FAQs and new available Prestige Classes


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Grand Lodge

11 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.

So, now that we have this FAQ, and this FAQ, a whole slew of Prestige Classes have opened up, and other various builds.

So, other than 3rd level Eldritch Knights, what other things have opened up?

Any advice on creating new builds around the combination of these two FAQs?

blackbloodtroll wrote:

So, now that we have this FAQ, and this FAQ, a whole slew of Prestige Classes have opened up, and other various builds.

So, other than 3rd level Eldritch Knights, what other things have opened up?

Any advice on creating new builds around the combination of these two FAQs?

Kinda confused as to what specific faqs you meant... sorry... can you elaborate>?

Also Most of the prestige classes in Pathfinder seem... nerfed...

Can we fix some of them... such as the Rage Prophet Prestige class

Grand Lodge

Follow the links.

Well, getting into them around 2nd, or 3rd level, make them much more viable.

Rage Prophet is not really effected by these FAQs.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Follow the links.

Well, getting into them around 2nd, or 3rd level, make them much more viable.

Rage Prophet is not really effected by these FAQs.

I followed the links... perhaps they are broken?

One link opens up a Faq about
Spell-Like Abilities: How do I know whether a spell-like ability is arcane or divine?
Most spell-like abilities should be considered arcane, unless the spell in question only appears on the standard cleric or druid spell list (such as holy smite) or something about the creature strongly indicates its spell-like abilities should be considered divine (such as a solar's spell-like abilities, as a solar usually directly serves a deity).

("Standard spell list" meaning "not altered in some way by an archetype, prestige class, racial ability, and so on.")

—Pathfinder Design Team, today

and the other is
Heighten Spell: How does this spell combine with other metamagic feats and using higher-level slots for lower-level spells?
Heighten Spell is worded poorly and can be confusing. It lets you use a higher-level spell slot for a spell, treating the spell as if it were naturally a higher level spell than the standard version. Unlike Still Spell, which always adds +1 to the level of the spell slot used for a spell, Heighten Spell lets you decide increase a spell's level anywhere from +1 to +9, using a spell slot that is that many spell levels higher than the normal spell.

The language implies that the heightened spell uses whatever spell level is used to prepare or cast it, but the rules text was inherited from 3.5 and doesn't take into account (1) the normal rule allowing you to prepare a spell with a higher-level spell slot, and (2) combining it with other metamagic feats.

For (1), having Heighten Spell doesn't mean any spell you cast with a higher-level slot is automatically heightened; you still have to make the decision to prepare or cast the spell an normal or heightened.
If you are a non-spontaneous caster (such as a cleric or wizard) who wants to prepare a lower-level spell in a higher-level slot, there is no reason not to use Heighten Spell on that spell (it doesn't cost you any extra time or any other game "currency").
If you are a spontaneous caster, heightening a spell when using a higher-level spell slot still increases the casting time, just like any other use of metamagic, so you have to weigh the benefits of either
• casting it normally using the higher-level slot
• increasing the casting time to cast it as a heightened spell and treat the spell as the level of the spell slot you're using.
Example A 10th-level sorcerer could cast fireball using a 3rd-, 4th-, or 5th-level spell slot, it would only be a standard action casting time, would count as a 3rd-level spell, and have a DC of 13 + Charisma bonus. If she had Heighten Spell and wanted to heighten it using a 4th- or 5th-level spell slot, it would have a full-round action casting time, but would count as a 4th- or 5th-level spell and have a DC of 14 + Cha bonus (for a 4th-level spell) or 15 + Cha bonus (for a 5th-level slot).

For (2), you can't apply Heighten Spell to a spell at no cost: any increase to the effective spell level of the spell must be tracked and paid for by using a higher-level spell slot, above and beyond any other spell level increases from the other metamagic feats.
Example: A 15th-level wizard has Quicken Spell. If he prepares a quickened fireball, that requires a 7th-level spell slot (fireball 3rd level + quicken 4 levels). The spell's DC is still 13 + his Int bonus because it's still just a 3rd-level spell, even though it's in a 7th-level spell slot. If he also has Heighten Spell, the spell is not automatically heightened; it still counts as a 3rd-level spell and has the DC of a 3rd-level spell. If he wants to increase the quickened fireball's effective level with Heighten Spell, he needs to use an even higher level spell slot than the adjusted spell level from the Quicken Spell feat. Increasing the fireball's effective spell level by +1 (from 3rd to 4th) requires using a spell slot +1 level higher (in this case, an 8th-level spell slot instead of a 7th-level slot); increasing the fireball's effective spell level by +2 (from 3rd to 5th) requires using a spell slot +2 levels higher (in this case, a 9th-level spell slot instead of a 7th-level slot).

Another way to look at (2) it is to add Heighten Spell first, then other metamagic feats. Continuing the above example, you'd first heighten the fireball to a 4th-level spell, then quicken it, which requires an 8th-level spell slot (fireball 4th level + quicken 4 levels). Or first heighten the fireball to a 5th-level spell, then quicken it, which requires a 9th-level spell slot (fireball 5th level + quicken 4 levels).

(Heighten Spell is a weak metamagic feat and has limited utility when combined with other metamagic feats.)

—Pathfinder Design Team, 06/10/13

Has nothing to do with Prestige classes... unless I'm missing something>?

Can you elaborate instead of posting links? (I'm not trying to Troll or be a D-bag... I'm confused as to what you are referring to in the Faqs


The other one was supposed to be the link to the FAQ that says spell like abilities count as "spells of X level" when determining prerequisites and stuff like that. It with the moats are Arcane unless otherwise XYZ means you could be wiz 1 cleric 3 and have the spell reqs done for mystic thurge instead of doing 3/3. Combined with the +2 cl trait means you cast cleric spells 100% at your character -1; wizard spells at cl the same as cleric but prepare them 3 lower....makes up for a lot.

I think they mean using SP abilities to qualify for PrCs that require you to 'cast 2nd level arcane spells/caster level of x' or the like. At least that would be my guess from the first link.

A for the heighten FAQ, not quite sure what that has to do with it.

Grand Lodge

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Neither link goes to any FAQ about Heighten Spell.

I have double checked.

They are:

FAQ wrote:

Spell-Like Abilities: How do I know whether a spell-like ability is arcane or divine?

Most spell-like abilities should be considered arcane, unless the spell in question only appears on the standard cleric or druid spell list (such as holy smite) or something about the creature strongly indicates its spell-like abilities should be considered divine (such as a solar's spell-like abilities, as a solar usually directly serves a deity).

("Standard spell list" meaning "not altered in some way by an archetype, prestige class, racial ability, and so on.")


FAQ wrote:

Item Creation Feats: Does having a caster level from a spell-like ability meet the caster level prerequisite for selecting an item creation feat?


And this is important because?

Grand Lodge

So, like the example of getting into Eldritch Knight at 3rd level, I am looking to other Prestige Classes that would accessed earlier, or by classes that otherwise wouldn't meet the prerequisites before, without multiclassing.

How are you qualifying for third level spells at level three for EK?

Liberty's Edge

gnomersy wrote:
How are you qualifying for third level spells at level three for EK?

BBT is referring to this entry in the FAQ.

Although, wouldn't an aasimar be able to take the Eldritch Knights at level 2?

RedDogMT wrote:
gnomersy wrote:
How are you qualifying for third level spells at level three for EK?
BBT is referring to this entry in the FAQ.

Right I assumed that but I assume the spell counts as the default spell of it's level aka cleric for divine or wizard for arcane, so what gives you access to a 3rd level wizard spell at level 3?

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Well, level 1 actually.

The Daylight spell-like ability.

The combination of these 2 FAQs opens a lot of possibilities.

I am not quite sure how to stress that more.

I am looking to see much more of what it opens up.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Well, level 1 actually.

The Daylight spell-like ability.

The combination of these 2 FAQs opens a lot of possibilities.

I am not quite sure how to stress that more.

I am looking to see much more of what it opens up.

Ah that right I never pay attention to aasimar and the other way out there races because I always felt like they'd just be weird to play most of the time. Well that being said I can see it being good for a free entry into Arcane Trickster as a Rogue, useful for free entry into Mystic Theurge as well.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Well, level 1 actually.

The Daylight spell-like ability.

The combination of these 2 FAQs opens a lot of possibilities.

I am not quite sure how to stress that more.

I am looking to see much more of what it opens up.

2nd level, they have no proficiencies without another class. EK couldn't be used to qualify for itself. The other issue is, not having a spell list to advance wastes the PrC for all intents and purposes.

Realistically a level of some martial class and some caster class would be necessary. Get all martial weapon proficiencies and have a class to advance casting via EK chosen at 3rd level. Also you'd have to keep a decent chunk of your wealth aside to purchase scrolls of spells as you wouldn't be getting any from leveling up EK.

Grand Lodge

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One level of Magus, be an Aasimar, and second level, go into Eldritch Knight.

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I'm starting a guide on that: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZFnvgbhjMibHJRft0dl_4gbcMw0-dAMUFYFlsyS 7d60/edit?usp=sharing

Grand Lodge


That's pretty much exactly what I am looking for.

Can't wait to see it finished.

I am still looking to brainstorm here, to help things along.

Dark Archive

Nice list.
What PrC beside EK and MT allow an early entry that way? Most that I checked had other prerequisites.

Grand Lodge


Aasimar, with one level in Lotus Geisha, then second level, Bloatmage.

What´s the spell level of a SLA?

I'm guessing "closest associated class", defaulting to Sorcerer, cleric, druid, bard in that order.

Or did every monster with a Dominate Monster SLA lose 3 points off the DC when the APG gave the spell to summoners as a level 3 spell?

Grand Lodge

See here.

Scarab Sages

Mystic theurge. Tiefling cleric3/wizard1

Arcane trickster. Tiefling wizard 1/rogue3/

Grand Lodge

This also cuts down on the need to multiclass to meet prerequisites for many PrCs.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

The guide is ready.

Elf with Dreamspeaker alternate racial feature and CHA 15+ has a 5th level arcane SLA... (Dream)
Pyromaniac Gnome has a 2nd level Cleric SLA (produce flame) - according to the hierarchy, cleric comes before druid, and I assume a domain spell qualifies as a cleric spell? Otherwise it is a 1st level divine SLA

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Don't all the prestige classes say 'ability to cast X-level spells'. As in, spells plural? Daylight is only one spell.

Grand Lodge

Don't forget alternate Aasimar and Tieflings, along with many alternate racial traits for many races.

Example: Agathion-Blooded Aasimar get Summon Nature's Ally II, a second level Druid spell, thus counting as Divine.

Grand Lodge

soupturtle wrote:
Don't all the prestige classes say 'ability to cast X-level spells'. As in, spells plural? Daylight is only one spell.

By your reading, casters with low casting scores, capable of only casting one spell of the appropriate spell level would not qualify.

This just isn't true.

I could be mistaken, but comparing a Magus 12 with a Magus 2/EK10... I think it would be better to stay straight Magus. Now, if you were a Fighter 1/ Arcane 1/EK10, it might be better... but it would depend heavily upon the build...

blackbloodtroll wrote:
See here.

Damn. There goes the gnome's level 3 arcane spell.

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Sorry to rain on your collective parade, but...

Where exactly did you come to the conclusion that an SLA meets the prerequisite 'must be able to cast X - level arcane spells' for a prestige class?

I see a 'yes' to item creation, I see a comment that most SLAs count as arcane (nota bene: not as arcane spells), and I seem to remember that having a particular SLA (e.g. Dimension Door) qualifies for the prerequisite 'Capable of casting Dimension Door.

However; that's about it. So, I am unable to follow the leap of logic along the lines of 'SLAs are arcane, so they must be arcane spells, so they are a qualifying ticket into PrCs'.

I'm sorry to say, but this whole attempt to loophole a shortcut into EK, MT or whatever PrC still appears illegal to me, on top of actually pinning the cheese-o-meter.

Question: For all it's worth, why did no one of you plainly ask the question 'Can I meet a PrC's requirement of can cast arcane spells of Level X or higher' by possessing a SLA of appropriate level?'

Midnight_Angel wrote:

Sorry to rain on your collective parade, but...

Where exactly did you come to the conclusion that an SLA meets the prerequisite 'must be able to cast X - level arcane spells' for a prestige class?

I see a 'yes' to item creation, I see a comment that most SLAs count as arcane (nota bene: not as arcane spells), and I seem to remember that having a particular SLA (e.g. Dimension Door) qualifies for the prerequisite 'Capable of casting Dimension Door.

However; that's about it. So, I am unable to follow the leap of logic along the lines of 'SLAs are arcane, so they must be arcane spells, so they are a qualifying ticket into PrCs'.

I'm sorry to say, but this whole attempt to loophole a shortcut into EK, MT or whatever PrC still appears illegal to me, on top of actually pinning the cheese-o-meter.

Question: For all it's worth, why did no one of you plainly ask the question 'Can I meet a PrC's requirement of can cast arcane spells of Level X or higher' by possessing a SLA of appropriate level?'

Possibly from the linked info; http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9qow


Spell-Like Abilities, Casting, and Prerequisites: Does a creature with a spell-like ability count as being able to cast that spell for the purpose of prerequisites or requirements?

For example, the Dimensional Agility feat (Ultimate Combat) has "ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door" as a prerequisite; a barghest has dimension door as a spell-like ability, so the barghest meets the "able to cast dimension door prerequisite for that feat.

—Pathfinder Design Team, 06/06/13 Back to Top

[Edit] To clarify the logic chain...

First, does the character have a spell-like ability?
-> If yes, use FAQ to determine type and level.
Second, does the SLa count as being able to cast that spell for prerequisites?
-> Yes, see FAQ for explanation.
Third, For prerequisites, can this character effectively cast a (Arcane/Divine) spell of Nth level?
-> Yes, or No, depending on answer to #1.

The "hierarchy of spell lists" description of SLAs and the "assume Arcane" faq don't mesh well with each other. You're checking the same list twice, with different sorting criteria. Gnomes get Speak With Animals (Bard 3, Druid 1, Ranger 1) as....a 1. level arcane SLA.

karossii wrote:

First, does the character have a spell-like ability?
-> If yes, use FAQ to determine type and level.
Second, does the SLa count as being able to cast that spell for prerequisites?
-> Yes, see FAQ for explanation.
Third, For prerequisites, can this character effectively cast a...

First(a) -> Use the FAQ to determine type

First(b) -> Use the hierarchy [Sorcerer/Wizard, cleric, druid, bard, paladin, ranger, $UNDEFINED] to determine level

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karossii wrote:
Possibly from the linked info; http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9qow

Spell-Like Abilities, Casting, and Prerequisites: Does a creature with a spell-like ability count as being able to cast that spell for the purpose of prerequisites or requirements?

For example, the Dimensional Agility feat (Ultimate Combat) has "ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door" as a prerequisite; a barghest has dimension door as a spell-like ability, so the barghest meets the "able to cast dimension door prerequisite for that feat.

—Pathfinder Design Team, 06/06/13 Back to Top

I am aware of that one (I think I actually stated that very example).

However, while being able to cast Dimension Door (whether as a spell, a SLA) obviously qualifies as being able to cast Dimension Door (duh!), the connection to 'thus is able to cast 4th level arcane spells' (or even 'cast arcane spells' at all) is the very link I am missing.

The fact that a Dimension Door SLA counts as being arcane does not make it an arcane spell.

The fact that I can create magical items that require Dimension Door, supplying my SLA in lieu of the spell does not make my SLA an actual arcane spell

So; a Feat, a PRC, or whatever that needed the ability to cast Dimension Door would easily accessible by having the SLA.
A Feat or PRC requiring being able to cast arcane spells would not.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
blackbloodtroll wrote:
So, like the example of getting into Eldritch Knight at 3rd level, I am looking to other Prestige Classes that would accessed earlier, or by classes that otherwise wouldn't meet the prerequisites before, without multiclassing.

Even if they are considered arcane they are not arcane SPELLS.

Dark Archive

than look at following FAQ again:

FAQ wrote:

Item Creation Feats: Does having a caster level from a spell-like ability meet the caster level prerequisite for selecting an item creation feat?


Conclusion: Spell like abilities obviously grant a caster level of some kind. If it works for (general) item creation, it works for PrCs as well.

Liberty's Edge

5 people marked this as a favorite.

This is what happens when you completely abandon intent and try to exploit every single wording change and bend things to the point of ridiculousness. pure chaos!

My games will continue to run them as "Able to cast 3rd level spells from your current arcane class spell list"

@Midnight Angel
Start: able to cast NAME SLA
FAQ 1: SLA counts as spells for prerequisites
So now you meet the prerequisites that reads
Step 1: able to cast NAME SLA/Spell
for extention
Step 2: able to cast ANY_ONE SLA/spell
FAQ 2: SLA are either arcane or divine
So if your SLA is arcane for example now in addition you meet the requisites that reads
Step 3: able to cast ANY_ONE arcane SLA/spell
MOSTER MANUAL: SLA have a spell level equivalent
So continuing the example now you meet also the requisite that reads
Step 4: able to cast ANY_ONE x° level arcane SLA/spell
where x is the level equivalent of the SLA
witch is a subset of
Step 5: able to cast x° level SLA/spells

I hope is clear, i'm not the best at writing.

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Chevalier83 wrote:
Conclusion: Spell like abilities obviously grant a caster level of some kind. If it works for (general) item creation, it works for PrCs as well.

Granting a caster Level says exactly ZERO about counting as the ability to cast spells of a certain spell level. Last time I checked, the PrC entry prerequisite was 'able to cast ($flavor) spells of Level X', rather than 'caster level Y'.

I am aware that SLAs count as being of a certain spell level regarding concentration checks or penetrating various defenses... yet still, they are something different from actual spells of the associated level. Unless my memory fails me, it is repeatedly writen that 'SLAs are not spells'.

If you come across a PrC, or Feat that requires 'able to cast Daylight', go ahead with your Aasimar. You are fulfilling that prerequisite. Likewise, your friendly neighborhood Succubus will easily qualify for any Feat of PrC that requires 'Caster Level X' (if X < 13).

However, if the requirement is 'able to cast arcane (or divine) spells, your SLAs just won't do the trick.

Chevalier83 wrote:

than look at following FAQ again:

FAQ wrote:

Item Creation Feats: Does having a caster level from a spell-like ability meet the caster level prerequisite for selecting an item creation feat?


Conclusion: Spell like abilities obviously grant a caster level of some kind. If it works for (general) item creation, it works for PrCs as well.

There is zero logic in your argument.

Dark Archive

So, a SLA counting as a divine / arcane spell for all requirements and actually granting you a caster level doesn't meet the requirement of being able to cast spells of a certain level? There is zero logic in your counter argument. And that you actually only have to be able to cast a single arcane / divine spell is being proven by the fact, that a sorc with exactly one spell of said level already meets the requirement.

Chevalier83 wrote:
So, a SLA counting as a divine / arcane spell for all requirements and actually granting you a caster level doesn't meet the requirement of being able to cast spells of a certain level? There is zero logic in your counter argument. And that you actually only have to be able to cast a single arcane / divine spell is being proven by the fact, that a sorc with exactly one spell of said level already meets the requirement.

The FAQs talk about SLA and the requirement for item creation feats, you make a jump to say it SLA counts for ALL requirements. Particulary the FAQ never state that SLA counts as casting spell for other issues besides crafting.

Chevalier83 wrote:
So, a SLA counting as a divine / arcane spell for all requirements and actually granting you a caster level doesn't meet the requirement of being able to cast spells of a certain level?

Umm... a SLA does not as a divine or arcane spell.

Please cite the snippet of the rules claiming is counts as a spell, rather than an ability that mimics the effect of the spell with the name mentioned.

Midnight_Angel wrote:
Chevalier83 wrote:
So, a SLA counting as a divine / arcane spell for all requirements and actually granting you a caster level doesn't meet the requirement of being able to cast spells of a certain level?

Umm... a SLA does not as a divine or arcane spell.

Please cite the snippet of the rules claiming is counts as a spell, rather than an ability that mimics the effect of the spell with the name mentioned.

Spell-Like Abilities, Casting, and Prerequisites: Does a creature with a spell-like ability count as being able to cast that spell for the purpose of prerequisites or requirements?

For example, the Dimensional Agility feat (Ultimate Combat) has "ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door" as a prerequisite; a barghest has dimension door as a spell-like ability, so the barghest meets the "able to cast dimension door prerequisite for that feat.
—Pathfinder Design Team, 06/06/13Back to Top

Allowing SLAs to qualify for a PrC is never going to fly.

The worst part of this thread is, Richard Baker managed to anwer the exact question for WotC back in 2004, when Complete Arcane introduced SLA-using PCs.

Midnight_Angel wrote:
karossii wrote:
Possibly from the linked info; http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9qow

Spell-Like Abilities, Casting, and Prerequisites: Does a creature with a spell-like ability count as being able to cast that spell for the purpose of prerequisites or requirements?

For example, the Dimensional Agility feat (Ultimate Combat) has "ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door" as a prerequisite; a barghest has dimension door as a spell-like ability, so the barghest meets the "able to cast dimension door prerequisite for that feat.

—Pathfinder Design Team, 06/06/13 Back to Top

I am aware of that one (I think I actually stated that very example).

However, while being able to cast Dimension Door (whether as a spell, a SLA) obviously qualifies as being able to cast Dimension Door (duh!), the connection to 'thus is able to cast 4th level arcane spells' (or even 'cast arcane spells' at all) is the very link I am missing.

The fact that a Dimension Door SLA counts as being arcane does not make it an arcane spell.

The fact that I can create magical items that require Dimension Door, supplying my SLA in lieu of the spell does not make my SLA an actual arcane spell

So; a Feat, a PRC, or whatever that needed the ability to cast Dimension Door would easily accessible by having the SLA.
A Feat or PRC requiring being able to cast arcane spells would not.

Reread that FAQ. It specifically states, "Yes." to the question, "Does a creature with a spell-like ability count as being able to cast that spell for the purpose of prerequisites or requirements?"

Now, for emphasis; "Does a creature with a spell-like ability count as being able to cast that spell for the purpose of prerequisites or requirements?"

So the character is treated as if it can CAST A SPELL for purposes of prerequisites.

That spell must have a level and power source. That is where the other FAQ and the Hierarchy listed are used to resolve what the spell is (if it was not already perfectly clear). In many cases, that may even be an unnecessary step, if there is only a single choice.

So, with daylight, the character clearly has a spell-like ability which replicates a 3rd level arcane spell. I have seen no one arguing that point. The character now also clearly can, for the purposes of prerequisites, counts as being able to cast daylight. So there is no great logical leap needed to see that clearly, the character can (for the purposes of prerequisites) cast 3rd level arcane spells.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Hawktitan wrote:
Allowing SLAs to qualify for a PrC is never going to fly.

What exactly is the issue here?

Its an advanced character build using advanced racial options and already requires GM approval for every case I can think of this working.

I cant see any legit reason to oppose it unless other people having fun with it bothers you. You can always houserule it... which goes both ways of course.

But i think more options with the gm having veto authority is better than less options in the box.

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