Major_Blackhart |
Ok, so me and some people are working on an entirely evil campaign that will probably take place in Cheliax, but it won't have anything to do with any of those campaigns, rather it will have more to do with criminal conspiracies, crime families, and criminal acts such as kidnapping, theft, arson, and especially murder, hence the title.
A few members of my gaming group are big time mafia buffs (me included) and it doesn't help that one of them has the personality traits of a serial killer / torturer (he likes to electrocute rodents, squirrels, and anything else he can catch, yet he has a dog that he absolutely loves. Looks like a miniature lassie. Go figure). We were talking, and the Murder Machine came up in our conversations about a vicious criminal gang. For those who don't know what the Murder Machine is, check out the DeMeo Crew (led by Roy DeMeo, with crew members like the Gemini Twins, Joe Dracula, Chris Rosenberg, the DiNome Brothers, etc).
Now, I'm wondering what god would be best worshipped by these guys. My character will be an Inquisitor. I'm thinking Norgorber as the obvious god of choice (and we'll all be worshipping the same god) but at the same time, is there another god that emphasizes criminal behavior? Ackachek is a god of assassination more than anything, not the type of serial murder that these guys would be known for. While Norgorber is the god of all murder, he's also got some great flavorful domains of Thievery, Deception, Murder, etc.
Personally I think he's a great choice, but some of the others are on the fence about him versus other deities and demi-gods. What are all of your thoughts on this god. A good choice or is there a better, less well known deity out there that could represent a gang of utterly ruthless men and women who have their eyes on the big prize of the criminal underworld?
In preparation for the acceptance of Norgorber, I'm working on my Inquisitor of Norgorber. Inquisitors, the way I've played them in the past, have always been about offense. I've almost always played a Gorumite or another war god with my Inquisitor, never a murdering assassin who really, really relishes his work. My method of thinking is that he'll be an in your face kind of killer, who likes to get up close. For him, the hunt and the kill are all part of it, what gets him off. He carries a short sword as a backup weapon, but his primary weapon as a half-orc would be either a falchion or a heavy flail (depending on the racial traits I choose).
Besides the two-handed weapon, he'll do damage through bane and greater bane obviously. Judgements aren't a problem, and I'll be honest, I'm not too keen on the archtypes. This guy will be an intimidation machine, still, so not too different from Gorum. Traits will be something that increases initiative and whatever else for flavor.
My big thing for this character is Domain vs Inquisition. For Norgorber, the Murder Subdomain looks really appetizing, especially since this guy is going to basically just have no problem with murdering everybody. Still, I don't know if I'm going to worship him as father Skinsaw, but rather as Blackfingers, meaning assassination would be a preferable way to think of the character. Still, I'm not too sure if my character would care to make that distinction either way.
If I go Murder subdomain (and this adventure will take us to high levels, the top even) then I get the ability to make a man bleed out like crazy. I take a keen wounding weapon AND the Bleeding Critical feat, I can really do some damage overall. Falchion is, as I'm typing this, the way to go I think.
However, is there another domain or Inquisition that would allow me to be as big a damage dealer that would still fit with Norgorber?
The group: Me, the half-orc Inquisitor. a half-elf Rogue Sniper (half-drow actually for flavor ;)) Div-Spawn Bard Tiefling (she will be the party face, unsure about what archtype), and a Gnome Saboteur Alchemist. I'm wondering if we need someone with a full BAB, but nah, screw it. These guys won't be the type to fight anyone on even ground. EVER.
Another thing: Item loadout, what I'll focus on in terms of weapons: Keen, wounding, and speed. Probably get something like Adamantine as a falchion. Maybe Bloodcrystal. True, it's not the strongest stuff, but it is nasty.
Character info:
Half-Orc Inquisitor
Name - Marius Helcast
Quirks - Hates Diabolists with a passion, as while they honor their contracts they always try to put hidden clauses that will eventually enslave the contractee.
Known saying - I'll kill a diabolost for fun. But for some gold, I'm gonna carve him up real nice.

Major_Blackhart |
while asking for character advice, did you just casually mention that a member of your gaming group enjoys electrocuting small animals, or did I read that wrong?
No, you read that right. Mice, rats, and other pests he kills that way by placing one electrode in their mouth and one over their heart, etc. Apparently it's quick.
Anyway, the character types we're goign towards playing are a combination of cold professionals and psychopathic serial killers.
My guy is a combination of psychopath and anger killer.
The gnome is a bomber. Totally professional, totally amoral.
The half-drow sniper treats the job like a game or a challenge.
The tiefling is the sociopathic party face.

Major_Blackhart |
Yeah, interesting character concepts all around, I know.
However, I'm curious what the feat selection should be for this character.
I can't remember the Gorumite I built, but it was power attack and intimidation focused with a bit of dazzling display and an improvement to Bane mixed in. I'm wondering if that's the way I should go this time around?
By the time I get to higher levels, it's unlikely he'd ever fail an intimidation attempt I'll be honest. My thing is how would I increase his survivability further. Perhaps Ferocity. He will be in close combat, after all, though he will have a repeater heavy crossbow to help with range attacks. And Ranged greater bane can be a nasty mess. Especially if the sniper rogue has a heavy crossbow with Greater Designating.

Tiny Coffee Golem |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Lol nope, I cant get over the OP's common acceptance of animal cruelty. Your whole playgroup probably needs psychiatric help if that sort of thing is not a big deal...
This is the crux of the issue. To be clear I don't have a problem with killing rats and other vermin. I have family members that hunt (deer, ducks, etc.) and i'm good with that too. However, It's not just "pest control." If he just used kill-traps or a gun or something it wouldn't be nearly as Psychotic and could be considered pest control.
The fact that, according to the OP, the guy is capturing live animals so that he can deliberately restrain them, attach electrodes, and then flips on the power to watch he poor restrained animals heart explode. Additionally, he derives pleasure from the act of cruelty.
That's messed up. The problem is not the killing of vermin. It's the apparent lack of empathy and pleasure derived from terrifying then murdering another living creature in a very sadistic and cruel way.
I'm disturbed that your friend is doing this, but also that you (the OP) don't see this as an issue.
In all seriousness he needs to talk to a professional. To a lesser extent it wouldn't hurt if you (the OP) did as well.
Edit: Also, perhaps pretending to be a group of sociopath's isn't the mentally healthiest direction for this particular group. Just a suggestion.

kenmckinney |
Your friend is displaying the type of behaviors that serial killers are documented to engage in in their childhood.
Some kind of intervention needs to be done, because there's a significant chance that his needs won't be satisfied by the murder of rodents some day. It might end up being someone you know.

Sitri |

Why not go over to the engineering forums and ask if they know how you can get a copy of the anarchist's cookbook without your name going onto a watch list? When they give you hell, tell them it is all in the name of construction.
I am not convinced this guy is for real. If he is, I have a hard time imagining this level of intellect posing the level of risk that others are seeing.

sgtrocknroll |
EsperMagic wrote:Lol nope, I cant get over the OP's common acceptance of animal cruelty. Your whole playgroup probably needs psychiatric help if that sort of thing is not a big deal...This is the crux of the issue. To be clear I don't have a problem with killing rats and other vermin. I have family members that hunt (deer, ducks, etc.) and i'm good with that too. However, It's not just "pest control." If he just used kill-traps or a gun or something it wouldn't be nearly as Psychotic and could be considered pest control.
The fact that, according to the OP, the guy is capturing live animals so that he can deliberately restrain them, attach electrodes, and then flips on the power to watch he poor restrained animals heart explode. Additionally, he derives pleasure from the act of cruelty.
That's messed up. The problem is not the killing of vermin. It's the apparent lack of empathy and pleasure derived from terrifying then murdering another living creature in a very sadistic and cruel way.
I'm disturbed that your friend is doing this, but also that you (the OP) don't see this as an issue.
In all seriousness he needs to talk to a professional. To a lesser extent it wouldn't hurt if you (the OP) did as well.
Edit: Also, perhaps pretending to be a group of sociopath's isn't the mentally healthiest direction for this particular group. Just a suggestion.
Yeah, I gotta agree. You're friend's an a*+!&$+$.
Game wise: Evil tends to turn in on itself and evil games tend to devolve into 'how many people can we kill?' Pathfinder tends to be about killing people (monsters) in their homes (lairs) and liberating their ill-gotten gains (stealing their stuff). What your group SHOULD be working on other than hooking your friend to a car battery to see how HE likes it, is trying to work out what you can do to avoid the campaign devolving into said gorefest and making it last more than the one to three sessions these things usually last for...

Skeletal Steve |

Lamontius wrote:thomas edison did, and he's still remembered fondly by history for reasons that elude my understanding.while asking for character advice, did you just casually mention that a member of your gaming group enjoys electrocuting small animals, or did I read that wrong?
Sacks of money and good press help. Also living in a day when that was just considered "eccentric."

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Lamontius wrote:thomas edison did, and he's still remembered fondly by history for reasons that elude my understanding.while asking for character advice, did you just casually mention that a member of your gaming group enjoys electrocuting small animals, or did I read that wrong?
Apples and oranges.