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![]() It can happen in PFS. My witch is now level 13.2 after completing Eyes of the Ten, but even before retirement our barbarian was hitting for something like 1d12 + 1d6 + 48 damage. Toss in a haste with a full attack and while it might not be every round, 200 isn't hard to come by. 6th level wizards fire balling for 90+ damage is of greater concern to me. ![]()
![]() Pink Dragon wrote: How does a fighter generate 200 hp of damage in a round? And why would you want? 200 damage per round with a full attack, power attack & other buffs? Not hard to come by on any martial class with decent gear. You would want to do this for the "Storval Stairs Maneuver," which typically ends fights. ![]()
![]() Below are the table tents for several of my characters. I have 11 characters, each with a similar quality tent.
![]() I believe human's are still the most popular race in and around Minneapolis Minnesota. That said, Gnomes and Halflings see quite a bit of play up here for use with any class which gets a mount. I believe Dwarves to be the least popular race in this area, but a few more have cropped up as of late. Maybe Half-Elves are least popular? I can't think of any off the top of my head. I have the following:
![]() Both the Magus Skirnir and Wizard are legal in PFS. I'm not likely to do this in that environment, but I've read the section on Arcane Bonded items several times now, and nothing seems to say that you can't acquire another from another source... Could you have both an Arcane Bonded weapon and a shield if you chose to have a level in each of these classes? ![]()
![]() I realize this thread is a couple months old now, but I just received a Wayang character at a Con and have been considering a ton of different INT / DEX based classes to make it into. If you want a pure class, I'm leaning towards Magus or Alchemist... Their stats are just about perfect for such work, and Alchemist bombs aren't affected by their small size. I'd really like to figure out the perfect way to build a ray focused Wizard / Eldritch Knight, using a 1 level dip in either Barbarian or Gunslinger for the Martial Weapons. I've honestly spent about 10 hours over the last two days just looking at all the possibilities. I feel like a small character without a STR penalty should somehow factor into my build! ![]()
![]() My 5th level Kitsune as the BBEG would begin with an alarm spell on the hallway outside to alert him to the PC's. He'd ready an action to cast Hypnotic Pattern, and due to his one level Oracle dip, as soon as the door opened, every member of the party would likely have to make a DC 19 will save or be fascinated. (Awesome Display, 22 CHA) After casting he'd 5 foot step behind a wall of force formed by a 24 hour duration Moonlight Bridge. On his next round he'd 5' back around the edge of the bridge and hit a 15' cone with Color Spray. (DC 21 Will Save) I'd spend the next 3d4+1 rounds alternating burning hands x3 with Color Spray until even the Colonel calls and demands my reciepe for fried chicken. Seriously though, beware Xar'z (8th or 9th level) after a dominate person. If we hadn't been forced to leave the shop due to closing time, it may have been ugly. |