darkorbit |

Ok. I am currently (even though it doesn't say so on my profile, haven't updated it at all)a level 7 magus, level 1 scholar, level one spellblade(admamant entertaianment), and level one taskshaper. These are my scores(i am a peri-kin aasimar)
Level 10 character:
Str: 16(15 + 1 from 4th level)
Int: 20(18 + 2 from being peri-kin)
Con: 10
Wis: 7
Cha: 10(7 + 2 from being peri-kin +1 (8th level)
Dex 12
so my raw scores without the level bonuses and aasimar bonuses give a 17 point buy, which we are using in our campaign.
Feats: Exotic wepaon proficiency (rhoka)(1st level magus), Arcane armor training(level 3 magus), improved initiative( level 5 magus), intensify spell(level 5 magus), additional traits (level 7 magus), and arcane armor mastery(level 9 character( level 1 spellblade)
Here is the problem: I do not know which class to choose next, whether it be a prestige class like a dragon disciple or a regular class. I would even take 3rd party suggestions. and if u need any more details, just tell me what details u need and i may be able to give them to you.

darkorbit |

If i go into dragon disciple and i level up the magical powers of an arcane class(magus) how would i go back to magus? If u guys dont understand, here is an example.
I am a level seven magus, level one scholar, level one spellblade, and a level one taskshaper, a level one sorcerer, and a level 9 dragon disiciple. In the dragon disciple, i did the plus one on current arcane caster for magus for thos nine levels. I wanna go back to magus. How would i do this and is this possible.
If u can understand what i mean, paraphrqse what i said and answer my question plz.

bookrat |

A spellblade (assuming you are using the class and not the archetype) is a spontaneous caster. You don't need sorcerer to take the prestige class. You already fulfill that requirement.
However, taking dragon discipline also ignores every bit of advice every person on this thread gave you.
Regardless, it's your character. As long as you are having fun, then go for it!
Edit: yes, you can take a level of magus after dragon disciple. It works just like any other multiclass.

darkorbit |

I mean like if i do like the thing with dragon disciple that in some levels of it, u can add a level in one qrcane class that u have, and u only gain spell slots, spells, and additional spells per day, not the class abilities. If i do that for a few levels of dragon disciple for magus spellsfor and i want to go back to magus class, how will that work?

soupturtle |
It will work exactly the same as if you'd taken all your magus levels before all your dragon disciple levels. A 7 magus / 5 dragon disciple / 3 magus is exactly the same as a 10 magus / 5 dragon disciple. So in both cases, you have the class abilities of a level 10 magus, with the spellcasting of a level 15 magus.

bookrat |

Do you realize that you currently have 5 levels where your BAB doesn't increase? And do you realize that taking Dragon Disciple will make it 6 levels where your BAB doesn't increase?
As a magus - whose primary ability is to charge weapons with magic and hit people with it - that's really bad.
Do you also realize that you are only 1 level away from getting iterative attacks? By increasing your level in Magus (or in any of your other classes), you would gain the ability to attack twice per round. Gaining a level in dragon disciple will not do this for you.

Byrdology |

so if i have 10 levels of dragon disciple, 1 level of spellblade( the class, not the archetype), one level of taskshaper,and one level of scholar, and seven levels of magus, what would be my bab (with the mutliple attacks if there is) and how would i calculate it from different classes?
Just add the BaB together and divide by 6.

soupturtle |
10 levels DD = 7 BAB
1 level spellblade = 0 BAB
1 level taskshaper = 0 BAB
1 level scholar = 0 BAB
7 levels magus = 5 BAB
total = 12 BAB (or in other words: only 2 better than a wizard)
For the iterative attacks, this only depends on your base BAB, so you can look at any other class to see what your iterative attacks are when your first is at 12. So for 12, it's +12/+7/+2.

Byrdology |

Sorry, yes it looks good. You will get alot out of this no matter how you build it. Both dd and elk (eldritch knight) give you great offensive ability as well as bumping your HD. Elk is a bit light on class abilities, but it gives you full BaB, and progresses your spells. You can cast in armor, so it gives you a ton of survivability. DD gives you great ability boosts, a d12 to work with, and some really great class abilities, but you slow your casting progression just a bit.
Both of them are great choices, but there is a sharp trade off between the two depending on what you are looking for.

darkorbit |

after level 20 magus, level 1 sorcerer, and level 10 dragon disciple, i am planning to go into divine spell casting. here is the problem. My wisdom score is not good at all, and I have to find a way to get cleric spells, but with intelligence modifier, like i did for the sorcerer i am planning to do. Plz help!

Satchmo |

Quick question Darkorbit, why would someone continue to give advice when that advice is ignored?
A couple quick thoughts on your last question.
1. Currently, Pathfinder only has rules up to character level 20. Beyond level 20 depends on house rules and your DM more than anything.
2. MT is considered a weak class by most players if your looking for power it should be avoided.
3. Why do you need divine spells? You should have a team mate for that.
I think the main idea of the advice given so far in this thread is that you need to pick an idea and stick with it. If this is not something your interested in you can still have fun and enjoy your time playing, however your character will be something less than optimal.

bookrat |

You can't cast divine spells with a wisdom of 7. You need at least a 10, and even then, a 10 will only allow you to cast 0 level spells. It's completely pointless to start going the divine route. And as far as I know, there is only two stats for divine spells: wisdom and charisma. Those are both your dump stats. Divine casting is not something your current character will be able to do.
Also, why are you concerned about what to do with your character when he reaches level 31? Aren't you only level 10 right now?
If you really want a divine caster, then make a new character.
The way pathfinder and other tabletop roleplaying games are designed is to rely on the group. There will never be a single character that can do everything. You give support with your strengths, and you rely on others to give support with their strengths. Often, their strengths will be your weaknesses, so as a group you all balance out.

darkorbit |

Onto a new question. My close friend(but not in my party since he lives so far away)is planning to be a magus, but doesn't know whether he should create his own race or use one of the races, and he primarily wants intelligence as his highest, then strength, then dexterity, then constitution, then charisma, then lastly wisdom. He wants to be NG, and his GM is allowing a custom 17 points buy(custom meaning he just used a random number between 15-20, he didn't make a new type of point buy for his party). Can you give your opinion on whether he should create a race or choose a preexisting one?

bookrat |

Kk thanx, but let me tell u ado bit about my party. One is a pure fighter, while the other one is a multiclass freak. And i am magus. Should i convine mulyiclass freak to go pure divine for the greater good for our party?
If it is a lack of healing with which you are concerned, UMD + wands will go a long way. Alternatively, you could simply hire a cleric or take the leadership feat.

bookrat |

Onto a new question. My close friend(but not in my party since he lives so far away)is planning to be a magus, but doesn't know whether he should create his own race or use one of the races, and he primarily wants intelligence as his highest, then strength, then dexterity, then constitution, then charisma, then lastly wisdom. He wants to be NG, and his GM is allowing a custom 17 points buy(custom meaning he just used a random number between 15-20, he didn't make a new type of point buy for his party). Can you give your opinion on whether he should create a race or choose a preexisting one?
First he needs to consult his gaming group and GM to see if custom races are allowed. If yes, then simply do whichever looks like more fun.