aceDiamond |
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Has anyone mentioned the dogs with the bees in their mouths so that when they bark, they shoot bees at you?

Mythic +10 Artifact Toaster |
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Has anyone mentioned the dogs with the bees in their mouths so that when they bark, they shoot bees at you?
or robot Richard Simmons

Dragon78 |
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Second that for tiny and diminutive monstrous humanoids and tiny/diminutive humanoids.
I wish there were polymorph spells to change into fey, outsiders, oozes, and constructs though that would be for a different book all together...hopefully advanced classes guide.
Playable squirrel race like the Kercpa, since I do not think they can legally use the name at least close to it.
At least half the 0HD races to be new not reprints from other books though I would really like the Android and Lashunta to get into a hardcover bestiary one day.
You know it is hard to think of more stuff for this wishlist until I know what is in the Bestiary 4.

MMCJawa |
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Once Bestiary 4 is published I might start a new thread and create a google document to compile everything into a more convenient format for Paizo folks and to keep too much duplicate posts down.
In the meantime, I by chance stumbled upon text of Norwegian folklore online that has some new critters that might prove useful
It's huge and long and consists of mostly unformatted text, but here ya go:

Gancanagh |
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As i'm addicted to the old Castlevania games (especially the last 5 metroid-like parts, Dawn and Aria of Sorrow, Order of Ecclesia, Symphony of the Night and Portrait of Ruin, the others don't mean that much to me)
Here are the monsters from Castlevania I still want to encounter in a bestiary one day, with or without the same name, just the appearance would be enough, I still call them by their Castlevania name here tho.
If you wanna know what the enemeis look like watch this site:
Axe Armor - These creatures can be clayed into something very cool I guess! maybe some living armor monsters with axe weapons?
Alastor - I don't really want that name, but a spirit who possess a giant sword is awesome in my book, the Nemesis or Hunting Girl is also very cool and maybe good for a minor version of the Alastor.
Balloon Pod - Strange fungus/plant monsters that float through the air, spreading their horrid infesting seeds all around, their deaththrow is horrible.
Bloody Zombie- Tha BLOOD! Tha BLOOD! Maybe some zombie bursting with acid blood, if you kill them the blood is freaking everywhere!
Bone Ark - Some horrid skull (maybe from some ancient god or creature) worshiped by normal skeletons and carred by them.
Diplocaulus/Amphisbaena - We already have a cool Amphisbaena, but I want the creature from Castlevania called Amphisbaena with another name, its the female torso on a monstrous creature, much like the Vouivre but without wings.
Ectoplasm - A collection of cursed souls forced into a bright ball of light with faces in it.
Fleaman/Ripper - Those annoying jumping creatures should annoy pathfinder players as well! Rippers are even worse with their knives.
Frozen Shade - Just too cool to be forgotten, even if its only to be mentioned in this list.
Gaibon and Slogra - They just look so cool! And when Gaibon is mad, he's MAD!
Malphas - The Raven lord
Magic Tome / Spellbook - These animated books summon weapons and creatures from their pages, could be an animated object, but better things can be done with this.
Sniper of Goth / Amalaric Sniper - Awesome for a Celestial! First Angel (after Solar) I would actually like.
Ruler's Sword / Spectral Sword - That sword creature surrounded by other weapons and shield, one of my favorite castlevania monsters, would really love such a creature in pathfinder!
Legion - The boss which is made entirely from human bodies.
Decarabia - Evil demonic starfish monsters.
Guillotiner - A creature looking like a flying guillotine monster that has actully two parts which cut you if you are between them! Would be awesome for Daemon of people that were sent to the Guillotine!
Stolas - Very powerful owl demon monster, looks amazing in Dawn of Sorrow.
Abaddon - The locust boss, it should be a regular enemy and not be called Abaddon in pathfinder, but I like a creature that commands swarms of locusts.
Bat Company - A red bat monster that is actually a swarm of bats that can take other forms when working together.
Paranoia - The mirror monster, I would really like this one, its my favorite boss!
Puppet Master - Another awesome boss!
Zephyr - The time-controlling Freddy Kruger wanabee, pretty awesome!
Death Mask - Strange blue human faces/masks with four beautiful blue wings attached to it.
Elgiza - Good for the Osirion AP.
Moldy Corpse - A corpse that grows toadstools/mushrooms from its back, pretty disgusting and awesome!
Lorelei - I know this is already in pathfinder, but I would really like the fish creature with mermaid lure to be in pathfinder with another name.
Miss Murder - This awesome enemy reminds me of bloody mary, dunno why. But she has some strange teleport ability and a huge scissor weapon.
Maneater - The giant skull with three huge red worms living in it, awesome monster!
Gravedorcus - The most awesome boss ever! This giant sandfish-boss from Order of Ecclesia reminds me of the Tsemaus from Australian Myths, the giant fish with sharp dorsail fin.

Evil Midnight Lurker |

Axe Armor - These creatures can be clayed into something very cool I guess! maybe some living armor monsters with axe weapons?
Phantom Armor, Ashes at Dawn page 85, obviously another Castlevania ref. Also includes the phantom horseman thingies.
Diplocaulus/Amphisbaena - We already have a cool Amphisbaena, but I want the creature from Castlevania called Amphisbaena with another name, its the female torso on a monstrous creature, much like the Vouivre but without wings.
I'm almost 100% certain that thing is supposed to be a Vouivre. Just take the wings off, and you're done.

Gancanagh |

AKA The King of Fangs, many cool things can be done with this creature from the Greek Abyss/Hell/Tartaros.
Maybe some dinosaur-like devil/demon creature much like the Xacarba, Bargara and Acheraei are.
I would like to cut my Kasai Rex (creatures named after a country or city are never a good idea) idea and mix it in with the Odontotyrannos.
So the Odontotyrannos would appear as a Dark Red/Black tiger-striped Tyrannosaurus creature (but more horrible looking of course) with horrible fangs growing in its maw like its some form of mutant growth, the creature is covered in spikey fangs (which also gave it its name of King of Fangs) and unlike the Tyrannosaurus Rex its rather intelligent for its appearance.
Their fangs grow much as sharks, so they have multiple rows of teeth and they also grow out of its mouth so closing it can be a problem.

MMCJawa |

Monsters/creatures of Jewish folklore that I don't THINK exist yet in Pathfinder would include:
Ziz/Bar Juchne
There are some other critters as well that bleed into Christian Apocrypha or the beliefs of neighboring/occupying/earlier cultures. We are getting the Elohim for instance in the next Bestiary, and Nephilim were in Bestiary 3. Anakim and Grigori could be future additions. There are of course a variety of demons that could be pulled from the above beliefs, either as unique entities or types of demon/devil/Qlippoth (hello Asmodeus!).
This is a pretty interesting blog I just found that might have some further ideas:
Go to Beyond the Golem.

MMCJawa |

Gluttony |

Devils. Lots and lots of new devils are my biggest hope right now.
The Bestiaries, from 1 to 3 at least, have been kind to demons. Add to that that the demons have lots and lots of additional material in other books with Book of the Damned Vol. 2, the Wrath of the Righteous AP, the Worldwound Campaign Setting, a few in the AP bestiaries (such as Jade Regent's Hala demon or Reign of Winter's Andrazku demon), and more, and it feels like the Lawful Evil outsiders are getting the short end of the stick.
...Okay more daemons too, but really, when one thinks of fiends it's devils and demons that come up first. We really need the former to start catching up with the latter in variety so that when the time comes, the players can properly go to Hell.

Numerian |
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Monsters/creatures of Jewish folklore that I don't THINK exist yet in Pathfinder would include:
Ziz/Bar Juchne
Re'emThere are some other critters as well that bleed into Christian Apocrypha or the beliefs of neighboring/occupying/earlier cultures. We are getting the Elohim for instance in the next Bestiary, and Nephilim were in Bestiary 3. Anakim and Grigori could be future additions. There are of course a variety of demons that could be pulled from the above beliefs, either as unique entities or types of demon/devil/Qlippoth (hello Asmodeus!).
This is a pretty interesting blog I just found that might have some further ideas:
Go to Beyond the Golem.
Yes, most are very interesting. Also:
Eisheth - angels of sacred prostitution.
Ibbur - opposite of dybbuk, the most positive form of possession.
Ishim - rank of angels is the closest level to human beings.
Lailah - angel of night.
Malakh - messenger angel.
Ophanim - celestial wheels.
Rephaim - race of netherworld giants.
Shamir - mythical worm that disintegrates stone, gift of Asmodeus.
Lamed Vuv - holy men, their purity is what allows the world to survive. They appear when tragedy and hardship threaten mankind, and then disappear before they can be thanked.

Gancanagh |

So many new names but most of those jewish monsters aren't really my thing, I can't spot anything interesting and new/different, a shame :-( (cuz I always love seeing new monsters and names I didn't heard before)
I love the Dybbuk tho, nice the best monster (IMHO) is already in pathfinder!
I knew about Shamir, but weren't those the worms that repaired everything? Saw them in a cartoon about cryptids.

Sakaki_xd |

I noticed something. If you want to know about the theme of each bestiary, take a look at their Dragons. For the first, the basic bestiary, we have the basic dragons. For the second, the extraplanar bestiary, we have the Primal Dragons. The third bestiary, the japanese or mythological bestiary, has the Imperial Dragons. Now, the fourth and "Alien" bestiary, will give us the Outer Dragons... What do you expect of the next dragons for the bestiary 5?

![]() |

I kinda what the creatures of the Vaults. A lot of the Horrors you'd fine in Orv fleshed (hehe) out more. ThoughtDevowerer aboinations, Aboleth mutations, living nightmares fresh from the shores of Leng.
I'd also LOVE to see more First World critters. More Fey is always nice.
More advanced or expanded listing for some critters would be nice. Like what would a Hobgoblin King look like? What would some of the greater ArchAngels and Devils look like.
And I think the Quilliops could always use more love.
Bestiary 5 needs to be "Expanded Mythology and Groups" kinda listings. So you can really flesh out your critters your group runs across.

Gancanagh |

CR12+ that are medium sized or smaller
Yes indeed, beginning with Kamaitachi and Lavellan.
Please don't give those creatures from english and japanese mythology the Almiraj threadment because they are small.
Kamaitachi would be able to slice through hordes of demons with its speed of light and wind based abilities.
And even creatures immune to poison would die like flies when smelling the poisonous aura of the english Lavellan.
Small but deadly, please don't make the Aurumvorax and Demilich the only high cr creatures that are small.
Really Quicklings should be much higher, but you can redeem this mistake by giving the Kamaitachi (which are even faster than Quicklings) CR 12 or higher.

Adjule |

I noticed something. If you want to know about the theme of each bestiary, take a look at their Dragons. For the first, the basic bestiary, we have the basic dragons. For the second, the extraplanar bestiary, we have the Primal Dragons. The third bestiary, the japanese or mythological bestiary, has the Imperial Dragons. Now, the fourth and "Alien" bestiary, will give us the Outer Dragons... What do you expect of the next dragons for the bestiary 5?
I really wish they would have made the faerie dragon a "true" dragon, with age categories, like it was back in 2nd edition. As for the dragons of bestiary 5? Not sure. I would like to see elemental dragons (fire, water, air, earth, ice?; even if they would technically be covered with the basic chromatic and metallics).
I would love to see love for elementals, oozes, and constructs myself. But until I see what the 4th one has within, I won't really comment on what I would like to see.

Snowleopard |

Sakaki_xd wrote:I noticed something. If you want to know about the theme of each bestiary, take a look at their Dragons. For the first, the basic bestiary, we have the basic dragons. For the second, the extraplanar bestiary, we have the Primal Dragons. The third bestiary, the japanese or mythological bestiary, has the Imperial Dragons. Now, the fourth and "Alien" bestiary, will give us the Outer Dragons... What do you expect of the next dragons for the bestiary 5?I really wish they would have made the faerie dragon a "true" dragon, with age categories, like it was back in 2nd edition. As for the dragons of bestiary 5? Not sure. I would like to see elemental dragons (fire, water, air, earth, ice?; even if they would technically be covered with the basic chromatic and metallics).
I would love to see love for elementals, oozes, and constructs myself. But until I see what the 4th one has within, I won't really comment on what I would like to see.
I remember a shadow dragon from 2nd edition that was really badass. It's breath weapon did only do d4 and not that many. But that refered to the levels drained by it's breath!!!! It was particullary nasty even at young ages.

Dragon78 |

Umbral dragons are pathfinder's version of shadow dragons.
I do miss faerie dragons having age categories like they did in 2nd edition.
I would like to see love for fey, elementals, oozes, and non-fungus/mold based plant creatures.
Also if the bestiary 4 has 10% mythic creatures that around 30, I wish they had that many fey in a hardcover bestiary.

Gancanagh |

Gancanagh wrote:CASTLEVANIA TIME!You will be pleased LONG before Bestiary 5. ;)
So there are more castlevania based monsters in bestiary 4 after Vouivre?
Chon Chon, Ukobach, Phantom Armor?
I'm really hoping on Paranoia (the mirror thing) and Gravedorcus (in the form of tsemaus) here! :-p