Milo v3 |
Which is kinda logical, as most people and other creatures have sin-ed, so they become evil twisted chaotic creatures. Seems like the Succubi are doing their job rather nicely. :-p
In a world with more good-natured creatures, the evil would be erased.
But then again, I have never had big love for good-alignment creatures, from child-on I was always a fan of neutrals and evils. They mostly look better, have better story and are more interesting, good only lives to fight off evil in many stories.
I didn't knew the Kami were actually neutral? Never gave their pages much read and I thought by seeing the pictures those were all good creatures. Maybe those 5? Kami in bestiary 3 are the wrong examples and there are more interesting Kami possible, also didn't really like the Kami from Jade Regent AP.
Kami are just gods in japanese myth. You can have a good kami of a holy temple, just as easily as there can be an evil kami of a swamp that drags people in, or a chaotic kami of a waterfall or a lawful kami of a termite mound.
Myth Lord |
Ah! There's the problem! You'see I love mythological creatures and even a few select gods that give off the creature vibes (Quetzalcouatl and Camuzotz come to mind) but other Gods never really got my interest, that's why I probably never cared for the Kami in mythology, and since i'm such a big lover of Japanese myths they must be really something I dislike.
Mechagamera |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Myth Lord,
Your One True Wayism is showing. Might want to zip it up in front of polite company.
The disconnect of "we are fighting good creatures" is actually a good reason to have them, especially if the murderhoboes have been acting extra murderhobo-y. As a GM I haven't said a word about alignment in decades, but I have dropped nearly every good outsider on the PC's at one point or the other. My players aren't nearly so receptive of LN, CN, or N outsiders.
Also, you may have missed the whole Unchained Summoner debate going on the forums now. Creating something like an archon mount (I am thinking something like a shedu) would not only provide a rationale for expanding the options when the inevitable Unchained Summoner splat comes out, but is good feat fodder for other magic classes.
Finally, what monster manual/bestiary have good outsiders even made up 10% of the page count or number of monsters? Let me give you better odds, what monster manual/bestiary have good monsters (period) even made up 10% of the count or number of monsters? Outside of Planescape, I am struggling to think of one.
Myth Lord |
Finally, what monster manual/bestiary have good outsiders even made up 10% of the page count or number of monsters? Let me give you better odds, what monster manual/bestiary have good monsters (period) even made up 10% of the count or number of monsters? Outside of Planescape, I am struggling to think of one.
Well and I like to keep it that way, only few good-alignment monsters every Bestiary, not the other way around.
Polite? That is something that doesn't exist in the human world, so zipping it up wouldn't help.
As seeing how you are one of those folks that always favorite posts that are hostile against me, and not in a learning matter, more in a rude matter.
Milo v3 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
*Shrug* Personally, I think Myth Lord only ever even sounds the slighest bit rude when replying to people who told him to be more polite.
It's probably fine that they're only a tiny portion of good creatures in the bestiary, I mean, only 10% of games would use them. But, I'd just rather more non-devils/demons like the aeons and inevitables and qllipoths and div's and elementals.
Wannabe Demon Lord |
I don't really see what would be wrong with more demons and devils. They're EXTREMELY diverse, with so many varied types that I hardly think that more of them would count as "more of the same." That's just me though, I've been on a demonology kick for a while now. However, I totally agree that we need more of the other Outsider types. I personally would love to have more Daemons, Divs, Oni, Kami, Rakshasas, Asuras, Qlippoths, Proteans, Inevitables, Psychopomps, and Agathions. In terms of Angels, Archons, etc. I have to admit that I would personally prefer more fiends, if they continue in the direction the Celestials are currently going in. The reason for this is that the Celestials, in my opinion at least,are kind of repetitive and even boring. Most of them just look like beautiful humanoids with bird wings. I'm kind of tired of that. The Agathions are the best, but still "just" anthropomorphic animals. If they add more Celestials, I really hope they would look different. The fiends, in addition to being more numerous, are also far more diverse.
Dragon78 |
Demons are very over used, cliché and boring and not even all that well done in Pathfinder/D&D. They should have made them any evil not all chaotic evil. Personally I have always looked at demons, devils, and daemons as the same creature group just different sides of the same evil.
We need new celestails, proteans, inevitables, kami, oni, azura, rakshasa, qlippoths, elementals, and aeons.
Mechagamera |
I don't really see what would be wrong with more demons and devils. They're EXTREMELY diverse, with so many varied types that I hardly think that more of them would count as "more of the same." That's just me though, I've been on a demonology kick for a while now. However, I totally agree that we need more of the other Outsider types. I personally would love to have more Daemons, Divs, Oni, Kami, Rakshasas, Asuras, Qlippoths, Proteans, Inevitables, Psychopomps, and Agathions. In terms of Angels, Archons, etc. I have to admit that I would personally prefer more fiends, if they continue in the direction the Celestials are currently going in. The reason for this is that the Celestials, in my opinion at least,are kind of repetitive and even boring. Most of them just look like beautiful humanoids with bird wings. I'm kind of tired of that. The Agathions are the best, but still "just" anthropomorphic animals. If they add more Celestials, I really hope they would look different. The fiends, in addition to being more numerous, are also far more diverse.
I have long wished D&D had folded the shedu and lamassu into archons (much like how hellcats and kytons became devils and bebiliths became demons). That would have added some nonhumaniods to the gooders, and helped the lamassu get away from being the weaker, LG androsphinx. The head of reason controlling animal passions seems to be a lawful type idea.
PathlessBeth |
Finally, what monster manual/bestiary have good outsiders even made up 10% of the page count or number of monsters? Let me give you better odds, what monster manual/bestiary have good monsters (period) even made up 10% of the count or number of monsters? Outside of Planescape, I am struggling to think of one.
Off the top of my head, Mythic Monsters: Guardians of Good. But that's just a handful of monsters...and it came in a series which already had an installment composed entirely of demons, then one for 'mythos' (all evil), one for "Abyssal" monsters, an all-evil-all-undead installment, followed by "Mythic Devils". Then, before getting to the sole supplement of Good monsters, there was Mythic Monsters: Mythos Too (all evil again) followed immediately by Mythic Monsters: Emissaries of Evil. When they were eventually compiled into a hardcover, only a few Good monsters made it in among hundreds of Evil ones.
It wouldn't bother me so much if the descriptions of most evil monsters weren't so repetitive. The fluff descriptions of more than half of the evil monsters in the monster manual(s) can be summarized as
A horrible, twisted abomination crawls before you with it's terrifying glare.
A GenericEvilMonster is an unnatural monstrosity infused in evil life. The GenericEvilMonster literally radiates Evil energy and hates all living creatures. GenericEvilMonsters terrorize innocents, tainting everything with their Evil presence.
They could just take one monster's description and copy/paste it into every other Terrible Evil! monster's description with little more than a name change. Or, better yet, they just save ink by writing "see the generic Evil monster description" and use the space they saved for something the writers spent more than 30 seconds thinking about.
I get that sometimes you just want a statblock for a creature that the PCs can fight without thinking too hard about it. In that case, though, seeing the Generic GrimDarkEvil monster redescribed for the billionth time doesn't help. You can just take the statblock, and recycle any of the other times Generic GrimDarkEvil Monster was described. Or, if the GM wants to spend even a little effort thinking about why the PCs are fighting this creature, they can probably come up with something better than Just Because.
Myth Lord |
Wannabe Demon Lord wrote:I don't really see what would be wrong with more demons and devils. They're EXTREMELY diverse, with so many varied types that I hardly think that more of them would count as "more of the same." That's just me though, I've been on a demonology kick for a while now. However, I totally agree that we need more of the other Outsider types. I personally would love to have more Daemons, Divs, Oni, Kami, Rakshasas, Asuras, Qlippoths, Proteans, Inevitables, Psychopomps, and Agathions. In terms of Angels, Archons, etc. I have to admit that I would personally prefer more fiends, if they continue in the direction the Celestials are currently going in. The reason for this is that the Celestials, in my opinion at least,are kind of repetitive and even boring. Most of them just look like beautiful humanoids with bird wings. I'm kind of tired of that. The Agathions are the best, but still "just" anthropomorphic animals. If they add more Celestials, I really hope they would look different. The fiends, in addition to being more numerous, are also far more diverse.I have long wished D&D had folded the shedu and lamassu into archons (much like how hellcats and kytons became devils and bebiliths became demons). That would have added some nonhumaniods to the gooders, and helped the lamassu get away from being the weaker, LG androsphinx. The head of reason controlling animal passions seems to be a lawful type idea.
Shedu, lol, the most strange and silly looking creature (for me personally) by far.
UNTIL I read an online story from another pathfinder player/fan about an EVIL religious zealot type of Shedu that was freaking interesting, and was forcing some type of relgion onto it's victims, everyone that stood against it and its Lamia/Jackalwere army was executed.
now I like the creature a lot more.
Lammasu are pretty much a sphinx for me, never saw the difference (i'm probably willingly blind to it)
But I agree it would have made more sense as Archons, they suit that group like a glove, mostly Lammasu.
Also I would like to.
2 new Demons
2 new Devils
3 Devil lords as the demons were in Bestiary 4.
2 NON PRETTY PEOPLE WITH WINGS Celestials, mostly Archons and Agathions which are the most interesting. (Solar is cool though, the only angel I like)
I don't care for the 5 dragons, so I would like to see a replacement for that, lake serpents or sea serpents maybe.
Less humanoid undead, spare for mythological interesting ones like Ahkiyyini and Acheri.
I would like to see more Div and Asura, the other groups like Rakshasa and Oni aren't doing it for me. Oni could use some NON pale versions like Nogitsune and the Tengu one, i'm not really fond of the every-giant-needs-an-Oni approach.
I would love more elementals, but ones like Cherufe and Raiju, not Fill-in-Any-Element + Elemental, those I disliked since I was 10 in Heroes of Might and Magic, and the relationship was never fixed.
I would also love more Baregara/Bebilith/Xacarba (the big half-demon snake) like creatures, they are much like demons but not yet, they are probably animals that live in the abyss with the demons and devils, the abyss fauna I call them.
The Native American Anaye, Binaye-Ahani (the twisted electrical twins), Delgeth (pronghorn demon with fire hooves), Tsenahale (bizarre vulture horror) and Yeitso (the pangolin giant) work perfectly for Abyss and Hell fauna.
Also the Ajatar (lemure-spitting mother serpent of Devils, much like some twisted demonic echidna, her poison also twists her victims into Lemures)
Mapinguari (megatherium twisted by abyssal or hell's influence, they can become so old and lie dormant for long so that algae, moss and other parasitic abyss plants grow all over their bodies and form their coat/skin, they have only one cyclopic eye, huge claws, one hole for a mouth in their faces with a very long anteater-like tongue coming from it, and their most horrid feature is the huge second maw that is within their stomach, with huge fangs.)
Odontotyrannos (tyrannosaurus rex twisted by the abyss or hell, a giant red/black (kasai rex influence) tyrannosaurus rex covered in teeth that grow all over its maw and body. Unlike the T.Rex it has long arms, much like that new mutant dinosaur from Jurrasic World, like the bebilith, it mostly hunts for big demons, but anything other will do just as fine.
Asag (surinam toad like creatures with a rocklike hide that produce smaller copies of itself from its back the size of dwarves, if the Asag dies it will reincarnate into one of its offspring if still alive.)
In hell's/abyss's lakes and rivers there are Shachihoko and Caspilly which are terrifying fish evolved to feed and hunt for Demons/Devils depending on which plane they live. Shachihoko being like hell's Goliath Tigerfish, a one-fish piranha army with a voracious appetite, the strange and poisonous Caspilly uses the poison of another famous mythology snake the Dipsas, this poison makes you so thirsty, that in the end you will slash your own wrists and drink your own blood if no more water is available, most victims will drink themselves to death. (as there are more than enough snake monsters in pathfinder, that cool poison should be given to another creature.)
Hell's/Abyss Unicorn could be Sin-You, a unicorn/kirin twisted by the corrupting air of demons or devils, now forever hunting sinners, and giving them a swift death with their dangerous magical horns.
Myth Lord |
Mechagamera wrote:
Finally, what monster manual/bestiary have good outsiders even made up 10% of the page count or number of monsters? Let me give you better odds, what monster manual/bestiary have good monsters (period) even made up 10% of the count or number of monsters? Outside of Planescape, I am struggling to think of one.
Off the top of my head, Mythic Monsters: Guardians of Good. But that's just a handful of monsters...and it came in a series which already had an installment composed entirely of demons, then one for 'mythos' (all evil), one for "Abyssal" monsters, an all-evil-all-undead installment, followed by "Mythic Devils". Then, before getting to the sole supplement of Good monsters, there was Mythic Monsters: Mythos Too (all evil again) followed immediately by Mythic Monsters: Emissaries of Evil. When they were eventually compiled into a hardcover, only a few Good monsters made it in among hundreds of Evil ones.
It wouldn't bother me so much if the descriptions of most evil monsters weren't so repetitive. The fluff descriptions of more than half of the evil monsters in the monster manual(s) can be summarized as
A horrible, twisted abomination crawls before you with it's terrifying glare.
A GenericEvilMonster is an unnatural monstrosity infused in evil life. The GenericEvilMonster literally radiates Evil energy and hates all living creatures. GenericEvilMonsters terrorize innocents, tainting everything with their Evil presence.They could just take one monster's description and copy/paste it into every other Terrible Evil! monster's description with little more than a name change. Or, better yet, they just save ink by writing "see the generic Evil monster description" and use the space they saved for...
Well the same could be said about angels.
Otherwordly beautiful humanoid with feathery wings appears before you to give you a blessing and prove that good is always beautiful...
I don't think many evil creatures are alike, Minotaurs have their mazes which sets them appart, redcaps have their strange use of blood, medusa's have their background, and so on and on, the only monsters that are rather one sided are normal Ogres and Hill giants.
Dragon78 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I have always wished they based angels on the real world classification of angels such angel, arch angel, dominion, seraphim, etc. but that boat has sailed.
I would love a celestial version of qlippoth but I doubt that will ever happen.
I would love another group of CN outsiders but instead of the realty destroyers that proteans are, they would be a trickster race who like to play games with mortals. So basically a race like Mr. Mxyzptlk(superman), Q(star trek), various trickster gods/spirits from myth, etc.
A new group of N outsiders who only observe/record/study mortals(and maybe immortals) and very rarely intervene with mortals and immortals alike but when they do...
A LN outsider group that likes to take charge of mortals, looks at them as lost children or rough clay to be molded. A more military based ideology that likes to "help" other see there view point of the universe.
Myth Lord |
I would also love more fey creatures that aren't humanoids but more animals.
Cu Sith - The green nature-based dogs of doom, I see these work as fey, their breath could revive and animate plants. The white doben dogs with blood red ears that often join the Wild Hunt named Cwn Annwn could also work as fey dogs, they are loyal to the local erlking much like the Cu Sith would.
AWD Goggie - Giant caterpillar fey, protecting gardens and groves much like Nuckelelavee protects rivers and lakes, on the borders where the fey-world colides with the earth. They could have the ability from the Ulgurstasta from D&D, when the AWD Goggie (or just Goggie) eats you whole, you will transform into a maggot (much like Larvae) inside the creatures body, then it spits the victims out as maggot-like creatures with the face of the former victim, they help protect the groves for the goggie, more like Shriekers do with sound warnings so the goggie knows the location of the invaders.
It would be interesting to see a fey insect.
Alkonost - The fey version of the Harpy, more beautiful and FAR more deadly, their strange songs make you forget things, control emotions, make weak souls commit suicide, change behavior in animals and weaker humanoids, make friends hostile against each other, overwhelm the victims that hear her song with depression and despair. They look like harpies, but their feathers are beautiful in colors, and their faces are almost angelic.
Mngwa - Fey tigers with strange abilities over sound, at least they can take away the sound around them, absorb it and use it in attacks, they often take away the sound of their victims so nobody can hear them scream. I can see these bizarre cats work as fey, with a strange transparant hide and sabretooth teeth. And since the Wendigo don't have the ability, these could (if not blocked out by their soundless area ability) have the aura of whispers, inside their aura you can hear the whispers of their former victims.
Nalusa Falaya - These black Indri/Sifaka like horrors are by far the most vile and evil twisted creatures in all mythology, they actually turn other creatures evil in alignment by paralyzing them with their pure evil gaze (A bodak would say AH to it's gaze, as the gaze of an Nalusa Falaya is far worse than sudden death) that corrupts the souls with voodoo magic and turns the victim violent, evil and twisted, the Nalusa enjoys watching the carnage and chaos that follows as friends or families start tearing each other to pieces. These are fey because they are too twisted to be just magical beasts.
Nekomata - These Japanese humanoid (but halfling size) cats with two tails and many vile magics work magically as fey me thinks. I could see the Nekomata as the Julajimus from Pathfinder, with the ability to take the forms of cute little kittens to seduce young children into false security.
Scitalis - A fey dragon or serpent with scales more beautiful than the rainbow or diamond. If their beautiful scales don't mesmerize you, their poison sure will.
Shadhavar - A fey Unicorn, black in color, more antelope/gazelle than horse and a siren-like ability, which can be twisted into a different type of sound attack. But a carnivorous unicorn is always interesting, they strike me as fey for some reason.
Parandrus - Another animal I could see working as fey, these are goat/stag like hybrids with the ability to change their hair colors and blend in with the environment by absorbing the colors/formations into their fur, turning from brown to green in an instant, or turning as hard as rock when in a mountain area. They could be close with the local elves, and their magical powers would make them more fey than magical beast. In my own game I use these as upgrades for the Yale, a similiar looking creature, so this Parandrus could also have the ability of the Yale to twist its huge capricorn-like horns into any way they please, so they can point them into any direction during combat. Erlkings would ride them.
While the overused Griffons started to bore me, i've found two new types of interesting Griffon breeds from Heraldry and Egyptian mythology.
MMCJawa |
well as long as we are talking about pet Peeves with outsiders.
Kytons: I love the Kytons, but it feels like the last few we have gotten have been slight variances of the Ostiarus (The Lampadarus (sp?) from Inner Sea Gods and the Sacristan). I'd like some Kytons that are not simply dudes in S&M Gear. Lets get some Kytons that have decided to remove their bones, or have reduced their bodies to nothing but bundles of nerves, or have grafted themselves to other Kytons.
Weird Angels: to go with the above complaints, a lot of the biblical angels are really bizarre, things like many headed chimeras or spinning fiery wheels and other stuff out of an acid dream. It would be nice to see more good outsiders with this sort of descriptive sense, or a new good outsider that specifically avoid the humanoid appearance.
Greater variety of neutral outsiders. I like psychopomps, but the single handed focus on the death makes them sort of unsuitable for most petitioners to transition to.
Aeon's aren't bad, but are just also sort of weird to use. I think because they overlap in niche with inevitables. Personally I would like some outsider types focused on being neutral observers and acquirers of knowledge, or interplanar mercenaries, or manipulators of nature.
Dragon78 |
I agree we need some Kytons that are not just people in S&M outfits.
I been wanting them to have the Nekomata for a long time maybe 5th times a charm.
I would like an evil unicorn like creature as well.
I like the sound of the Alkonost and Scitalis.
I have always liked the flying green fairy dog Cu Sith.
Myth Lord |
I would love a creature that uses it's own bones as weapons, with rapid bone growth and regeneration to make up the wounds that form when they pull out their own bones.
Kyton could work, but also the mythological Aeternae with their saw-like boney horns.
A creature that uses its own blood as weapons is also cool, maybe the Hindu monster Raktavija could have this ability.
Mr.u |
well as long as we are talking about pet Peeves with outsiders.
Kytons: I love the Kytons, but it feels like the last few we have gotten have been slight variances of the Ostiarus (The Lampadarus (sp?) from Inner Sea Gods and the Sacristan). I'd like some Kytons that are not simply dudes in S&M Gear. Lets get some Kytons that have decided to remove their bones, or have reduced their bodies to nothing but bundles of nerves, or have grafted themselves to other Kytons.
Weird Angels: to go with the above complaints, a lot of the biblical angels are really bizarre, things like many headed chimeras or spinning fiery wheels and other stuff out of an acid dream. It would be nice to see more good outsiders with this sort of descriptive sense, or a new good outsider that specifically avoid the humanoid appearance.
Greater variety of neutral outsiders. I like psychopomps, but the single handed focus on the death makes them sort of unsuitable for most petitioners to transition to.
Aeon's aren't bad, but are just also sort of weird to use. I think because they overlap in niche with inevitables. Personally I would like some outsider types focused on being neutral observers and acquirers of knowledge, or interplanar mercenaries, or manipulators of nature.
biblical angels aren't all that weird and many angels that appear are winged humanoids. Also in the bible angels are spirits rather than physical beings, they don’t have to be visible at all but when they do manifest into physical forms or reveal there spiritual forms in a way that can be seen they usually have humanoid forms.
Some common traits among there appearances as described in the bible despite how weird some of them may seem are beauty, Glory, Light, awe, fire, fear, hope, lightning, a humanoid body(most of the time), Two or more arms, no to six wings, there are other things as well.
as for specific types
-the Seraphim or Seraphs
The word Seraphim (one seraph, two or more seraphim) means “burning ones” or nobles. They are also sometimes called the 'ones of love' because their name might come from the Hebrew root for 'love'. Seraphim are only fully described in the Bible on one occasion
They have a humanoid body
So these types of heavenly beings have six wings, but they only use two of them for flying. the other four are used to cover the your face and feet. In Jewish folklore, and some later Christian works, the Seraphim are said to be the highest rank of angel second to the archangels. This is probably because of their very close proximity to God.
In art, Seraphim are often red (because of their names 'burning ones') and are shown holding a flaming sword with the words 'holy, holy, holy' on the blade.
-the Cherubim
In Genesis they guard the Garden of Eden, following Adam and Eve's banishment from the Garden, and are described holding flaming swords
The prophet Ezekiel has a vivid vision of heaven where he sees many angelic beings. His description of the Cherubim is powerful – almost frightening.
They have a humanoid body and have 4 wings and there wings are some times covered with eyes
Also it is said they can see in all directions at once.
-'Ordinary' Angels
Have a humanoid body, Sometimes have no wings and Sometimes do have wings(maybe more)
Daniel 10:5-6(Book of Daniel) gives a vivid description of an angel that he saw: “I looked up and there before me was a man dressed in linen, with a belt of fine gold around his waist. His body was like topaz, his face like lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and his voice like the sound of a multitude.” So Daniel describes an angel with a face like a lightning bolt, eyes like flaming torches of fire, arms and legs that gleam like polished chrome, and a voice like that of thunder.
There is also the angel the described at Jesus’ tomb Had a humanoid body and obviously was not human “His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow” (Matt. 28:4).
As for many headed chimeras(there not chimeras) or spinning fiery wheels those are just other forms of some angels or different types of angels.
Joe Hex |
I'd like Pathfinder versions of urban legends.
The Black Eyed Children
Shadow People
Bloody Mary
The Greys (Aliens that abduct, with characters coming back "changed")
Men in Black (With black cloaks, or armor.)
A non-ridiculous Bigfoot
With all of them, being really weird, with no logical reason for what they do.
Milo v3 |
I'd like Pathfinder versions of urban legends.
A non-ridiculous Bigfoot
Joe Hex |
Joe Hex wrote:I'd like Pathfinder versions of urban legends.
A non-ridiculous Bigfoot
Thanks Milo! I really need to get Bestiary 2...
Berselius |
Whoever is in control of the complied list, please remove the following submissions I made:
Angel, Aasimon
Angel, Stellar Deva
Agathion, Musteval
Agathion, Lupinal
Agathion, Equinal
Agathion, Ursinal
Archon, Justice
Archon, Warden
Archon, Tome
Archon, Throne
Azata, Noviere
Azata, Shiere
Azata, Shirad
Azata, Tulani
Devil, Pleasure [Lillim]
Dragon [Chromatic], Brown
Dragon [Chromatic], Gray
Dragon [Chromatic], Orange
Dragon [Chromatic], Purple
Dragon [Chromatic], Yellow
Dragon [Metallic], Cobalt
Dragon [Metallic], Iron
Dragon [Metallic], Mercury
Dragon [Metallic], Orium
Dragon [Metallic], Steel
Lycanthrope, Werecrow (Template)
My apologies in advance for any inconvenience that causes. This is now my new submission list:
Agathion, Loxonal
Angel [Primal], Ariel
Angel [Primal], Azrael
Angel [Primal], Cherub
Angel [Primal], Seraph
Angel [Primal], Tharsis
Ape, Tyrant [Megaprimatus]
Archon, Blade
Archon, Monarch
Cackle Bird
Devil, Addiction [Atropocustra]
Devil, Crusader [Ascensoriel]
Devil, Desert [Ghalshoaton]
Devil, Hellforge [Savnogon]
Devil, Hunter [Edavagor]
Devil, Physician [Paigeon]
Devil, Rumor [Dababum]
Devil, Seduction [Lilim]
Dragon [Planar], Axian
Dragon [Planar], Boneyard
Dragon [Planar], Maelstrom
Dragon [Planar], Sin
Dragon [Planar], Virtue
Elemental [Primal], Air
Elemental [Primal], Earth
Elemental [Primal], Fire
Elemental [Primal], Ice
Elemental [Primal], Lightning
Elemental [Primal], Magma
Elemental [Primal], Mud
Elemental [Primal], Water
Golem, Amber
Golem, Ash
Golem, Chalk
Golem, Gemstone
Golem, Coin
Golem, Manacle
Golem, Mud
Golem, Obsidian
Golem, Paper
Golem, Rope
Golem, Salt
Golem, Sand
Golem, Soap
Lycanthrope, Wereraven [Template]
Lycanthrope, Weresaurian [Template]
Lycanthrope, Wereskunk [Template]
Vampire, Strigoi [Template]
xavier c |
Whoever is in control of the complied list, please remove the following submissions I made:
Angel, Aasimon
Angel, Stellar Deva
Agathion, Musteval
Agathion, Lupinal
Agathion, Equinal
Agathion, Ursinal
Archon, Justice
Archon, Warden
Archon, Tome
Archon, Throne
Azata, Noviere
Azata, Shiere
Azata, Shirad
Azata, Tulani
Devil, Pleasure [Lillim]
Dragon [Chromatic], Brown
Dragon [Chromatic], Gray
Dragon [Chromatic], Orange
Dragon [Chromatic], Purple
Dragon [Chromatic], Yellow
Dragon [Metallic], Cobalt
Dragon [Metallic], Iron
Dragon [Metallic], Mercury
Dragon [Metallic], Orium
Dragon [Metallic], Steel
Lycanthrope, Werecrow (Template)My apologies in advance for any inconvenience that causes. This is now my new submission list:
Agathion, Loxonal
Angel [Primal], Ariel
Angel [Primal], Azrael
Angel [Primal], Cherub
Angel [Primal], Seraph
Angel [Primal], Tharsis
Ape, Tyrant [Megaprimatus]
Archon, Blade
Archon, Monarch
Cackle Bird
Devil, Addiction [Atropocustra]
Devil, Crusader [Ascensoriel]
Devil, Desert [Ghalshoaton]
Devil, Hellforge [Savnogon]
Devil, Hunter [Edavagor]
Devil, Physician [Paigeon]
Devil, Rumor [Dababum]
Devil, Seduction [Lilim]
Dragon [Planar], Axian
Dragon [Planar], Boneyard
Dragon [Planar], Maelstrom
Dragon [Planar], Sin
Dragon [Planar], Virtue
Elemental [Primal], Air
Elemental [Primal], Earth
Elemental [Primal], Fire
Elemental [Primal], Ice
Elemental [Primal], Lightning
Elemental [Primal], Magma
Elemental [Primal], Mud
Elemental [Primal], Water
Golem, Amber
Golem, Ash
Golem, Chalk
Golem, Gemstone
Golem, Coin
Golem, Manacle
Golem, Mud
Golem, Obsidian
Golem, Paper
Golem, Rope
Golem, Salt
Golem, Sand
Golem, Soap
Lycanthrope, Wereraven [Template]
Lycanthrope, Weresaurian [Template]
Lycanthrope, Wereskunk [Template]
Vampire, Strigoi [Template]
Set |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I recognize some of the Archons (Warden, Throne, Tome) and Agathions (Musteval, Equinal, etc.), in particular, from 3.X D&D, so they'd probably be unusable by Paizo.
There's plenty of other things that could take their place, like Chalice/Grail Archons with a healing / purifying focus or Serpentes (snake agathions, associated with the lost wisdom of long-dead rulers).
They pretty much write themselves. For an Archon, pick some item of symbolic significance (such as the rod/staff/wand of the tarot, or the crown) and run with it's symbolic elements (fire, for the wand, to make an Archon with a heavy fire-evocation-arcane theme, rulership for the crown). For an Agathion, pick an animal type that 3.5 didn't already use, and go with any mythic associations, so a crow Agathion might focus on serving as a psychopomp or on locating (and destroying / devouring?) undead. It can be pretty formulaic, if you just want to churn out a bunch of new monsters.
I prefer to come at it from another direction, and design a monster that would thematically have abilities that do X because I want an encounter that does X.
Berselius |
I am a little curious myself about that statement as well.
Because the names of almost all of those monsters are the intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast and thus Paizo Publishing will probably never put them in a Bestiary.
I recognize some of the Archons (Warden, Throne, Tome) and Agathions (Musteval, Equinal, etc.), in particular, from 3.X D&D, so they'd probably be unusable by Paizo.
There's plenty of other things that could take their place, like Chalice/Grail Archons with a healing / purifying focus or Serpentes (snake agathions, associated with the lost wisdom of long-dead rulers).
Yup, that's why I'm replacing the Throne Archon with the Monarch Archon (whose flying thrones can attack foes on their own with beams/radial bursts of heavenly fire that damage evil foes and heal good allies). Also, I came up with the Blade Archon (which I'd imagine would look like Erza Scarlet [from the anime Fairy Tale] dressed in her Heaven's Wheel Armor) that has the "Heaven's Pinwheel" ability (aka creates a blade barrier for a certain amount of rounds each day). My only issue is I have absolutely NO CLUE on how to create new Azata (formerly Eladrin of TSR/Wizards of the Coast) as I have no idea what theme/mythology their names were based off of.
Wereraven sounds kind of badass.
Yup, I'd love it if they had an ability to assume the form of a raven or crow swarm (although I don't know if ravens can form swarms or not as they might be too big [aka ravens are bigger than crows]). I do think they'd be a Neutral Good Lycanthrope though (with a unique weakness to weapons made of gold).
What I like even more of course if the Weresaurian. Think Dinobot from Beast Wars only made of flesh and blood yet still a complete badass! ^_~
Berselius |
I would like to bring back the wereraven, along with werefox, werejaguar, wererhino, wereserpent, and weregorilla.
Aside from the Wereraven, I definately wouldn't mind seeing those other three as well. Werefox might be a bit difficult (we do have Kitsune after all) and as far as Werejaguar, we do have stats for Weretigers don't we?
Myth Lord |
I think the biggest issue with getting new lycanthropes is that literally no lycanthrope stats are needed. Just use the template.
And mythology holds many animal-people that are not only much more interesting and special than the were-D&D's-fill-in-any-animal, but also are more original as they aren't taken from D&D.
JiCi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
NPC Codex it will be, mark my words, everything leads to it.
And most humans seem to want more humans instead of another awesome bestiary.
I'm not a fan of more lycanthropes, I think the ones we got really cover the most needed ones.
You're still harping on that? Dude, if you cannot take it, then just get out already! Geez...
Myth Lord |
Myth Lord wrote:You're still harping on that? Dude, if you cannot take it, then just get out already! Geez...NPC Codex it will be, mark my words, everything leads to it.
And most humans seem to want more humans instead of another awesome bestiary.
I'm not a fan of more lycanthropes, I think the ones we got really cover the most needed ones.
After easy Favorite-counts are we? You will receive lots of favorites for that, that is for sure.
This is the bestiary 5 topic, not the NPC Codex topic, so why should I get out?
Milo v3 |
Milo v3 wrote:I think the biggest issue with getting new lycanthropes is that literally no lycanthrope stats are needed. Just use the template.And mythology holds many animal-people that are not only much more interesting and special than the were-D&D's-fill-in-any-animal, but also are more original as they aren't taken from D&D.
Of course, I just don't care if we get any additional Were-animals. Shapeshifting animals from myth have value. But generic Were-Animal, not really.
I mean, there are some really cool animal shapeshifters, like hags which transform into bees or monsterous humanoids based on berserkers who can wear an animals skin to take it's form.
Rednal |
Personally, I'd like to see a few more Lovecraftian things - but only if they're Chaotic Neutral.
It's a personal preference of mine, I'm afraid. XD I like the idea of all the Outer Gods (etc.) being one of two major forces for that alignment - the other being the Proteans - and I feel like pushing a bunch of them into Chaotic Evil steps away from the theme of cosmic entities who don't really notice or care about tiny little mortals.
Myth Lord |
Myth Lord wrote:Milo v3 wrote:I think the biggest issue with getting new lycanthropes is that literally no lycanthrope stats are needed. Just use the template.And mythology holds many animal-people that are not only much more interesting and special than the were-D&D's-fill-in-any-animal, but also are more original as they aren't taken from D&D.Of course, I just don't care if we get any additional Were-animals. Shapeshifting animals from myth have value. But generic Were-Animal, not really.
I mean, there are some really cool animal shapeshifters, like hags which transform into bees or monsterous humanoids based on berserkers who can wear an animals skin to take it's form.
I see people wish for Werejaguars and wereraven.
Those people clearly don't care or don't want to know about Valravn, Raven Mockers, Nagual and other such awesome creatures.
Werefox? Kitsune?
When I was younger though, the werefox from D&D was my favorite monster, but only because they are very vain and like myself narcists.
Milo v3 |
I see people wish for Werejaguars and wereraven.
Those people clearly don't care or don't want to know about Valravn, Raven Mockers, Nagual and other such awesome creatures.
Werefox? Kitsune?
Valravn would be pretty cool, though I'd hope they'd use the shapeshifting raven/knight who feeds on blood rather than the wolf-bird interpretation. I'd prefer that immensely over something anyone could make with the lycanthrope template, since they're easy as hell and not very imaginative.