Rate the first boss of my new campaign


Boss 1, Wer Charir Tilsin (The Red Lizard)
Red Dragon-Scaled Kobald, humanoid[reptilian]
Languages: Draconic, Common, Undercommon
Draconic Blooded Sorcerer 5/ Dragon Deciple 2
Favored Class: Sorcerer
CE- Tiamat


Abilities: Darkvision, Light Sensitivity, Cantrips, Fire Resistance 5

HP: 80
AC: (18, 22, 26, 27) 10 base + 4 armor* + 4 shield* + 4 dex + 1 size + 3 natural + 1 dodge* - 1 size*
Touch: same
Flat-Footed: (14, 18, 22)

[+3]STR 16
[+4]DEX 18
[+2]CON 14
[+2]INT 14
[+2]WIS 14
[+4]CHA 19

Skills: Perception[+14]; Knowledge(Arcana)[+12]; Spellcraft[+12]; Fly[+15]
BAB: 4

+9 Bite d4 +4 piercing
+9 Two-Claws d4 +3 slashing
+4 Tail Slap(+1 Razored Attachment) d6 +3 (19-20/x2) slashing

Special Attacks:
Draconic Breath 4/day
15 ft. cone of fire DC 21 Reflex half 2d6 fire

[+4]Fort 2 + 2
[+6]Refl 2 + 4
[+7]Will 5 + 2

Spells Per Day:

Spells Known:
[0]Resistance, Detect magic, Spark, Mage Hand, Open/Close, Penumbra, Prestidigitation
[1]Shield, Mage Armor, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Infernal Healing
[2]Cat's Grace, Scorching Ray, Resist Energy

[lvl 1] Draconic Aspect
[lvl 3] Draconic Breath
[lvl 5] Weapon Finesse
[lvl 7] Tail Terror; Toughness

Bloodline Powers:
Whenever you cast a spell with an energy descriptor that matches your draconic bloodline's energy type, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.

Claws (Su): Starting at 1st level, you can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. Each of these attacks deals 1d4 points of damage plus your Strength modifier (1d3 if you are Small). At 5th level, these claws are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming DR. At 7th level, the damage increases by one step to 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if you are Small). At 11th level, these claws deal an additional 1d6 points of damage of your energy type on a successful hit. You can use your claws for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Dragon Resistances (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain resist 5 against your energy type and a +1 natural armor bonus. At 9th level, your energy resistance increases to 10 and natural armor bonus increases to +2. At 15th level, your natural armor bonus increases to +4.

the first adventure i'm sending my PC's on is a simple, classic one
mayor's 'heroic' son went to clear an old keep that was overrun by kobalds, he hasnt returned

ASSEMBLE: ragtag group of jacka$$es (my PC's) equip them with non-magical, but masterworked items, and easily consumable magic items, such as scrolls, potions, etc
(NPCs scale with the characters at -1 level, thus, no one even has a crafting feat yet to make magic weapons)

send ragtag group of jacka$$es to clear out kobalds and maybe save the mayor's son

gonna have them all be lvl 3, and they will have to fight around 15-20 ish lvl 1 weak kobalds, and around 3-5 lvl 3 kobald commanders, most likely with levels in fighter or barbarian

they will be led by this guy, who's name is The Red Lizard, but he speaks Draconic so thats the language his name is in, i designed him to be a melee sorcerer dragon deciple, and im not too* worried about making him super optimal in combat, but i wanted an opinion

the rules i go with for making bosses are full HP every level and these stats:
18, 18, 16, 16, 14, 14

this guys is supposed to be hard, think its a fair fight putting this guy up against 3-4 lvl 3 PC's?

i also hope i can have this guy escape to advance his character and have him come back later with more cool abilities like wings and stronger spells and more breath weapons

also looking for any input on the secondary Kobalds, should i just rip the pre-made one out of the Bestiary, or should i create some using the PC race and the NPC warrior class? will it be pretty much the same?

Want kobolds that dont suck? Super genius games kobold kings provides rules for kobolds that are even with the other pc races, as well as some interesting options for them (expanding on what is in the ARG). Particularly for your dragon disciple, but for the normal kobolds also.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Well if he gets to cast Fireball on a clustered party, he's got a 6d6+6 (ref half) damage blast out of the gate. A lvl3 character with decent Con (12) and Favored Class to HP is going to have (assuming max lvl1, avg on further levels, d8 base) ~23hp. His fireball on average does 27 damage with reflex for half. Let's say a Fighter has 16 Con, then we're looking at ~32 hp.

Conclusion: This guy could roast the party with a fireball, so be careful. Do the PCs get max HP too?

And with that stat array, I wouldn't really be scared of using the kobolds as printed.

Petty Alchemy wrote:

Well if he gets to cast Fireball on a clustered party, he's got a 6d6+6 (ref half) damage blast out of the gate. A lvl3 character with decent Con (12) and Favored Class to HP is going to have (assuming max lvl1, avg on further levels, d8 base) ~23hp. His fireball on average does 27 damage with reflex for half. Let's say a Fighter has 16 Con, then we're looking at ~32 hp.

Conclusion: This guy could roast the party with a fireball, so be careful. Do the PCs get max HP too?

And with that stat array, I wouldn't really be scared of using the kobolds as printed.

i purposely didnt give him fireball for that reason, i was also goign to have him take a split bloodline at first, just because then he wouldnt get access to 3rd level spells at all

Fortunately, this sorcerer apparently does not know fireball, but instead knows haste. His scorching ray is going to be deadly, though, with a solid Dex, 4d6+4 damage, and tons of slots. Though actually it looks like he's been built to fight in melee, not as a caster.

Still, he's a CR 6 opponent, and his numbers look reasonably in-line with a CR 6 monster without buffs (fully buffed, his AC reaches CR 12 levels, while his damage remains about in line with CR 6). For a level 3 party of normal size, that's considered epic; a very hard fight, especially if their resources have been whittled down by the rest of the kobolds. And if he's encountered along with any other kobolds, it's going to be a very hard fight even for a level 4 party.

For the level 1 kobolds, don't bother building anything, just use them right out of the Bestiary. Maybe swap some weapons out for variety, but that's all. Mooks are not worth unnecessary effort. Also, if I recall, 0-HD humanoids in the Bestiary, like kobolds, are already presented as level 1 warriors.

I think this guy is too strong. With max HP and that stat array I think you should add at least 2 to his CR canceling out the usual minus 2 that kobolds get with PC classes. That puts him at CR 7 making him an epic encounter for an APL of 4 and off the chart for an APL of 3. Considering that they will have already fought about 3 CR 3 and 1 CR 1 fights assuming they meet 3 groups of 4 kobolds with one commander each and one group without a commander I think you are looking at a TPK unless the group is larger than normal or have other advantages we do not know of. Do you have your parties stats? Try a few mock rounds by yourself and test him out.

I'm expecting somewhere between 3 and 6 players, and planned on 2 other groups of kobolds
One with a commander, one without
My players wool be strong, and I'm getting then all have good stats

They all get 18 16 15 13 12 10, to put where they want

They also tried trolling me by saying they would all play wizards, so I figure they better be prepared for anything

That stat array of the kobold is insane. I'd lower it but that is just me.

Also I believe claws should be 1d3.

Seems like you might be too attached to this guy. Well done on the build, but he's so involved that I feel like you won't wanna see him die. That said, he better have some lackies with him or he's gonna get surround & pounded. I'd say have them fight him til he dies, or if it looks like he's gonna win have him run off after his lackies die so as to be a recurring boss type guy.

It's a unbalanced fight. I think you want to play DM versus Player, not that there is anything wrong with that but the players should at least get a fair warning.

Tbh I just didn't want him to be too weak, I'm ok with killing him off, and I'm ok with dropping a level
It does make him significantly weaker, and I will have to retool his feats to get the same effect

I truly expect that my pcs will plow straight thru to this guy tho, with little to no damage at all, and I wanted the fight to be hard, I am going to level them to 4 immediately after this fight

You are most likely going to kill players. Otherwise nice build, claw damage is right. Especially if he uses scorching ray or two before melee, on either the healer or mage. Even if on the tank, they will be lucky to survive. CR 6 or 7 for sure.

Aren't Kobold warrens traditionally a trap- and murderhole-infested meat-grinder for low level PCs, with or without Bosses involved?

VRMH wrote:
Aren't Kobold warrens traditionally a trap- and murderhole-infested meat-grinder for low level PCs, with or without Bosses involved?

thats the idea, i want it to be a cakewalk until the boss

so what's more the issue, the fact that he's CR 7 or the fact that he has such high stats?

cuz in a fight where its him vs 4 PCs idk just how much he's really gonna be able to do

in any case, this is my revised character sheet to reflect the input:


Boss 1, Wer Charir Tilsin (The Red Lizard)
Red Dragon-Scaled Kobald, humanoid[reptilian]
Draconic Blooded Sorcerer 5
Favored Class: Sorcerer
CE- Tiamat

Abilities: Darkvision, Light Sensitivity, Cantrips, Fire Resistance 5

HP: 40
AC: (15, 19) 10 base + 4 armor + 3 dex + 1 size + 1 natural
Touch: same
Flat-Footed: (13, 17)

[+1]STR 12
[+3]DEX 17
[+1]CON 12
[+1]INT 12
[+0]WIS 10
[+4]CHA 18

Skills: Perception[+10]; Knowledge(Arcana)[+9]; Spellcraft[+9]
BAB: 2

+5 Two-Claws d3 +1 slashing

Special Attacks:
Draconic Breath 4/day
15 ft. cone of fire DC 21 Reflex half 2d6 fire

[+2]Fort 1 + 1
[+4]Refl 1 + 3
[+4]Will 4 + 0

Spells Per Day:

Spells Known:
[0]Resistance, Detect magic, Spark, Mage Hand, Open/Close, Prestidigitation
[1]Mage Armor, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Infernal Healing, Burning Hands
[2]Cat's Grace, Scorching Ray, Resist Energy

[lvl 1] Draconic Aspect
[lvl 3] Draconic Breath
[lvl 5] Weapon Finesse

Bloodline Powers:
Whenever you cast a spell with an energy descriptor that matches your draconic bloodline's energy type, that

spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.

Claws (Su): Starting at 1st level, you can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural

weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus.

Each of these attacks deals 1d4 points of damage plus your Strength modifier (1d3 if you are Small). At 5th

level, these claws are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming DR. At 7th level, the damage

increases by one step to 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if you are Small). At 11th level, these claws deal an

additional 1d6 points of damage of your energy type on a successful hit. You can use your claws for a number

of rounds per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Dragon Resistances (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain resist 5 against your energy type and a +1 natural armor

bonus. At 9th level, your energy resistance increases to 10 and natural armor bonus increases to +2. At 15th

level, your natural armor bonus increases to +4.

now he looks like he'll be dead in one round imo

Ac is much more reasonable for 4 (average party numbers) 3 lvl players. Because now he is a CR 4-5 which with looks will be hard, but not most likely to cause a TPK.

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