>>Blame *Cosmo* for ALL your problems here<<

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I blame Cosmo for being happy my thug NPC beat a PC KO in a tavern and got away almost unharmed.

Granted, it being a PC who just joined the game, it nevertheless feels like a slightly funny change to see one of them go down.

The feeling of grinning and little remorse must have rubbed off onto me.

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Rysky wrote:

I Blame Cosmo for Two-Headed Shark.

Usually I like bad B-movies because I can snark and laugh at them.

I did not laugh.

All the silicone was nice to look at though.

I Blame Cosmo for all the bad SyFy movies in general.

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I Blame Cosmo that I did everything pertaining to the business of writing today... Except writing.

Well, I've got a few more hours. Let's see what I can do. Friggen Cosmo making it mandatory self-pub authors have social media, I wanted to be antisocial...

Silver Crusade

John Kretzer wrote:
Rysky wrote:

I Blame Cosmo for Two-Headed Shark.

Usually I like bad B-movies because I can snark and laugh at them.

I did not laugh.

All the silicone was nice to look at though.

I Blame Cosmo for all the bad SyFy movies in general.

I tend to like most of em since they're so bad they tend to be amusing to watch, or actually be halfway decent.

For example right before that they aired Mega Shark vs Mecha Shark. Got to see Christopher Judge use a dirtbike with videogame physics jump 100ft in the air in order to fight a giant shark tank/submarine so that it could fight a Megalodon. Twas awesome.

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I blame Cosmo for the rising urge to, as some barbarian would say, Murderlize that PC.

For his player won't acknowledge being beat up to KO.
Prone and everything....it's not difficult to see 19-5 = 14 and a 18 roll connects in that case.

I'm a patient person, but by Golarion's Deity pantheon, keep it up and something befalls the PC.

Wylliam Harrison wrote:

I blame Cosmo for the rising urge to, as some barbarian would say, Murderlize that PC.

For his player won't acknowledge being beat up to KO.
Prone and everything....it's not difficult to see 19-5 = 14 and a 18 roll connects in that case.

I'm a patient person, but by Golarion's Deity pantheon, keep it up and something befalls the PC.

The PC, the Player, or both?

Silver Crusade

Gars DarkLover wrote:
Wylliam Harrison wrote:

I blame Cosmo for the rising urge to, as some barbarian would say, Murderlize that PC.

For his player won't acknowledge being beat up to KO.
Prone and everything....it's not difficult to see 19-5 = 14 and a 18 roll connects in that case.

I'm a patient person, but by Golarion's Deity pantheon, keep it up and something befalls the PC.

The PC, the Player, or both?

Well if you kill the Player that saves you from also having to kill the PC.

Just sayin.

Rysky wrote:
Gars DarkLover wrote:
Wylliam Harrison wrote:

I blame Cosmo for the rising urge to, as some barbarian would say, Murderlize that PC.

For his player won't acknowledge being beat up to KO.
Prone and everything....it's not difficult to see 19-5 = 14 and a 18 roll connects in that case.

I'm a patient person, but by Golarion's Deity pantheon, keep it up and something befalls the PC.

The PC, the Player, or both?

Well if you kill the Player that saves you from also having to kill the PC.

Just sayin.

Not entirely accurate. The other players may demand the PC become an NPC, at which point you have to kill the N/PC as well.

Rysky wrote:
Gars DarkLover wrote:
Wylliam Harrison wrote:

I blame Cosmo for the rising urge to, as some barbarian would say, Murderlize that PC.

For his player won't acknowledge being beat up to KO.
Prone and everything....it's not difficult to see 19-5 = 14 and a 18 roll connects in that case.

I'm a patient person, but by Golarion's Deity pantheon, keep it up and something befalls the PC.

The PC, the Player, or both?

Well if you kill the Player that saves you from also having to kill the PC.

Just sayin.

I meant the last sentence of his post...

Well, killing a player can have... some legal consequences.

Silver Crusade

Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Gars DarkLover wrote:
Wylliam Harrison wrote:

I blame Cosmo for the rising urge to, as some barbarian would say, Murderlize that PC.

For his player won't acknowledge being beat up to KO.
Prone and everything....it's not difficult to see 19-5 = 14 and a 18 roll connects in that case.

I'm a patient person, but by Golarion's Deity pantheon, keep it up and something befalls the PC.

The PC, the Player, or both?

Well if you kill the Player that saves you from also having to kill the PC.

Just sayin.

Not entirely accurate. The other players may demand the PC become an NPC, at which point you have to kill the N/PC as well.

Well no, since you'd be the one controlling the NPC do there's a chance they could be redeemed.

Silver Crusade

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I Blame Cosmo for not telling us he has a sister.

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I blame Cosmo that there isn't a Crone Island for moonlight dancing, tacos, and margaritas.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I blame Cosmo that there isn't a Crone Island for moonlight dancing, tacos, and margaritas.

same blame, except for the lack of a whore island.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I blame Cosmo for having to work on my 35th birthday. Rather than being able to drink cold beers until I feel better about my age, I have to sit in a boring office and force angry clients to answer survey questions about internet security. COSMOOOOOOO!

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I blame Cosmo for arranging such underhanded situations to Beernog.

Happy birthday Beernog.

Silver Crusade

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I Blame Cosmo that he didn't wish Beernog a happy birthday.

Happy birthday Berrnog!

Thanks all!

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Late Happy Birthday GM_Beernorg.

I Blame Cosmo that GenCon usually means no RPGs for me as enough people go to GenCon there are no games for me to play in. :(

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Thanks John!

I blame Cosmo for one of my players incinerating 5 babies with fireball, that was NOT how the encounter was supposed to play out, they were suppose to rescue the babies from ogres, no roast them along with the ogres.

Paizo Employee Malaise-Inducement Construct

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GM_Beernorg wrote:

Thanks John!

I blame Cosmo for one of my players incinerating 5 babies with fireball, that was NOT how the encounter was supposed to play out, they were suppose to rescue the babies from ogres, no roast them along with the ogres.

I have no jokes to make about this, whatsoever.

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At work coworkers of mine and me have figured out what some of the days of the week really are. See, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday really aren't those days. What we call them instead is Second Monday, Third Monday, and Forth Monday.

We had Friday as that was still not infected with the misery of the other days, and it still had some good aspects to it, until recently that is.

(At this point I can only curl up into a fetal position and cry)

Why Cosmo? Why did you have to turn Friday into Fifth Monday? It was the only thing I had left. Couldn't you have at least let me keep that? (sobs)

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GM_Beernog wrote:
I blame Cosmo for one of my players incinerating 5 babies with fireball, that was NOT how the encounter was supposed to play out, they were suppose to rescue the babies from ogres, no roast them along with the ogres.

Have a powerful ogre-mage toss an empowered fireball on him.


I blame Cosmo for GM_Beernog's sadistic satisfaction if that happens.

Dark Archive

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I've always been pennywise, poundfoolish with my money (choosing Pepsi Max or Coke Zero each week, depending on which one is selling for 99 cents / 2 liters, and then plugging money into machines at work to spend 1.25 on a 20 oz soda...).

But Cosmo is entirely to blame that I went into the comic shop today and found only one comic, and felt 'weird' about buying a single thing (and not being able to use my debit card on a purchase under $5), so ended up picking up all six books of the Iron Gods AP for $130-something, too.


Silver Crusade

Set wrote:

I've always been pennywise, poundfoolish with my money (choosing Pepsi Max or Coke Zero each week, depending on which one is selling for 99 cents / 2 liters, and then plugging money into machines at work to spend 1.25 on a 20 oz soda...).

But Cosmo is entirely to blame that I went into the comic shop today and found only one comic, and felt 'weird' about buying a single thing (and not being able to use my debit card on a purchase under $5), so ended up picking up all six books of the Iron Gods AP for $130-something, too.


I think you could also spread some blame to a certain Gninja for this one...

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Rysky wrote:
Set wrote:

I've always been pennywise, poundfoolish with my money (choosing Pepsi Max or Coke Zero each week, depending on which one is selling for 99 cents / 2 liters, and then plugging money into machines at work to spend 1.25 on a 20 oz soda...).

But Cosmo is entirely to blame that I went into the comic shop today and found only one comic, and felt 'weird' about buying a single thing (and not being able to use my debit card on a purchase under $5), so ended up picking up all six books of the Iron Gods AP for $130-something, too.


I think you could also spread some blame to a certain Gninja for this one...

Indeed. The legendary sneak attack-wallet abilities of the legendary Paizo Gninja are...legendary.

For this, I blame Cosmo.

Dark Archive

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The Gninja remains blameless, because, as it happens, I didn't see any Gninja!

But I wouldn't, would I?

Cosmo gets the blame, because he distracted me, while the Gninja wallet-stabbed me!

Silver Crusade

Feros wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Set wrote:

I've always been pennywise, poundfoolish with my money (choosing Pepsi Max or Coke Zero each week, depending on which one is selling for 99 cents / 2 liters, and then plugging money into machines at work to spend 1.25 on a 20 oz soda...).

But Cosmo is entirely to blame that I went into the comic shop today and found only one comic, and felt 'weird' about buying a single thing (and not being able to use my debit card on a purchase under $5), so ended up picking up all six books of the Iron Gods AP for $130-something, too.


I think you could also spread some blame to a certain Gninja for this one...

Indeed. The legendary sneak attack-wallet abilities of the legendary Paizo Gninja are...legendary.

For this, I blame Cosmo.

Does this mean Liz is the Herald of Cosmo?

Rysky wrote:
Feros wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Set wrote:

I've always been pennywise, poundfoolish with my money (choosing Pepsi Max or Coke Zero each week, depending on which one is selling for 99 cents / 2 liters, and then plugging money into machines at work to spend 1.25 on a 20 oz soda...).

But Cosmo is entirely to blame that I went into the comic shop today and found only one comic, and felt 'weird' about buying a single thing (and not being able to use my debit card on a purchase under $5), so ended up picking up all six books of the Iron Gods AP for $130-something, too.


I think you could also spread some blame to a certain Gninja for this one...

Indeed. The legendary sneak attack-wallet abilities of the legendary Paizo Gninja are...legendary.

For this, I blame Cosmo.

Does this mean Liz is the Herald of Cosmo?

No, the Gninja just takes advantage of situations, regardless of the source of the advantage.

Silver Crusade

Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Feros wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Set wrote:

I've always been pennywise, poundfoolish with my money (choosing Pepsi Max or Coke Zero each week, depending on which one is selling for 99 cents / 2 liters, and then plugging money into machines at work to spend 1.25 on a 20 oz soda...).

But Cosmo is entirely to blame that I went into the comic shop today and found only one comic, and felt 'weird' about buying a single thing (and not being able to use my debit card on a purchase under $5), so ended up picking up all six books of the Iron Gods AP for $130-something, too.


I think you could also spread some blame to a certain Gninja for this one...

Indeed. The legendary sneak attack-wallet abilities of the legendary Paizo Gninja are...legendary.

For this, I blame Cosmo.

Does this mean Liz is the Herald of Cosmo?
No, the Gninja just takes advantage of situations, regardless of the source of the advantage.

... so just like Cosmo and his calamities?

Rysky wrote:
Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Feros wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Set wrote:

I've always been pennywise, poundfoolish with my money (choosing Pepsi Max or Coke Zero each week, depending on which one is selling for 99 cents / 2 liters, and then plugging money into machines at work to spend 1.25 on a 20 oz soda...).

But Cosmo is entirely to blame that I went into the comic shop today and found only one comic, and felt 'weird' about buying a single thing (and not being able to use my debit card on a purchase under $5), so ended up picking up all six books of the Iron Gods AP for $130-something, too.


I think you could also spread some blame to a certain Gninja for this one...

Indeed. The legendary sneak attack-wallet abilities of the legendary Paizo Gninja are...legendary.

For this, I blame Cosmo.

Does this mean Liz is the Herald of Cosmo?
No, the Gninja just takes advantage of situations, regardless of the source of the advantage.
... so just like Cosmo and his calamities?

Immitation is a form of flatery?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Gars DarkLover wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Feros wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Set wrote:

I've always been pennywise, poundfoolish with my money (choosing Pepsi Max or Coke Zero each week, depending on which one is selling for 99 cents / 2 liters, and then plugging money into machines at work to spend 1.25 on a 20 oz soda...).

But Cosmo is entirely to blame that I went into the comic shop today and found only one comic, and felt 'weird' about buying a single thing (and not being able to use my debit card on a purchase under $5), so ended up picking up all six books of the Iron Gods AP for $130-something, too.


I think you could also spread some blame to a certain Gninja for this one...

Indeed. The legendary sneak attack-wallet abilities of the legendary Paizo Gninja are...legendary.

For this, I blame Cosmo.

Does this mean Liz is the Herald of Cosmo?
No, the Gninja just takes advantage of situations, regardless of the source of the advantage.
... so just like Cosmo and his calamities?
Immitation is a form of flatery?

Nah, just pragmatism. See what works and use it; there is no reason to reinvent the wheel.

I blame Cosmo that there is no reason to reinvent the wheel.

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I Blame Cosmo for something my cats do. They make a pest of themselves till I get up to let them out. If it is raining they will not go out...but they will go to the back door wanting to be let out. As if it is not raining out back. I mean it happened to work once for one of my cats.

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I Blame Cosmo for the above not working.

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I Blame Cosmo that I have nothing to Blame Cosmo for... I mean, I even got a patron on patreon.... Sure it's only five bucks a month, but, that's 2 book covers a month dude!

Should I be worried that Cosmo shall smack me down mightily the moment I have hope?

.... Nah, he's probably just busy sabotaging my chances at winning $33 bucks in this writing contest. I'm here blaming him that I've had nothing to blame him for in the past few days...


You sneaky imp! Making me procrastinate 5 days before the deadline are you!?

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I Blame Cosmo that today I've become desperate enough for an income that I've started designing tee shirts with teespring.com, and will probably design several more before the day is out.... With NO IDEA where to "market" them besides social media. And I highly doubt Paizo would take too kindly to me dropping such stuff off on their website, lol.

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I have the Pathfinder Rules flashcards sitting on my desk, because I admit I'm not 100% rules-fluent. They are conveniently held by elastic bands in 2 decks. 10 minutes ago, BOTH elastics spontaneously snapped, with one causing the cards to spill across the carpet, and the other hitting me in the head. COSMO!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Calex wrote:
I have the Pathfinder Rules flashcards sitting on my desk, because I admit I'm not 100% rules-fluent. They are conveniently held by elastic bands in 2 decks. 10 minutes ago, BOTH elastics spontaneously snapped, with one causing the cards to spill across the carpet, and the other hitting me in the head. COSMO!

I blame Cosmo that I didn't have the time to say, "Hi!" as I was passing by...

Gotta love that unluck aura! >:D

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I blame Cosmo for global warming, I live in Western New York, and 90 degrees is not normal, thus now wife has the AC running non-stop, eating all our money. Cosmoooo!!

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GM_Beernorg wrote:
I blame Cosmo for global warming, I live in Western New York, and 90 degrees is not normal, thus now wife has the AC running non-stop, eating all our money. Cosmoooo!!

Alaska had over 100 degree weather for a week this summer... There are fundamental laws of nature being broken here Cosmo.

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Tels wrote:
GM_Beernorg wrote:
I blame Cosmo for global warming, I live in Western New York, and 90 degrees is not normal, thus now wife has the AC running non-stop, eating all our money. Cosmoooo!!
Alaska had over 100 degree weather for a week this summer... There are fundamental laws of nature being broken here Cosmo.

After all the rain we've had down here in SW FL for the last couple weeks, big chunks of Lee and Collier county are flooded. Hmmm, I blame He Who Must Be Blamed for this possible Cosfecta.

Also, it's really hot and jungle humid with a bumper crop of stirges 'skeeters, but that's just Florida being Florida.

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I blame Cosmo for Pillbug being attack by giant stir...uhh I mean mosquitoes. That is just not cool, Pillbug needs his blood, for stuff, like burning big folks stuff.

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Cosmo is the reason I can't go to GenCon this year.

Curse you, Cosmo!

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GM_Beernorg wrote:
I blame Cosmo for Pillbug being attack by giant stir...uhh I mean mosquitoes. That is just not cool, Pillbug needs his blood, for stuff, like burning big folks stuff.

I blame Cosmo that my boobs' high Stealth bonus completely foiled GM_Beernorg's Perception check.

Hmmm, boobplate + armor spikes + highly Stealth-y boobs = new unchained rogue archetype?

Well, 'Ghost Boob Assassin' is actually the top selling! title of my new top-rated! PDF winkie book line, along with 'Steeleye Solarpants - Studly Stirge Schtupper' and 'Betrayed in the Beholder Brothel' I blame myself for making Pillbug, and the world, aware of this. Cosmo had nothing at all to do with it, for once.

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I blame Cosmo for me not losing any weight!

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I blame Cosmo for a spammer infiltrating forum games.

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Limeylongears wrote:
Well, 'Ghost Boob Assassin' is actually the top selling! title of my new top-rated! PDF winkie book line, along with 'Steeleye Solarpants - Studly Stirge Schtupper' and 'Betrayed in the Beholder Brothel' I blame myself for making Pillbug, and the world, aware of this. Cosmo had nothing at all to do with it, for once.

I blame Cosmo that Cosmo wasn't to blame.

Also, LLE, you need to work on an Enormous Schwanzstucker archetype.

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I blame Cosmo that Chris' avatar makes me think she secretly extracts a tooth from those whose posts are erased.

I also blame Cosmo that this makes me smile as I now picture certain repeat offenders are mostly/completely toothless.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens Subscriber
Antimony wrote:
Cosmo is the reason I can't go to GenCon this year.

Cosmo is NOT the reason I can't go to GenCon this year, but I'll blame him anyway.

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I blame Cosmo that spiders have found my workout equipment to be adequate nesting spots. The worst was the ab board when doing crunches where I went from wondering what all those tickling sensations were to screaming in terror.

I would also like to take this time to blame Cosmo for people that like put ketchup on their bratwurst or hot dogs. Those people are sick and need help and it's all your fault Cosmo.

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