>>Blame *Cosmo* for ALL your problems here<<

Off-Topic Discussions

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Dark Archive

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Alain still doesn't have a prepainted plastic mini. BLAME COSMO.

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I blame him for Kickstarter and my ever increasing debt for things that don't exist yet.

Silver Crusade

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Silence among Hounds wrote:
Alain still doesn't have a prepainted plastic mini. BLAME COSMO.

Thank you Cosmo :3

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

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My angry dwarf avatar was replaced with a pony many moons ago. Cosmo has been identified as an associate of the responsible party, and should be considered armed, dangerous, and guilty as sin.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sebastian wrote:
My angry dwarf avatar was replaced with a pony many moons ago. Cosmo has been identified as an associate of the responsible party, and should be considered armed, dangerous, and guilty as sin.


Paizo Employee Sales Imp

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Sebastian wrote:
My angry dwarf avatar was replaced with a pony many moons ago. Cosmo has been identified as an associate of the responsible party, and should be considered armed, dangerous, and guilty as sin.

...this has always been true.

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What would it take to get Cosmo's title changed to "Universal Scapegoat"?

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I just came back from a Pathfinder game and my character dies....COSMO!!! *shakes fist angerily*

Silence among Hounds wrote:
Alain still doesn't have a prepainted plastic mini. BLAME COSMO.

I could care less about Alain, but I do blame him for the lack of Laori Vaus pewter mini.

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The forum dice hate me, and I used to blame pmg. Now I have seen the error of my ways, and blame Cosmo.


6 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm still editing at midnight. It's because Cosmo's not a better writer and didn't write this. -_-

I blame Cosmo for no Mammy Graul mini.

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Impacted molar. Ace job, Cosmo! Much obliged!

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I blame Cosmo for Kobolds of Golarion not being out yet.

Oh, and I also blame him for the lack of Kobold deities in Golarion.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I blame Cosmo for not being able to sleep tonight...thinking of the wrongs he has commited.

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I blame Cosmo for the rabbit that got away last night.

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I blame Cosmo for every spring/summer that my front stoop looks like a butch block covered in mouse, rabbit, and bird bits and blood.

John Kretzer wrote:
I blame Cosmo for every spring/summer that my front stoop looks like a butch block covered in mouse, rabbit, and bird bits and blood.

Yeah that is completely Cosmo's fault *whistling innocently...which is pretty amazing considering Floyds a cat*

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I still blame Cosmo that singing "Blame Cosmo!" Does not sound as good as singing "Blame Canada!".

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Sissyl wrote:
I blame Cosmo for no Mammy Graul mini.

Oh sweet mother in the heavens thank you Cosmo.

Rysky wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
I blame Cosmo for no Mammy Graul mini.
Oh sweet mother in the heavens thank you Cosmo.

Uh, hello? Like, this is the BLAME Cosmo thread, not the THANK Cosmo thread.

Sometimes the two are not mutually exclusive.

Silver Crusade

Yes, I can be vindictive and grateful to someone at the same time.

Digital Products Assistant

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Removed some posts. If it isn't about Cosmo, keep it out of the thread please.

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There he goes again... making people get in trouble by posting things that aren't about him! Cosmo!!

Master of Coin

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Trust me...he never posts anything that's not about him.

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Oh, I didn't mean he's doing that. I meant he's making the other people write posts that aren't about him.

I'm all-too-familiar with Cosmo's... well... *coughnarcissismcough*

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Oladon wrote:

Oh, I didn't mean he's doing that. I meant he's making the other people write posts that aren't about him.

I'm all-too-familiar with Cosmo's... well... *coughnarcissismcough*

Narcissisism?! That's unpossible! I'm too good-looking, perfect, and humble to be narcissistic!

This is, however, my favorite thread.

Silver Crusade

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Cosmo wrote:
Oladon wrote:

Oh, I didn't mean he's doing that. I meant he's making the other people write posts that aren't about him.

I'm all-too-familiar with Cosmo's... well... *coughnarcissismcough*

Narcissisism?! That's unpossible! I'm too good-looking, perfect, and humble to be narcissistic!

This is, however, my favorite thread.

Yay! Rysky did something good! :3

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I blame Cosmo for the hair on my head growing in the wrong direction.

Cosmo, the hair is supposed to grow out the top of my head, not burrow through the skull, through what's left of my brain and out my earlobes.

*shakes fist*

Silver Crusade

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I blame Cosmo for not letting us know he got to be in a photo op with Cthulhu and a trio of nosferatu.

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I blame Cosmo for my groups 15 Servers all going down at once within a minute of us getting them back up.

I blame Cosmo for not getting more questions on my http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2ppra?Ask-John-Kretzer-ALL-your-question-here thread.

I blame Cosmo for making me use shamless plug tactics.

Edit: I Blame Cosmo for the link not working.

Silver Crusade

Cosmo's new avatar reminds me of the Phiarlan Carnival from DDO. /BLAME!

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I blame Cosmo for me not having more players for my A Song of Ice & Fire RPG Campaign!

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I live in Alaska and I blame Cosmo for Spring Thaw/Tire Changing Season!

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We all blame Cosmo for many things...

...who does Cosmo blame?

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I blame Cosmo for my internet loading slowly.

Silver Crusade

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I blame Cosmo for the inevitability that I will mess up one of my orders and have to call him for help for which I will be very thankful.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I blame Cosmo for there being no Archdevils in the new bestiary

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Tels wrote:

We all blame Cosmo for many things...

...who does Cosmo blame?


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Be honest it is James Jacobs.

I blame Cosmo for Cosmo blaming Cosmo for being Cosmo.

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I blame Cosmo for Aliens: colonial marines!

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I blame Cosmo for making it impossible to search the messageboards for things concerning Cosmo that are do not relate to this thread.

I blame Cosmo for pmg and Liz being mean.

Riggler wrote:
I blame Cosmo for making it impossible to search the messageboards for things concerning Cosmo that are do not relate to this thread.

I blame Cosmo for stalkers!

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