If the DM bends the rules to not kill a player for a real dumb idea should I say something?


So we are playing kingmaker, attacking the first bandit camp the rouge goes out to scout we turn around and the halfing druid is gone. He is not very good in combat and rides on his bear. Of course a druid riding a bear is not gonna pass a stealth check and he ends up alone on the other side of camp with 6 bandits after him. The DM passes him on some saves he should have failed and allows him to avoid some attacks. If played correctly he would have been dead several times over. If the druid continues his careless ways and requires to be snatched from the jaws of death should I tell the GM its unfair to not be punished for foolish death defying actions?

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I think you should talk to your gm and the group about the kind of game you all want. If the dm is actually going for a sort of light, not very lethal game, and doesnt want his characters to die, then thats what he is going for. Alot of people dont like character death, but as you say, it could encourage silly and foolish behavior if he always saves them. An open conversation about expectations is the way to go here, do it calmly and dont accuse. Just state what you think you want out of the game and find out what they want, and come to some kind of agreement in terms of lethality and the consequences of actions.

Guess your right, hopefully the close call just taught him the lesson and its not a problem in the future. I don't mind soft rules if you did act with some degree of caution.

One or two bailouts, with GM warnings and advice from the other PCs, is reasonable. If this sort of thing persists, it's eventually going to get him killed.

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Had anyone died yet? Maybe the bandits weren't ready to commit murder. Not everyone is as quick to take a life as a PC.


Liberty's Edge

Was it a new player still learning about stealth, ect? If so the GM maybe wanted him to learn and killing him wo7ld have left the player upset.

Part of it is dependent on what kind of game the GM is after (and that should be told to the players).

If I were GM (and this sounds like its fairly early in the adventure) I would have no problem popping an arrow in him and trying to throw a net over the druid and bear. All that is really needed is to put some fear in the player, so they are aware that their actions have consequences. If the bandits get him tied up, then the party can go save him. If he gets away, fine.

I see no reason to kill a PC right off the bat, especially at low levels and if it's a new player, but it would probably be a good idea to talk to your GM about it and, possibly, for the GM to talk to the other player about considering what they are doing.

CapeCodRPGer wrote:
Was it a new player still learning about stealth, ect? If so the GM maybe wanted him to learn and killing him wo7ld have left the player upset.

No hes played longer then me he should know better.

Strannik wrote:

Part of it is dependent on what kind of game the GM is after (and that should be told to the players).

If I were GM (and this sounds like its fairly early in the adventure) I would have no problem popping an arrow in him and trying to throw a net over the druid and bear. All that is really needed is to put some fear in the player, so they are aware that their actions have consequences. If the bandits get him tied up, then the party can go save him. If he gets away, fine.

I see no reason to kill a PC right off the bat, especially at low levels and if it's a new player, but it would probably be a good idea to talk to your GM about it and, possibly, for the GM to talk to the other player about considering what they are doing.

Ya it could just be me and my style I like to play hard core and really reap what i sow for better and worse.

Dlast000 wrote:
CapeCodRPGer wrote:
Was it a new player still learning about stealth, ect? If so the GM maybe wanted him to learn and killing him wo7ld have left the player upset.
No hes played longer then me he should know better.

In our campaigns, the GM usually will aid us should we suffer nonsensical deaths for our characters due to a bad dice roll "a level 12 paladin crit fails avoiding falling into a spike pit". Us players and our GM get very attached to our characters, though that's not to say jumping into the open ocean from a ship to face the gigantic Deep Sea Serpent at level 6 won't be horrifically punished. Your friend should've at least been riddled with a few arrows

i think maybe your GM should put him unconsious next time he takes a stunt like that and then let the other players play for like an hour befor they can get to the druid who just has to sit there do nothing.

realy makes you think twice befor acting all stupid!

I would ask the gm to handle all the PCs equal and do the same for all the others, too if they botch the first time.

Captured bu bandits, and needs to get his butt saved by you, is another option. He can always get sold into slavery.

Silver Crusade

I think it really depends on the type of campaign you're playing, and level of skill of ALL the players, not just one. I personally am rather sadistic when it comes to death/mess ups. That if you die/mess up horribly, There's no magic button to fix it all. If you feel it's an issue then by all means bring it up to the GM after the game or sometime before the next one.

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I think it's all about the character, really. I have one in my Reign of Winter campaign that's an Orc Fighter that became "The Bear King" because he put a bear rug on himself and decreed it so. I let him live a combat he absolutely should not have because he went for bad-ass factor, and the character is actually a good source of entertainment.

If it's a newer player, though, again it can go either way. First session with him, be gentle, but a nice talk afterword is always good. "Son, I know you want to stick the fork in the electric socket, but if you keep doing that, daddy's gonna be short a child".

The Exchange

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Good question; touchy sort of topic. Ask your GM about it away-from-table and express your concern, but be sure to stress that you're worried about the campaign's health and plausibility - that you're not out to get the druid's player. And avoid phrasing your concerns in a way that suggests the GM's to blame. In this case he's the plumber, not the leak.

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