Dabbler |

James had stated that if they do psionics, it'd probably wouldn't be power point based as there are few fans of power point based rules for magic at Paizo.
They've also stated that they probably won't call it psionics, as they don't want to cause confusion with DSP psionics or annoy the old-school psionics lovers.
The thing is...
1) Those that don't like psionics in theme or mechanics won't care what Paizo do with psionics, so they won't gain fans that way;
2) Those that do like psionics from 3.5 do care about the point-based mechanics, so anything non-point based will make them unhappy and they could lose fans.

Doggan |

I'd like to see a non-magic pet class, kind of like a summoner but with more martial abilities, team work feats between the two. Like a toned down ranger with a toned up animal companion, or even a ranger with no spell casting or favored enemy, but with a fully leveled animal companion
Animal Archive has a Cavalier that somewhat fills that role. A barbarian also. I think it can be done easily enough with Archetypes that it doesn't require a dedicated class.

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how about this?
Mystic Theurge (Base Class)
Mystic Theurge
HD d6
Skills 2
Class Skills as Wizard and Cleric
Saves Will
Proficiency none (!)
Spellcasting 6-level per day prepared progression
uses two casting stats, INT for arcane, WIS for divine - both grant bonus spells accordingly
Arcane Spellbook - begins play with 1+INT Wizard spells, gains 1 new per level
Divine Prayer - has access to all cleric spells on list
may intermix freely - bonus spells from high ability score must be assigned appropriately
1 - Mysticism 1, Cantrips, Orisons
2 - Mystic Pool, Theurge Insight
3 - Mysticism 2
4 -
5 - Theurge Insight
6 - Mysticism 3
7 -
8 - Theurge Insight
9 - Mysticism 4
11- Theurge Insight
12- Mysticism 5
14- Theurge Insight
15- Mysticism 6
17- Theurge Insight
18- Mysticism 7
19- Mysticism 8
20- Mysticism 9, Theurge Insight
learns to cast one spell of appropriate level from either list as a spell-like ability 1/day
Mystic Pool
based upon 1/2 level plus CHA
may recover a cast spell by spending points equal to it's level
may expend 1 point to change a divine spell to an arcane spell, and vice-versa, at time of casting
may use metamagic on a spell spontaneously by expending points equal to level increase
Theurge Insight
list of special options tied to mystic pool
or can gain a metamagic feat

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I'd like to see a non-magic pet class, kind of like a summoner but with more martial abilities, team work feats between the two. Like a toned down ranger with a toned up animal companion, or even a ranger with no spell casting or favored enemy, but with a fully leveled animal companion
Might I suggest you take a look at the Expanded Spell-less Ranger ... it gets you the no-spells, the more martial oriented character and the fully leveled animal companion PLUS there are plenty of animal companion related feats to make your animal companion really awesome.
There is even an archetype, the Companion Bound, that I think you would really like. The archetype is all about the relationship between the ranger and his animal companion - it even has teamwork-like abilities built right into it. :)

Yora |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

James had stated that if they do psionics, it'd probably wouldn't be power point based as there are few fans of power point based rules for magic at Paizo.
Really? Power Points are the greatest thing that happened to magic in D&D ever. I never understood why anyone would stick with spell slots if you could have spell points instead.

Fig |

There already is at least one 3PP engineer, the machinesmith from Louis Porter Jr. Design. I'm pleasantly surprised with that.
Additionally, I would love to see a Blade Runner class.
Joking aside, about the only things I would like to see are some archetypes that are already mentioned:
- a true Neutral paladin,
- a spontaneous druid might be fun,
- more support for the Words of Power (within classes/alternate favored class bonuses),
- perhaps some Mezoamerican themed archetypes,
- VIKINGS or MARINES! (in the classical sense)
Edit: Vikings and Marines are already done. Nevermind those.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

An engineer/tinkerer (I hate the term artificer, dunno why, I just do). It should be made absolutely clear that the things he does, while both effective and flashy, are NOT magic.
I know it goes completely against the design parameters of 3.X for something to be effective, flashy, and NOT magical; and it might even cause one or two of the developers heads to explode trying to wrap their minds around that concept, but it's important that it be NOT magical.

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a spontaneous druid might be fun.
*cough* might I suggest The Expanded Shaman from Kobold Press? *cough* :)

Fig |

*cough* might I suggest The Expanded Shaman from Kobold Press? *cough* :)
I shall look into this.

Mr.Alarm |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'd like a class that I couldn't think to ask for. I want to be surprised by something new. Looking at the Advanced Player's Guide classes when they first came out, and realizing none of them had 3.5 equivalents was the most excited I've been for a product in a while. Even now, the classes I'm most excited to play are the Gypsy for Dreadfox Games and the Luckbringer from Rite Publishing because they are classes unlike any other I've read.
PS:For those talking about a shapeshifter class, might I suggest the Taskshaper from Rite Publishing?

Cheapy |

Wyrmholez wrote:4th level spells and Full BAB.@ Azaelas Fayth and Wyrmholez - you might want to keep an eye out for one of the next New Paths from Kolbold Press - The Expanded Battle Scion is exactly what you are describing :) It should be out in about a month or so ...
I knew it!

Muskrat |

Id like to see some of the things people have already mentioned, such as a swashbuckler and NG and CG paladin archetypes.
Here are some other suggestions:
Charlatan: An arcane caster focusing on illusion and enchantment spells. Sort of a super-specialist in the same way the summoner is to the conjuration school. I could see it being either Charisma- or Intelligence-based, with an archetype to swap out one for the other.
Kensai: A full BAB, d10, etc., heavily-armored combat class that gets a ki pool and ki-based abilities. (I'd also advocate a lightly armored one, but Tripod Machine's Adventuring Classes has the Martial Artist, which fits the bill.)
Naturalist: (I would have called this a witch, but the name is already taken.) A Wisdom-based arcane caster, who learns their spells not through academic study or inborn power, but through intuitive observations of nature. The naturalist would memorize spells using a "journal," consisting of their insights gleaned from observing the natural world. The class would probably use the druid spell list. Each Naturalist would need to select one of the following "paths," which would give appropriate special abilities: Astrologer/ Astronomer, Beast Friend, Geomancer, Green Thumb, Mariner, Wind Walker/ Weather Worker.
Philosophical Wizard: Wizards who take philosophical schools, centered around certain themes akin to clerical domains, instead of the standard schools.
Physiologist Wizard: A Wizard archetype who gets access to healing spells and maybe channel energy, creating an arcane healer.
Psalmist: A Bard archetype that makes it a divine caster and swaps out some standard class features for access to a domain.
Seer: A Wisdom-based arcane caster focusing on divination spells (another super-specialist). They might have a Second Sight class feature that gives them various abilities such as detect lies, detect alignment, see invisible, etc. Also, a danger sense ability that helps out with surprise checks and in combat, with their allies maybe getting bonuses at higher levels.
Sun Druid: A druid archetype focused on the sun and light. Nature's Bond must be with the Sun domain. Swap out some class features for other, appropriate powers, such as channel energy.
Theurgist: An Intelligence-based divine caster. They get their powers not through prayer and communion with their deity, but through studying scripture and observing their deity's works in the world. For instance, a Theurgist of a god of war might study military strategy as a metaphor for all life. They should get at least one domain, but something other than channel energy to make them distinct from clerics.

Muskrat |

The idea was more to address the seeming need to always have a cleric in the party, by giving other character classes the option to fill that role. In one just started campaign I'm in, after the first combat encounter, the person playing a druid promptly converted his character over to a cleric, since otherwise it was clear we would lack the healer the party needed. It's less about stomping on niches than allowing people more options.

Christopher Delvo |

So, did a little research as of late for my home game, and came across the "Aberrant" archetype for Dreamscarred Press's Aegis class (both in their Advanced Psionics Guide) and it is pretty much exactly what I've been looking for in a Shapeshifter class.
I'd like a class that I couldn't think to ask for. I want to be surprised by something new. Looking at the Advanced Player's Guide classes when they first came out, and realizing none of them had 3.5 equivalents was the most excited I've been for a product in a while. Even now, the classes I'm most excited to play are the Gypsy for Dreadfox Games and the Luckbringer from Rite Publishing because they are classes unlike any other I've read.
This was how I felt when I first read SGG's Time Thief. I get that it was initially made to capitalize on the Prince of Persia movie, but when I read it, I was like "Whoa! This is totally awesome!" and I never would have thought to ask for it.
...Catch Phrase,

greg mallin |
Here are some ideas: Dragon Ride/Dragon Knight/Paramander - paladin/mage cross; Yakuza - Rogue/Sorcerer(or other class like a summoner or Rune Caster); Song Warden - like a 4th edition warden but using songs as a shield; Redeemed? - someone brought back from the grave with some memories but owing fealty/favors to the one who brought them back.

Kitsune Knight |

I'm with Cheapy. I want a surprise. Something not based on 3.5, or if it is very esoteric kind of stuff. I want something I never knew I needed until I have it.
Edit: Also, a lot of the stuff called out has already been made, and in most cases quite well, by 3rd Party publishers. Seriously, good 3rd party content goes a long way to rounding out a lot of my pathfinder games, and I couldn't imagine running a game without it. :)

Humphrey Boggard |

Albatoonoe wrote:Can some explain to me how a Warlord is not like a Cavalier? The Cavalier is very much the leader and commander class.Warlord can not be mounted and not lose a ton of their best abilities.
I see the Warlord as an alternate class based on the Cavalier. Off the top of my head, I would replace the mount/expert trainer/[Cavalier's/Mighty/Supreme] charge with a faster tactician progression, an ability that grants bonuses and (later) temporary hp to his allies, and diplomacy/leadership bonuses.

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I personally really, really want to see a Mutant class, to get that "deep internal power" fluff of the sorceror for races with a Charisma penalty. They'd be more of the fleshy, visceral mutants like you'd see in Resident Evil or a B-Movie than the sexy kind you'd see in X-Men*, and they'd sort of have a combo of spells that work more like spell-like abilities and Rogue-talent-like features that'd work to represent their mutations.
Their different "Paths" (Sort of like a sorcerer's bloodline or a wizard's school) would be based on the source of their mutations. Starting ones could include Eldritch Radiations, Nanites (Think Tetsuo The Iron Man), Abolethic Intervention, Wild Magic, Space Parasites, Psychological Torment (It worked in The Brood!), Accelerated Evolution and Whatever The Hell Those Key-Shaped Tumors Were In "Tokyo Gore Police". And the class'd fit perfectly with Pathfinder's emphasis on weird pulp science. Or at least just as much so as the robot and space alien races in the Inner Sea Bestiary
*But they can still be sexy! Look at 4chan's /d/ board for proof! Then try to burn your eyes out with lye trying to unsee what you saw on /d/!

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tbok1992 wrote:Whatever The Hell Those Key-Shaped Tumors Were In "Tokyo Gore Police"Heh. You sound like you would run an interesting game. And very very bloody and disturbing.
Well, I like myself my weirdness, and my general brand of such tends to run on two settings: whimsical and comical, and jarringly nightmarish.
By the way, are there any good guides on how to create a balanced player class? I might want to give making the mutant one a try for myself.
What do you think of the idea Cheapy? Is it whimsical and unique enough for ya?

Muskrat |

I was thinking of something that might work mechanically similar to a mutant, but with different flavoring: the Vessel. They are a divinely powered, non-spell-casting class. Basically, they get special abilities and powers consistent with their god's spheres of influence. It's sort of an all granted powers, all the time idea. I suppose the Vessel could be an archetype of the Mutant, changing primarily the source of their powers and perhaps the ones available.