DragGon7601 |
I don't like feats or traits as a solution to this, I think that's FAR too expensive. I'm trying to find a way to make this work without a feat.
If your using them, maybe it could be a skill trick.
Broken Blade (if I'm recalling the name correctly, it's early and I'm not in front of a real computer) is an unarmed discipline. And generally you get a small boost to DCs and/or damage when using a discipline weapon with the related techniques.
It is...
Flurry Strike: Strike – Make two quick attacks on a target enemy.
Pommel Bash: Strike – A vicious elbow strike, inflicting an additional 1d6 points of damage.
Pugilist Stance: Stance – While in this stance, unarmed or discipline weapon strikes inflict an additional 1d6 points of damage, +1d6 additional damage / eight initiator levels.
And thats just copy pasting some of level 1!
and that reminds me, no one replied to my post about Zweihander Sentinel trading the wrong discipline. I'll put it in a spoiler here:
ErrantX wrote:Gambit wrote:Cross posting from the OotS forums in the hopes that Jeremy sees and it can hopefully be remedied before the book goes to print.
In the book it says that the Zweihander Sentinel trades Broken Blade for Scarlet Throne, and loses Bluff (aka, the Iron Tortoise skill) but gains Sense Motive. Shouldn't it lose Acrobatics (the Broken Blade skill), not Bluff.
Also in the Dervish Defender, it says you gain Thrashing Dragon and lose Iron Tortoise. It then says that you lose Bluff as a class skill and gain Acrobatics as a class skill...except the Warder already has Acrobatics as one of his base class skills (seeing how its also the skill for Broken Blade). So does he just lose Bluff and gain nothing?
I was confused on the question, for some reason (high on cold medicine I suspect; this cold needs to leave NOW) when I was fielding this on GiTP I was out of my mind. Zweihander Sentinels should drop Acrobatics to gain Sense Motive, not Acrobatics. And yes, Dervish Defenders drop Bluff. The reasoning for the 'gain Acrobatics' line is say you're also a member of the Veiled Moon tradition, and drop Broken Blade for it (losing Acrobatics and gaining Stealth), this would give you Dragon (gaining Acrobatics) and losing Bluff with Tortoise. Make sense?
O.o Sure it wasn't the style that you got wrong and not the skill... It makes sense that those who "eschew shields and focus on utilizing a single two-handed weapon for both offense and defense" by taking that arch-type would lose access to the shield style... I would still want the unarmed style as a back up... So maybe I'm wrong and its a balancing thing.
And for those that want to say I'm wrong because their Armament Shield ability mentions Iron Tortoise, please keep in mind that there is a feat to get maneuvers from styles you don't have and there is also things like cross classing that could get you them.
Prince of Knives |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I must say, if the mystic is the 'supernatural aspected' initiator as opposed to the more 'mundane' warlord, I'm greatly interested and highly anticipate the new material! :D
There's three such initiators, actually - the Harbinger (which emphasizes supernatural curses and battlefield control), the Mystic (name change impending, plays into a support and striking role) and Zealot (a psionically-empowered leader who binds his allies into a psychic collective).
Lord Mhoram |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Yeah, I'm displeased about the name change to be honest. I've had this class in one draft or another (that granted I was never satisfied with) for a long while and announced the class name and now Paizo is releasing one with Occult adventures. Frustration abounds.
At least it wasn't already published like RGG's Magus/Magister.
ErrantX |
ErrantX I have a question about the warlord. I know that the Unbreakable gambit doesn't stack with Force of Personality, but does this also apply to Rallying Presence?
The way Pathfinder works with attribute stacking is that you can't get the same attribute twice. So no, it wouldn't because you're already getting it effectively.
Elricaltovilla |
Pondering to buy the book(s). From what I've read this seems like a worthy successor to 9swords (which I loved).
One question though. Is there a discipline (planned or already implemented) focussing on unarmed strikes and energy based attacks (or perhaps even force damage)? I'd like my hadoken, kamehameha and machinegun KI attacks now plz :)
The Mithral Current discipline has a line of maneuvers that allow you to make melee attacks at close range (25 ft +5ft/2 levels). Unarmed Strike isn't a discipline weapon for Mithral Current, but there is a feat in the works that would allow you to use unarmed strikes with the Mithral Current discipline, thus giving you your hadoken. :)
Insain Dragoon |
The Mystic isn't in playtest yet, but one of its two primary Disciplines has been released for playtest. It's focused on time manipulation and very cool.
I really do suggest checking out the Path of War release. I think you can still purchase the Subscription on the website and get a discount on the Print version if you like it.
Of the currently released materials you'll probably really like the Stalker which is supernatural in a vein similar to Monk. Has access to a discipline making use of the Shadow Plane and can use Strikes at 25+1/2L range by spending a Ki point if they grab a certain talent.
master_marshmallow |
Namaru wrote:ErrantX I have a question about the warlord. I know that the Unbreakable gambit doesn't stack with Force of Personality, but does this also apply to Rallying Presence?The way Pathfinder works with attribute stacking is that you can't get the same attribute twice. So no, it wouldn't because you're already getting it effectively.
Is that something recently answered in the FAQ? I'm fairly certain that there are multiple ways to apply the same ability to a statistic more than once.
Michael Sayre |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
ErrantX wrote:Is that something recently answered in the FAQ? I'm fairly certain that there are multiple ways to apply the same ability to a statistic more than once.Namaru wrote:ErrantX I have a question about the warlord. I know that the Unbreakable gambit doesn't stack with Force of Personality, but does this also apply to Rallying Presence?The way Pathfinder works with attribute stacking is that you can't get the same attribute twice. So no, it wouldn't because you're already getting it effectively.
While the FAQ is still pending, the only responses from the Paizo team regarding stacking the same ability twice have either been "you can't" or "you can if you have this really specific bit of wording that differentiates between whether you're adding the bonus or adding a new bonus equal to the bonus". Currently DSP is following the more conservative interpretation that's been given. If Paizo changes that in the FAQ and allows ability mod stacking, then that changes things in a like manner for everyone and you should probably feel free to apply that ruling here as well.
Andreas Rönnqvist |
Hi Guys!
It's been a little while since we unleashed the Path of War in PDF format on all of you. Some of you have already found it (your quite the resourceful bunch, aren't you?) on Amazon, but we're here to tell you it's now available at all storefronts - the PRINT Path of War!
If you haven't already bought the PDF - make sure to pick up the awesome bundle (both book and PDF for just 29.99$).
Find it here at: Paizo, D20PFSRD, DriveThruRPG, Dreamscarred Press (and bonus preview of our upcoming website!) or Amazon.
If it is in pre-order status anywhere, it's because the books are on their way. If it's on backorder, it's because we're already sold out! :D
Changing Man |
We have an upcoming color version, which will initially be available from DriveThruRPG - however full color is more expensive, so it'll be a higher cost.
Emphasis mine.
Yeah, I'd anticipate it being more, but it would be totally worth it- I can't imagine how B/W would do justice to the artwork & layout design of PoW !Anguish |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
We have an upcoming color version, which will initially be available from DriveThruRPG - however full color is more expensive, so it'll be a higher cost.
Poop. Well, I've only got the hardcover in my shopping cart, so the trigger isn't pulled. I get it that number-of-orders helps justify "enhanced" versions such as colour releases, but, well, I'm not really interested in a B&W version on my shelf. More expensive colour release... fine.
So this is me, sitting on my hands. Which are holding my credit card. Waiting.
Jeremy Smith Publisher, Dreamscarred Press |
Skylancer4 |
I remember ErrantX mentioning something about the Stalker's saves not being listed correctly. Is there a list anywhere of the stuff like that?
How long ago? Many times things like that (items which don't require adjustment of page text, etc) can be changed in the master documents and then pushed out to each of the distributors so the next time someone downloads it, it is correct.
Gambit |
Insain Dragoon wrote:I remember ErrantX mentioning something about the Stalker's saves not being listed correctly. Is there a list anywhere of the stuff like that?How long ago? Many times things like that (items which don't require adjustment of page text, etc) can be changed in the master documents and then pushed out to each of the distributors so the next time someone downloads it, it is correct.
Apparently the Stalker and the Warlord are both supposed to have good reflex saves in the final document, but it got lost somewhere in the fold. Basically like this:
Stalker: Ref and Will
Warder: Fort and Will
Warlord: Fort and Ref
I mean seriously, how do you have a class called the Stalker that doesn't have a good reflex save. :P
Andreas Rönnqvist |
Changing Man |
So, since people asked for it, we've released a full-color softcover version of the book:
We'll see if we can offer it through other venues too, but for now, and the only for sure place to get it, is the above! :)
Most excellent :)
Was I mistaken, or hadn't I read somewhere that subscribers would get some sort of %-off the print copy?Spiral_Ninja |
I have a question about a gambit. I think it's been answered before, but I couldn't find it.
Unbreakable Gambit
Risk: The warlord attempts to succeed on a Fortitude or Will save against an extraordinary ability, maneuver, power, spell, or spell-like or supernatural ability. The effect in question must be a harmless effect on a failed saving throw. Unlike other gambits, this one can be attempted as an immediate action instead of a swift action.
Is there supposed to be a 'not' in the description: ie. The effect in question must not be a harmless effect?
If not, does that mean that, say, a Warlord's caster ally could continuously cast a harmless cantrip on him that the warlord could save vs to refill his HP?
Jeremy Smith Publisher, Dreamscarred Press |
Andreas Rönnqvist wrote:So, since people asked for it, we've released a full-color softcover version of the book:
We'll see if we can offer it through other venues too, but for now, and the only for sure place to get it, is the above! :)
Most excellent :)
Was I mistaken, or hadn't I read somewhere that subscribers would get some sort of %-off the print copy?
Yes, you should get it at $10 off.
GhanjRho |
Changing Man wrote:Yes, you should get it at $10 off.Andreas Rönnqvist wrote:So, since people asked for it, we've released a full-color softcover version of the book:
We'll see if we can offer it through other venues too, but for now, and the only for sure place to get it, is the above! :)
Most excellent :)
Was I mistaken, or hadn't I read somewhere that subscribers would get some sort of %-off the print copy?
This is news to me. How should I have accessed this? Is the ~60$ I just spent locked in?
Changing Man |
Changing Man wrote:Yes, you should get it at $10 off.Andreas Rönnqvist wrote:So, since people asked for it, we've released a full-color softcover version of the book:
We'll see if we can offer it through other venues too, but for now, and the only for sure place to get it, is the above! :)
Most excellent :)
Was I mistaken, or hadn't I read somewhere that subscribers would get some sort of %-off the print copy?
Cool! So how does this work for those of us who subscribed via your website directly, and not OBS?
Sayt |
...so, slightly odd question, maybe a little convoluted question. Let's say I'm playing a monk of irori, and I take the Wisdom In The Flesh trait to turn Acrobatics into a Dexterity based skill.
Then I take Martial Training I to Get Broken Blade maneuvers. Is my Initiating Modifer Wisdom, instead of dexterity?
Andreas Rönnqvist |
...so, slightly odd question, maybe a little convoluted question. Let's say I'm playing a monk of irori, and I take the Wisdom In The Flesh trait to turn Acrobatics into a Dexterity based skill.
Then I take Martial Training I to Get Broken Blade maneuvers. Is my Initiating Modifer Wisdom, instead of dexterity?
Initiating Modifiers are based on class, not your skills.
Prince of Knives |
Sayt wrote:Initiating Modifiers are based on class, not your skills....so, slightly odd question, maybe a little convoluted question. Let's say I'm playing a monk of irori, and I take the Wisdom In The Flesh trait to turn Acrobatics into a Dexterity based skill.
Then I take Martial Training I to Get Broken Blade maneuvers. Is my Initiating Modifer Wisdom, instead of dexterity?
Not with Martial Training.
To answer the actual question, the RAW of the feat does indeed check your modifying attribute, not the standard one, so your IM in that particular case would be Wisdom.
Changing Man |
Changing Man wrote:Yes, you should get it at $10 off.Most excellent :)
Was I mistaken, or hadn't I read somewhere that subscribers would get some sort of %-off the print copy?
This is news to me. How should I have accessed this? Is the ~60$ I just spent locked in?
Cool! So how does this work for those of us who subscribed via your website directly, and not OBS?
Just bumping up these queries that seem to have gotten buried :)
Jeremy Smith Publisher, Dreamscarred Press |
Nyaa |
Does Steelfist Commando's Bonus Feat replace Warlord's Bonus Feat, or it's additional class feature? If it's the latter, wording is really awkward. In Ultimate release, it probably deserves another name, should give bonus feats at 6 14 and 18, and Unarmed Combat and Powerful Pugilist shouldn't replace anything.