Eldritch Heritage and Wild Blooded

Rules Questions

17 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Staff response: no reply required.

By RAW can you take one of the wildblooded bloodlines with the eldritch heritage feat?
Does the answer change if it is a PFS character?

I am considering the Tremor and Iron hide powers of the Bedrock bloodline.

This is one of the debated questions that pop up from time to time if you search some threads you might find some answers.

if i understand right... the wildblooded are just other bloodlines... if pfs legal, however, that I don't know. dont know much about pfs.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

No you can't. Wild-Blooded is a Sorcerer archetype. Eldritch Heritage only lets you take a bloodline, not alter it.

RAW - no.

I'd allow it if I were running a game though.

Talonhawke wrote:
This is one of the debated questions that pop up from time to time if you search some threads you might find some answers.

I don't recall seeing many such threads with FAQ clicks, so might be worthwhile for this one.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Cheapy wrote:
Talonhawke wrote:
This is one of the debated questions that pop up from time to time if you search some threads you might find some answers.
I don't recall seeing many such threads with FAQ clicks, so might be worthwhile for this one.

good idea, i clicked faq, but i am still convinced that since all the wildblood bloodlines are in the archetype section, and not the sorcerer section (along with other normal bloodlines), that they are not allowed to take with eldritch heritage.

I would like it to be an option, but I don't think that it is by RAW or RAI.

If it turns out you can, I feel like there will still need to be a special note about Sylvan (since it takes up more than just what eldritch heritage would normally).

So yeah everybody hit the FAQ button.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Cheapy wrote:
Talonhawke wrote:
This is one of the debated questions that pop up from time to time if you search some threads you might find some answers.
I don't recall seeing many such threads with FAQ clicks, so might be worthwhile for this one.

Honestly I think it's because when a lot of poster believe they are right they believe that it's so obvious that FAQing would waste the devs time.

FWIW, the original designer of the Eldritch Heritage feat didn't know about the Wildblooded archetypes when he was writing the feat. He wasn't assigned the Sorcerer bloodlines / archetypes section.

Hawktitan wrote:

RAW - no.

I'd allow it if I were running a game though.

This. Wildblooded swaps are some of the most harmless flavor-enhancers in the game. I can't think of any that are more powerful than some of the straight bloodlines.


True, especially since the one that people seem to quiver over is the part where you try to go for an animal companion via sylvan bloodline (yes I know its debated on whether it qualfies anyway) but the truth is that you have to spend 3 feats minimum to get it so they are still 1 level lower than your level....for anything other than a fighter that is a HUGE investment, and even for a fighter, unless you pick up your companion at higher levels, you are delaying some of the most powerful feat chains possible to get something you can't get powered up until level 5? and then except for a few creatures is not often going to overpower a game (unless you build for overpower, but then you could do that without the AC).

Arise! I necromance this thread back to life!

...has this question ever been resolved? It seems so looking at the FAQ answer in the top, but I can't seem to find a straight answer?

by raw they are listed as archetypes. which imo is stupid they are just altered bloodlines, but no you cannot pick them by raw.

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There is an FAQ under ult magic that addresses this, the short answer is no.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

They don't exist except as archetypes, so they are not valid targets for Eldritch Heritage by RAW and since they don't exist, they also are not legal in PFS.

Thank you for the answers :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.


Good news. Yes!

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