I'm playing my frist ranger and I have taken boon companion feat, also my dm has open up all animal companions to my access not just the smal list in ranger section. I'm level 9 since i have never played a class with an animal companion before i'm try to decide best route to go. I'm leaning toward a t-rex for massive damge over other companion, or a roc ok damage but a flying mount to ride. Was wondering what others thought, and if they prefer some other companion and why. Also would like to know if there are any must have feats or tricks for companion ie: like power attack for fighters. Thank you in advance.

darkwarriorkarg |
You get this nice table
Velociraptor grows to medium, gets pounce and excellent PR from Jurassic Park :-)
Big Cats are a favorite as well (Pounce!)
The classic wolf (up to large) is good as a mount and flanker with automatic trip attack.
What kind of ranger do you have? What's the specialty?

gourry187 |

Personally I don't like the idea of a FULL BAB getting any of the beefier ACs but that being said ....
Big thing, make sure the AC has the attack trick twice otherwise you will have to push it against unnatural opponents.
Get a Hostel item even if you never intend to us it like a tower shield so going into town with a large beast doesn't get you put in the pokie.
Improved natural attack feat is almost a given.
armor Prof feat if you want barding

darkwarriorkarg |
Fortunately, you can switch animal companions (depending on availability)
Yeah, T-Rex vs giants... then I'd get a level of Mammoth Rider and ask the GM to include teh T-Rex on teh Mammoth Rider list (triceratops is on it). Wander about with a Huge T-Rex making like Pacman.
Oh, and I recommend making it's first attribute increase INT.
Then you can add non-animal feats as needed

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If you are an archer ranger, a mount is great (far more full-attacks) and a flying mount even better.
Take the Lookout feat for both you and your mount. Take the Bodyguard archetype (from Animal Archive) for your mount. You should be able to full-attack in almost any surprise round.
My ranger archer in RotRL spent a feat to get a Griffon as a mount and it is absolutely wonderful (flying AND pounce).

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The Panda from Animal Archive. His Powerful Bite ability giving him double Strength damage on his bite attacks and the statement from SKR that Animal Companions who do not get any benefit from Multiattack can instead take the extra attack with a natural weapon means he gets awesome and consistent base damage.