Best spell (arcane or divine) aat 1st or 2nd lvl slots for Spell Perfection


Say you can get spell perfection but DM says the limitation is you can only get a 1st or 2nd lvl spell, what spell would it be. Assumed MM feat you will apply is Heighten and your SP boosted feats are spell focus in the given class and greater spell penetration.

Thoughts so far:

Doom (for -2 to DCs, auto hit ranged but mind effecting)
Ray of sickening (for -2 to DCs, ranged touch but necromany)
Touch of gracelessness (-dex and prone if moving full)
Unprepared combatant (-4 to init and reflex saves)
Charm Person (very powerful but limited to humaniods)
Color Spray (very powerful but limited on mind immune)

Hold Person (very powerful but limited to humanoids)
Glitterdust (very powerful but limited to things with eyes, no SR)
Silence (moderately powerful but cast on friendly BSF is almost as effective)
Acid Arrow (paired for daze rod for mucho cheese)
Snowball (also cheese, pair with rime rod for cheese)


Dot for interest.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

well, it depends on how sketchy you want to be...
this is expressly against RAI, though well within RAW:
Magic Missile, with the Magical Lineage trait. magic missile may seem like a dumb choice since its damage caps at 5d4+5, but hear me out.

Magic Lineage (APG) wrote:
When you apply metamagic feats to this spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell's final adjusted level.

so, magic missile becomes a 0th level spell- fortunately there's no save DC so that has no negative consequence.

Spell Perfection (APG) wrote:
Whenever you cast that spell you may apply any one metamagic feat you have to that spell without affecting its level

so you can prepare quickened magic missile as a cantrip, and just do an extra 5d4+5 damage every round all day without ever running out of them. you could also prepare a maximized magic missile cantrip so that on any round you don't have something better to use a spell on you can kick out 25 damage as a standard action (an unlimited number of times per day) and then toss a free magic missile as well. if you're an evoker you'd add your full level to all those as well. if you had the orc bloodline arcana you'd also get +2 per die for that... (so a sorcerer[orc] 1/evoker 14 would be doing 5d4+29 with each of your unlimited quickened magic missile, or 49 if you spent an action to cast one of your unlimited maximized ones- actually, at that point you're better off using empower for {average for 5d4+29=41.5 x1.5= } >62 average damage)

Dark Archive

Dazing heightened snapdragon fireworks. Daze a new opponent every round as a move action with the daze lasting multiple rounds.

The first level spell becoming a cantrip doesn't work. The devs cleared that up awhile ago. Im on my phone so I can't link, but I'm sure you could search or someone will be kind enough to post the link.

nate lange wrote:

well, it depends on how sketchy you want to be...

this is expressly against RAI, though well within RAW:
Magic Missile, with the Magical Lineage trait. magic missile may seem like a dumb choice since its damage caps at 5d4+5, but hear me out.
Magic Lineage (APG) wrote:
When you apply metamagic feats to this spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell's final adjusted level.

so, magic missile becomes a 0th level spell- fortunately there's no save DC so that has no negative consequence.

Spell Perfection (APG) wrote:
Whenever you cast that spell you may apply any one metamagic feat you have to that spell without affecting its level
so you can prepare quickened magic missile as a cantrip, and just do an extra 5d4+5 damage every round all day without ever running out of them. you could also prepare a maximized magic missile cantrip so that on any round you don't have something better to use a spell on you can kick out 25 damage as a standard action (an unlimited number of times per day) and then toss a free magic missile as well. if you're an evoker you'd add your full level to all those as well. if you had the orc bloodline arcana you'd also get +2 per die for that... (so a sorcerer[orc] 1/evoker 14 would be doing 5d4+29 with each of your unlimited quickened magic missile, or 49 if you spent an action to cast one of your unlimited maximized ones- actually, at that point you're better off using empower for {average for 5d4+29=41.5 x1.5= } >62 average damage)

Thanks for trying Nate but thats not how magic lineage works. You use it to get a free level of MM feat, not lower a spell to a lesser spell level.

Grand Lodge

That and it's not RAW. It says 'treat it as one lower' but only 'when you apply metamagic feats' and 'for determining the spell's final adjusted level'

At no point does this allow you to knock it down to 0, unless you applied heightened? Or, what was it, merciful? Something you can add +0 with. You'd still be on very shaky ground, and it wouldn't be quickened, that's for sure, since 1 + ...4? - 1 = 4, not 0.

I got to pick this afternoon for tonights game

Grayfeather wrote:
I got to pick this afternoon for tonights game

Could you give us a bit more info then?

Why not apply quicken for example?


james maissen wrote:
Grayfeather wrote:
I got to pick this afternoon for tonights game

Could you give us a bit more info then?

Why not apply quicken for example?


For one I dont have it as a feat. I quicken as needed off a rod. This is because when you need a quicken its likely for something you didn't plan for. But also with heighten the DC change is more valuable on getting spells to stick.

Thinking about Grease as well.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Nuku wrote:

That and it's not RAW. It says 'treat it as one lower' but only 'when you apply metamagic feats' and 'for determining the spell's final adjusted level'

At no point does this allow you to knock it down to 0, unless you applied heightened? Or, what was it, merciful? Something you can add +0 with. You'd still be on very shaky ground, and it wouldn't be quickened, that's for sure, since 1 + ...4? - 1 = 4, not 0.

that's where spell perfection kicks in- you apply quicken for free (+0) but you're still applying a MM feat so it lowers by 1 (to 0).

i did preface that by saying its sketchy! and that it's RAW but explicitly not RAI- the link, which i just looked for but couldn't find (though i have seen it before), says that it was not intended to allow you to cast a spell at below its normal level, but there has never been an official errata or FAQ post on it (at least none that i've seen). so, again, its clearly not RAI (and it is sketchy/cheesy) but you could make a case for it if you want (since it's still, technically, RAW).


Grayfeather wrote:
thats not how magic lineage works

i was quoting the trait verbatim- that is how it works, they developers just didn't think through how it would interact with Spell Perfection (or the Merciful MM feat) and would prefer that you somehow modify the trait in those circumstances.

Obviously some of it will depend on your metamagic spell selections... off the top of my head I would think that Color Spray would make an ideal self-defense option and I'll bet you could think of a lot of creative ways to use an enhanced Silent Image.

For my money though, I'd seriously consider Charm Person - you'll boost the save DC if you're smart about your feat choices and a silenced, stilled version means that you could literally charm anyone you were having a conversation with without them ever actuallyknowing it - or even from across the room with a glance... might not be as useful in combat but there goes the need for a face character...

I'll be honest. If I were operating with the limitation you are I probably wouldn't take Spell Perfection. Being restricted to either a 1st or 2nd level spell really hurts the two main benefits of taking the feat.

Otherwise, if you're still intent on taking it, I'd do Hold Person.

Sovereign Court

Actually the developers are very much aware of that combination.

Grayfeather wrote:

For one I dont have it as a feat. I quicken as needed off a rod. This is because when you need a quicken its likely for something you didn't plan for. But also with heighten the DC change is more valuable on getting spells to stick.

Thinking about Grease as well.

So I infer that you're not a spontaneous caster.. from the rod, I'm inferring that you are higher level.. I was guessing with the restriction that the DM, for whatever reason, had removed the 15 ranks of spellcraft.

Are you a mystic theurge clc/wiz? What's your role in the party?

Anyway, best of luck and fun,


Grayfeather wrote:
Say you can get spell perfection but DM says the limitation is you can only get a 1st or 2nd lvl spell, what spell would it be. Assumed MM feat you will apply is Heighten and your SP boosted feats are spell focus in the given class and greater spell penetration.

Heighten doesn't work with abilities that reduce the level of metamagics--Heighten makes the spell function as a spell of the slot level you actually use (of course excluding other metamagics).

The very best Spell Perfection metamagics are definitely Dazing, Persistent, and Quicken.

Dazing Snapdragon Fireworks are classic. Persistent Glitterdust is nasty.

Beyond that, the best spell choice really depends on your class. A Magus, for example, most likely wants to Perfection Shocking Grasp or Snowball (if they have the thing that lets them spellstrike RTAs), whereas a Heavens Oracle will want Color Spray. We need more information.

nate lange wrote:
Nuku wrote:

That and it's not RAW. It says 'treat it as one lower' but only 'when you apply metamagic feats' and 'for determining the spell's final adjusted level'

At no point does this allow you to knock it down to 0, unless you applied heightened? Or, what was it, merciful? Something you can add +0 with. You'd still be on very shaky ground, and it wouldn't be quickened, that's for sure, since 1 + ...4? - 1 = 4, not 0.

that's where spell perfection kicks in- you apply quicken for free (+0) but you're still applying a MM feat so it lowers by 1 (to 0).

i did preface that by saying its sketchy! and that it's RAW but explicitly not RAI- the link, which i just looked for but couldn't find (though i have seen it before), says that it was not intended to allow you to cast a spell at below its normal level, but there has never been an official errata or FAQ post on it (at least none that i've seen). so, again, its clearly not RAI (and it is sketchy/cheesy) but you could make a case for it if you want (since it's still, technically, RAW).


Grayfeather wrote:
thats not how magic lineage works
i was quoting the trait verbatim- that is how it works, they developers just didn't think through how it would interact with Spell Perfection (or the Merciful MM feat) and would prefer that you somehow modify the trait in those circumstances.
Jason Bulmahn wrote:

Hey there Folks,

Magical Lineage was never intended as a way for you to actually lower a spell's level. It was put in to allow you to reduce the increase from a metamagic feat. So, no unlimited magic missiles. I will see to it that the language of this ability is clarified soon and I will get this added to the FAQ.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

No unlimited magic missiles? These guys don't want us to have any fun!

and if you are NOT imoted to level 1 or 2 - is it wirth it ?
i was thinking ill omen on my witch or haste might be worth the heavy 2 feat cost...
is it ?
the big use of the feat is that it allow you to take spells you use rarly and worst case - you de-select them.

james maissen wrote:
Grayfeather wrote:

For one I dont have it as a feat. I quicken as needed off a rod. This is because when you need a quicken its likely for something you didn't plan for. But also with heighten the DC change is more valuable on getting spells to stick.

Thinking about Grease as well.

So I infer that you're not a spontaneous caster.. from the rod, I'm inferring that you are higher level.. I was guessing with the restriction that the DM, for whatever reason, had removed the 15 ranks of spellcraft.

Are you a mystic theurge clc/wiz? What's your role in the party?

Anyway, best of luck and fun,


Great guesses. Yes I'm a cleric/wizard MT, my role is buff/debuff/suck or saves/backup healer/AoE firepower. I've been giving access to an artifact for a short time that allows spell perfection for a couple of lower level spells. This is great because heighten spell makes the DC for a 1st spell up to +8 higher. Problem is what to use it on.


Grayfeather wrote:
This is great because heighten spell makes the DC for a 1st spell up to +8 higher.

Again, seriously, Heighten does not do that unless you use a 9th level spell slot. You get no benefit from Heighten spell if you Spell Perfection away the level cost.

mplindustries wrote:
Grayfeather wrote:
This is great because heighten spell makes the DC for a 1st spell up to +8 higher.
Again, seriously, Heighten does not do that unless you use a 9th level spell slot. You get no benefit from Heighten spell if you Spell Perfection away the level cost.

Yes I've read the rules, thanks. This isn't a rules post about how Heighten works, it an advice post on spells.

With that said thinking I'm down on the shortlist to charm person, grease, or glitterdust. All are great with high DCs and are gamer enders if they apply.

Grayfeather wrote:
mplindustries wrote:
Grayfeather wrote:
This is great because heighten spell makes the DC for a 1st spell up to +8 higher.
Again, seriously, Heighten does not do that unless you use a 9th level spell slot. You get no benefit from Heighten spell if you Spell Perfection away the level cost.

Yes I've read the rules, thanks. This isn't a rules post about how Heighten works, it an advice post on spells.

With that said thinking I'm down on the shortlist to charm person, grease, or glitterdust. All are great with high DCs and are gamer enders if they apply.

...wait, you're unconcerned about the metamagic cost? That's the main feature of Spell Perfection. Are you really just in it for the doubled bonuses to +1 DC feats or whatever?

Yeah, if you're not talking about metamagic--I am shocked you aren't--then Glitterdust is probably the best.

Blindness/Deafness is also worth consideration--you can only blind one guy, but they only get one save.

Grease is good, but the save or prone thing is less relevant than the rest of it.

Charm Person has limited use for the most part, since in a typical game, you won't really face "persons" past mid level, but in certain sorts of games, yeah, it's worth it.

Sound Burst is brutal, too--it's a shame it's only a single round of stun.

mplindustries wrote:
Grayfeather wrote:
mplindustries wrote:
Grayfeather wrote:
This is great because heighten spell makes the DC for a 1st spell up to +8 higher.
Again, seriously, Heighten does not do that unless you use a 9th level spell slot. You get no benefit from Heighten spell if you Spell Perfection away the level cost.

Yes I've read the rules, thanks. This isn't a rules post about how Heighten works, it an advice post on spells.

With that said thinking I'm down on the shortlist to charm person, grease, or glitterdust. All are great with high DCs and are gamer enders if they apply.

...wait, you're unconcerned about the metamagic cost? That's the main feature of Spell Perfection. Are you really just in it for the doubled bonuses to +1 DC feats or whatever?

Yeah, if you're not talking about metamagic--I am shocked you aren't--then Glitterdust is probably the best.

Blindness/Deafness is also worth consideration--you can only blind one guy, but they only get one save.

Grease is good, but the save or prone thing is less relevant than the rest of it.

Charm Person has limited use for the most part, since in a typical game, you won't really face "persons" past mid level, but in certain sorts of games, yeah, it's worth it.

Sound Burst is brutal, too--it's a shame it's only a single round of stun.

Metamagic cost of Heighten continues to get higher as the DC gets higher. I might not have 9th level slots yet but I do have 7th level slots. When I have 9th level spots I will use those.

Blindness/Deafness - What can this do glitterdust can't do in an AoE with a better save and no SR? Nothing except perm which gives me nothing.

Grease - No one uses it at high lvl for areas, this is purely for disarming at this lvl.

Charm Person - yeah thats why im leaning to it.

Sound burst - Fortitude save and SR kill this. Its color spray with a worse save.

Grayfeather wrote:
Blindness/Deafness - What can this do glitterdust can't do in an AoE with a better save and no SR? Nothing except perm which gives me nothing.

Glitterdust allows a new save every round to end the effect. Blindness/Deafness is a one shot save or screwed. I know it lacks area, but sometimes, you're only fighting one guy any way.

I don't understand why you think Glitterdust has a better save--they're both level 2 spells, so the DC is the same. It's not like this is 4e where Fort targeting spells are sometimes considered worse than targeting AC. Plenty of creatures have weak Fortitude, especially spellcasters, and you definitely want to blind them.

I'd still probably lean Glitterdust (well, no, I'd take better metamagic and lean something else entirely, but given your situation...), but I think Blindness/Deafness has appeal.

Grayfeather wrote:
Grease - No one uses it at high lvl for areas, this is purely for disarming at this lvl.

I wouldn't say that--disarming isn't really very useful anyway. I think it's far more often used to screw over enemies with no acrobatics--golems and whatnot are often just completely immobilized by it.

Grayfeather wrote:
Sound burst - Fortitude save and SR kill this. Its color spray with a worse save.

Color Spray is Mind-Affecting and requires you to be within 15' of the enemies (and 15' cones are hard ot aim). Sound Burst is safer to use, is easier to target with, and I really don't understand why you are so anti-Fortitude saves. The people you most want to CC are the casters, who have the lowest Fort saves anyway.

Maybe you're just playing an unusual game, but in my experience, the casters first priority is CCing the other casters, which means getting good CC spells that target Reflex and Fortitude, as well. In fact, I generally want at least 3 "go to" CC spells--one for each save. And, ideally, at least one of them (or a 4th back up CC spell) can affect enemies with odd immunities: undead (no mind affecting, not Fort unless it hits objects), constructs (same as above plus no SR), plants and vermin (no mind-affecting), etc.

mplindustries wrote:
I don't understand why you think Glitterdust has a better save--they're both level 2 spells, so the DC is the same. It's not like this is 4e where Fort targeting spells are sometimes considered worse than targeting AC. Plenty of creatures have weak Fortitude, especially spellcasters, and you definitely want to blind them.

Its not a matter of opinion, Fortitude is the most generous save across all archtypes. Spells with Fort saves tend to be very very hard to land. Yes Glitterdust is per round saving but fights tend to no go past round 3.

And my wisdon is lower than my intelligence so technically cleric spells are lower DCs for me.

mplindustries wrote:
I'd still probably lean Glitterdust (well, no, I'd take better metamagic and lean something else entirely, but given your situation...), but I think Blindness/Deafness has appeal.

Yeah same here, its nice (albiet it not the zomg-game-over some make it out to be).

mplindustries wrote:
I wouldn't say that--disarming isn't really very useful anyway. I think it's far more often used to screw over enemies with no acrobatics--golems and whatnot are often just completely immobilized by it.

Very circumstantial. Acrobatics 10 is a worthless save, they need to make it the DC of the spell.

mplindustries wrote:
Color Spray is Mind-Affecting and requires you to be within 15' of the enemies (and 15' cones are hard ot aim). Sound Burst is safer to use, is easier to target with, and I really don't understand why you are so anti-Fortitude saves. The people you most want to CC are the casters, who have the lowest Fort saves anyway.

Valid points but Fortitude as mentioned above.

mplindustries wrote:
Maybe you're just playing an unusual game, but in my experience, the casters first priority is CCing the other casters, which means getting good CC spells that target Reflex and Fortitude, as well. In fact, I generally want at least 3 "go to" CC spells--one for each save. And, ideally, at least one of them (or a 4th back up CC spell) can affect enemies with odd immunities: undead (no mind affecting,...

True casters (not monsters with spells) are actually quite rare both in the bestiary as well as in out campaigns. Yes they are first to be CC'd but I keep silence and hold person ready for these. We tend to get alot of automations, undead, demons, etc so alot of spells are flat out not going to help me. Thats why i like glitterdust. Its Conj so no mind affecting, no SR, good versus the guys that invisibility purge wont get.


Create Pit + free Quicken is nice.

Glitterdust + Greater Spell Focus (x2) + free Quicken is really nice.

Hideous Laughter is a fight ender, especially against low-Will targets (Fighters & Rogues, mostly)

As a mystic theurge you should have spell slots out the wazoo. Quicken is the best meta for perfection so you can sling 2 spells a round and not run out of higher level slots imo. Glitterdust or create pit are both great options.

Stubs McKenzie wrote:
As a mystic theurge you should have spell slots out the wazoo. Quicken is the best meta for perfection so you can sling 2 spells a round and not run out of higher level slots imo. Glitterdust or create pit are both great options.

Yes indead this makes sense except I already mentioned I have Quicken MM rods (a lessor, standard, and greater) allowing to do up to 9 spells quickened a day.

I like create pit except at my level very big monsters and things that can fly are common.

I have an Oracle of Life that has spell perfection on Cure Critical Wounds. This always allows me to cast a Quickened healing spell every round without ruining my economy of action. Also while out of combat I always cast it as an Echoing spell so I get to cast twice as many! If you take magical lineage Cure critical you can add the Reach Spell metamagic too and throw all of your heals from close range!

She spends the rest of her time casting control spells! It is a complete blast to play!

While that is not a 1st or 2nd level spell it might give you another look at it from a different perspective.

Edit: nevermind, I don't want to get in another argument.

Glitterdust is more powerful than blindness, given the area effect and the invisibility-revealing effects. Blindness is better against quick types and spell asters (both often with low fort saves), plus it's less obvious, and sometimes you want that.

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