[Mythic] Ruins of Pathfinder: Road to Damnation Interest Check


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Oh so would sin magic of conjuration work? (not very familiar with what a rune lord of greed is).


Never mind about the runelord thing just realized what the title of one of the pbp campaigns I am trying to get on is called.

but sin specialist is okay then?

The alternate world of Ruins of Pathfinder actually expects that all previous campaigns have ended in failure - so spoilers are certainly abound.

I have no idea, haha. I'm just posting relevant information mostly; I obviously have no authority or capacity as arbiter. Wish I had known of the Sin Magic stuff before I made my Necro in Rob's RoW game, though.

okay never mind then don't want to get any spoilers, but I do think it is a great idea for a campaign.

Kage, theres always Retraining ;P I think Rob has said he might allow it.. I know I'm tempted to retrain my two levels of Fighter to Gunslinger later on.

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Kagehiro wrote:

I'm having a hell of a time settling on anything. Concept may not congeal until the official recruitment thread gets underway, but I'm kinda waffling between three poorly-fleshed out concepts at the moment. I do have the basic crunch for them plotted out:

  • Ulfen Barbarian; likely Invulnerable Rager picking up the World Serpent Totem rage powers (as well as Superstition, Witch Hunter, Spell Sunder--because breaking spells by punching them is hilarity)
  • Hermean Paladin; Vengeance Oath. This concept would require some liberties being taken/approved with Mengkare, so the concept as a whole would likely entirely depend on your take on that.
  • Bladebound/Kensai; likely a Ronin of some sort. Haven't sunk a lot of thought into this concept, honestly. May end up holding it in reserve for a table-top session instead.

I've got a world serpent barbarian in my Worldwound game. They are 9th level, but man, he tears through outsiders' damage reduction. He's one of the only one in the party that doesn't get screwed by the DR/Good all the time. Rob's gunslinger/paladin in that game gets especially screwed by it since she's a dual pistol wielder and gave up smite for something else.

I'm also gonna have to wait until recruitment to settle on something definite, but I'm still liking the idea I had of the planar scholar who's a synthesist. He uses his eidolon like an environmental suit to keep him alive in the dangerous outer planes.

I do have one question though Crusty, if we are starting at level 2, how are we gonna get to high enough level to really go planar hopping in any reasonable sort of timeframe? Are you planning on speeding up the EXP somehow? I give players 1000 XP/round of combat each in one of my PBP games (the one mentioned above), it's been going on for nearly a year now and they've only leveled 3 times. It's also almost 100% combat all the time.

Just something to think about. Unless the plan is that we'll be so badass from mythic that we can go planes hopping at level 5 or something.

My vote is to go to Sigil and get killed by a black abishai in a fistfight. Duuuude... Totally need to play a summoner with a snarky, floating skull as an eidolon.

I'm not catching the reference, but it would be an interesting challenge trying to build a floating skull eidolon. You'd need a DM willing to work with you fluff wise, and it wouldn't float until 5th level. Something like that would be good for a master summoner, who already have weaker eidolons. Just give him lots of skilled evolutions and you have a flying little perception/knowledge bot.

Planescape: Torment

One of the best cRPGs ever.

Ah, I started playing it. Got out of the lab thing and into the city and then it was just too dated and I couldn't play it anymore.

I played it in like 2010 or something though, not when it came out.

It really captures Planescape as a place where ideas are basically laws unto themselves. Though my favorite dnd adaptation is still Mask of the Betrayer.

Probably Baldur's Gate/Baldur's Gate II or maybe one of the Neverwinter Nights. It's hard for me to say. I like ones where you don't have to control a whole party manually to win (BG aside).

I guess I could go buy a copy of Torment and give it another go.

My favorite D&D game was Temple of Elemental Evil, to be honest. Sure the storyline was horrible, and bugs were more common than an EA game at release, but it was the closest thing you'd get to pen and paper D&D.

I gotta give it up for BGII:SoA I think if we're talking all-time favorite. Pretty much any game built on the Infinity Engine was amazing in my books. Although, as mentioned before, it is really hard to go back and play them now without modding the crap out of your gamefiles to account for higher resolutions and the like. Even then, there can be a plague of crashes and other issues.

I think BG:II runs mostly fine, though Planescape keeps crashing without patches/mods. And often enough mods (or combinations of them) actually lead to crashes by them self.

Good old games has all of them and updates them for modern pc systems I believe. I liked Mask because the control-the-whole-party thing really got on my nerves and they had some awesome twists in there.

A lot of old games are getting redone with slightly improved graphics, and all the bugs patched out and then getting sold by these little indie companies for like $20. GoG is one. There are others whose names I'm not recalling right now.

I don't really have a submission since I do not have a firm grasp on mythic rules - played a couple of PbPs usint it when the playtest came out but they were short lived.

However, whenever the word Planescape comes up, it catches my attention - played that setting without ever getting tired for looooong years, it caused a lot of player character death due to the nature of it all - you need to learn a thing or two, when you chance rubing shoulders with some of the most powerful planar entities while having a beer at the tavern :D

Ok, don't want to sidewind anything here - carry on with Recruitment.

P.S. And now I am curious about the Ruins of Pathfinder :D

Liberty's Edge

Yeah I'll also have to wait for mythic release before I make any solid calls, but this campaign may actually be a very good challenge for an existing character. Short version is a kitsune sorceress who's growing extra tails and plans to create a nation for her people so they don't have to hide in plain sight. Maybe the feat line is underwhelming, but she would most certainly be dancing on that fine line between good and evil.

And hey, maybe the mythic rules would balance out the weakness of the magical tail feats. You never know.

Hmm... After seeing some of the stuff about Mythic Adventures, character idea is again up in the air. Maybe a magus, maybe a wizard or witch, maybe a two-weapon fighter. Ah, at least tomorrow the PDF is out for all of us. :-)

I'll let you guys know right now - I honestly have never played Planescape.. so don't expect this to be a remake or anything.

But, reading up on it having taking place on numerous planes.. that part will be similar, even if I'm primarily limiting us to the Outer Sphere.

Planescape had an awesome atmospheric amalgamation of steam punk, fantasy, planar escapading, and unclassifiable oddity.

Torment had some of the greatest character design ever, though.

There's Morte, the floating, wise-cracking skull with a hard in for female "deaders"
A Good aligned succubus that ran a brothel
A wizard that was a living portal to the elemental plane of fire
Githzerai magus (essentially) whose sword was made of his will imposed on the fabric of Limbo itself.
And many others. I need to go back and play that now haha,

I can get you a digital copy of the setting guide stuff if you are interested in taking a gander.

Theres a good aligned Succubus in Wrath of the Righteous I believe.. perhaps she runs a brothel too. Dunno.

But yeah that definitely sounds interesting XD I'll admit, there will be a bit less craziness in my campaign.. at least that sort of craziness. There certainly will be craziness, though..

After some soulsearching, the references to Planescape [even though DM Crustypeanut has made it clear it is not the same, just using the term is enough :D], and taking a closer look at the details regarding the Ruins of Pathfinder, I've decided I want to be in on it too :D

Dotting for interest, and just for the sake of it I am doing it with a character I used in a short Mythic Playtest PbP before, which brought up some interesting questions regarding managing DR X/- and DR X/Epic. Any thoughts on this one?

Funnily enough, I was just thinking on that not 30 minutes ago myself, after playing around with a Barbarian/Monk/Champion.. seeing if I could get him to grapple a Balor at Level 20/Mythic 10. (He could pin the Balor on a roll of 10 while raging, then force it to say uncle before hogtieing it with adamantine chains and breaking its neck with a coup-de-grace.)

Anyways, you take the better of the two - Say you're my Barbarian, who had DR 6/- from Barbarian abilities/Rage Powers, while he had DR 15/Epic from Mythic Powers. Against all non-Epic attacks, he has DR 15. Against Epic Attacks, his DR 15/Epic is penetrated, but he still has DR 6/- against those attacks.

So no, they don't stack, you take the better of the two that would apply against a given attack.

Unless, of course, a rule in the upcoming Mythic Adventures says that DR/Epic stacks with DR/-.

Hmm on that note, actually, I see one of the Guardian abilities says its DR stacks with "DR you posses from other abilities". I would say that in that case, say you have DR 15/Epic from that ability and DR 6/-, you'd have DR 21/Epic - Epic would bypass the DR 15, but not the DR 6.

I see a few folks saying the book's available now. At the store I still see "PDF available tomorrow". Wondering if the difference is a timezone-aware store, or subscribers getting early access, or what.

Whatever it is I can't wait to be able to buy it!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Most likely it is Subscribers, given that I have already downloaded the PDF's of my subscriptions for this month.

Subscribers only it seems. At least here it's already Thursday lunchtime, but I can't buy the PDF.
Well, I guess I'll have to actually buy this PDF once it's out.
Waiting another 4 weeks until I'm back in Europe and can buy the hardcover is hardly feasible....

By the way, any new info on Tar Kuata? My monk is slowly taking form already.^^

Got mine now. I'll be reading it on the plane home today.

Meanwhile I'm really happy with the back story I'm working on for my Saurian Druid. While I know recruitment hasn't started yet and I expect to have things I need to change, I've been having a lot of fun building her. I hope to have something to share soon.

I got the book today. There's a lot in there! It all looks sweet though. I mainly read over the champion stuff, which has me excited to play one in Wrath of the Righteous.

The things for monks are, not really surprising, not that great (compared to the caster boons and outside of combat maneuvers. Grapple got strong), but I think I'll be able to build something passable for my character concept.
(though I might end up with more paladin level than intended and having to take Dual Path(Trickster) to take Path Dabbling to take Enduring Armor to counteract that Monks can use neither Armor Master not Armored Might...)

The Warehouse guys must be slacking off. I'm a subscriber and only just got half of my order shipped this morning. Still waiting to gain access to Mythic Adventures...

Well I got the PDF version so it was instant.

Jelani, thinking about Ruarc?

Yeah, a couple of us thought that VoV's selections were complete BS, so Celeador got us together and someone found a DM to run for us.

Oh, glad Ruarc (and Maeve and the others) is getting to see play! I'll have to check in on the thread from time to time.

Stupid Gen-Con. I still don't have access to my Subscriber PDFs...

Check this out y'all. Friggin' 10 games, including all the ones we were talking about for the price of dinner for two at a decent restaurant. Not bad, not bad at all...

Just got the offer e-mailed to me and I thought I would share.

Yeah, GOG is great to stock up on all those old game, though sadly there comes a point where they don't have anything 'new' anymore. The sales repeat every few months.

True. I'm only going to buy the two I haven't played through several times before or tried and didn't like. Namely, Demon Stone and Dragonshard.

They need to make a game like ToEE, but with Pathfinder. I'd kill to be able to play Rise of the Runelords on a computer game.

Do you have to make a party in tomb of elemental evil like in Icewind Dale? Because I really hated that, there's no interaction if all the party characters are player-generated because they all have blank personalities.

You make 5 of the characters, but you can have up to 3 NPCs. So yes, very little party interaction - though the NPCs available are pretty awesome.

Especially Elmo the Fighter. "I'm not drunk, I'm Elmo!" He swaggers around constantly, and is hilarious in general.

Been keeping a spare eye on Project Eternity. Starting to wonder if it's ever actually going to release, but I'm excited. An isometric Pathfinder game of some form would be awesome, though.

Well there's the pathfinder MMO they are developing, which they are marketing as kind of the Pathfinder version of EVE online. Full sandbox. I believe it's set in the river kingdoms though. Last time I checked it was still early days also.

Edit:Holy crap that looks awesome Kagehiro. How did I not know about that?

Pathfinder Online, aye. I've been keeping tabs on it.. I can't wait.

Pathfinder Online Work In Progress Video

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