Ultimate Campaign Kingdom Tracking Spreadsheet

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Odd problem...

I'm certainly not aware of it, myself, but can't check it right now.

A small favour: go to the 'Overall' sheet and select, say, the Warden dropdown cell, but don't put anything in it. Go to the Data menu and select Data Validation. It should open a pop-up window and the bottom box should have ='Rulers'!$B$2:$B$53 in it. Can you confirm this?

In the OpenOffice version 5.2c in all the leadership dropdown got the same error: it dosen't show any of the names in the Rulers sheet but only the error massage $Rulers.#REF!#REF!:#REF!18

Fixed by entering in Data - Validation - Source $Rulers.$B$2:$B$53

Ah! I was using the Excel version.

On the Excel version it reads for:
Ruler: =Rulers!B2:B53
Second ruler: =Rulers!B4:B55
Consort: =Rulers!B6:B57
It continues to increment the cells on down the line. Weird.

And yes, if I change the data for each cell on the Overall sheet to ='Rulers'!$B$2:$B$53 then it works. It also works if I just select those cells and then it autopopulates the 'Characters' defined range

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Odd things happening, then.

I can fix it, and should be able to this weekend. The 'Characters' defined range was meant to have been deleted so that I didn't mess up the Open Office version. Which appears to be messed up, anyway. Grrrr.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Currently Excel version only (sorry, everyone else). User-defined settlement statistics, squashed some bugs, and the Deities and Holy Sites optional rule - I really hope that 20 shrines/temples/cathedrals per settlement is enough for you all.

This one has a chance to be broken in a few other places, too. You'll notice something of a shuffle-around on the City sheets - I had a go at tidying up the statistics a little. I think I caught everywhere that could have broken, but I might not have.

Also, because I now think I've gotten rid of the last of the Excel array references in the sheet, conversion from .xlsx format into other spreadsheet software should be (relatively) seamless.

I'll take a look at the Open Office one as soon as I can. As usual, thanks for your patience.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

And another update!

Again, currently Excel version only (I really need to get back to my desktop).

Fixed a bug that I thought I'd fixed weeks ago which was displaying decimal figures for the settlement statistics on the Overall sheet.

Added user-defined modifiers to the settlement statistics on the Overall sheet (this one cropped up when my players got the Inquisition kingdom event and we learned we had nowhere to apply some of the modifiers).

I think that's all I'm going to achieve this weekend.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

And another update. Got a pm with a bug identified, so figured I'd fix it. Fortunately it was a nice and simple Find & Replace job.

Also done a save as .ods which might suffice for Open Office (until I get the time to do a solid once over in OO for real). Same links as usual.

Thanks everyone for the patience and help.

Chemlak wrote:

Also done a save as .ods which might suffice for Open Office (until I get the time to do a solid once over in OO for real). Same links as usual.

Thanks everyone for the patience and help.

In the Open office version 5.2f all the dropdowns are now missing...

Thanks to you for your amazing work! I really appreciate it

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Figured everyone here deserves an update from me.

As far as I can see (and please, please, PLEASE tell me if I'm wrong), I only need to correctly implement the Settlement Size modifiers (which right now are using the GMG values, not the UCam ones) and then the Sheet is "finished".

In this case, "finished" means "does everything but there might be bugs and formula tweaks".

After that is the Grand Rebuild.

(For anyone interested, the Grand Rebuild is a project which will make the City sheets pull building information from the Buildings sheet (which will need some changes) rather than each City sheet having their own copy of the building info (in hidden cells). This should enable me to shrink the whole spreadsheet by a LOT, if I do it right, as well as making modifying a building on the Building sheet filter through to all of the City sheets automatically. This is all in aid of getting a Google Docs version a reality.)

Once I have the "finished" sheet, I will knuckle down (probably with some help) and get a clean Open Office version up and running. Same after the Grand Rebuild.

The current links will continue to work as long as I have a Dropbox account, and will work for all future UCam updates and bug fixed.

I will also be adding an Ultimate Rulership version, which is a pretty hefty job, and I will link it here.

Thanks to everyone for their help and patience whilst I've been looking after the sheet. I hope you all find it useful.

Can you add a 7th City? Players want to make a capital city, and 6 individual cities.

This is a phenomenal spreadsheet :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

There are 25 cities already in the sheet, but 7-25 are hidden. In Excel, Format> Hide and Unhide> Unhide Sheet, then click City 7.

You'll need to create a new copy of the City Map Master (and name it City 7 Map), which is also hidden, if you're using the integrated settlement grids.

All of the formulae already account for all 25 existing city sheets, so that's all you'll need to do. Just plug in the numbers, and play.

Edit: if anyone needs more than 25 settlements... I'm really sorry, but I don't have the time to expand the sheet to accommodate more. It can be done, but will need all sheets unhiding, a new city sheet creating, and every single sheet in the workbook trawled through to find cells which reference all 25 existing city sheets, and the new city adding to the relevant portions of the formulae. Not a trivial task.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well, it's been a while since I've updated everyone here. Unfortunately real life has got in the way of fun times, due to an illness in the family, and I've been running back and forth between home and my wife's family home.

Fortunately, things are looking positive right now, thanks to the tireless efforts of the nursing staff at a couple of major hospitals here in the UK, and it looks like life may return to normal (whatever that is) for a while.

Naturally, this has meant that I haven't finished the spreadsheet. Unfortunately, I've also hit something of a mental block on correcting the settlement modifiers (every time I think I've found a solution, I give up). I have a good friend who usually helps me with the trickiest updates, so I'm going to see if I can snag him for a proper sit-down in the next couple of weeks, and try to hash out a solution (preferably that doesn't involve an insane number of nested IF statements).

I'm sure this isn't what everyone was hoping to hear, but, as usual, I hope you'll forgive my lapse.

On the plus side, I do have Jason Nelson's permission (assuming the words "I say go for it" amount to permission) to use the building images from Ultimate Rulership when that update is ready. So the sheet functionality will remain happily intact once I start on that task.

Stay tuned, folks!

Hi Chelmak

I'm happy to hear things are looking positive in your family. It is good to know you have your priorities straight and put family first. The community here at Paizo can wait and your work so far has been excellent already.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thank you, MrV. It's been rough, but like I said, looks pretty good right now. (And clearly hasn't prevented me from posting in every single Kingdom Building and Downtime thread that pops up on these forums.)

On a completely unrelated note, if anyone around here is going to be at UK Games Expo at the end of May, I'll be there on at least the Saturday, and I'm always happy to grab a drink and have a chat.

Time to get back to figuring out formulae...

Liberty's Edge

I'm having trouble figuring out which link is the most current. Could you repost the link? That would be really cool.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Here you go.

That link shouldn't ever change, as whenever I do an update I overwrite the file with a new one.

If you're using Open Office, there is an ods version, but it's a bit broken right now, so I would recommend (for the time being) downloading the excel version and converting it yourself. It should work okay, even if you get funny errors about links or references when you open it - they're a legacy of an old update that shouldn't interfere with the spreadsheet at all.

Scarab Sages

Holy fantastic Batman! If I ever decide to try the Kingdom Building rules again, I have my spread sheet. Wow! Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Chemlak wrote:


Here you go.

That link shouldn't ever change, as whenever I do an update I overwrite the file with a new one.

If you're using Open Office, there is an ods version, but it's a bit broken right now, so I would recommend (for the time being) downloading the excel version and converting it yourself. It should work okay, even if you get funny errors about links or references when you open it - they're a legacy of an old update that shouldn't interfere with the spreadsheet at all.

Thank you.

I tried a couple of the links from the thread and I would swear I got different files. Either way thank you.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

awesome thanks

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This tool rocks!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Glad you like it, RD! Just make sure you're using the latest version, link a few posts up from here.

I think I've figured out the complexities of the UCam Settlement Size Modifiers (finally), and if I get a chance I'll whistle up a version in the next couple of days (depending on how my hand cramps up from all the clicking). I really can't wait until that bit is done. I'll be seriously pleased. After that, everything is gravy.

Also, if anyone knows anything about writing complex macros in excel, I would appreciate some help: I'd love to have an "update tool" to grab existing user input data to drop into updated versions of the sheet. That sort of thing is way beyond my skill and knowledge.

As usual, stay tuned, and thanks for your patience.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks. I got the latest one and put it on to OneDrive to share with my fellow players. Sadly, they are saying they can't see it, instead getting some message about it being over 5mb.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yeah, it's a beast at 11+Mb. I do have plans in place to shrink that down somewhat, but probably not that far. For now, your best bet is probably to use Drop Box to share it with people.

If you have a massive PDF file, try sending it to print with the Adobe PDF Distiller (if you have it). It can do amazing things to PDF file sizes.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Pressing F9 doesn't seem to do anything to my document. Why isn't it working?

What exactly does it do?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Good question.

F9 is an Excel standard key for "recalculate spreadsheet". Not too long ago, some cells weren't automatically being registered when their contents were changed (note, this predates my involvement in the sheet, but it definitely existed in Brad Turner's version), so hitting F9 was a sure fire way of ensuring the numbers were correct.

Somewhere along the way, this issue vanished. I have no idea how or why. As a result of this uncertainty, I can't be sure if it will come back at some point, so I've left the instruction cell on the Overall sheet, just to be safe.

So, right now, the answer is "nothing, but I don't actually know why".


First, many thanks for the awesome work on the sheet, it's saved many hours with paper, pen and calculator.

Second, I'm not sure that I'm reading the UC rules correctly, but I think that the Kingdom should start with a base Fame (Or Infamy) of 1 (pg.231, paragraph marked starting values.) I put the figure in manually, and it maybe that you know of this and couldn't figure out a way to enter it correctly, because of the player choice between fame and infamy, but I thought I would mention it.

Thanks again, and as I will also be at the UK Games Expo (Working at the Mayfair Games stand), should I get the chance, I'll buy you a drink or two to thank you for your time and effort.

Alex H.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hey, Alex!

I'll be the guy in black (yeah, that'll make me stand out!), possibly with a short Portuguese woman nearby doing her best not to geek out too much. I'll drop by the stand at some point.

On your second point, that's really a nudge for me to do some more work on the Instructions sheet. Your guess is correct, though: starting fame/infamy of 1, plus more (assigned to either) as Kingdom size increases... I have no clue how to persuade Excel to handle that more simply than just adding a Permanent modifier. I'm sure that it's possible, though, but I suspect it would be untidy and cumbersome. (My best first thought is a series of dropdowns that open up as Kingdom size increases, Countif Fame, Countif Infamy. If it was one choice made at the start, that would be easy, but it's six or seven distinct choices, and one thing I've learned doing this sheet is that you absolutely must have one cell per choice.)

In other words, ur doin it rite.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Excel version link.

And, the long awaited Open Office version link.

All optional rules are in place (except the purely administrative ones), everything seems to work.

If you find any problems, please let me know!

Loyalty seems to not improve no matter what buildings you build. Even the Holy sites will not effect it.

Edit: I am using the excel version.

Edit #2: Thank you so very very much for all you have done for us. I'm tired and forgot my manners Sir.

Chemlak wrote:



I wish I was in the UK & could shake your hand & buy you a drink come
May, however the commute from NZ is just a wee bit too much.
Needless to say however: - Thankyouthankyouthankyou...

Just in time too - we are likely to be doing the next bit of kingdom
building in our next session.

Cheers Chemlak!

Hiya Chemlak,

Been inputting values from my old sheet into your new one & would like to
add a couple of comments, suggestions if I may please.

1. It's as good as I hoped! :)
2. Doesn't affect me (yet), & I don't have the rules close by, but sawmill
& sawmill plus resource appear to return the same value. All others add an
extra +1 to the 'plus resource' box...
3. Just an idea - as it's not really a necessity. Basic rules assume that
your form of government is a feudal monarchy, but there's no way of selecting
same as the form of government on the sheet.
Again, doesn't affect me, as I think my group is probably closest to an

Overall - I love it however. A few of things have really impressed me!
And - best of all - it's easy to use. :)

Question - given my complete & utter uselessness at any form of programming...
I'm in favour of a slightly lesser population than suggested, how can I
alter my version of your sheet to do this please.
(If I'd have to alter many places, rather than one, just tell me it's too
much effort (seriously) & I'll forget I ever asked! (It's not worth the
hassle & I'll just suck it up!)) ;-p

Cheers dude.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Inner Heru wrote:

Loyalty seems to not improve no matter what buildings you build. Even the Holy sites will not effect it.

Edit: I am using the excel version.

Edit #2: Thank you so very very much for all you have done for us. I'm tired and forgot my manners Sir.

I'll check it later, thanks again, IH!

And there is no need to "sir" me, I assure you. I'm sane enough to recognise the difference between a dispassionate bug report and a criticism.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Philip Knowsley wrote:

Hiya Chemlak,

Been inputting values from my old sheet into your new one & would like to
add a couple of comments, suggestions if I may please.

1. It's as good as I hoped! :)
2. Doesn't affect me (yet), & I don't have the rules close by, but sawmill
& sawmill plus resource appear to return the same value. All others add an
extra +1 to the 'plus resource' box...
3. Just an idea - as it's not really a necessity. Basic rules assume that
your form of government is a feudal monarchy, but there's no way of selecting
same as the form of government on the sheet.
Again, doesn't affect me, as I think my group is probably closest to an

Overall - I love it however. A few of things have really impressed me!
And - best of all - it's easy to use. :)

Question - given my complete & utter uselessness at any form of programming...
I'm in favour of a slightly lesser population than suggested, how can I
alter my version of your sheet to do this please.
(If I'd have to alter many places, rather than one, just tell me it's too
much effort (seriously) & I'll forget I ever asked! (It's not worth the
hassle & I'll just suck it up!)) ;-p

Cheers dude.

1. Glad you like it!

2. I'll check that out later.
3. Good suggestion, though it's worth pointing out that the Autocracy fits the bill.

In answer to the question, population density is currently stored in 26 places (each city sheet and the overall sheet). User-defined population density is an enhancement to the sheet that I was considering a while ago, and put it on the back-burner until I'd actually finished everything. Which means I'm now in a position to do something about it. Thanks for the reminder!

Chemlak wrote:

Grats on finishing this spreadsheet and thanks for sharing it with the community.

I'll be sucking it up then! ;-p


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Update (excel version only whilst I'm working on my laptop this weekend. I'll sort out the OO version tomorrow.)

Same link as above.

Fixed Loyalty calculation on all city sheets (dunno what happened there, but it was WAY off).
Fixed tooltip for Sawmill w/ resource (the sheet was calculating the bonus correctly, but the tooltip message was wrong).
Added Feudal Monarchy as a government type.

Hey Chemlak,
Me again! :) Howdy, hope you've had a good sleep whilst I've been over here
beavering away with your sheet!
Something else that doesn't bother, as it's just the tooltip...
The Spymaster gets to add their attribute bonus to one of Econ, Loy or Stab, however
the tooltip is showing the same as for the ruler. i.e. that the bigger the kingdom - the
more areas you get to add to.

It's not an issue, as the sheet only allows selection of one - but you've asked for feedback...

The more I play with it - the more I like it than the last sheet I was using! Thanks again - I
could NOT have done this...


Sorry I have been away from this thread for a while. Getting engaged does that. I just downloaded the newest OO version and looks wonderful. Am I correct in assuming that information from Ultimate Rulership has not been incorporated at this point?

Hope all is well on your side of the pond.

Dan 'Tzizimine' Clarke

Dark Archive

Best spreadsheet ever, it would be very hard to track all changes to big kingdoms without it, congratulations!

Just a suggerence: Some labels on on the different types of goverment to let know what bonuses they give would be quite nice!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Philip Knowsley wrote:

Hey Chemlak,

Me again! :) Howdy, hope you've had a good sleep whilst I've been over here
beavering away with your sheet!
Something else that doesn't bother, as it's just the tooltip...
The Spymaster gets to add their attribute bonus to one of Econ, Loy or Stab, however
the tooltip is showing the same as for the ruler. i.e. that the bigger the kingdom - the
more areas you get to add to.

It's not an issue, as the sheet only allows selection of one - but you've asked for feedback...

The more I play with it - the more I like it than the last sheet I was using! Thanks again - I
could NOT have done this...

What is this sleep thing you speak of?

Ah, ye olde duplicated Ruler tooltip. Haven't seen that one for a while. I'll sort it. Thanks!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
tzizimine wrote:


Sorry I have been away from this thread for a while. Getting engaged does that. I just downloaded the newest OO version and looks wonderful. Am I correct in assuming that information from Ultimate Rulership has not been incorporated at this point?

Hope all is well on your side of the pond.

Dan 'Tzizimine' Clarke

Huge congratulations on getting engaged! You've been missed, but I'd say it's for the best of reasons.

Glad the OO version looks good - I was worried that I might have broken something horrendous, even though I couldn't spot anything myself.

Ultimate Rulership is still waiting on me, I'm afraid. So far I've been intending to wait until I've completely rebuilt the city sheets before cracking on with it, since having 25 copies of the building data to update seems a bit... wasteful, when I could just be doing a table lookup.

On the other hand, it's really high on my priority list. Still, as an Expert level procrastinator, I'm trying to decide what's more important: making building updates easier for myself and other users, or actually getting URule on the sheet. So far, reworking buildings is ahead for me, because it will make custom buildings so much more simple to add. Not to mention giving me more time to figure out some of the weird stuff in URule (Expansion and Holiday edicts, I'm looking at you with your variable consumption, you little devils).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Kord_Avatar wrote:

Best spreadsheet ever, it would be very hard to track all changes to big kingdoms without it, congratulations!

Just a suggerence: Some labels on on the different types of goverment to let know what bonuses they give would be quite nice!

Glad you like it!

Hmmm... Good idea. How about a cell that tells you what the modifiers are when you select a particular government type? That'd be pretty easy.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Got back to my desktop, finally. OO update is up, same link as above.

Going to do some minor fixes, too.

Well thank you for that Excel sheet. My players are very happy with it.

I do have 1 question for you. In the City sheets, you have a modifier for City Districts. I just want to confirm it is to manually modify the city districts to correct amount or does it serve another purpose?

I don't know if anyone reported this - but the optional deities and holy site at the bottom sheets do not update population levels (version 5.2i)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jason the Half-GM wrote:

Well thank you for that Excel sheet. My players are very happy with it.

I do have 1 question for you. In the City sheets, you have a modifier for City Districts. I just want to confirm it is to manually modify the city districts to correct amount or does it serve another purpose?

Correct. The basic district calculation takes the number of lots the settlement uses and divides by thirty-six, rounding up. That's fine if your players space-fill their districts, but if, like mine, they add districts before the first ones are filled, the consumption calculation will be wrong. Hence the modifier.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jason the Half-GM wrote:
I don't know if anyone reported this - but the optional deities and holy site at the bottom sheets do not update population levels (version 5.2i)

Oops. Fix in about 12 hours. Thanks!

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