Zulak's page

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So besides the Occult Bestiary, any rumors on #5 for this year?

I think we're going to see Bestiary 5 this year. I'm hopeful people. Especially since Inner Sea Monster Codex is out this June.

Dragon 78 I think you're thinking of firenewts from the old fiend folio. They were supposed to be amphibian based. Along with their giant strider steeds. Pretty cool.

I don't see how an AP Bestiary can't be a win win for Paizo, even if it was a limited printing. It seems like it would be so easy to do.

I've followed this thread for a long time now. You all have so many great ideas for monsters. I too would love a new hardcover Bestiary this year. As a home brew campaign writer for 25 years I would be perfectly happy with an AP Bestiary. Heck, I'll be happy with 3.