Hadesblade |
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This came up in our last session our Barbarian player was raging and got hit by cause fear and failed the save. I ruled that since it made him frightened it automattically ended his rage. But now I want to clarify if fear effects from spells and such ends their rage? I can see maybe not while being shaken but frightened or terrified I would think would end their rage.

lemeres |

....but fear leads to anger.
So I would also give them a hate and suffering effect. *waits for the rotten tomatoes*
But it is a nice point. If one solves all their problems by getting angry and cutting it in half with a greatsword, how would they react to something that scares them? I would think the response would end up being the same.

Rynjin |
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In addition, yes a Barbarian can flank in Rage, yes they can talk, open a door without smashing it down, and no they don't turn into mouth breathing retards when they activate their class features either.
Rage does what it says it does. It disallows what it says it disallows. It ends when it says it ends.
"A barbarian can end her rage as a free action and is fatigued after rage for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the rage. A barbarian cannot enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter rage multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a barbarian falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends, placing her in peril of death."
The Barbarian can end it, or the Barbarian can fall unconscious/die. These are the two deactivation conditions. And the Barbarian can take a Feat to negate the latter.
Not Feared, Paralyzed, Entangled, Grappled, Prone, or any other condition.

Claxon |

A barbarian can't enter rage when fatigued/exhausted. But neither condition ends the rage, right? Like being hit by a ray of exhaustion while raging.
That's correct. Becoming fatigued while raging will not end your rage. However, if you end your rage while fatigued you will not be able to enter rage again until you get rid of the fatigue condition.
I can only think of one way to forcibly cause a barbarian to end their rage and that is Calm Emotions spell.
Sounds like only two things end their rage. To me several mind effecting things seem plausible to end rage. Like charm person or domination. Oh I'm shaken and take -2 to hit? Here let me rage and offset that. To me that doesn't seem right that only they end it by will or getting knocked out.
Nope, there shouldn't be a way to easily negate such a basic class feature. If you take away the barbarians rage he can't use any of his rage powers and looses his bonus to attack and damage. Imagine if you could deny a fighter his bonus to attack and damage from his Weapon Training class ability. Would that seem fair? No! It shouldn't be easy to turn the barbarian from good into worse than the fighter by causing him to be afraid or shaken. Rage is the core of the barbarian class, if you prevent a barbarian from raging all you've done is screwed him.
Spells do exactly what they say they do, and with the exception of the Calm Emotions spells I don't know of any that will affect the barbarians rage, and that's how it should be for the reasons I stated above. Don't think of it as the barbarian is shaken and then enrages to negate the penalties, think of it as the barbarian is raging and that +2 to attack and damage he normally gets is now negated by the shaken condition you've caused.

KainPen |
rage would not end until the barbains turn. at which point would do all he can to run away fear source. that may require him to still rage on his next turn leaping over table, cliff ect. I would say it depens on his rage power. If rage would not be helpful he would run away as normal letting his rage end.

Claxon |

rage would not end until the barbains turn. at which point would do all he can to run away fear source. that may require him to still rage on his next turn leaping over table, cliff ect. I would say it depens on his rage power. If rage would not be helpful he would run away as normal letting his rage end.
Wrong, his rage doesn't end and he's not forced to run away unless panicked or frieghtened. Neither of which still causes the barbarian to end his rage, and in fact he would have to use his rage to escape if his rage powers would allow him to do so in a better fashion (such as a Dragon Totem barbarian using the flight granted by Dragon Totem Wings power to fly away from threats that cannot fly).

KainPen |
KainPen wrote:rage would not end until the barbains turn. at which point would do all he can to run away fear source. that may require him to still rage on his next turn leaping over table, cliff ect. I would say it depens on his rage power. If rage would not be helpful he would run away as normal letting his rage end.Wrong, his rage doesn't end and he's not forced to run away unless panicked or frieghtened. Neither of which still causes the barbarian to end his rage, and in fact he would have to use his rage to escape if his rage powers would allow him to do so in a better fashion (such as a Dragon Totem barbarian using the flight granted by Dragon Totem Wings power to fly away from threats that cannot fly).
I belive that is what I said. if you read it.
because the fear effect happens not on his turn. we are assumeing based on the op post the barb was already raging and the fear effect happens after his turn. So he is still raged until his next turn. at which point the op points out he is sure shaken would not cause it to end. which it does not all it does is give -2 to good number of roll and checks. So he is talking about frieghtened, and panicked. which on the barb turn would be to flee from the fear source as via the best possiable way. which may require him to keep raging even if the player does not want to. only if rage did not help him escape would could he end it is the players choice to keep raging at not. just because he is feared does not mean has has no control over his character. The player could easly end his rage to save rage rounds he has left.
Claxon |

I belive that is what I said. if you read it.
because the fear effect happens not on his turn. we are assumeing based on the op post the barb was already raging and the fear effect happens after his turn. So he is still raged until his next turn. at which point the op points out he is sure shaken would not cause it to end. which it does not all it does is give -2 to good number of roll and checks. So he is talking about frieghtened, and panicked. which on the barb turn would be to flee from the fear source as via the best possiable way. which may require him to keep raging even if the player does not want to. only if rage did not help him escape would could he end it is the players choice to keep raging at not. just because he is feared does not mean has has no control over his character. The player could easly end his rage to save rage rounds he has left.
The part that i was saying that you're wrong about is that the barbarians rage ever ends, unless by the players choice. The way your post reads when it says, "rage would not end until the barbains turn" implies that it ends on his turn. With this additional post your position becomes more clear.