier Peaks you will find two running themes:

- Items generally cannot be reproduced/created
- Items generally cannot be repaired
- Items come from a source of "lost" knowledge
- Items are super-scarce/fixed number in appearance (which in of itself is a bit funny, considering the number of magic items tossed around your average AP)

So while a blaster rifle or suit of powered armor can mess things up, they are not magical gear (re:can break). They require a power supply and I'm guessing these artifacts (to use a GW term) are probably about as easy to repair as Artifacts (to use an AD&D term) are in a PF campaign, re: nearly impossible.

S3 (Expedition) didn't break the game. The powered armor and weapons all had limited power supplies - so that was a big limiter. The 2nd big limiter is that the items themselves didn't break the game, they just replicate (to a degree) some Spells or other items. The Robots are also not a big deal and really are just another form of construct.
Ex: the Police robots in that module were just another creature encounter.

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Gorbacz wrote:

How are hover cars different from magic carpets, force fields different from walls of force and explosive space modulators different from fireballs?

Actually, I guess most of the stuff would require fuels unattainable on Golarion (short of wish/miracle spells), so they would be long shut down while your mid-level Wizard would continue to genocide orc tribes using a bunch of core rulebook spells.

trains a +3 holy seeking rail gun with self-replicating ammo on that wizard from over a mile away

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Mikaze - raging wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:

How are hover cars different from magic carpets, force fields different from walls of force and explosive space modulators different from fireballs?

Actually, I guess most of the stuff would require fuels unattainable on Golarion (short of wish/miracle spells), so they would be long shut down while your mid-level Wizard would continue to genocide orc tribes using a bunch of core rulebook spells.

trains a +3 holy seeking rail gun with self-replicating ammo on that wizard from over a mile away

The rail gun malfunctions and explodes as you fire it

Silver Crusade

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Justin Franklin wrote:
Mikaze - raging wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:

How are hover cars different from magic carpets, force fields different from walls of force and explosive space modulators different from fireballs?

Actually, I guess most of the stuff would require fuels unattainable on Golarion (short of wish/miracle spells), so they would be long shut down while your mid-level Wizard would continue to genocide orc tribes using a bunch of core rulebook spells.

trains a +3 holy seeking rail gun with self-replicating ammo on that wizard from over a mile away
The rail gun malfunctions and explodes as you fire it

spends a Hero Point

and double-taps

Silver Crusade

You've really turned me around on this.

I'm rolling up a character now.

I'll be playing Ookla the Mok.

Can't wait.

Shadow Lodge

It's hard to contain my glee over this lil' piece of fantasy gaming. And it will become increasingly harder once the AP volumes start to drop. You see, I really really want to play this, but most of the people I know locally who have a penchant for weird fantasy, sword & planet etc are the kind of grognards who wouldn't touch 3.xx D&D even if their life dependent on it. Such is life, I guess.

Anyhow, just finished Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen series and started reading Bakker's The Judging Eye, so my inspirational faculties are in such a state of overdrive that GM'ing is a distinct possibility. Just about.

Silver Crusade

I'm halfway through Toll of the Hounds. Erickson has been a long, fun ride though I'm ready to be done with the series.

lichhunter wrote:
I'm halfway through Toll of the Hounds. Erickson has been a long, fun ride though I'm ready to be done with the series.

Wohohoh. Wait until... Ups. No spoilers. But that book ends with a bang.

Shadow Lodge

Yeah, sorry for the general spoilage there.

Will any eventual futuristic weapons count as firearms for proficiencies?

That means a gunslinger would be really nice to have with you in this AP unless they have some other way to gain proficiency with these weapons.

Holodeck express training? :D

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Ganryu wrote:

Will any eventual futuristic weapons count as firearms for proficiencies?

That means a gunslinger would be really nice to have with you in this AP unless they have some other way to gain proficiency with these weapons.

Holodeck express training? :D

Yes. There's essentially two categories of ranged weapon in the Tech Guide. Many of them utilize Exotic Weapon (firearm), but several others use a new one called Exotic Weaon (heavy weaponry). And yes, there'll be a way for some gunslingers to use grit with heavy weaponry in certain conditions...

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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My current campaign is wrapping up (the players will probably be 17th level soon), and I am seriously considering running this. As one can tell by my alias, I am a big Moorcock fan. I had my players traverse an interplanetary gate to enter an alternate early 20th century Russian and a modified version of 'Rasputin Must Die!', and except for the mechanics of the 'troop' subtype, they dug it. Some of my favorite fantasy fiction inter-splices technology and magic-- books like Hugh Cooke's Walrus and the Warwolf, China Meiville's Bas Lag, Fred Saberhagen's Empire of the East, Vance's Dying Earth, and of course Moorcock's multiverse. I am really excited about this adventure path.

This may be the adventure path that makes me a subscriber.

James Jacobs wrote:
Ganryu wrote:

Will any eventual futuristic weapons count as firearms for proficiencies?

That means a gunslinger would be really nice to have with you in this AP unless they have some other way to gain proficiency with these weapons.

Holodeck express training? :D

Yes. There's essentially two categories of ranged weapon in the Tech Guide. Many of them utilize Exotic Weapon (firearm), but several others use a new one called Exotic Weaon (heavy weaponry). And yes, there'll be a way for some gunslingers to use grit with heavy weaponry in certain conditions...

...I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that rocket launchers are Heavy Weaponry?

I'm almost wondering if plasma rifles would be Heavy Weapons... although they might be Firearms... Although I'm sure you could make a Heavy Weapon version of a plasma rifle that'd be just ridiculous.

Also, will Siege Engineers get technological toys to play with too? Like laser cannons? Or plasma cannons? Or ion cannons?

Graeme Lewis wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Ganryu wrote:

Will any eventual futuristic weapons count as firearms for proficiencies?

That means a gunslinger would be really nice to have with you in this AP unless they have some other way to gain proficiency with these weapons.

Holodeck express training? :D

Yes. There's essentially two categories of ranged weapon in the Tech Guide. Many of them utilize Exotic Weapon (firearm), but several others use a new one called Exotic Weaon (heavy weaponry). And yes, there'll be a way for some gunslingers to use grit with heavy weaponry in certain conditions...

...I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that rocket launchers are Heavy Weaponry?

I'm almost wondering if plasma rifles would be Heavy Weapons... although they might be Firearms... Although I'm sure you could make a Heavy Weapon version of a plasma rifle that'd be just ridiculous.

Also, will Siege Engineers get technological toys to play with too? Like laser cannons? Or plasma cannons? Or ion cannons?

My gut tells me we will only receive this answer by August 14.

And I'm confident that Paizo has managed to fit some nifty stuff in 64 pages, including SOMETHING cannons.

lichhunter wrote:

My issue with technology blended with fantasy is that it dominates too much. What happens to the characters that adventure in Numeria? Do they then come down to Absalom to show of their new hover cars, force fields, and Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulators?

Or do those things stop working when they leave Numeria?

I don't know the official canon answer yet, but why not?:

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
I would expect that in reality, we would see Numerian tech all over...even if you could produce/replicate it, that stuff would be valuable enough that there would be a thriving black market.
I have always assumed that most of the Numerian tech & robot critters ran on Tesla-ish broadcast power and the country's borders were established roughly where the limits of transmission range from the Silver Mount (or hidden substations/boosters) tapers off. It could be that the robocritters grow stronger the closer they are to their power source.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Graeme Lewis wrote:
Also, will Siege Engineers get technological toys to play with too? Like laser cannons? Or plasma cannons? Or ion cannons?

Nope; that was a category of science fiction, like vehicles and space travel and mechs, that we didn't have the room to cover.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Graeme Lewis wrote:
Also, will Siege Engineers get technological toys to play with too? Like laser cannons? Or plasma cannons? Or ion cannons?
Nope; that was a category of science fiction, like vehicles and space travel and mechs, that we didn't have the room to cover.

That's for the not yet developed Technology Handbook detailing all your technology needs for siege weapons, Vehicles, and Space Travel. :)

zergtitan wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Graeme Lewis wrote:
Also, will Siege Engineers get technological toys to play with too? Like laser cannons? Or plasma cannons? Or ion cannons?
Nope; that was a category of science fiction, like vehicles and space travel and mechs, that we didn't have the room to cover.
That's for the not yet developed Technology Handbook detailing all your technology needs for siege weapons, Vehicles, and Space Travel. :)

All of these items could be released in a TH Vol. 2, which could be easily released just before a Distant Worlds AP. Hmmm...

well hopefully it'll be outlined by Sutter with Mikaze whispering sweet sci-fantasy nothings into his ear:)

So no to plasma, ion, and laser cannons... but no response on plasma rifles. I can still hold onto the hope of the dream of plasma weaponry... I wonder if plasma weaponry would be able to damage creatures immune to fire. I mean, yes, it'd probably technically be fire damage, but it's also something that's so superheated even the atoms are tearing themselves apart. Or at least throwing off their electron shells and running around in the atomic equivalent of the nude. I can imagine that having an effect on fire-immune things.

Graeme Lewis wrote:
So no to plasma, ion, and laser cannons... but no response on plasma rifles. I can still hold onto the hope of the dream of plasma weaponry... I wonder if plasma weaponry would be able to damage creatures immune to fire. I mean, yes, it'd probably technically be fire damage, but it's also something that's so superheated even the atoms are tearing themselves apart. Or at least throwing off their electron shells and running around in the atomic equivalent of the nude. I can imagine that having an effect on fire-immune things.

Yeah, it's a massive turn-on for them. All those naked atoms.

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naked atoms are hot! :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

We've established in Inner Sea Bestiary that plasma deals half fire, half electricity damage.

James Jacobs wrote:
We've established in Inner Sea Bestiary that plasma deals half fire, half electricity damage.

Ouch. That means plasma damage would be the least damaging overall, since a great many creatures have resistances to both...

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