Best Two-Handed Weapon


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PRD only. Damage output on average. Include critical damage average too. If there is a table out there, please let me know.

Even One-handed weapons being used two-handed.




Greatsword is great.

Falcion is has a better crit range so when your base dam is high enough the falcions does more damage...

So low level the greatsword wins. Later to some point the flacion wins.

But then there's all the other variables. What if something debuffs you? Greatsword migth be better again.
and so on...

No math from me it's been done... Not all people agree.
Don't have link at the moment. Anyone else?

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Greatsword for raw damage
Falchion for crit builds
Lucerne Hammer for reach
Composite Longbow for range
Elven Curve Blade for finesse
Fauchard for reach + crit

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The No-Dachi is in the prd--it's better than the Falchion by .5 average damage on a normal hit despite still being a martial weapon, which closes the gap with the Greatsword and makes it better earlier.

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Tetsubo. 1d10 damage, x4 critical

Lantern Lodge

Low level the great sword because of 2d6 19-20/x2. Mid levels Falchion becouse of its 15-20 crit range using improved critical. End game Tetsubo only if ur a Two-Handed Fighter archetype since at 20th level u can perform an auto confirmed critical using a d10 with a x5 multiplier.

Grand Lodge

Large sized Falcata?

That's 1d10 19-20/x3.

For Sunder, Piston Maul.

Well the only two handed medieval weapon you can still buy at your local store in most areas is a Bill. Its called a kaiser or sling blade. blade now.That should say something about it.

Large Falcata does 2d6, not d10

Grand Lodge

How would you rate the dwarven longhammer?

Nuku wrote:
How would you rate the dwarven longhammer?

As far as crits go, not as good as the greatsword, but the damage dice are the same, and it has Reach! Can you say combat reflexes?

Assuming you are a strength based two hand weilder the following is true.

at +19 damage Non-keen Falcata > Nodachi
at +23 damage Non-keen Falcata > Greatsword
at +28 Damage Non-keen Nodachi > Greatsword

at +9 damage keen Falcata > Nodachi
at +11 damage keen Falcata > Greatsword
at +13 damage keen Nodachi > Greatsword

This means by level 6 or so when you can afford a +1 Keen weapon Falcata will be greater than any other two hander, in addition you can switch hit sword and board in a pinch.

However Falcata will normally cost a feat so if you are in an already feat starved class be aware of this.

If you already have Nodachi and are not a fighter than Falcata is a hard call due to the feat cost.

Hope this helps.

Grand Lodge

Martiln wrote:
Nuku wrote:
How would you rate the dwarven longhammer?
As far as crits go, not as good as the greatsword, but the damage dice are the same, and it has Reach! Can you say combat reflexes?

I thought 20/x3 is equivalent to 19-20/x2?

If you plan to take crit feats
Fauchard if you want reach.
Nodachi if you don't.

If you are feat starved and won't be aiming for EWP or crit feats
Lucerne Hammer all the way. Seriously for a martial weapon I love this thing.

Falcate does not even come on my radar. If I want a crit weapon its for crit feats where 18-20 is a must. If I don't want a high crit range reach is far more important then 19-20/3

Grand Lodge

Does being a dwarf modify the thoughts any, since the longhammer becomes a martial weapon, not needing of any extra feats?

Stome wrote:

If you plan to take crit feats

Fauchard if you want reach.
Nodachi if you don't.

If you are feat starved and won't be aiming for EWP or crit feats
Lucerne Hammer all the way. Seriously for a martial weapon I love this thing.

Falcate does not even come on my radar. If I want a crit weapon its for crit feats where 18-20 is a must. If I don't want a high crit range reach is far more important then 19-20/3

This is a valid point about the 18-20 base crit range. It does allow you to make full use of the "Effect on Crit" Feats.

I would say that if you plan to build in that manner then Nodachi > Falcata > Greatsword is a good general rule.

If you are going for pure damage and do not plan on or cannot afford the Crit feats then generally Falcata > Nodachi > Greatsword.

Now I will say that if you are playing E6 or only at low levels Greatsword may be the superior choice due to the fact that both Falcata and Nodachi take time to become better, as I noted previously usually between levels 6-9.

Good luck.

Yeah low end games greatsword wins hands down on damage with little to no investment and it might even top Lucerne Hammer all around because you need a couple feats to make good use of reach (though being B and P has value)

Though even when feat starved I don't think I would use Falcata. That EWP feat could be used for one crit feat (granted not until later on.) Though I suppose if you have a way to get EWP for free (Race or archetype for example.) then it would pay off.

Dark Archive

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Earthbreaker. Because it's the coolest.

Stome wrote:

Yeah low end games greatsword wins hands down on damage with little to no investment and it might even top Lucerne Hammer all around because you need a couple feats to make good use of reach (though being B and P has value)

Though even when feat starved I don't think I would use Falcata. That EWP feat could be used for one crit feat (granted not until later on.) Though I suppose if you have a way to get EWP for free (Race or archetype for example.) then it would pay off.

large falcata does 2d6 base damage, same as greatsword. so EWP falcata is effectively a feat that increase the critical multiplier of greatsword by one.

Not so bad, isn't it?

You mean aside from the -2 for using a inappropriately sized weapon? Yeah not worth it in most cases.

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Without wasting time crunching numbers my gut says you have three options:

  • 18-20/x2 weapon for 'crit fishing', generally lower damage output per blow, intent is to maximize the value of confirmed critical hits. Weaker in campaigns featuring plentiful elementals, oozes, swarms and in some cases incorporeal subtyped creatures.
  • x4 - tetsubo is the king of this critical damage multiplier due to the d10 Medium damage die. Noteworthy in combination in high level play in place of the heavy mace component of a mace of smiting and of course being especially lethal when used as coup de grace weapon of choice.
  • Whatever weapon floats yer boat! Seriously, go with whatever tickles your fancy.

Grand Lodge

Titan Mauler, or Oversized Limbs Tiefling with a Large Falcata is pretty brutal.

I still like the flat +4 to damage the Piston Maul adds to sunder, especially when combined with Greater Sunder.

Not that i have been playing too many fighters i pathfinder. But it seems to me that an over sized Curve blade, elven is not the badest way to goo..
2D8 and 15-20 crit range..

Dark Archive

Pelle mrb wrote:

Not that i have been playing too many fighters i pathfinder. But it seems to me that an over sized Curve blade, elven is not the badest way to goo..

2D8 and 15-20 crit range..

Can't use it. It's a 2H weapon, so making it Large would make it unwieldable for a medium creature.


when you get enough damage and 19-20 crit range, i beieve it becomes the highest DPR weapon, plus trip quality.

Seranov wrote:
Pelle mrb wrote:

Not that i have been playing too many fighters i pathfinder. But it seems to me that an over sized Curve blade, elven is not the badest way to goo..

2D8 and 15-20 crit range..
Can't use it. It's a 2H weapon, so making it Large would make it unwieldable for a medium creature.

rather costly, but the Impact Weapon Enchantment can get the job done

Seranov wrote:
Earthbreaker. Because it's the coolest.

plus shenanigans with bludgeoner, enforcer, sap adept/master, etc

Dark Archive

Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
Seranov wrote:
Earthbreaker. Because it's the coolest.
plus shenanigans with bludgeoner, enforcer, sap adept/master, etc


Seranov wrote:
Pelle mrb wrote:

Not that i have been playing too many fighters i pathfinder. But it seems to me that an over sized Curve blade, elven is not the badest way to goo..

2D8 and 15-20 crit range..
Can't use it. It's a 2H weapon, so making it Large would make it unwieldable for a medium creature.

not that i question that, but do u have a page i can look it up on?


The Exchange

Pelle mrb wrote:
Seranov wrote:
Pelle mrb wrote:

Not that i have been playing too many fighters i pathfinder. But it seems to me that an over sized Curve blade, elven is not the badest way to goo..

2D8 and 15-20 crit range..
Can't use it. It's a 2H weapon, so making it Large would make it unwieldable for a medium creature.

not that i question that, but do u have a page i can look it up on?


In the equipment section under Weapon Size of the corebook:

"The measure of how much effort it takes to use a weapon (whether the weapon is designated as a light, one-handed, or two-handed weapon for a particular wielder) is altered by one step for each size category of difference between the wielder's size and the size of the creature for which the weapon was designed. For example, a Small creature would wield a Medium one-handed weapon as a two-handed weapon. If a weapon's designation would be changed to something other than light, one-handed, or two-handed by this alteration, the creature can't wield the weapon at all."

So a 2 handed large weapon is too big for a normal medium sized dude to use without certain feats or racial abilities that allow for oversized weapons to be wielded normally.

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For early games the Greatsword will be ur highest dpr, but after u get access to +2 weapons its no longer.. For a none exotic weapon the Keen Nodachi 1d10 15/20x2 would have a very slight dpr advantage over the Keen Falchion 2d4 15/20x2.. If you dont mind burning exotic weapon, or ur a half-elf the Keen Falcata cannot be beat in a dpr race.. In another thread along time ago a test was ran with a vanilla 12th level fighter and the top 10 full attack dpr weapons were as follows:

92.04 - Earth Breaker
92.04 - Great Sword
94.535 - Rhoka
94.535 - Urumi
95.83 - Falchion
95.83 - Scythe
97.125 - Nodachi
97.125 - Elven Curve Blade
99.06 - Large Falcata
102.93 - Falcata

At lower levels the Great Sword is top, but by 4th level everything falchion and up has past it and the more static damage added, i.e. more str/power attack/feats/weapon bonuses, the more the distance is seperated.. With that said if u dont wanna spend a feat on exotic weapon, the Nodachi is the highest dpr weapon availiable... If u do its the Falcata..

Grand Lodge

What # does the dwarven longhammer get? 2d6, 20/x3 crit.

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Thats the same stats as the Earth Breaker so it would tie with it and the greatsword..

Grand Lodge

Hrm, well, that doesn't seem very far off(-10%?), and you get reach.

That's a great breakdown but the thread is "best" two handed weapon. DPR is pretty minor. Now which reach weapon has the best DPR would be interesting at least.

WerePox47 wrote:

For early games the Greatsword will be ur highest dpr, but after u get access to +2 weapons its no longer.. For a none exotic weapon the Keen Nodachi 1d10 15/20x2 would have a very slight dpr advantage over the Keen Falchion 2d4 15/20x2.. If you dont mind burning exotic weapon, or ur a half-elf the Keen Falcata cannot be beat in a dpr race.. In another thread along time ago a test was ran with a vanilla 12th level fighter and the top 10 full attack dpr weapons were as follows:

92.04 - Earth Breaker
92.04 - Great Sword
94.535 - Rhoka
94.535 - Urumi
95.83 - Falchion
95.83 - Scythe
97.125 - Nodachi
97.125 - Elven Curve Blade
99.06 - Large Falcata
102.93 - Falcata

At lower levels the Great Sword is top, but by 4th level everything falchion and up has past it and the more static damage added, i.e. more str/power attack/feats/weapon bonuses, the more the distance is seperated.. With that said if u dont wanna spend a feat on exotic weapon, the Nodachi is the highest dpr weapon availiable... If u do its the Falcata..

how does a large falcate net less than a regular sized falcata?

Grand Lodge

Penalty to hit.

Now, it the hand of a Titan Mauler, or a Tiefling with the over-sized limbs alternate racial trait, it's different.

Well, the best weapons by far's kinda a tie:

Bastard's Sting (a bastard sword), and Molvënn (a warhammer). They are by far the most powerful weapons I could find.

Duskblade wrote:

Well, the best weapons by far's kinda a tie:

Bastard's Sting (a bastard sword), and Molvënn (a warhammer). They are by far the most powerful weapons I could find.

Lol well if your talking about the most powerful weapon, not highest dpr then the 7 Swords of Sin would be at the top.. Other honourable mentions would be Briar, Saint Cuthberts Mace, and Axe of Dwarvsih Lords.. The seven swords are rediculous though...

I agree with those that suggested the falcata.
Used one in few sessions and managed to do well with its good damage and crit threat-range.


The DPR numbers above came from one of my posts in this thread. This post of mine there also shows level 1 DPS stats for those weapons (plus the Lance).

If I recall, I also tried to include the chance of rolling high enough to threaten but still missing (something sometimes forgotten in other DPR calculations, but something which is possible on iterative attacks)... but it was a long time ago, so that may or may not be true of those numbers.

If I feel inclined, I may do it again with all the current weapons (using Ultimate Equipment as my source)... but we'll see.

Of course, this is only taking into account DPR (though I did include various attack routines/tactics, such a Charging, moving and Cleaving, moving and Vital Striking, and Full-Attacking with Haste).

*ponders doing it again with all weapons*

EDIT: huh, that was from 2 years ago. *nods introspectively*


Grand Lodge

I do like the Falcata both mechanically, and thematically.

It is like a giant Kukri.

Of course, I am really digging the Ripsaw Glaive, and the flat +2 to damage is nice.

The best two handed weapon probably actually the composite longbow. Lots of range, cheap golfbagging with arrows, and the ability to use rapid shot and manyshot to make 3 attacks at full BAB (okay, two attacks, but one fires two arrows) put melee to shame.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Penalty to hit.

Now, it the hand of a Titan Mauler, or a Tiefling with the over-sized limbs alternate racial trait, it's different.

Doesn't the over-sized limbs require a feat? Or does the feat just grant 3 rolls?

Grand Lodge

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Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

Penalty to hit.

Now, it the hand of a Titan Mauler, or a Tiefling with the over-sized limbs alternate racial trait, it's different.

Doesn't the over-sized limbs require a feat? Or does the feat just grant 3 rolls?

No feat anymore.

A good roll, or nice DM is all you need.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

Penalty to hit.

Now, it the hand of a Titan Mauler, or a Tiefling with the over-sized limbs alternate racial trait, it's different.

Doesn't the over-sized limbs require a feat? Or does the feat just grant 3 rolls?

No feat anymore.

A good roll, or nice DM is all you need.

Source? Can I get a link please?

Grand Lodge


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blackbloodtroll wrote:

Not exactly seeing it.


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