Ultimate Campaign Kingdom Tracking Spreadsheet

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

That's either a bug or (more likely) WAI.

The modifiers on the Overall sheet will only increment for every 10 points of each settlement statistic (see the expanded settlement statistics optional rule) as they apply to the kingdom as a whole, and settlements use either their own stats or the kingdom's Overall stat (see what I did, there?), whichever is higher.

As a quick test, add 20 libraries, and see if the Overall Lore goes up by 2. If it doesn't, we have a bug.

Didn't touch the sheet last night, I'm afraid. (A friend of mine, known online as Floating Fat Man, told me to play a game instead of working on the sheet: I only mention it because I told him I would, and I'm glad I got the chance to follow through.)

Also - it looks like the town gp limit isn't calculating a figure based on
the size of the town at all...

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This may be a daft question: have you added a building that increases the Base gp of the settlement?

Under the kingdom building rules, a new settlement has a Base gp of 0, modified by buildings, capped by the settlement size Base gp value.

Unlike the core rules, a UCam settlement doesn't automatically have a Base gp Value dependent on the settlement size: if you don't build any buildings that add to the settlement's Base gp, it's possible to have a Metropolis with a Base gp Value of zero.

Edit: or it could be a bug. :p

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What's URule?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well, RD, URule!

Joking aside: Ultimate Rulership is a Legendary Games expansion to the Ultimate Campaign kingdom building rules. New building types, optional rules, new edicts, and plenty more that just slots into the existing rules, written by Jason Nelson, who brought us such memorable rules as chapter 4 of Ultimate Campaign.

I consider it a must-have addition for anyone with the UCam kingdom rules in play.

Shameless product plug aside (when's Jason going to pay me for this, I wonder?), I tend to abbreviate it to URule, for simplicity's sake.

Scarab Sages


Your sheet is awesome and we are using the hell out of it in our Kingmaker game!

One thing we noticed since we just started creating armies is that the box on the specific army tabs labeled "Leadership Feat?" looks like it has a pulldown, but no options and no way to set a Y or N.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Odd. Should be pointing to the same place as the leadership dropdown on the Rulers tab. Does that one work? Which version (OO or Excel) are you using?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

And, in other news:

Dropbox have allowed me to reactivate the original link to the Excel version! It can be found HERE.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
redcelt32 wrote:


Your sheet is awesome and we are using the hell out of it in our Kingmaker game!

One thing we noticed since we just started creating armies is that the box on the specific army tabs labeled "Leadership Feat?" looks like it has a pulldown, but no options and no way to set a Y or N.


I'm slowly getting rid of those annoying Excel-specific pointers. You never know, once they're all gone, the sheet might stop throwing "external link" problems at me.

Version 5.3c (Bugfix)

Open Office

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

[Non-serious Rant]

Ahem. If I ever meet Jason Nelson, I am going to either buy him a beer, or kill him on the spot. Possibly both.

I just spent a little while fiddling with the Buildings sheet for the URule version. Random chance for minor, medium, or major magic items? Bonus to terrain improvements in adjacent hexes? Unrest per three buildings of two different types?


On the plus side, I think I know how to deal with all of the complications the new building types have thrown at me. I just don't WANT to.

[/End Rant]

Chemlak wrote:

[Non-serious Rant]

Ahem. If I ever meet Jason Nelson, I am going to either buy him a beer, or kill him on the spot. Possibly both.
[/End Rant]

Bwahaha! Give him one from me too! (Of either of your choice)

Great rules - hard to implement without your own personal Chemlak!

As for the responses to my queries... B*gg*r - damn rules! Popping up when
you least expect them...sigh... ;-p
Which is to say, errrm... My apologies - didn't realise... My questions
were silly, rather than yours...
Also - what is 'WAI' - haven't come across that acronym before.

Cheers & glad you got a night of gaming in!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

There are no stupid questions when it comes to this sheet: it keeps me on my toes, at the very least. And gives me even more reason to work on documentation - the Instructions sheet is sorely lacking.

WAI = Working As Intended. Very handy acronym for things like this.

Liberty's Edge

out of curiosity how do you fine peoples handles religions in the sheet? the issue im running into is several priests of abadar have moved into my players city.

Should the bank that they just built in the city count as a temple to abadar once these priests move in? or should to avoid breaking things it only count as a bank and then have the temple to abadar be its own separate thing? thoughts?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm not hugely up on my Golarion cosmology, so I don't entirely understand the implications of the priesthood of Abadar arriving, but I get the general gist.

There are a few ways to handle it, but the first thing I would say is this: do not allow the players to have the benefits of a Temple when they've only paid for a Bank. And absolutely do not allow them the benefits of a Temple as well as a Bank without paying for it.

Now, on to the options:

1) Mechanics are mechanics, fluff is fluff. The building is a Bank. It provides the benefits of a Bank. Worshippers of Abadar may use it as their church building, but that doesn't make it a Temple. If the players want the benefits of a Temple as well as a Bank, they need to build a Temple.

2) Crossgrade. Allow the kingdom to pay the difference in cost between a Bank and a Temple, and replace the Bank in the Settlement with a Temple. All benefits of it being a Bank are lost.

3) Shrine-Bank. Pay the cost of a Shrine, amalgamate it into a 2-lot building with the Bank, and allow it to provide the bonuses of a Shrine and a Bank together.

4) Temple-plus. Pay the cost of a Temple plus a nominal fee for saving 1 lot (approx 2 BP) and allow the 2-lot Temple to also provide the bonuses of the already-paid-for Bank.

Liberty's Edge

thanks for the response chemlak response 3 sounds like the best bet. Sorry i know its not strictly relevant to the thread but every one who posts here seems to know their kingmaker.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I don't particularly mind this thread going a little off-topic here and there, but it's never a bad idea to start a new thread. And if the title includes the words "UCam", "Ultimate Campaign", "Downtime" or "Kingdom", you can be pretty sure I'll read it (and will almost always respond).

Obviously I can't speak for anyone else, but a new thread with a question like this one makes searching for answers on the forum easier for other players.

I will be waiting until Chemlak has fully integrated the optional rules from Ultimate Rulership. I do not intend to use every single optional rule but I will admit that Legendary Games has provided options that give a more reasonable feel/take on the Kingdom Building rules.

While I have not downloaded yet your work, Chemlak, I do appreciate the huge contributions you have made for the community. Cheers!

CB out.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks for your kind words, CB! (Though I would recommend grabbing it in the meantime, generally speaking, but I can fully understand not wanting it until the final version is ready.)

I currently have a 3-year-old with Chickenpox, so I'm feeling pretty lethargic in the evenings (and the nights really aren't that great) so I will caution patience, as I'm not really doing much more than fiddling with the sheet right now. Serious updating is due to commence after UK Games Expo (30 May to 1 June).

On the plus side, my Work in Progress URule sheet has a mostly completed Buildings sheet (just the fluff text to copy-paste, I believe), and then I'm going to take a crack at City 1 having the new buildings. If I can do that without breaking everything under the sun the rest is pretty plain sailing.

Just found this. It's awesome. Thank you both for your hard work!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It's a pleasure to be able to provide something that's proving so useful to so many people.

I believe I've found a bug all on my own, but I'm struggling to get to the root cause of: magic items seem to be off slightly. The number is working out right, but the types are out of whack. I suspect there's an error on the Buildings sheet. I'll dig in to find it later.

I do want the d ;)

Open office version seemed to squeeze the guild hall into zero (0) lots. But we can all change the number ourselves. :)

and the army active? dropdown is broken too.

But question about the embassy optional rules, where does it show, when making embassy relationship, the increases of stats?

Quoting paizo srd
"If you succeed at the Diplomacy check, you create an embassy agreement with the target kingdom; if you succeed at the check by 5 or more, the target kingdom's attitude toward your kingdom improves by 1 step and your kingdom's Fame increases by 1. You may purchase or build a Mansion or Noble Villa in one of the other kingdom's settlements to use as an embassy (if so, your ambassador uses it as a residence). The target kingdom's leaders may do the same in one of your settlements. Your embassy is considered your territory (and vice versa). Your embassy grants your kingdom the normal bonuses for a building of its type (they apply to your kingdom's totals but not to any specific settlement in your kingdom) and increases Consumption by 1, Economy by 2, and Society by 2. If the target kingdom builds an embassy in one of your settlements, that kingdom gains these bonuses.

If you founded your kingdom with the support of a wealthy sponsor from another kingdom, your kingdom automatically has an embassy agreement with your sponsor's, and you can use Diplomatic edicts to establish a treaty or an alliance"

just so that I dont accidentally give twice the bonuses.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thought I'd fixed the army active dropdown... Grrrrr.... Okay, got my work cut out for me fixing these minor issues.

As for the Embassy optional rules: they're all done in the Diplomacy tab. I must admit I can't remember if it's properly adding the building bonuses to your kingdom (but now that I think about it, I doubt it: time for another update). For now, add an appropriate building to one of your cities, though that will throw a few numbers off (notably population, city size, and max Base GP Value). Just don't add the building to your map.

Hi Chemlak,
Hope the chickenpox has drifted away to Neverneverland & your wee one is ok.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The pox has (finally!) run its course, and the little man is now just spotty and scabby. So things are all good.

Gaming night, tonight, so not going to do any work on the sheet to fix the outstanding issues (after all, I want to see how the King deals with the excessive banditry outside his kingdom's borders, not to mention there are still Rakshasa in control of another country who want him dead), and I'm still working through the magic item problem (I know several places the problem doesn't come from) before I tackle the Embassy issue. And my URule sheet broke just a little, so I need to fix that before I move on to the URule Edicts. And I need to find an image of a windmill that's suitable, and... Well, you get the idea.

Still, I'm ahead of schedule, except on bug fixes.

Thanks a million for your excellent work on the Kingdom sheet, Chemlak.
I'm working on transferring my players kingdom over to your version and look forward to seeing how things change.

All the best for your little one, happy to hear you mostly got rid of the Nurglings :)

Hi Chemlak,

Playing last night I came across something which isn't a bug per se, but
it would be great if you could include in the next iteration...

When a stockyard is built, it reduces consumption by an extra 1 per outlying

It would be great if there was some way to reflect this in the sheet.
e.g. a separate box to enter the amount of farms, or a dropdown set of
numbers or something, which would the auto-calc...

Cheers dude, hope all is well in your world.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

On the Kingdom tab, replace an appropriate number of farms (reducing the number in the "farms" and/or "farms w/resource" rows) with "farms adjacent to stockyard" or "farms w/resource adjacent to stockyard" (the total of these two should never be more than 7 times the number of stockyards in the kingdom).

All of your numbers should now work properly.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oh, and to those wonderful people whom I failed to meet for a drink in the bar at the Hilton Metropol last night - I'm really sorry, I spaced out, and needed to head home before I was too dangerous to drive. It was great to meet you (however briefly). I will be at UKGE again today, but probably not for very long (I have a game this morning). I'll try to drop by, if I can.

Chemlak wrote:
Oh, and to those wonderful people whom I failed to meet for a drink in the bar at the Hilton Metropol last night - I'm really sorry, I spaced out, and needed to head home before I was too dangerous to drive. It was great to meet you (however briefly). I will be at UKGE again today, but probably not for very long (I have a game this morning). I'll try to drop by, if I can.

Darn it! :) I didn't even think to look there.

Thanks Chemlak.

Many thanks for the excellent resource! Me and my players just started the Kingdom-building rules and we feel like we'd be lost without it.

Wanted to ask for clarification purposes, as I've sadly not read Ultimate Rulership: Is the population equal to 250 x number of lots, or 250 x hexes x lots? Ultimate Campaign mentioned the former but I think the latter would make much more sense.

Sorry if it's been asked before or anything, just didn't find a definitive answer from a quick skim of things.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Don't worry about URule for the moment: the current version of the sheet only uses the rules from Ultimate Campaign. I'm currently working on the Ultimate Rulership update, but it's slow going.

To answer your question: settlement population is 250 x lots. And while I can't find the rule right now, each kingdom hex adds a further 250 to the kingdom's population.

Thank you for the quick response!

Another question presented itself while I was in the midst of checking over the sheet: One of the players in my campaign is a Viceroy, and I've noticed that the Viceroy/Heir/Consort are adding their full applicable modifiers to their roles rather than half like UCam mentions. Wasn't sure if that was being addressed in a later update or if I should just be putting half the applicable stat in the Rulers tab.

I have version 5.3d if that helps, wasn't sure if that was the latest.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This week I'm at the mercy of a truly dreadful 2G phone signal for posting here, which means I have absolutely zero hope of actually accessing the files.

Having said that, I'm pretty sure 5.3d was a stealth update I did a little while ago and forgot to mention to anyone, so you're bang up-to-date.

On the Viceroy issue: ignore what it says in the bonus box, go by the actual change in Kingdom statistics. The Viceroy, Heir and Consort all have their bonus halved in the final calculation, not before. Quick test: alter the viceroy's relevant stat to 12, check the kingdom stats, then change it to 14 and check again. The kingdom stats should be the same. If they are, it's all good.

Yes, you're correct! Everything is in order then, and again, my huge thanks for the excellent resource.

Grand Lodge

This. Is. Awesome. Well done sir!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Quick update for those looking forward to the URule version:

I've finished one of the city sheets, so have the usual rigmarole of unhiding and copy/pasting to do (plus annotations, actually), before the new buildings are ready for public consumption. With any luck I'll get some other features added, too, by the time I get home from holiday.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

More update: I got the Expansion, Taxation and Holiday edicts from URule working pretty well. They're a little less tidy than I might like, but I think it's effective.

Next I'll sort out the titles problem that Philip helped me solve, and call the job a good one for my holiday. Expect URule this weekend.

Liberty's Edge

Hooray! Thanks!

Hey Chemlak,
Glad to be of some little service after all you've done! :)
On a related note - did you ever get a pic sorted for a windmill?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

At this moment I don't have a suitable picture of a windmill to add in. (I'll admit, I've not really looked.) If anyone can find a good one in a similar art style to the existing images, it would be appreciated.

I ask - because I too have looked (on your behalf), but couldn't find one.
However - albeit that I'm quite cr*p at mucking around with images, I had
a thought that I could possibly take one of the existing images & modify it
to have windmill sails...
I'll give it a go & get back to you. If I manage to make one - I can email
it to you...

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Sounds pretty good to me: I'd recommend the Aerie from URule as a good starting point.

My email address is my username (at) blueyonder (dot) co (dot) uk

Chemlak wrote:
Sounds pretty good to me: I'd recommend the Aerie from URule as a good starting point.

Okey dokey - I started last night...may take a while however...

I did think about the Aerie, but it was just too neat for me...I like things
a bit more...organic. :)

I actually started on one based on the alchemist, with parts of the building
chopped off, the front pathway in a different place. I'm kinda happy with
it, but will have real issues getting the 'sails' right.

I started on them by trying to use a sail from the ship in the 'Pier', but
just can't get it right...sigh...

Shall report back.

Chemlak wrote:

More update: I got the Expansion, Taxation and Holiday edicts from URule working pretty well. They're a little less tidy than I might like, but I think it's effective.

Next I'll sort out the titles problem that Philip helped me solve, and call the job a good one for my holiday. Expect URule this weekend.

That's fantastic! My players, as it happens, will be founding their kingdom and first city Sunday night. :)

Thank you very much for all your hard work!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I was hoping to get the Ultimate Rulership version up tonight, but I keep finding new problems with it (which aren't hard to deal with, just time-consuming) and England are about to lose... I mean play against Italy in the football (soccer to some of you) World Cup, which is one of my few concessions to national sporting pride, so I have a game to watch.

I promise a functional version no later than 24 hours from now.

Heh. Feel free to get disappointed, Chemlak. I'm mildly interested in cricket, but I shall lose no sleep whatsoever over our imminent defeat by the Italians. :)

Chemlak wrote:

I was hoping to get the Ultimate Rulership version up tonight, but I keep finding new problems with it (which aren't hard to deal with, just time-consuming) and England are about to lose... I mean play against Italy in the football (soccer to some of you) World Cup, which is one of my few concessions to national sporting pride, so I have a game to watch.

I promise a functional version no later than 24 hours from now.

That should give me at least two hours before start of game. :D

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Arakhor wrote:
Heh. Feel free to get disappointed, Chemlak. I'm mildly interested in cricket, but I shall lose no sleep whatsoever over our imminent defeat by the Italians. :)

Oh, look. We lost. I'm totally in shock. Obviously.

Ahem. Getting seriously off-topic, here.

Anyway, in the spirit of getting over my disappointment at England's shockingly poor (but completely expected) performance against Italy, I offer the current release candidate, warts and all, final link will be the same as this one to the Ultimate Rulership spreadsheet.

Please pay attention to the known issues before making any bug reports.

My most immediate concern is that unless I've missed something (which is entirely possible!), there appears to be no field to note Skill Focus in an appropriate skill (per Ult. Rule., having Skill Focus grants a flat +1 to the relevant Leadership Score).

EDIT: I see the problem -- I came in expecting to be using the optional leadership role skills rule from Ult. Rule. page 9. Can a sheet using that version be arranged?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I can certainly do it, but I can't promise to have it done in time for your game. The first version for URule I've been focusing on the basics and setting some of the more esoteric options aside.

As a suggested kludge, until that feature is in place, add 5 ranks to the relevant skill on the Rulers sheet. Should have the same effect.

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