>>Blame *Cosmo* for ALL your problems here<<

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Silver Crusade

Game Master Scotty wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Game Master Scotty wrote:

I fear he is focusing his efforts around my area of late.

I Blame Cosmo for my company having seven guys terminate their employment in the last two weeks.

I also blame Cosmo for the asphalt breaking under me and making me drop a keg on my foot, twisting my leg pulling two different muscles in my right leg and yanking a nerve cluster in my back.

How do you even get four inches of pavement to break at that exact spot!?!

Wait....Is the beer Okay? You left out the important stuff. ;)
JK raises a very valid point!
Bolded the important part.

We have no idea how strong your foot is, it could have shattered the poor keg like glass for all we know.

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I blame Cosmo for the recent bouts of procrastination I've been having. That, and for keeping my group too busy to play Pathfinder as of late!

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Icyshadow wrote:
I blame Cosmo for the recent bouts of procrastination I've been having. That, and for keeping my group too busy to play Pathfinder as of late!

I was going to Blame Cosmo for that too...but I kept putting it off.

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

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John Kretzer wrote:
It has been 9 days since Cosmo has visited this thread...what nefarious schemes is he up to?

You'll see soon enough.

Oh... Bugger!

Cosmo wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
It has been 9 days since Cosmo has visited this thread...what nefarious schemes is he up to?
You'll see soon enough.

John, you truly are a Cosmo-chist. *shake head*

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Tels wrote:
Cosmo wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
It has been 9 days since Cosmo has visited this thread...what nefarious schemes is he up to?
You'll see soon enough.
John, you truly are a Cosmo-chist. *shake head*

I Blame Cosmo for Tels being unfair...it is not like I am asking for it...he spent 9+ days planning something before I even made a comment about it.

Silver Crusade

John Kretzer wrote:
Tels wrote:
Cosmo wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
It has been 9 days since Cosmo has visited this thread...what nefarious schemes is he up to?
You'll see soon enough.
John, you truly are a Cosmo-chist. *shake head*
I Blame Cosmo for Tels being unfair...it is not like I am asking for it...he spent 9+ days planning something before I even made a comment about it.

Yes but now he knows we know he knows, friggin yanderes...

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I blame Cosmo for my cats getting it in their heads that they need to wake me 10-15 minutes before my alarm goes off.

Silver Crusade

Orthos wrote:
I blame Cosmo for my cats getting it in their heads that they need to wake me 10-15 minutes before my alarm goes off.

Hehe clever kitties must hate alarms as much as the rest of us :3

One of the few times they didn't, one of them happened to be sitting ON my phone when it went off. She had a mini-freakout.

It's a bit more forgivable today, they were out of water, but most mornings they wake me it's because they decide for some inexplicable reason that 6:30-7 AM is a great time for playing/wrestling/chasing or climbing and falling off things.

Silver Crusade

I've learned to put my phone which serves as my alarm clock face down, otherwise my cat will swipe the screen when it goes off and therefore turn it off, leaving me blissfully sound asleep lol

I do that mostly because the light wakes me if anything touches it.

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I Blame Cosmo for the parking nightmare this morning at UPS.

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I blame Cosmo for this.

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I blame Cosmo for just now wishing Master Kretzer a belated Happy Birthday.

I also blame Cosmo that Kretzer gets depressed this time of the year.

I also also blame Cosmo if Kretzer peeks under the spoiler:

I blame Cosmo that most pets can't live as long as humans. Last Friday, Nero aka Grumpy Old Cat (aka Bitey von Fingernipper, Nipsey Ruffle, Purry McDrooley, Fluffernutter, Ms. I'm-Not-Touching-You-contestant, and numerous other aliases) was put to sleep. She'd had two previous procedures to remove mast tumors, but after this recent vet visit, the new and very fast growing tumor was discovered to be cancer. My sister and her family took her back from me a week ago, and the day after Thanksgiving had her put to sleep.

I'm sorry I didn't know about the final appointment in advance or get to say goodbye with one last ride on my shoulder. 16+ years was a good run, kiddo, and you seemed to enjoy most of it. I wasn't allowed to call you mine, but I still miss you terribly. I'll always remember you fondly, clinging to my shoulder and soaking it with drool, as you enjoyed the bright sun and warm breezes. RIP, Nero.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I blame Cosmo for just now wishing Master Kretzer a belated Happy Birthday.

I also blame Cosmo that Kretzer gets depressed this time of the year.

I also also blame Cosmo if Kretzer peeks under the spoiler:

** spoiler omitted **

My heart goes out to you Ambrosia. I blame Cosmo for suddenly wanting to hug someone I've never actually met. :(

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens Subscriber
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

My sincerest condolences, AS. :-(

I blame Cosmo cos I'm sad now about Ambrosia Slaad's pet that wasn't allowed to belong to Ambrosia Slaad.

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I blame Cosmo for the temperature dropping so low it takes almost an hour to get out of bed.

Paizo Employee Warehouse Morlock

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I blame Cosmo.

For the backlog in the warehouse.

For delayed product arrivals to the warehouse.

For trying to dissuade me from working Saturdays.

For not discouraging me from doodling on packages/pack slips.

For [redacted], our [redacted], being buggy as all [redacted].

For Almost Human being canceled.

For encouraging me to spend all my money on takeout and vidja gaems.

For the bone-chilling, joint-stiffening, sub-zero weather here (...and really, in the warehouse.)

Really, let's just call it what it is: I blame Cosmo for everything.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I blame Cosmo for just now wishing Master Kretzer a belated Happy Birthday.

I also blame Cosmo that Kretzer gets depressed this time of the year.

I also also blame Cosmo if Kretzer peeks under the spoiler:

** spoiler omitted **

I am sorry to hear of your loss. I had a great cat growing up named Fudge. He went much the same way. I was lucky though as I did get to say goodbye to him before my Mom took him to the vet that final time.

One week he was fine than with in a week he just went downhill. I sitting on the front pouch and he came up to me for some petting. I could tell he was in a great amount of pain...I knew the end was near. My eyes were brimming with tears...and he tried to comfort me. I still get choked up when I remember it.

Also it is one thing I have learned about cats is that you really don't own them...they are companions...so I think Nero probably recognize you as it's companion.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I blame Cosmo for just now wishing Master Kretzer a belated Happy Birthday.

I also blame Cosmo that Kretzer gets depressed this time of the year.

I also also blame Cosmo if Kretzer peeks under the spoiler:

** spoiler omitted **



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I Blame Cosmo for possibly over sharing in my last post on this thread.

Silver Crusade

*pats Kretzer on the head*

I have a sad Cat story too but I'm not gonna share it, Misery's gotten too comfortable in here as it is.

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I blame Cosmo that the books I ordered two weeks ago have been delayed.

It may not have been from Paizo, but that is no reason to deny my dad his Christmas gift, shame on you Cosmo, and may the time of Cismo come soon.

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I also blame Cosmo for never getting any Mikadoodles on any of my packages/pack slips.

Scarab Sages

Game Master Scotty wrote:

I fear he is focusing his efforts around my area of late.

I Blame Cosmo for my company having seven guys terminate their employment in the last two weeks.

I also blame Cosmo for the asphalt breaking under me and making me drop a keg on my foot, twisting my leg pulling two different muscles in my right leg and yanking a nerve cluster in my back.

How do you even get four inches of pavement to break at that exact spot!?!

Was the keg okay?

Silver Crusade

Unseelie wrote:
Game Master Scotty wrote:

I fear he is focusing his efforts around my area of late.

I Blame Cosmo for my company having seven guys terminate their employment in the last two weeks.

I also blame Cosmo for the asphalt breaking under me and making me drop a keg on my foot, twisting my leg pulling two different muscles in my right leg and yanking a nerve cluster in my back.

How do you even get four inches of pavement to break at that exact spot!?!

Was the keg okay?

He won't tell us!!!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I blame Cosmo that a little less coffee comes out of coffee makers than the water that's put into them. Why are you skimming a little off all our coffee Cosmo? I can only guess that you use it as some sort of vile currency at Paizo to buy favors when supplies run out and everybody else is desperate over there, which I'm sure you plan out.

Stealing our socks out of our dryers is bad enough, but messing with people's coffee is pure evil.

I am also curious as to how you managed to get those little extra dimensional portals into the makers to teleport all that coffee to you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Unseelie wrote:
Game Master Scotty wrote:

I fear he is focusing his efforts around my area of late.

I Blame Cosmo for my company having seven guys terminate their employment in the last two weeks.

I also blame Cosmo for the asphalt breaking under me and making me drop a keg on my foot, twisting my leg pulling two different muscles in my right leg and yanking a nerve cluster in my back.

How do you even get four inches of pavement to break at that exact spot!?!

Was the keg okay?
He won't tell us!!!!

In nine years, I have broken 16 kegs.

This was not one of them.

I blame Cosmo my back still hurts.

Silver Crusade

Game Master Scotty wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Unseelie wrote:
Game Master Scotty wrote:

I fear he is focusing his efforts around my area of late.

I Blame Cosmo for my company having seven guys terminate their employment in the last two weeks.

I also blame Cosmo for the asphalt breaking under me and making me drop a keg on my foot, twisting my leg pulling two different muscles in my right leg and yanking a nerve cluster in my back.

How do you even get four inches of pavement to break at that exact spot!?!

Was the keg okay?
He won't tell us!!!!

In nine years, I have broken 16 kegs.

This was not one of them.

I blame Cosmo my back still hurts.

Wait, so the keg is okay? Why are you posting in the Blame Cosmo thread then?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Game Master Scotty wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Unseelie wrote:
Game Master Scotty wrote:

I fear he is focusing his efforts around my area of late.

I Blame Cosmo for my company having seven guys terminate their employment in the last two weeks.

I also blame Cosmo for the asphalt breaking under me and making me drop a keg on my foot, twisting my leg pulling two different muscles in my right leg and yanking a nerve cluster in my back.

How do you even get four inches of pavement to break at that exact spot!?!

Was the keg okay?
He won't tell us!!!!

In nine years, I have broken 16 kegs.

This was not one of them.

I blame Cosmo my back still hurts.

You have Broken 16 Kegs in 9 Years!!! You should change you name to Kegslayer or Kegsbane...or Anti-Keg Man.

I Blame Cosmo for Game Master Scotty's cruelty to Kegs...the beer gods are most displeased.

Rysky wrote:
Game Master Scotty wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Unseelie wrote:
Game Master Scotty wrote:

I fear he is focusing his efforts around my area of late.

I Blame Cosmo for my company having seven guys terminate their employment in the last two weeks.

I also blame Cosmo for the asphalt breaking under me and making me drop a keg on my foot, twisting my leg pulling two different muscles in my right leg and yanking a nerve cluster in my back.

How do you even get four inches of pavement to break at that exact spot!?!

Was the keg okay?
He won't tell us!!!!

In nine years, I have broken 16 kegs.

This was not one of them.

I blame Cosmo my back still hurts.

Wait, so the keg is okay? Why are you posting in the Blame Cosmo thread then?

Because, with the injure leg he received, he has trouble getting carrying more kegs, so he remains kegless until he heals.

Silver Crusade

Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Game Master Scotty wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Unseelie wrote:
Game Master Scotty wrote:

I fear he is focusing his efforts around my area of late.

I Blame Cosmo for my company having seven guys terminate their employment in the last two weeks.

I also blame Cosmo for the asphalt breaking under me and making me drop a keg on my foot, twisting my leg pulling two different muscles in my right leg and yanking a nerve cluster in my back.

How do you even get four inches of pavement to break at that exact spot!?!

Was the keg okay?
He won't tell us!!!!

In nine years, I have broken 16 kegs.

This was not one of them.

I blame Cosmo my back still hurts.

Wait, so the keg is okay? Why are you posting in the Blame Cosmo thread then?
Because, with the injure leg he received, he has trouble getting carrying more kegs, so he remains kegless until he heals.

Either that or he scared them all off. Kegs should not have to go day to day living in constant fear of being dropped!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I blame Cosmo for inspiring Rysky to start this thread. I've been reading the entire thing to see it all.

Now i need my tea, excuse me

*Walks off to get tea*

Silver Crusade


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Blaming Cosmo for looking even more wicked than a goblin.

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Rysky wrote:
Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Game Master Scotty wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Unseelie wrote:
Game Master Scotty wrote:

I fear he is focusing his efforts around my area of late.

I Blame Cosmo for my company having seven guys terminate their employment in the last two weeks.

I also blame Cosmo for the asphalt breaking under me and making me drop a keg on my foot, twisting my leg pulling two different muscles in my right leg and yanking a nerve cluster in my back.

How do you even get four inches of pavement to break at that exact spot!?!

Was the keg okay?
He won't tell us!!!!

In nine years, I have broken 16 kegs.

This was not one of them.

I blame Cosmo my back still hurts.

Wait, so the keg is okay? Why are you posting in the Blame Cosmo thread then?
Because, with the injure leg he received, he has trouble getting carrying more kegs, so he remains kegless until he heals.
Either that or he scared them all off. Kegs should not have to go day to day living in constant fear of being thrown!

Fixed that for you, Angular Momentum is your BFF for moving those!

Also. I blame Cosmo that I ordered and printed the paper minis for my Shattered Star game Sunday.

And my fingers can't cut, assemble and glue them...

So, I had to request my wife to do it for me..

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Also blaming cosmo for no release of a We Be Goblins 3

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I Blame Cosmo for the pain in my back, shoulder and legs.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for the pain in my back, shoulder and legs.

... Knees and toes...

"THE" Poog of Zarongel wrote:
Also blaming cosmo for no release of a We Be Goblins 3

Stop hugging the Spotlight and wait 'till next year... like we all do.

And it would probably be: We Be Goblins Tree!!!

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I blame Cosmo for Therianthropes/Theriomorph all being called Lycanthropes in DnD and Pathfinder.

I blame Cosmo there isn't a Codex (or codex like book) about them.

I Blame Cosmo for the 5 minutes adventuring day.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I Blame Cosmo for GMs who allow their players to get away with the 5 minute adventuring day.

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I blame Cosmo for that crazy guy on campus who didn't let me sleep last night!

Silver Crusade

You didn't get any sleep due to noise from said crazy guy, or did other activities with him not let you sleep?

He was being noisy, yelling out loud and banging on doors. I was in my own room trying to get some sleep.

Silver Crusade

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I blame Cosmo for that pefectly boring, yet annoying, explanation.

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I blame Cosmo for my kidney stone, and for missing my first day of work in my entire life because of it. Why must you even turn my own body against me?

Grand Lodge

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I blame Cosmo for causing the cause which took the site down yesterday.

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