What is the DEAL with slings?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Liberty's Edge

Starbuck_II wrote:
ciretose wrote:

For S&G's, The Halfling Slingfighter

** spoiler omitted **

I have a some gold left, but I think this makes the general point.

Edited: Forgot armor, now corrected. Rush job, but as I said, makes the point.

You never bought ammo: if you use rocks you take a penalty to hit.

And remember only a loaded Sling can be used as a flail.

And thus using rocks imparts their penalty to the melee version.

Oh no, where will I find the silver for bullets...

I have a slightly different order of feats that I'd use.

Tossit the Halfling Slinger

S: 14, D: 16, C: 14, I: 10, W: 12, Ch: 10 (20 pt halfling)

Racial Alternate Trait: Warslinger

1st Point Blank, Rapid Shot
2nd Precise Shot
3rd Weapon Focus(sling)
4th Weapon Specialization (sling)
5th Deadly Aim
6th Sling Flail
7th Power attack
8th Risky Striker

This gets you two shots at first level. If I'm being threatened or can't get in a clear shot, I draw a longsword and attack while holding the sling for one attack, dealing more damage. Drop the long sword as a free action if you go back to slinging at range.

It isn't until 6th level that Sling Flail will help on a full attack in melee (removing the requirement to use a move action to draw the long sword). Armor spikes (or Light Shield) cover AOOs from 1st thru 5th.

I'd also employ the use of a buckler (or light shield). Even if the GM ruled I'd lose the buckler AC when loading the sling, I'd still have the AC when firing one shot per round. The buckler would also give instant AC when forced into melee combat.

Digital Products Assistant

Removed a few posts. Please keep hostility/passive aggressiveness out of the discussion. Additionally, discussion of other posters ages is irrelevant/off topic.

Also the main problem is sling ammo is freaking heavy. Although it is so cheap you can get all sling bullets cold iron for next to nothing. Also Rory I think you underestimate how important precise shot is at first level at that -4 penalty to hit from firing into melee is a big deal. Also the problem I have with halfling fighters is if you wear medium armor your move is only 15feet which is slow.

Liberty's Edge

doctor_wu wrote:
Also the problem I have with halfling fighters is if you wear medium armor your move is only 15feet which is slow.

Armor training.

ciretose wrote:
doctor_wu wrote:
Also the problem I have with halfling fighters is if you wear medium armor your move is only 15feet which is slow.
Armor training.

There's also the Fleet of Foot racial substitution to bump your speed up to 30.

Liberty's Edge

Chengar Qordath wrote:
ciretose wrote:
doctor_wu wrote:
Also the problem I have with halfling fighters is if you wear medium armor your move is only 15feet which is slow.
Armor training.
There's also the Fleet of Foot racial substitution to bump your speed up to 30.

It takes the same replacement at Warslinger, so you would need another feat (ammo drop) to load the sling. Could be worth it, but it is another feat. At that point, you might as well go human and not lose the strength.

Dark Archive

two words: composite sling

a brand new 1.0 character with STR buffs can get a FREE ranged weapon with a STR bonus. so the range is only 50 feet? a 1d4+4 ranged damaged for free is pretty enticing, as opposed to 475gp for a 1d6+4 or 500gp for a 1d8+4 with composite bows.

plus, the sling is a simple weapon, not martial.

Dark Archive

I have a fighter/cleric of Calistria (no, not THAT kind of cleric of Calistria) who prefers whip or rapier, but will gladly use his Wand of Magic Stone and his sling for ranged attacks on undead. If he REALLY wants to hit, he casts his Luck domain spell of True Strike the round before.

It's only 2d6+2 magic damage, but there are times that this can be very nice, and each wand cast affects three pebbles. As a bonus, if the ranged undead closes in then my cleric can chose to throw the enchanted pebbles instead.

doctor_wu wrote:
Rory I think you underestimate how important precise shot is at first level at that -4 penalty to hit from firing into melee is a big deal.

I disagree that it is a big deal. Let me explain my reasoning.

At 1st level, the slinger should typically find itself in one of three situations:

a) Clear shot, sling twice (2x 1d3+2).
b) 5 foot step back, sling twice (2x 1d3+3).
c) Move/Draw, attack once with a long sword (1d6+2).

None of these require Precise Shot. It's a smaller case that a situation develops that isn't one of these three.

But, and this is a personal preference I realize, I like to roll to hit with two attacks starting at level 1. This is more "fun" to me.

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I don't know what you guys are talking about. I built a pretty disgusting halfling wolfrider sling ranger recently around some of the new racial widgets. You have to have "warslinger" racial trait to make any of it work, but access to the Halfling Slinger feat (an addition +1, stacks with weapon focus) and also Large Target (+1 damage / size cat difference) separates you from the bow fighters. Throw in, say, beastmaster archetype and skirmisher archetype and put him on the back of a roving wolf mount, and you get to take your full sling attack while moving, and can do so in enclosed dungeon environments.

ciretose wrote:
Chengar Qordath wrote:
ciretose wrote:
doctor_wu wrote:
Also the problem I have with halfling fighters is if you wear medium armor your move is only 15feet which is slow.
Armor training.
There's also the Fleet of Foot racial substitution to bump your speed up to 30.
It takes the same replacement at Warslinger, so you would need another feat (ammo drop) to load the sling. Could be worth it, but it is another feat. At that point, you might as well go human and not lose the strength.

Or you could buy boots of springing and striding but that takes place later. Although alternate build idea halfling luring cavaleir with a sling That is mounted so does not have mobility problems. Although not sure it has the feats.

Liberty's Edge

I forgot about halfling slinger. Nice pull.

merlferburque: That's true, but it's only useful at really low levels.

Honestly, if I where to do a remake on ranged weapons, I'd have preferred if they where like this:
Ranged rebalanced

ciretose wrote:

The firearm stuff is a whole other ball of wax. I completely disagree with how that was handled and have voiced that in many other threads.

I argued that firearms should be more or less useless to non-gunslinger classes, and that only gunslingers should be able to fire them with high reload speed, and only with a high investment in gunslinger levels.

It should have been "the" class feature. Gunslingers get to actually be able to use guns effectively without the same risk everyone else has.

For everyone else, firearms should have been a high risk (could blow up in your face) one shot item that took time to reload. But they decided to make it something available to all classes without investment in gunslinger, which I think was a big mistake.

But that will have to be addressed in the next iteration, I suppose.

If it makes you feel better, firearms are terrible weapons unless you're a Gunslingers (or Trench Fighter)...

An exotic weapon with low range, low fire rate, high cost (about as much as a +1 weapon), expensive ammo, with innate fumble mechanics (that sometimes go beyond Natural 1s) and is incapable of adding any attribute to damage rolls...

Really, targeting touch AC is simply not worth the feat/gold investment unless you're a Gunslinger/Trench Fighter... Maybe a Rogue could carry one to make a single Sneak Attack in the 1st round of combat (for when she catches something with high natural armor flat-footed... But that's about it...


Firearms unless you're a Gunslinger or Trench Fighter (I've been having a lot of fun making builds that dip this archetype, though I still don't think they make it nearly as good as a straight Gunslinger) are basically Crossbows that blow up in your face. And arelike 20x as expensive. And require Exotic Weapon Proficiency.

Actually, that's EXACTLY what they are, except they have a better damage type and crit range.

And they suck for all the same reasons crossbows do, unless you're one of those two things up there.

beej67 wrote:
I don't know what you guys are talking about. I built a pretty disgusting halfling wolfrider sling ranger recently around some of the new racial widgets. You have to have "warslinger" racial trait to make any of it work, but access to the Halfling Slinger feat (an addition +1, stacks with weapon focus) and also Large Target (+1 damage / size cat difference) separates you from the bow fighters. Throw in, say, beastmaster archetype and skirmisher archetype and put him on the back of a roving wolf mount, and you get to take your full sling attack while moving, and can do so in enclosed dungeon environments.

Part of the discussion was triggered by the FAQ clarifying that the Warslinger racial trait does not apply to the Halfling sling staff. Until last week, I was fairly happy with my Halfling Warslinger/weapon master fighter. But since her chosen weapon was sling staff and none of the "load a sling as a free action" traits or feats can apply to the sling staff, I haven't figured out whether I can "fix" her yet.

beej67 wrote:
Throw in, say, beastmaster archetype and skirmisher archetype and put him on the back of a roving wolf mount, and you get to take your full sling attack while moving, and can do so in enclosed dungeon environments.

Is "your full sling attack" a mocking way to say, "a single sling attack?" Because reloading the sling takes a move action, so there's no way to get more than one shot.

mplindustries wrote:
beej67 wrote:
Throw in, say, beastmaster archetype and skirmisher archetype and put him on the back of a roving wolf mount, and you get to take your full sling attack while moving, and can do so in enclosed dungeon environments.
Is "your full sling attack" a mocking way to say, "a single sling attack?" Because reloading the sling takes a move action, so there's no way to get more than one shot.
Warslinger wrote:
Halflings are experts at the use of the sling. Halflings with this racial trait can reload a sling as a free action. Reloading a sling still requires two hands and provokes attacks of opportunity. This racial trait replaces sure-footed.

Rynjin wrote:
mplindustries wrote:
beej67 wrote:
Throw in, say, beastmaster archetype and skirmisher archetype and put him on the back of a roving wolf mount, and you get to take your full sling attack while moving, and can do so in enclosed dungeon environments.
Is "your full sling attack" a mocking way to say, "a single sling attack?" Because reloading the sling takes a move action, so there's no way to get more than one shot.
Warslinger wrote:
Halflings are experts at the use of the sling. Halflings with this racial trait can reload a sling as a free action. Reloading a sling still requires two hands and provokes attacks of opportunity. This racial trait replaces sure-footed.

Ugh. Thanks for pointing that out, but now I'm even more frustrated. I like slings. I hate halflings. Why the heck can't a non-halfling be a decent slinger? That's racist. :P

I think there's a Feat too, but it requires another Feat as a prereq. Not sure though.

mplindustries wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
mplindustries wrote:
beej67 wrote:
Throw in, say, beastmaster archetype and skirmisher archetype and put him on the back of a roving wolf mount, and you get to take your full sling attack while moving, and can do so in enclosed dungeon environments.
Is "your full sling attack" a mocking way to say, "a single sling attack?" Because reloading the sling takes a move action, so there's no way to get more than one shot.
Warslinger wrote:
Halflings are experts at the use of the sling. Halflings with this racial trait can reload a sling as a free action. Reloading a sling still requires two hands and provokes attacks of opportunity. This racial trait replaces sure-footed.
Ugh. Thanks for pointing that out, but now I'm even more frustrated. I like slings. I hate halflings. Why the heck can't a non-halfling be a decent slinger? That's racist. :P

Worse than racist, it's nonsense because the mechanical advantage of a sling derives solely from its length, which is limited by the wielder's height unless you want to try a silly timing sensitive friendly fire risking horizontal overhead swing. If anyone should racially favor the sling it should be half-orcs. It's closest to optimum for orcs with their high strength that it's expensive to fit a composite bow to and half-orcs are the tallest core PC race.

A traditional halfling sling is like a traditional orcish rapier.

Gwen Smith wrote:
beej67 wrote:
I don't know what you guys are talking about. I built a pretty disgusting halfling wolfrider sling ranger recently around some of the new racial widgets. You have to have "warslinger" racial trait to make any of it work, but access to the Halfling Slinger feat (an addition +1, stacks with weapon focus) and also Large Target (+1 damage / size cat difference) separates you from the bow fighters. Throw in, say, beastmaster archetype and skirmisher archetype and put him on the back of a roving wolf mount, and you get to take your full sling attack while moving, and can do so in enclosed dungeon environments.
Part of the discussion was triggered by the FAQ clarifying that the Warslinger racial trait does not apply to the Halfling sling staff. Until last week, I was fairly happy with my Halfling Warslinger/weapon master fighter. But since her chosen weapon was sling staff and none of the "load a sling as a free action" traits or feats can apply to the sling staff, I haven't figured out whether I can "fix" her yet.

Oh freaking yuck.

I think I'll tactfully ignore telling my gaming group about that clarification.

Man, yeah, that sucks. Guess most of that Halfling expansion was wasted ink.

mplindustries wrote:
beej67 wrote:
Throw in, say, beastmaster archetype and skirmisher archetype and put him on the back of a roving wolf mount, and you get to take your full sling attack while moving, and can do so in enclosed dungeon environments.
Is "your full sling attack" a mocking way to say, "a single sling attack?" Because reloading the sling takes a move action, so there's no way to get more than one shot.


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beej67 wrote:
Gwen Smith wrote:
beej67 wrote:
I don't know what you guys are talking about. I built a pretty disgusting halfling wolfrider sling ranger recently around some of the new racial widgets. You have to have "warslinger" racial trait to make any of it work, but access to the Halfling Slinger feat (an addition +1, stacks with weapon focus) and also Large Target (+1 damage / size cat difference) separates you from the bow fighters. Throw in, say, beastmaster archetype and skirmisher archetype and put him on the back of a roving wolf mount, and you get to take your full sling attack while moving, and can do so in enclosed dungeon environments.
Part of the discussion was triggered by the FAQ clarifying that the Warslinger racial trait does not apply to the Halfling sling staff. Until last week, I was fairly happy with my Halfling Warslinger/weapon master fighter. But since her chosen weapon was sling staff and none of the "load a sling as a free action" traits or feats can apply to the sling staff, I haven't figured out whether I can "fix" her yet.

Oh freaking yuck.

I think I'll tactfully ignore telling my gaming group about that clarification.

Man, yeah, that sucks. Guess most of that Halfling expansion was wasted ink.

It does seem a bit stupid that the halfling racial bonuses with slings don't apply to the halfling racial sling. I really don't get the logic behind Paizo's rules decisions sometimes.

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Chengar Qordath wrote:
It does seem a bit stupid that the halfling racial bonuses with slings don't apply to the halfling racial sling. I really don't get the logic behind Paizo's rules decisions sometimes.

Here is the funny part for me:

Warslinger FAQ wrote:

Halfling, Warslinger: What kind of slings does the this reload ability work with?

The warslinger ability says, "Halflings with this racial trait can reload a sling as a free action." It doesn't say "any type of sling" or "all slings," just "a sling." The ability only affects standard slings, not halfling sling staffs or any other kind of sling.


The phrase "a sling" could mean "any sling" in the English language. The Pathfinder books have precendence of this in fact. The usages of "a bow" and "a shield" to apply to any bow or any shield proliferate the books.

Imagine the uproar if people were to take the Warslinger FAQ as precedence. Manyshot archers would have a fit that their composite long bows stopped functioning because Manyshot only refers to "a bow".


Manyshot (Combat)
You can fire multiple arrows at a single target.

Prerequisites: Dex 17, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: When making a full-attack action with a bow, your first attack fires two arrows. If the attack hits, both arrows hit. Apply precision-based damage (such as sneak attack) and critical hit damage only once for this attack. Damage bonuses from using a composite bow with a high Strength bonus apply to each arrow, as do other damage bonuses, such as a ranger's favored enemy bonus. Damage reduction and resistances apply separately to each arrow.

NOTE: The Warslinger FAQ's meaning is crystal clear. I don't agree with it, but that is just my opinion.

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Well this isn't the first time a FAQ has made no sense and everyone ignored it. Such as that loony monk flurry FAQ that made zen archers actually physically contradictory and impossible to play.

Seems reasonable to me to just ignore it.

beej67 wrote:

Well this isn't the first time a FAQ has made no sense and everyone ignored it. Such as that loony monk flurry FAQ that made zen archers actually physically contradictory and impossible to play.

Seems reasonable to me to just ignore it.

Yes, but it does chop the option off in PFS. In my home game I will certainly ignore it.

beej67 wrote:
Seems reasonable to me to just ignore it.

For house rule games, definitely you can. For PFS, we can't, alas.

Honestly, with the last years major rulings, I feel official pathfinder has become worse. Before a ruling, ambiguous rules are up to the gms and groups to decide, but when the ruling is there it's there. And honestly I feel like they've become worse and worse.

Don't the guys that oversee PFS have the ability to overrule Paizo in creating league-wide "house rules?" I know they dumped all the custom gear creation rules, and they're pretty strict about WBL. Couldn't they also fix a couple of these problematic FAQs as well, for the purposes of their league?

Just curious. I've never played PFS, and don't really intend to. Just not my thing.

The PFS folks generally restrict more than the FAQs. I can't think of an instance in which they have opened up options closed by a FAQ.

Chengar Qordath wrote:

It does seem a bit stupid that the halfling racial bonuses with slings don't apply to the halfling racial sling. I really don't get the logic behind Paizo's rules decisions sometimes.

Well, you don't want people to play halflings or use superior slings do you?

In PFS, they're like locusts. ;)

drbuzzard wrote:
The PFS folks generally restrict more than the FAQs. I can't think of an instance in which they have opened up options closed by a FAQ.

By necessity.

To be able to play the same character at different tables all over the world, you need to know that all GMs interpret the gray areas the same way. Otherwise my poor little Halfling warslinger would kick butt one week and be completely useless the next, depending on the GM's reading. For me, it would be a lot worse to get blindsided by that switch in the middle of the first combat.

Sure, it's frustrating when a ruling goes a different way than you were hoping, but you don't play PFS unless you think that the benefits of organized play more than make up for the occasional annoyances of not being 100% in control.

Per the upcoming 5.0 PFS Guide document, it seems you will be able to "fix" your halfsling slinger that was dependent on the Warslinger trait working with halfling sling staffs.

"If a feat or trait changes or is removed from the
Additional Resources list: You have two options. First,
you may either switch the old feat for an updated feat
of the same name in another legal source (if available),
ignoring any prerequisites of the new feat you do not
meet. Alternatively, you may replace the feat entirely with
another feat for which you meet all the prerequisites.
If a class or prestige class changes in such a way that
you no longer have proficiency with a given weapon or
armor type: You may sell back the affected equipment and
only the affected equipment at full market value."

It seems a fairly straight forward process to allow replacing halfling sling staff dependent feats and items with equivalent sling feats and items. Granted, you'd still need +2 feats (WF: Sling, Sling Flail) to make the complete transition. A character doesn't seem to be completely wasted though.

Whether that is any consolation or not is of course per the player.

beej67 wrote:

Well this isn't the first time a FAQ has made no sense and everyone ignored it. Such as that loony monk flurry FAQ that made zen archers actually physically contradictory and impossible to play.

Seems reasonable to me to just ignore it.

Hey! That's not true! Zen Archers were not impossible to play, you just needed 4 arms to do it! :D

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Justin Rocket wrote:

Swords are nice, but the only time Miyamoto Musashi was defeated was by a guy with a Jo (short staff).

One of the things I don't like about Pathfinder is that the game designers have absolutely NO interest in _the rule of cool_. They want bows to be the best ranged weapon, they want magic to trump martial, etc. and stamp a waxy seal of designer fiat on top of it.

And since they're the biggest d20 game in town, you take the bad with the good.

As usual I see a lot of very broad complaints with no real substance to define them. and no merit argument to back them up.

The Designers do A LOT of service to the Rule of Cool. The inquisitor is pretty much taken from the hit movie "Van Helsing", and the iconics themselves pretty much embody "cool".

What they don't do, is give "Rule of Cool" carte blanche to override aesthetic, taste, game balance, and verisimilitude. Slings are in the game, because D+D used to give haflings a racial bonus with them which was the only reason they were ever used by players. Nowadays, haflings aren't quite so rigidly pigeonholed but they're in the game as they should be. they're cheap weapons that one would expect to find among common folk and savage or barbarian communities with limited weapon resources.

Bows are the best ranged weapons for a good reason. Outside of firearms, in the hands of a skilled user, nothing beat them in real life either. Crossbows are essentially conscript weapons, they take relatively little training to shoot, they'd fire them and then it would be melee time.

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LazarX wrote:

What they don't do, is give "Rule of Cool" carte blanche to override aesthetic, taste, game balance, and verisimilitude.

aesthetics? taste? that's what the rule of cool is all about

verisimilitude? to what?? You know this is a -fantasy- game, right? If they wanted verisimilitude, wizards would just be cross dressing homeless people waving their hands at you.

LazarX wrote:

Bows are the best ranged weapons for a good reason. Outside of firearms, in the hands of a skilled user, nothing beat them in real life either.

Hoplologists do not consider this settled

In 3.5 they had a feat: Ranged Disarm which allowed a disarm at range. Frankly, after all of this thread, that's all I'd really like to have for my slinger.

When I pitched this thread one of my fellow players in the game we're starting caught sight of it and flat out asked me: what do you SEE your Halfling doing w/the sling? When I thought about it, I didn't see my guy dealing out 2 shots +21 (1d3 +11). I saw a ranger, hidden in the forest who, at the signal of the party's leader whips a bullet from the shadows knocking a sword from the enemy's hand.

I picture bouncing/ricochet shots, disarms, single hits that make one devastating hit instead of a hail of bullets. I imagine at the highest level of skill being able to sunder weapons or even stun someone w/out killing them.

NONE of this is possible by RAW. I'll be working w/my GM since this is a home game, to see if we can houserule some stuff. Re-flavoring Rapid Shot to say it's bouncing a shot off one target into another or maybe allowing ranged Cleave/Great Cleave; allowing Ranged Disarm and similarly creating a Ranged Dirty Trick or Ranged Sunder; perhaps a Ranged Stunning Fist.

I don't need to be able to hit 4 times a round dealing 4d8 + 4d6 (fire) +48. Hitting with 2 potential stuns or shattering the BBEG's weapon would be just as cool.

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Nicos wrote:
DrDeth wrote:

Would anyone demand that a person wielding a dagger do as good as a TH sword? Of course not. Why would expect that the cheap primitive shepherd's sling do as much as the most dangerous weapon in the middles-ages, the longbow?

The LB is simply the much superior weapon, and that's exactly how it should be. It should also be superior to the CB- as it WAS superior to the CB. But still, both the CB and the sling are decent options for some PC's.

The realism argument is not good.

Crossbows just have much more penetration power. The crossbow was so strong that the pope baned it.

Not really:

"29. We prohibit under anathema that murderous art of crossbowmen and archers, which is hateful to God, to be employed against Christians and Catholics from now on. "

Thus Pope Innocent II tried to stop Catholics from shooting each other. With anything.

Also Jousting:14. We entirely forbid, moreover, those abominable jousts and tournaments in which knights come together by agreement and rashly engage in showing off their physical prowess and daring, and which often result in human deaths and danger to souls. If any of them dies on these occasions, although penance and viaticum are not to be denied him when he requests them, he is to be deprived of a church burial.

Lemmy wrote:

The game is designed so that bows are the only decent option for ranged combat. Every other ranged weapons sucks.

Well, almost... Firearms are pretty good if you're a Gunslinger or Trench Fighter (but they suck even more than crossbows for everyone else).

Crossbows? Sorry, they suck. Firearms... Are you a Gunslinger? No? Sorry, they suck. Slings... Sorry they suck. Thrown weapon... Hah! They make crossbows look good!

I'm beginning to realize how limited are the options for martial characters. It's either 2-Handed , Archery, TWF (with 2 light weapons) or Sword & Board. With great effort, you can push "Combat Maneuvers" here too, but only at low/mid levels and against humanoids.

All other options are either illegal or so ineffective that they might as well be illegal...

Why? I have no idea, but I'm guessing it's because otherwise, it'd not fit "standard" fantasy.


I've found that double-barreled firearms are good opener for rogues when attacking on either the surprise round or from concealment/invisibility.

Being able to hit touch AC twice before you have a full action to set up flanking with is pretty nice. The lack of damage from attributes is made up for by the attacking twice and sneak attack.

Pistol Myrmidarch magi are pretty nice too. You can use your ranged spellstrike with say a snowball without losing the touch based nature of the spell, and you can now also apply deadly aim if you have it.

I haven't read all of the preceding thread closely but will point out that (a very feat intensive and in my view not enough damage return) feat tree involving the sling flail feat.

In theory with one weapon you would have a missile weapon (which you can spend feats to make quicker in re-loads, damage, range, etc.) as well as the same weapon being a hand to hand weapon for you too (with trip and disarm properties apparently). Now also all of your combat bonuses do not differentiate between the ranged or hand to hand utility of the weapons so in theory by utilising a sling you could:

a. Have a ranged/hand to hand combo weapon that you can maximise in terms of feats (although the flail is a martial weapon whereas a sling is a simple weapon so not all classes can do this).
b. It saves you cash into the bargain too, with any magic items in theory being able to be utilised in both attack modes.

That said I still don't think it does enough damage.


ciretose wrote:

The crossbow is the ranged weapon of choice for people who aren't proficient with longbows and who don't have particularly high strength.

Which is pretty consistent with what a crossbow was.

With one feat the sling is both a ranged weapon that adds strength damage and a melee weapon. So you can get that +3 sling rather than two +2 weapons. Oh, and your weapon focus, specialization, etc...all on one weapon.

And as I said, you are walking around with basically a piece of cloth rather than the more obvious Giant Sword.

Nonsense. I own a modern steel crossbow (as well as several bows of various types), and strength is a major attribute for the dedicated crossbow user. Even with a winch, your rate of fire will depend on it. Pre-firearms crossbows didn't have modern winches and generally used footstraps and levers, which was hard work. That's not even getting into the fact that crossbows are beastly heavy. Unless you are holed up in a fortified ditch, a guy with a crossbow is much more likely to be run down than the same guy with a bow.

Then again, to be realistic we should have the size of composite bow (and thrown weapon) range increments be dependant on strength, and I doubt that a lot of people would actually want that kind of realism.

Justin Rocket wrote:

Swords are nice, but the only time Miyamoto Musashi was defeated was by a guy with a Jo (short staff).

One of the things I don't like about Pathfinder is that the game designers have absolutely NO interest in _the rule of cool_. They want bows to be the best ranged weapon, they want magic to trump martial, etc. and stamp a waxy seal of designer fiat on top of it.

And since they're the biggest d20 game in town, you take the bad with the good.

Bit harsh! Not the designers call. They are true to the history of a very old game that for all its supposed problems has outlasted ALL the other games that 'fixed' these problems.

If it works, don't fix it !!

Exp.when others who tried are now ignored and out of business.

As an aside personally I love slings, have played with them, always wanted sling love. That said if that 'deadliest warrior' show is anything to go by slings are constant under performers never doing killshots and hardly even effecting anything half the time.. that said all their 'experts' use the twirly twirl sling technique.

Best use for a sling is stone shape and fire trap (maybe dazing spell) ammo!

Otherwise slings really do seem to lack power when it comes to numbers and tests despite our hopes otherwise:

Little note on slings: I've made a little build with a double sling; in theory, it can shoot out as many projetiles as a zen archer, and with the right fighter archetype, it can have even more accuracy. It is feat intensive, but it's doable (for a fighter anyway).

Post it for use to see. Nothing like an unusual to spice a thread.



Sorry for the link. I posted it up earlier but it didnt seem to get any attention. It's seeing this thread that made me want to build it.

I was part of an experiment with actual slings and Lake Superior slingstones ala watersmoothed rocks. A sling could easily break bones through plate, as we had some errant stones that cracked a nearby granite and concrete pier, and this was from 12-13 strength commoners. Another big factor with slings is that there is a substantial windup prior to release, which takes up the length of the sling, and on a poorly timed release you could easily kill someone in range of the cast, we had some near misses. You can also throw a sling bullet way way farther than a standard self bow, but accuracy falls off a lot more. They would also bounce as an indirect weapon.
I think the sling is an excellent weapon and if practiced you could put one through a bone skull easily. Its best use is as a survival weapon, cheap ammo, made from (1) 3" strip of leather 3 feet long. We made ours in about 20 minutes.
In game terms I think they should be easily fit into an alchemist fitup, but they are a really slow loading weapon similar in time to a heavy crossbow, and a higher critical failure range, with ability to penetrate lower DR armor.

Well, there are "alchemical bullets" for slings; it's in the special ammo section on the d20pfsrd, for about 180 gp you can get a special bullet in which you can fit an alchemical item (like a tanglefoot bag, or alchemist's fire.

If you ignore the notoriously theatrical histories of ancient 'historians' and look at the numbers (in link above) -

Sling Stones are generating up to 36 joules(anywhere from 16 to 27 ftlbs)
which is less then basically any other weapon tested.
Nevermind the large impact area which makes it even less effective (even if fantasy artists infected with warhammer childhoods more and more prefer stupidly big weapons that ignore the laws of physics and thresholds where acceleration is hampered negatively by mass).

To break a rib 67 ftlbs are needed and thats not including the WORST armour possible.

Really numbers indicate they sucked. En-mass 200+ stones raining on your army will have a massive impact even if its only in keeping them high strung, bruises, annoyance and bad footing for people and mounts. Kill Shots - not likely!

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