Then he raised his right hand and turned you into cream cheese!
I like to party on Olympus with Aphrodite...
After Ares she had a thing for those who weren't very mighty!
I taught Batman the Dark Knight everything he knows!
Good examples of what he shouldn't do, and it shows.
Your mama's so dumb she couldn't spell OMG... HEY-O!
I wrote the Codex of the Infinite Planes!
"Hey what are you doing you idiot, can't you change lanes!"
I am worth more gold than all of Fort Knox!
Sounds like someone will soon put you in a little box.
I am the ruler of all that was, is and will be!
Yet I take it in one fell swoop with malicious glee!
I will make you explode if you try to defy me!
I'll explode into laughter, just you wait and see.
I have a cool headgrowth made of chitin!
Sure, but you suck when it comes to insult rap fightin'!
I'm the secret champion of Epic Rap Battles of History!
Sounds like you're just having one off the wrist to me!
I'm never lost for a word - I'm a living thesaurus!
Don't you show up at my party all you ever do is bore us!
I am the fastest typist this side of the galaxy!
Cause when your ma's comin you pound (ctrl-alt-delete) to hold the phallicy.
Weak @$$ rhymes times mine is 1 i'm bussin caps in your @$$ like your head is my gun.
Heebie jeebie heebie jeebie heebie jeebie done!
I am the monkchine gun-the greatest Zen Archer who ever lived!
Til the fighter archer showed up and shot you full of holes like a sieve!
I taught Xin everything he knows about magic!
And look how that turned out, it's just tragic.
I am the shadow in the moon at night!
The really little one, from a tick-like parasite!
I can say the chemical name for titin three times fast!
You so dumb, like sodium - we threw you in the water and we had a blast!
I'm so damn scientific all I can fart is noble gases...
One sniff gives you a high, voice squeeky as the glass is.
I'm clawing at your mind like the hat of Sissyl, my rhymes are so phat bringin heat just makes em sizzle!
But I take you down with just one magic missile!
I am the clown with the tear-away face *riiiip* here in a flash and gone without a trace!
We found ya in the closet wearing everything that's lace.
My punch lines are gonna bust you in the eye, so gut wrenching you'll be graspin at your thighs.
So you're saying that they suck, is what I surmise?
When I meet the Saudi king, I can make him shout, "L'chaim!"
Every time lyrics come out of you-BOMB!
The most important men on Earth ask me my opinions!
Then proceed to ignore them cause you're just a minion!
My insults are so raw I made that Triumph dog cry!
Because the only kind of TP you could afford is two-ply!
My TP is made from the finest silk.
I wipe with sucky rappers like you and your ilk!
Let me elevate these rhymes back up out of the gutter
My rap game draws you heavenward with every word I utter
When I spit game all the angels' hearts flutter
I said Ave Maria, she replied "word to your mother"
I drop celestial rhymes like hippies drop acid!
So THATS why all you hippies are so strangely placid!
I invented the gun-sowrd- a gun that shoots swords!
You tried it on some goblins and they smashed you with their hordes.
You won’t make it far with your craft shtick.
My rhymes are so great they made me with fantastick!
You're the worst performer possible - both wooden AND a piece of plastic!
Bruce Lee considered me a worthy adversary.
That's Bruce Lee, award-winning Barber from Brisbane - he so nimble with his scissors, you so very very hairy!
Beauticians scream with delight when they watch me waxing...
but you was lookin kind of crooked so they through you out like Thacksin.
i'm castin out my hook
kickin back and relaxin
waiting for your line
that i'm gonna bash and put cracks in
take your time I can wait
cause you better come prepared when you tangle with the Bait
Dear Chum, I find your rhyme scheme second-rate.
Sincerely, et cetera, Charlie M*****F*****n Bell
Sorry I didn't hear you, keeled over from smell!
I'm a legendary man, with my article on wikipedia!
Sorry, didn't see it cause i'm getting sick of readin ya.
You know i'm the rapper with the most renoun,
they named it after me and they handed me the crown,
but that's predictable, I leave my rhymes unguarded cause they're practically invincible.
Your rhymes are like you - bakeable, boilable, fryable, and minceable.
Nobody but me truly deserves to be a billionaire.
If you stopped rapping the whole world wouldn't care.
I jump out of planes, break s***, and kill badguys!
Face it, it's time you invest in a good disguise.
Yeah, fighters have their fancy weapon specialization
when I'm droppin dimes I wield entire nations!
I think we're all sick of your masturbation,
your ego's got an unpleasant burning sensation,
we're all familiar with your true reputation,
your onboard navigator fails at triangulation,
and the latrine in your mind lacks all ventilation,
when you sit on a seesaw, you get laceration,
so you tell yourself lies for amelioration,
and reflexively file small-time litigation,
you ought to be scheduled for disintegration,
so there's never any chance of your reanimation,
except maybe as Play-Doh for some movie's claymation,
so you'd better hope that there's reincarnation,
except given your karma, you might be better off with damnation,
you've already expended your retaliation,
have you had enough yet of my vituperation???
I am the unfailing voice of Truth!
You just ran out of rhymes like old folks ran out of youth
The Saudis deported me for being too fly
No, you were on the right, I was that guy!
Yes, that's the truth, though Bell tried to steal my fame!
There was nothing to steal! Now Say. My. Name!
I move so fast I kick a-- and take initials!
No you really don't-now it's official!
I dominated the mid 90s with my cartoon shows!
Only that one time you used Stick Stickly to pick your nose,
for the first 20 seconds, sure, Nick's ratings rose,
but after about a full hour of that, kids said, "this show blows!",
the network cut to salt-and-pepper wars just like when it snows,
and all the writers said, "lucky7's the worst guest-host we ever chose!"
Mine is the Power and the Glory forever and ever.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
You're about as appealing as Norf British wevvah
I'm a force of nature - I'm a rhymin' tornado...
You're about as forceful as a rotten tomato!
My rhymes are so sweet ghorans think I'M delicious
And they tasted you how??? I find that suspicious....
I'm fast-strong-smart-cold-rational-comic-righteous, just like Lt. Cmdr. Data.
Of course by that you mean when he was in Beta!
Every script I write gets a win at the Oscars!
Your mama's so fat she has to travel in a boxcar!
I walked 47 miles of barbed wire, got a cobra snake for a necktie!
You got an eel for a g-string, a garter snake for a garter belt, and stockings woven from vermicell-eye!
I'm 200 pounds of heavenly joy...
and yet you still have the heart of a little boy!
I am a level 20 PC in the ordinary world!
Ugh- that rhyme was so lame- I think I just hurled.
Like melting polar ice caps my flow is so cold