Reign of Winter AP - Looking for one or two more players


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The window for applications is now closed, and no new entries will be accepted.

I will post the selections to this thread in the next day or two and privately message the players selected.

Thank you all for your great entries!

Since the invitation to reapply came via a PM, I think it might be appropriate to be notified that way, either way.

i'm checking back here a few times a day to see about the selections, so either way is fine with me.

Tenro wrote:
We're checking back here a few times a day to see about the selections, so either way is fine with us.

Thanks to Marik Whiterose for summarizing and categorizing the entries.

These were the entries I identified and have been going through:

JASON RODARTE- Nathalia Greenmeadow- F- C/N- Human (Jadwiga)- Witch (Hedge Witch)

Xzaral- Hyporia Stardust- F- C/G- Human- Oracle (Flame)
Troy Malovich- Oliver Hoffman- M- N/G- Half-elf- Oracle (Lore)
littlehewy- Bazikian- M- C/G- Gnome- Cleric of Desna
Chyrone- Wade Irwin- M- L/G- Human Cleric (Crusader) of Sarenrae
bigrin42- Kiren Blatterkin- F- C/G- Half-elf Cleric (Merciful Healer) of Milani
Marcus Valere - Daegan Crosmeir - M C/G Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum

Yossarin- Aurachas- M- C/N Human- Magus (Hexcrafter)
Kuolio- Pharrell- M- N Elf- Magus (Hexcrafter/Staff Magus)
Marik Whiterose- Magnus Olafson- M- C/G- Human (Ulfen)- Magus (Hexcrafter)
Wolfgang Rolf- Brynjar Kilaanti- M- N- Human (Chelaxian/Ulfen)- Barbarian
Barvo Delancy.- Cervin Kelinson- M- L/G- Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) of Erastil
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper- Verak Grimwolf- M- C/G- Human (Ulfen)- Ranger (Guide/Skirmisher)
Tenro- Kennar- M- L/N- Human Fighter (Two-weapon)
Loki Tadych- Ralkat Infer Noghaltz- M- L/N- Half-orc Fighter
grimblade - Gedeon - M L/G Human Magus

Will there be a notification today?

Sorry this took so long but it seems I'm busier on my days off of work than I am at work.


Magnus was born in the capital city of Oppara, his father was a member of Grand Prince Stavian's Ulfen guard, his mother a fugitive Winter witch from Irissen who, after rebuffing her master's advances, fled Whitethrone in fear for her life.
After leaving the Prince's service the young family, unwilling to return to the north, sought a small village to settle down in. Using his new found wealth his father purchased a plot of land in the village of Heldren where he set up a small business and his mother used her skills as a local apothecary and wise woman in the village.
Blessed with his Father's height and strength and his mother's quick wit and intelligence Magnus spent his days training with his father and his evenings studying with his mother.
Life was good in Heldren as Magnus spent time with the village children his age, often sparring with the village boys or learning magic with Arkady and Aishe. Soon Magnus was able to combine his martial prowess with his arcane teaching into one seamless discipline, using the movement of his sword arm and his off hand to cast the spells his mother had taught him.
Then one day Magnus awoke to find frost on the ground of his village, in the middle of summer, and his friends had gone to investigate the mysterious goings on in the border woods. They had left him without so much as a good bye. Crest fallen at having been left behind while his friends traveled on a grand adventure Magnus packed his meager belongings, strapped on his sword belt, and left on his own to find and join the others to find the origin of this unnatural weather.

After consulting with the players, and careful consideration, I've selected the following two players to join our game:

Cervin Kelinson, Taldan Lawful Good Paladin (Divine Hunter) of Erastil. Played by Barvo Delancy.
Daegan Corsmeir, Half-Orc Chaotic Good Cleric of Gorum. Played Proioxis.

There were a lot of good entries, and I had to exclude a lot of otherwise-good characters due to overlapping duties with existing characters. Thank you all for your time and patience!

Cervin and Daegan, please feel free to post to the discussion thread and say hello. I'll be introducing your characters in the game shortly.

Thanks for the second opportunity!

A ranged paladin... very well, have a good game!

Thank you for the consideration but in the future if people do drop out of your game, please do not contact me to resubmit for a 3rd time. I am no longer interested in your games. Thanks.

Thanks for the consideration. Keep me in mind for future positions in this game or any other.

Silver Crusade

Thank you for the opportunity! Good luck and have fun with your games!!!

Thanks so much for selecting me. There were a ton of great applicants here :)

I'll give it another go in the future if you need another player.

In the (hopefully unlikely) event that we need another player, I will privately message all interested applicants in this thread if there is another recruitment phase.

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