Bestiary 5 Wish List

Product Discussion

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Gravedorcus looks like a bullette though.

Gravedorcus is more like a fish with a huge dorsail fin which is sharp, much like the australian mythic creature Tsemaus.

I'm happy Gravedorcus excist as Tsemaus is one of the more hard-to-find legendary creatures out there, its not even in wiki's list of legendary creatures... While Akaname and Enenra aren't in that list as well its still containing most mythic creatures.

Many castlevania creatures are used in pathfinder already, so I give Gravedorcus (which has an awesome rare design) a good chance of becoming one of them, I give it more chance than the rather unknown Tsemaus.

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We more then likely got the medusa head monster from carrion crown to add to the "Castlevania experience".

That is one of the monsters from castlevania I wouldn't like to see, I hate them in the game and I hate them in pathfinder :-p

I on the other hand like them and would love for them to be in the Bestiary 4.

Dragon78 wrote:
I on the other hand like them and would love for them to be in the Bestiary 4.

But you probably don't care/hate Gravedorcus/Paranoia and the Guillotiner

We are mostly like fire and water ;-)

I don't remember wich ones they are to be honest.

They are from later castlevania's (The better parts in my opinion) where you collect souls from monsters.

Dawn of Sorrow, order of Ecclesia and Portrait of ruin. Most people only know about the playstation version of Symphony of the night tho.

I remember those games but just can't get into handheld games now if they made them downloadable to play the PS3 then I would play them.

People remember Symphony of the Night because it is awesome:)

It is awesome, but much too easy once you find that Jewel Knuckels early on and Chrissarim (or something, the sword you get from Shmoo the flying head in the library)when every boss including death and dracula die like flies :-p

I like the other parts more because they are more of a challenge and have more unique bosses and monsters.

But in every SINGLE part there are Medusa Heads so don't worry :-p

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Need moar bunnays!

For Aslan!

I would like to see an undead creature that is a middle ground between skeleton and zombie. It could be some sort of husk corpse like a naturally mummified body, that is almost literally just skin and bones.
It would be quicker than a zombie but not as quick as a skeleton (not staggered, no dex penalty or bonus and no improved initiative) while tougher than a skeleton but not quite as tough as a zombie (same natural armor as a zombie and toughness as a bonus feat, but no bonus hit dice)

Well, and just as zombies have juju zombies and skeletons have skeletal champions, this should also have an intelligent counterpart.

And while we're at mindless undead variations. There should be a skeleton variant: fossil.
It could have more hit points, better natural armor, DR/bludgeoning and adamantine (maybe also a higher DR value) and immunity to petrification. Also a recommendation to GMs that this type of skeletons is best used with prehistoric creatures and monsters of equally (or even more) ancient descent.

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Arikiel wrote:

Need moar bunnays!

For Aslan!

Au contraire, mademoiselle.

Sciurus is the family of small mammals that really needs more exploration in the form of magical, swarm and dire variants.

I sense a coming war between the bunnies and the squirrels.

Arikiel wrote:
I sense a coming war between the bunnies and the squirrels.

world war fur

I suppose it's not Pathfinder property, but there was the D&D Argos, a multi-eyed gelatinous-like creature.

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I might be hated to no end for this but...
+ 5 new chromatic dragons (gray, brown, purple, orange and yellow)
+ 5 new metallic dragons (adamantine, mithral, orium, steel and iron)

and then...
+ 5 new chromatic dragons (pink, teal, vermillon, ultramarine and sepia)
+ 5 new metallic dragons (cobalt, mercury, tungsten, nickel and chromium)

and then...
+ 6 new chromatic dragons (azure, russet, maroon, verdigris, aquamarine and indigo)
+ 6 new metallic dragons (zinc, lead, titanium, iridium, vanadium and manganese)

and then...
+ 1 new chromatic dragon (Tiamat; mythic; hydra-like appearance with 21 heads)
+ 1 new metallic dragon (Platinum dragon, be Apsu or Bahamut; mythic; regular dragon-like creature)

I honestly couldn't care less about WotC's rights on these creatures. Paizo could just take the names and make their own versions without much of an issue, not to mention that the world of Golarion is huge with multiple planes and even planets. New kinds of chromatic and metallic dragons could be easily added.

I know that a lot of you might be sick of getting more dragons. i can understand this. However, they make formidable and incredible opponents, villains, masterminds, allies, mentors, mounts, parents (for half-dragons) and inspirations (for sorcerers and draconic disciples).

I could easily envision a Pathfinder version of the Draconomicon with details about every true dragon published plus new ones.

Let's finally be honest: who doesn't like a good dragon fight in a game?

I think the Paizo approach to dragons is to release them in sets of 5 built on different themes. I think they have stated there will be no more chromatic/metallic dragons. In addition they would probably run up against WOTC trademark to do some those, unless they were utterly different and thus bear no resemblance to what you probably want.

MMCJawa wrote:
I think the Paizo approach to dragons is to release them in sets of 5 built on different themes. I think they have stated there will be no more chromatic/metallic dragons. In addition they would probably run up against WOTC trademark to do some those, unless they were utterly different and thus bear no resemblance to what you probably want.

The thing is that they can expend the "theme" to more than just 5 species. Also, I'm not asking them to make a gray or brown dragon like WotC's, but only to take the name and make a new design.

I mean, their red and gold dragons surely don't look like WotC's.

Maroon Dragon doesn't really have an epic ring to it...

I just hope to recieve all cool mythological dragons such as Ladon, Gaasyendietha and Pyrausta.

Don't care for rainbow dragons, not even for the 5 first ones (red, black, white, green and blue)

i'll really like to see the stats of the elemeental lords^^ i like the elementals

Odraude wrote:
Maroon Dragon doesn't really have an epic ring to it...

Unless the design kicks some booty ;)

JiCi wrote:

I might be hated to no end for this but...

+ 5 new chromatic dragons (gray, brown, purple, orange and yellow)
+ 5 new metallic dragons (adamantine, mithral, orium, steel and iron)

and then...
+ 5 new chromatic dragons (pink, teal, vermillon, ultramarine and sepia)
+ 5 new metallic dragons (cobalt, mercury, tungsten, nickel and chromium)

and then...
+ 6 new chromatic dragons (azure, russet, maroon, verdigris, aquamarine and indigo)
+ 6 new metallic dragons (zinc, lead, titanium, iridium, vanadium and manganese)

and then...
+ 1 new chromatic dragon (Tiamat; mythic; hydra-like appearance with 21 heads)
+ 1 new metallic dragon (Platinum dragon, be Apsu or Bahamut; mythic; regular dragon-like creature)

I honestly couldn't care less about WotC's rights on these creatures. Paizo could just take the names and make their own versions without much of an issue, not to mention that the world of Golarion is huge with multiple planes and even planets. New kinds of chromatic and metallic dragons could be easily added.

I know that a lot of you might be sick of getting more dragons. i can understand this. However, they make formidable and incredible opponents, villains, masterminds, allies, mentors, mounts, parents (for half-dragons) and inspirations (for sorcerers and draconic disciples).

I could easily envision a Pathfinder version of the Draconomicon with details about every true dragon published plus new ones.

Let's finally be honest: who doesn't like a good dragon fight in a game?

No cyan and magenta dragons? Let's get the secondary colors out of the way before we start with all these silly words.

I would like to see gem dragons(diamond, emerald, ruby, sapphire, and pearl).

I would like to see outer planar dragons(good/holy, evil/dark, law/order, chaos/discord, and neutral/balance).

I really hope there won't be Gem Dragons, in that way Crystal Dragons loose their unique ness.

Threeshades wrote:
No cyan and magenta dragons? Let's get the secondary colors out of the way before we start with all these silly words.

That could work too ^_^

Paizo should have some version of a Piasa! :D

As for Dragons how about the Taniwha?

Arikiel wrote:

Paizo should have some version of a Piasa! :D

As for Dragons how about the Taniwha?

Seeing creatures like Almiraj and Tikbalang in this bestiary I have huge hopes they also added the Piasa, its kinda famous and it looks like all left-out famous monsters are added in this bestiary. (argus, alpluachra, tooth fairy, jack o lantern and probably piasa too)

JiCi wrote:
Odraude wrote:
Maroon Dragon doesn't really have an epic ring to it...
Unless the design kicks some booty ;)

Yeah but... the name is really lame. Sorry, but there's only so much you can milk a theme before it's done to death. Don't get me wrong, more dragons are always awesome. But if we start getting into vermillion dragons and chartreuse dragons, it begins to really feel lame.

Though I'm down for Platinum Dragons. And Violet Dragons, since that was the color of royalty. :)

My favorite D&D dragons are the Sand, Deep and Fang dragons, which are D&D copyrighted, they are also known as Brown, Purple and Grey dragons.

I hope (if there are more rainbow dragons in the making) that these will be the ones, even if they were just cheap clones of those I wouldn't mind, I just love the Deep Dragon so much.

Silver Crusade

Fang Dragon!!!!

Gancanagh wrote:

Gravedorcus is more like a fish with a huge dorsail fin which is sharp, much like the australian mythic creature Tsemaus.

I'm happy Gravedorcus excist as Tsemaus is one of the more hard-to-find legendary creatures out there, its not even in wiki's list of legendary creatures... While Akaname and Enenra aren't in that list as well its still containing most mythic creatures.

Many castlevania creatures are used in pathfinder already, so I give Gravedorcus (which has an awesome rare design) a good chance of becoming one of them, I give it more chance than the rather unknown Tsemaus.

I know I'm a bit late responding to this one, but I'm just catching up on this thread tonight after not reading it for ages. Part of the reason you might be having trouble finding the Tsemaus is that you're looking for it under Australian mythology. Tsemaus is a creature from the mythology of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada, not the Aboriginal Australians. If I remember correctly, it's meant to be found in the Skeena River in British Colombia. I did a quick search, and only found one reference to the Tsemaus in regards to Australia, which was on a messageboard regarding speculation about evolution of cryptids and mythological beasts.

Thanks for clearing that out, but I never sought on land, I just type Tsemaus into the Google-bar and didn't get much results... I thought it was Australia because I didn't know other countries even had Aboriginals... lol

Anyway it may be hard to find on google, the Tsemaus is really a cool cryptid/mythic creature, paizo should really use it! (rather turn it into a sand-swimming fish creature cuz there are enough sea creatures as it is)

Gancanagh wrote:

Thanks for clearing that out, but I never sought on land, I just type Tsemaus into the Google-bar and didn't get much results... I thought it was Australia because I didn't know other countries even had Aboriginals... lol

Anyway it may be hard to find on google, the Tsemaus is really a cool cryptid/mythic creature, paizo should really use it! (rather turn it into a sand-swimming fish creature cuz there are enough sea creatures as it is)

Aboriginal is another word for "native people". The Inuit of northern Canada/Alaska are Aboriginals. The Navajo of southwest USA are Aboriginals. People typically equate the word with Australia because we don't have a different name for them, so we call them "Aboriginies". It's an understandable mixup.

Adjule wrote:
Gancanagh wrote:

Thanks for clearing that out, but I never sought on land, I just type Tsemaus into the Google-bar and didn't get much results... I thought it was Australia because I didn't know other countries even had Aboriginals... lol

Anyway it may be hard to find on google, the Tsemaus is really a cool cryptid/mythic creature, paizo should really use it! (rather turn it into a sand-swimming fish creature cuz there are enough sea creatures as it is)

Aboriginal is another word for "native people". The Inuit of northern Canada/Alaska are Aboriginals. The Navajo of southwest USA are Aboriginals. People typically equate the word with Australia because we don't have a different name for them, so we call them "Aboriginies". It's an understandable mixup.

the more you know

were hippo

were kangaroo

is there a slime golem anywhere???

I would like to see a bunch of new creature templates, half blood species, and maybe something like a race of flying squid. Other than that maybe some new outsiders.

Scarab Sages

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Ashuras and Divs! Ashuras and Divs! And maybe some Raksasha.

We need a lot more middle east / indian themed outsiders for sure.

Mythic Monsters below CR7 with fun custom mythic abilities.

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Being a fan of Desna, I'd really love to see butterfly/moth familiars.

I remember reading Eando Kline's journals, now called The Compass Stone, in the original adventure path format. The part I remember was where he was in the Darklands, and encountered a moth swarm.

Second Darkness: Children of the Void, pg. 75 wrote:

"An explosion of light surrounded me. I cried out instinctively and shut my eyes. The whispers returned full force and a sudden breeze blew past my face. Still clinging to the wall, I cracked open my eyes.

A cloud of luminescent moths engulfed me. Each one was as large as my hand and glowed pale silver, gold, and rose. Their antennae stretched twice the length of their bodies and brushed me like a woman’s hair as they swarmed around. I gasped with relief, then shuddered as the cloud continued to bat around me like drunken bumblebees. The moths seemed harmless, and I wasn’t afraid of falling this time(the other day’s encounter having been enough to convince me to save some of my magical reserves) but the sensation of the swarm was unsettling.

The moths remained for possibly a minute, their glow overwhelming that of my sunrod, the beat of their wings filling the passage with the susurrus I’d mistaken for whispers. Just when I was wondering if I should start to climb with the moths in tow, they continued their swarm up the chimney and vanished from sight."

Dragon magazine provided the stats for butterfly/moth familiars way back. They used the thrush stats, but provided a different bonus to skills. While I guess a re-skinned thrush familiar might work, I wouldn't mind seeing unique stats for them, perhaps with an ability similar to the Luminescence ability of the fire beetle. Maybe butterflies provide a +3 bonus to Fly, while Moths provide a +3 bonus to Stealth.

Also, maybe a Feat somewhere that lets any character gain a familiar. There is already an Animal Ally feat for animal companions. Priests of Desna could then get her holy animal as a familiar. I also recall clerics of Besmara being able to give up one of their domains to get a familiar. Just some thoughts!

I would love to see stats for monsters like the flaring giant scarab beetles from Dungeon #134. Surely there are some Dungeon monsters we could get away with! Acid beetle swarms, anybody?

In addition, are dracoliches (or some sort of OGL alternative) at all a possibility?

And heck, while we're treading on Hasbro's toes, let's get some MLP critters in here! Where's my Ursa Minor?

we already have dracoliches...Raveners

Grand Lodge

Garlic bread golem


Actually I would like to see the Atropal, it's OGL and a would work well as a mythic monster as well (since it was an epic monster to begin with). Come on, it's a freaking stillborn undead baby god for goodness sakes, that screams mythic to me.

The Necrophidius, was a cool monster from 2e that I would like to see returned. It would require a different name, since it's likely copyrighted but the idea is sound and the monster is creepy.

Asrai, I might have missed them, but I don't remember them in any of the bestiaries yet, and they could be optionally stated up as a PC race.

Juggernaughts, automated war machines, nuff said.

Edit: The Necrophidius is in bestiary 2, don't know how I missed that, and the artwork for it is awesome.

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Bacterial Entities; "Negative Space" Creatures i.e. not doors but the door way and not the box but the space within the box; Astrological Event Creatures (fodder,midbosses,etc.) i.e. Comet Riders, Exploding Star Travelers, Planetary Alignment Sacrifice creatures based on how many planets align; and the incubating planet killing fetus growing from the molten core of the moon(s)/planet/asteroid. Make them. Name them. Go big.

Maybe that should be reserved for another book, but what about avatars?

Anyone for a fight with an avatar of Iomedae, Sarenrae, Cayden Cailean, Adabar, Pharasma, Gorum, Asmodeus, Norgorber or Lamashtu as a mythic creature?

I mean, if we're at a point where we are getting Demon Lords and other powerful creatures, I don't see how deific avatar should be omitted. However, like I said, maybe it would be best to save those for another book, like Advanced Gods & Magic XD.

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Angel [Primal], Ariel (Angels infused with the elemental power of earth, sworn enemies of the elemental lord Ayrzul, and ally of good-aligned races that dwell beneath the earth)

Angel [Primal], Cherub (Angels infused with the elemental power of air, sworn enemies of the elemental lord Hshurha, and staunch allies of the Djinni)

Angel [Primal], Tharsis (Angels infused with the elemental power of water, sworn enemies of the elemental lord Kelizandri, and devoted protectors of good-aligned aquatic races)

Angel [Primal], Seraph (Angels infused with the elemental power of fire and sworn the enemies of the efreeti and the elemental lord Ymeri)

Angel [Primal], Azrael (Mightiest of the primal angels, they are infused with the power of shadow and darkness and wage a constant battle against the nightshades and kytons)

Agathion, Loxonal (Elephant-like agathion who are second only to the mighty Draconals and are the most militaristic of all agathions)

Archon, Monarch (Regal humanoid archons clad in golden armor, wielding vorpal greatswords, and typically seated on ornate thrones which can access the archon's spells and spell-like abilities and fight foes on it's own)

Devil, Lust [Luxurigon] (Infernal version of the succubus devoted to corrupting the minds, bodies, and souls of mortals through debased pleasure and unmitigated lust)

Ape, Tyrant [Megaprimatus] (Huge-sized primate that rules unopposed throughout it's jungle domain and is sometimes worshiped as a god by jungle and island natives)

Lycanthrope, Werecrow (Lycanthropes who possess the ability to take the form of crows but also summon crows as well however, they have a unique vulnerability to gold in addition to silver)

Lycanthrope, Weresaurian (Exceedingly rare but dangerous lycanthropes capable of taking the form of carnivorous dinosaurs, it is widely believed they are slowly being driven to extinction)

Lycanthrope, Wereskunks (Lycanthropes capable of taking the form of skunks and as such are capable of expelling a noxious cloud of foul-smelling vapor)

Golem, Gemstone (Golems made of precious and semi-precious gemstones that possess the ability to use a burst-like prismatic spray ability)

Vampire, Strigoi (A vampiric bloodline that lacks energy draining slams but possesses the ability to dominate victims through blood drain as well as potent moon-based regenerative powers)

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JiCi wrote:

I might be hated to no end for this but...
+ 5 new chromatic dragons (gray, brown, purple, orange and yellow)
+ 5 new metallic dragons (adamantine, mithral, orium, steel and iron)

Perhaps this then (?):

Dragon [Chromatic], Brown (Fire-breathing desert dwelling dragons who often come into conflict with brass, copper, blue, and yellow dragons)

Dragon [Chromatic], Gray (Also known as fang dragons, these electricity-breathing chromatics are just as feral as the whites but no less dangerous)

Dragon [Chromatic], Orange (These jungle-dwelling acid-breathing chromatics are just as spiteful and unsociable as the blacks)

Dragon [Chromatic], Purple (Dwelling almost exclusively in the darklands, these cold-breathing chromatics desire power and control above all else)

Dragon [Chromatic], Yellow (Acid-breathing dragons dwelling in craggy wastelands, they hate copper dragons and are nortorious liars and deceivers)

Dragon [Metallic], Cobalt (These ice-breathing metallics dwell in the frozen north and often take entire communities under their wing in order to make them strong)

Dragon [Metallic], Iron (These electricity-breathing metallics fashion themselves the ultimate hunters of evil and love nothing more than to stalk a fiend for days then slay it)

Dragon [Metallic], Mercury (These fire-breathing metallics value knowledge above all else and desire to folster learning and the spread to lore throughout the world)

Dragon [Metallic], Orium (These acid-breathing metallics often dwell in ancient ruins and seek to protect the future by preserving the past; preventing intruders from plundering and debasing their forgotten homes)

Dragon [Metallic], Steel (Often refered to as song dragons, these acid-breathing metallics love to dwell in humanoid-communities and have a fondness for humanoid food)

Just some ideas for ya but don't get me wrong, 10 chromatics and 10 metallics are enough for me.

MMCJawa wrote:
we already have dracoliches...Raveners

I can tell that they're the substitute, but they're hardly the same thing. :P


blarney stone golem

weresquid & octopus

a glass golem

Glass Golem already exists in the Bestiary 2.

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