Emerald Elixir.

Pathfinder Society

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Grand Lodge 4/5 *

My Dhampir grew a tail. (sigh)

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Totally should get a tiefling with two tails!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Can someone post the full list? I wanna know how badly mutated the already erm,... distinct Pathfinder Society is going to become.

5/5 5/55/55/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Muuuutaaant royal ruuuumble!:
1 Double Jointed: You are exceptionably flexible and gain a +2 bonus on Escape Artist checks.
2 Elemental Bond (Air/Pulmonary System): When you perform a standard action while holding your breath, you do not reduce the remaining time that you may hold your breath by 1 round. Performing a full-round action reduces the remaining time you can hold your breath as normal.
3 Elemental Bond (Earth/Skeletal System): You treat any fall as 10 feet shorter when calculating how much damage you take.
4 Elemental Bond (Fire/Metabolism): You can survive on half the normal amount of food and water.
5 Elemental Bond (Water/Musculature): Treat your Strength score as 2 points higher when determining your carrying capacity.
6 Enhanced Olfactory Bulb: You gain a +1 bonus on Sense Motive and Survival checks.
7 Enhanced Pheromones: You gain a +1 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks.
8 Increased Blood Viscosity: Whenever you suffer bleed damage, reduce the damage by 1 (minimum 1).
9 Internal Chronometer: You possess a natural sense of time and gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls made as readied action.
10 Keratin Spikes: You hair grows into sharp quills. When not wearing armor, you may make attacks with your hair as though you were wearing armor spikes.
11 Magnetic Basal Ganglia: You always know which way is north as per the know direction spell, and you gain a +2 bonus on Survival checks made to follow maps and avoid getting lost.
12 Negative Energy Buffer: When you are affected by a negative energy spell or effect, reduce the amount of damage you take by 1.
13 Pigment Alteration: Roll 1d8 as though you were affected by a prismatic spray spell. Your skin permanently turns the resulting color, and you gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks against humanoids with the gnome subtype.
14 Positive Energy Feedback Loop: When you are affected by a positive energy spell or effect, increase the amount of damage healed by 1.
15 Reflective Retinas: You gain low-light vision. If you already have low-light vision, you now see three times as far in conditions of dim light.
16 Species Mimicry: Choose a different race of your creature type with 0 racial Hit Die. You may subtly alter your physical features to resemble those of the selected race, granting you a +3 bonus on Disguise checks to appear as a member of that race.
17 Syndactyly: Webbing grows between your toes, and you gain a +2 bonus on Swim checks.
18 Tail: You gain a non-prehensile tail that grants you a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks.
19 Vomeronasal Organ: When you attack an adjacent creature, reduce any miss chance you would take from concealment by 10%.
20 Extraordinary Mutation: Roll twice more on this table and gain both resulting mutations, ignoring any results of 20. If you roll twice and get the same result on both rolls, you may reroll one of the two dice. You may only benefit from this mutation if you actually rolled a natural 20, not by purposefully selecting the mutation.


I'm wondering if we're going to see an unlikely flood of 20s. And I'm also wondering if, even if we don't, people will roll their eyes at any 20 that they see, because they just don't believe it. Hmm.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I'm thinking of giving my Tengu the non-prehensile tail, and flavoring it just like a raven's tail feathers.

Silver Crusade

I've been trying to get a good answer to this, but I haven't really gotten one that makes any sense to me.

Every boon or magic item I've ever pulled at a promo/perk at, say, GenCon, has been pre-signed by an event GM. That signature wasn't tied to the "attachment to the character" it was just pre-signed.

The elixir boon is, obviously, NOT pre-signed.

Paizo folks tell me via e-mail that "The GM signs the boon when you attach it to your character," which... OK, but then why are all the GenCon boons pre-signed? Shouldn't they ALSO be signed when they're attached to the character?

Does anyone have some experience with this, who could perhaps explain this discrepancy to me?

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 ****

Whilst the idea of potentially turning my Tengu into a 'Red Raven' is pretty tempting, I will probably go with the reflective retinas - putting it on my Aasimar who traded-out Darkvision for a Halo ;-)

Shadow Lodge 2/5

To me, adding Low Light Vision to my Halfling makes the most sense, but he's already level 8. I kind of want a Blue, Indigo or Violet Dwarf worshiper of Cayden Cailean. "This one time we got so drunk that I stopped breathing. I'm still blue from the experience!"

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

Oh man; 8 characters (with at least 1 XP) * 19 results = 152 options to choose from. And that's ignoring the option of adding it to a brand new, not yet built PC...


So where do we get this chronicle? I have nothing in my inbox :(

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Pete, you were a backer of the recent Pathfinder MMO kickstarter, yes? (The second one, not the demo.)


Yes, I was a backer - $15 level Emerald Spire PDF

Grand Lodge 5/5

PeteZero wrote:
Yes, I was a backer - $15 level Emerald Spire PDF

It should be in your downloads


Check your downloads. Also go into your account and look at the kick starter pledge options. Make sure it shows up. If not contact customer service.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Nefreet wrote:
Anybody going to be at Kublacon?

I know of at least two other people that will be saving theirs to play at Kublacon. In fact, I would suggest listing them in the KublaCon Thread. I would love to track how many of these show up and get signed during the weekend.

Scarab Sages 2/5

I have friends who do not play PFS but took part in the kickstarter for the big PDF bundle.Can they gift their Spire PDF? How would you do that?


Found it, thanks for the help!

Grand Lodge 5/5

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Do I actually have to sit as a player with my character that wiull have this boon at a table with another player whose character has this boon for us to use these together to pick the bonus,


if I am GMing, and giving the credit to the character I have given this boon, and there is a player whose character has this boon, can we pick the bonus that way?

I'm betting the former, but hoping the latter.

Giving this to my Kitsune for the Disguise boost. Change into her human form and then disguise myself from there to look like another race. Disguise-ception! :P

Grand Lodge 5/5

Bob Jonquet wrote:
okay so now we will see the yellow tengu (bigbird) with the wholly mammoth companion (snuffleupagus) traveling with Kermit (grippli boon for GenCon 2013). Hell, we could add in a drum-playing goblin (special boon from GenCon 2012) named Animal and a half-orc female bard (Miss Piggy). What's next? Elmo?!? <.< >.> O.O

Please sit at my table of Bonekeep! It'll be fun, I promise. >:D

So this is a permanent effect in game that you paid actual money for?

Smells like a freemium computer game.


Markuus Brightsteel wrote:

I've been trying to get a good answer to this, but I haven't really gotten one that makes any sense to me.

Every boon or magic item I've ever pulled at a promo/perk at, say, GenCon, has been pre-signed by an event GM. That signature wasn't tied to the "attachment to the character" it was just pre-signed.

The elixir boon is, obviously, NOT pre-signed.

Paizo folks tell me via e-mail that "The GM signs the boon when you attach it to your character," which... OK, but then why are all the GenCon boons pre-signed? Shouldn't they ALSO be signed when they're attached to the character?

Does anyone have some experience with this, who could perhaps explain this discrepancy to me?

The race boons are signed to indicate that they're legitimate. They don't need a GM's oversight for application.

The EE boon is watermarked to indicate it's legitimate. It does need a GM's oversight for application.

Lantern Lodge 4/5

Tim Vincent wrote:

So this is a permanent effect in game that you paid actual money for?

Smells like a freemium computer game.

I believe this conversation was had already, but I'm too lazy to find the link. You get a fun little boon, but it's not a big deal. People who received it are not going to suddenly outclass other characters like you will sometimes see in online computer games.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Most of my characters could benefit from #5's bonus to carrying capacity. It's probably what I'll end up going with.

I'm interested in the aestetics of a white-haired witch taking #10 and having prehensile porcupine quills. Something like Kerrigan comes to mind. I'm not sure how the mechanics would stack though.

I know at least one halfling who thinks he's a goblin and is probably (OOC) going to take #16 to help with the disguise.

Grand Lodge 2/5

i'm with thisledown... so would use mine for # 16 on my gnome fancated with goblins... he could "be" a goblin.. now if i figure out what email i pleged under...

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

Paz wrote:
Oh man; 8 characters (with at least 1 XP) * 19 results = 152 options to choose from. And that's ignoring the option of adding it to a brand new, not yet built PC...

Sorry Paz:

Mark Moreland wrote:
The last sentence before the table indicates that it is 1/player

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mike Bramnik wrote:
Paz wrote:
Oh man; 8 characters (with at least 1 XP) * 19 results = 152 options to choose from. And that's ignoring the option of adding it to a brand new, not yet built PC...

Sorry Paz:

Mark Moreland wrote:
The last sentence before the table indicates that it is 1/player

I think what he meant is that *because* it's 1/player, he has to look at over 152 options and just pick ONE.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

Jiggy wrote:
Mike Bramnik wrote:
Paz wrote:
Oh man; 8 characters (with at least 1 XP) * 19 results = 152 options to choose from. And that's ignoring the option of adding it to a brand new, not yet built PC...

Sorry Paz:

Mark Moreland wrote:
The last sentence before the table indicates that it is 1/player
I think what he meant is that *because* it's 1/player, he has to look at over 152 options and just pick ONE.

Ahh, my bad.


I might have to look into using #10 with a gnome ninja. I mean, how much more weaboo could you get than a chibi anime character with hair so spiky they can stab people with it?

Shadow Lodge

thistledown wrote:
Most of my characters could benefit from #5's bonus to carrying capacity. It's probably what I'll end up going with.

I had considered that one for a while, but seeing as it doesn't really matter after you can afford the 2,000gp for a handy haversack, I'm probably going to use it to give my human heavens oracle low-light vision...

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

Jiggy wrote:
I think what he meant is that *because* it's 1/player, he has to look at over 152 options and just pick ONE.

Indeed. I'll probably end up putting it on a low level PC that I know I'm happy playing; it seems a bit silly to put it on one that's already halfway through their PFS career.

Maybe the low light vision one for my human 2nd-level witch.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Can the "simple Advanced template until the end of the adventure" boost be used during a module?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

SCPRedMage wrote:
thistledown wrote:
Most of my characters could benefit from #5's bonus to carrying capacity. It's probably what I'll end up going with.
I had considered that one for a while, but seeing as it doesn't really matter after you can afford the 2,000gp for a handy haversack, I'm probably going to use it to give my human heavens oracle low-light vision...

The haversack helps, but weighs 5 lbs on its own. Add to that clothing, spell component pouch, belts, cloaks, shoes, armor, a wayfinder, and the weapon you're holding, and it's easy to find yourself at 30 or 40 lbs again.

Raise carrying strength from 9 to 11 and strap the haversack onto a masterwork backpack, and you just gained 13 lbs of carrying.

Shadow Lodge

Rene Ayala wrote:
My Dhampir grew a tail. (sigh)

No one else in my group has the cert so I'm at the mercy of the dice, too. We'll see what happens. ^^;

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

We had enough that my cleric got the Pheromes. Today is game day, so I imagine there will be LOTS of players coming in.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

My Kitsune Gunslinger got the Negative Buffer.

Shadow Lodge

Do these mutations carry over to other forms such as a druid using the wild shape ability? (specifically interested in the keratin spikes)

The Exchange

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Muuuutaaant royal ruuuumble!: ** spoiler omitted **...

Funny list. In real life I have several of these "mutations", including 6, 8, 9, & 11.

Twice as many as I could get through this boon.

BTW, 8 has nasty side effects on your life-expectancy. Due to the increased clotting factor, you get a higher risk for strokes when you get older. So if you get this one, you should lose one more CON than you normally would as you age (-2 for middle age, -3 for old age), and die real soon after you hit venerable.

4/5 5/5

Chris Mortika wrote:
Can the "simple Advanced template until the end of the adventure" boost be used during a module?

Did we ever get an answer to this?

5/5 5/55/55/5

hmmmm... 2 extra points of strength for carrying capacity is making that 5 strength kitsune look a lot more viable...


graypark wrote:
Chris Mortika wrote:
Can the "simple Advanced template until the end of the adventure" boost be used during a module?
Did we ever get an answer to this?

Modules and APs are not scenarios, so you can't use the Advanced Template option during them. That option specifically states it has to be used during a scenario.

Since modules are roughly two to three times longer than a scenario, the option to use the template during a module will most likely not be approved. Since that leads to unbalanced rewards between the two options.

If the advanced template had the option of being used in three different scenarios, I could of seen it being allowed in a single module for the expenditure of all three scenario uses.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

Food for thought for those who want these for specific characters but don't have locals to pair with - organize a PbP?

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Here's an amusing question... can you use your shirt/portfolio/goblin re-roll on this?


The boon specifically says that you can't use any rerolls to change the results of your roll.

Grand Lodge 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Miss Feathers got the pheromones.


Paizo Employee Developer

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Markuus Brightsteel wrote:

I've been trying to get a good answer to this, but I haven't really gotten one that makes any sense to me.

Every boon or magic item I've ever pulled at a promo/perk at, say, GenCon, has been pre-signed by an event GM. That signature wasn't tied to the "attachment to the character" it was just pre-signed.

The elixir boon is, obviously, NOT pre-signed.

Paizo folks tell me via e-mail that "The GM signs the boon when you attach it to your character," which... OK, but then why are all the GenCon boons pre-signed? Shouldn't they ALSO be signed when they're attached to the character?

Does anyone have some experience with this, who could perhaps explain this discrepancy to me?

As the member of the Paizo staff who answered your query both when you addressed it to Goblinworks and to Paizo's customer service, I'll do my best.

First, we have never, to date, issued a pre-signed digital asset to anyone via any venue. We have no plans to start distributing Chronicle sheets in that manner.

Second, this Chronicle sheet involves a random die roll or other variables that need to be adjudicated by a GM to ensure they're handled correctly. When you get access to a new race via a convention boon or gain a new language or bonus to hit, that's about as straightforward as a boon can be. In this case, a player can add a simple template to a character 1 time OR roll randomly to get a special permanent mutation OR choose a permanent mutation when others utilize the same boon simultaneously. To prevent someone from just applying a preselected boon to a character without a GM being there to verify that, yes, in fact two people did use the Chronicle sheet at the same time, a GM must be present to verify that the Chronicle has been properly administered to the character in question.

I hope that's clearer than past clarifications on why this Chronicle sheet contains no signature.

Shadow Lodge 3/5

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I'm confused on Reflective Retinas, the PRD says this for Low Light Vision (LLV), then it says this, and now Reflective Retina says 3x the distance in dim light if you have LLV. So is this just dim light (as the abbreviated LLV version states), or is it any radius as per the more detailed section states under Exploration (Vision and Light)?

5/5 5/55/55/5

Did they ever decide if the DM counted as a player to roll up this boon with?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Did they ever decide if the DM counted as a player to roll up this boon with?

At Kublacon, I was told they did not. Very frustrating, as the only other person I found there who had one (that hadn't just blown it on bonekeep) was either playing at my table or I was at theirs.

Sovereign Court

To expand on Seth's question. If two players are present with the boon, but playing at different tables, can they both use the boon to pick their mutation prior to their respective games ( with GM oversight to the selection, of course) or do both ayers need to be at the same table?

Don't have a copy immediately handy, so if this question is covered on it, just disregard.

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