Steel Forged Games |
So I had a player show me a build that I feel is totally broken. This is for PFS play so there are some limitations. However he seems to have all of his ducks in a row. Is there anyone out there that can help me figure out if this is truely meant to work this way?
The Build of Awesome:
Druid 5/ Ranger 3
Race: Half Orc
Trait: Toothy
1) Natural Spell
3) Improved Natural attack via Ranger combat style
5) Shaping Focus
7) Vital Strike
So he will use wild shape to change like the spell beast shape III, into a Huge animal.
A) His animal of choice is a beheamoth hippo who has a bite attack of 4d8.
B) Improved natural attack moves your base damage 1 category. So 4d8 becomes 8d8?
C) Spell Strong Jaw gives you more silliness and moves you to a 12d8 dmg
d) Vital Strike for 24d8
So where is his error, has to be one in here somewhere. 24d8 just seems silly.
bodhranist |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
The creature taking Imp. Nat. Weapon chooses one of the creature's natural attack forms to improve. So, the half-orc's bite improves. When the half orc shape changes into a hippo, the hippo's bite attack replaces the half orc's bite, so the feat doesn't apply any more. Strong jaw and vital strike still work though.
Skylancer4 |
It's silly until you can't reach what you are trying to attack, AKA it's a one trick pony. In certain situations it will deal massive damage (toe to toe combat), in others it will be useless (ranged & flying attackers, possibly even reach). Even with the better druid level from shaping focus, times per day is slowed and spells are as well. Environment will be a big factor, forcing shape changes could be a big issue.
bodhranist |
While under the effects of a polymorph spell, you lose all extraordinary and supernatural abilities that depend on your original form (such as keen senses, scent, and darkvision), as well as any natural attacks and movement types possessed by your original form. You also lose any class features that depend upon form, but those that allow you to add features (such as sorcerers that can grow claws) still function. While most of these should be obvious, the GM is the final arbiter of what abilities depend on form and are lost when a new form is assumed. Your new form might restore a number of these abilities if they are possessed by the new form.
The Improved Natural Weapon Feat modifies the natural form and natural attack forms of the creature taking the feat. Under the effects of a polymorph spell, you lose those forms entirely.
Skylancer4 |
Skylancer...I don't think that shifting times is a huge deal since it last hours per level. But you are right if he deals with an enemy that is focused on ranged like a manticore he would be in trouble.
It isn't the shifting times that are the issue, it is the number of shifts available per day. Sure the character can be in the form for essentially the whole day, but they can only wild shape how many times? Once the first combat for the day happens and they use the initial attempt they have that day, what happens when they have to go into a cave to explore afterwards? They cannot fit in that shape so they have to change back or use the last attempt for something that 'fits' and are 'done' for the day with their trick.
Janet Kuhlmann |
I see another problem with this build. Improved Natural Attack is a Monster Feat and is not available to player characters in PFS, which is an even more basic constraint on this build. So how would he be getting access to the feat in the first place, especially since Improved Natural Attack is not in the list of Ranger Combat Style Feats?
It sounds to me like there isn't any reason to take the Ranger levels except to prop up BAB. Is there something I'm missing here?
Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 |
BobtheSamurai |
Natural attack combat style gives INA as one of it's bonus feats.
And as far as not qualifying for feats at certain levels, don't forget retraining allows you to take a feat later on that you didn't qualify for earlier.
And if he has the money and prestige points, a wand of strong jaw is a possibility.
boring7 |
Okay, I'm done. PFS locks down a lot of those things, or at least makes them questionable, but we'll table PFS limitations and just look at the numbers.
-Improved natural attack makes 4d8 into 6d8.
-Strong Jaw increases by two size categories, which by the rules makes 6d8 into 9d8.
Then all the OTHER rules problems listed upthread.
It all really just revolves around the Behemoth Hippo being an insanely powerful morph.
edit: TWO size categories. It really is 12d8.
need caffeine...
Magda Luckbender |
I'll chip in, despite the thread necromancy.
Even the not quite rules-legal original build from 2013 only inflicts 20D6 on a single hit, and has to be 8th level to do so. And has all the other restrictions people mentioned. 20D6 is only average 70 HP. A competent martial can easily inflict double that damage without trying hard. I recently posted a PFS-legal cleric build that could dish out 200+ HP in a round by 5th level. A dedicated martial can do a lot better than that. What's the big deal?