Fingersniffer |
I have been looking for an easy way to create and modify characters. I have found a few Excel files, pdf's etc but none of them seem to work properly or are so overly complex I felt like I needed to third degree to work it all out.
What I would prefer is a document (excel, pdf etc) that would do automatic calculations for stats and basic character information. I would prefer a free document but depending on the cost and features I can be persuaded to purchase a product.
I was hoping you guys might be able to suggest some good digital character sheets that would work for this function.
I looked at Hero Lab and while the base cost isn't bad, adding up all the additional books is several hundred dollars and not within my budget.
I appreciate your time, thanks in advance!

MyTThor |

Well obviously for HeroLab you don't have to buy all the additional books. There's a lot of customizability and you can just create some stuff if you need an adjustment that's in a book you don't have. Also with all the licenses possible your whole group can pitch in and get it together. I highly recommend it.

threemilechild |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I use a templated sheet on google docs (Epizephyrii). It looks pretty much like the standard PF character sheet, and it calculates your stat bonuses and puts them into your skills, AC, CMB/CMD, and whatnot, based on your class levels. It works for up to three classes (two spellcasting classes) and doesn't seem to do prestige classes, but within its limits it's very quick and easy. It's just a spreadsheet, though... so it's not a big deal to modify it.
Plus it's online, which is pretty convenient if you're prone to forgetting things.
I've been using it over several years for multiple characters, only ever found one mistake besides a misspelling of "Appraise". (And I've heard several complaints about Herolab over this time, although presumably those get fixed.)

Fingersniffer |
Well i managed to find another thread here about the same topic that offered some good suggestions as well as helped me to find some located on this site (this site isn't the easiest to navigate). Hero Lab is still an option but I will see how these suggestions work out first before dropping money on that.
On a side note, I found an Item generator application that will save my DM hours on item generation rolls. I found it while looking at the sCoreForge stuff but if you guys know of others that may be better I'm all ears for that as well.
Thanks for the feedback!

Ezzran |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Check out MythWeavers, its an online character sheet and does quite abit of the math for you. Ive tried several pdf sheets but none of them are as good as the mythweaver site imo. Its very close to the standard sheet in design too.
Sorry for not linking, on a tablet.
I'll help you out with that, as this is what I use as well.
It's quite good, in my opinion. It also has the added benefit of being able to share it with people (such as your GM) by simply pasting a link.
For example, here's the first character I ever made in Pathfinder's system.
Meet the second form of Ezzran (The first was for 3.5, and this is a conversion of that character.
You can also set other users able to edit certain sheets, so you can give your GM access to your character or whatever.

Rynjin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I use a templated sheet on google docs (Epizephyrii). It looks pretty much like the standard PF character sheet, and it calculates your stat bonuses and puts them into your skills, AC, CMB/CMD, and whatnot, based on your class levels. It works for up to three classes (two spellcasting classes) and doesn't seem to do prestige classes, but within its limits it's very quick and easy. It's just a spreadsheet, though... so it's not a big deal to modify it.
Plus it's online, which is pretty convenient if you're prone to forgetting things.
I've been using it over several years for multiple characters, only ever found one mistake besides a misspelling of "Appraise". (And I've heard several complaints about Herolab over this time, although presumably those get fixed.)
It's what I use, and it works good and it's easy to figure out. Except by one player I have who I always get pissed off at because he uses something different and has to re-upload the damn PDF he uses every time I need to see it.

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ngc7293 |

Open Office, unlike that office program that comes free with new computers and then goes away after a year, this one is free and can be saved in the office formats as well as its own. I used it to make my own sheets. The formulas are almost identical, so if you have used excel, then Open Office will be easy to use.
There is a character creation spreadsheet out there that REQUIRES at LEAST Excel 2003 and you should have a desktop computer to run it.
I have done just fine with my personally created character sheets. They are not good for print out, but they were never intended for that. I have everthing all set up so I can view the sheets as needed and they export to my iPad2.

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I use a templated sheet on google docs (Epizephyrii). It looks pretty much like the standard PF character sheet, and it calculates your stat bonuses and puts them into your skills, AC, CMB/CMD, and whatnot, based on your class levels. It works for up to three classes (two spellcasting classes) and doesn't seem to do prestige classes, but within its limits it's very quick and easy. It's just a spreadsheet, though... so it's not a big deal to modify it.
Plus it's online, which is pretty convenient if you're prone to forgetting things.
I've been using it over several years for multiple characters, only ever found one mistake besides a misspelling of "Appraise". (And I've heard several complaints about Herolab over this time, although presumably those get fixed.)
I use this one as well. It's basically an Excel spreadsheet, so if you know Excel, you can work some magic with it. It does a lot of the calculations for you, like skill bonuses and stuff. It also looks like the standard Paizo sheet, and it's free (unlike hero lab).
I also like that you (as GM) can share a sheet to each character, and then you can always look at their character and even update it. I use that for giving people XP and sometimes magic items/equipment as well. It's a lot easier to just put the xp in their character sheet, and the sheet adds up the xp for you as well (and tracks fast, medium, slow advancement).

chaoseffect |

Yeah I'm necroing this topic, but it's relevant to my interests. I was wondering if anyone had found anything like Abellius character sheets except without the auto calculated fields; I love the design and the fact that it is fillable, but the auto calculations make it unusable on my tablet as it takes about 20-30 seconds for each edit.

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Well obviously for HeroLab you don't have to buy all the additional books. There's a lot of customizability and you can just create some stuff if you need an adjustment that's in a book you don't have. Also with all the licenses possible your whole group can pitch in and get it together. I highly recommend it.
I really like Hero Lab, buuuut while you can do what you've described about splitting the cost with the group, you can't without breaking the terms of the license install your up to 4 computer licences on computers that are not "yours."
That is the spirit and intent of their licence, they don't want a gaming group to share it. Logistically I understand, and I am a supporter of them (and have bought most of the upgrades.) I basically manage a bunch of digital character sheets for my players here and either print or copy them on to their tablets.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I don't maintain the PC version anymore but I did release a Android version. It does a lot of the auto-calculations and incorporates most of your class/feat/trait/buff/item/etc choices. You can try the free version here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.polyhydragames.pathfinder &hl=en

Mir |
A friend of mine has an android tablet with a good drawing pen etc. Hero lab etc doesn't work on Android and he didn't end up finding anything he liked. What he ended up doing which ends up working fairly nicely is import a character sheet into his drawing program and putting it on a bottom layer and then filling in the sheet with the stylus on another layer. Easy to erase and change stuff. Easy to work in different colors etc to highlight different types of information. :)

Galhamon |

So I put this together two or three years ago using OpenOffice and have saved a copy with the proper file extension to open in Excel; however I am not sure if all of the setup/layout and formulas will translate properly. The idea and design is very simple and intended to be a digital only version, meaning I have not formatted it so that it can be printed out. I had easy manipulation of numbers and information in mind, and as many calculations as could reasonable make do so, will automatically be calculated. Here is what I have so far. Feed back would be most welcome as well!

ngc7293 |

PCGen is a little late on getting datafile updates, but overall, pretty reliable, and good for customising characters. I've used it since early 3rd ed.
I've been waiting for them to come out with Inner Sea Magic. I have read you can make the data files yourself but it looks tedious.
If they had Inner Sea Magic, I would be using PC Gen right now.
DOH! DOH! DOH! DOH! DOH! DOH! DOH! DOH! just saw the date
And I posted on this!!!

Valhalaru |
I have been looking for an easy way to create and modify characters. I have found a few Excel files, pdf's etc but none of them seem to work properly or are so overly complex I felt like I needed to third degree to work it all out.
What I would prefer is a document (excel, pdf etc) that would do automatic calculations for stats and basic character information. I would prefer a free document but depending on the cost and features I can be persuaded to purchase a product.
I was hoping you guys might be able to suggest some good digital character sheets that would work for this function.
I looked at Hero Lab and while the base cost isn't bad, adding up all the additional books is several hundred dollars and not within my budget.
I appreciate your time, thanks in advance!
I created a Free Windows application called, Pathfinder Character Tracker that should do all you need. Enjoy =)