Grayfeather's page
227 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Adamantine Dragon wrote: Buff them before they charge in so they don't die and let them do some cool stuff while you provide support from the rear? Sometimes theres no time to buff or they charge in without discussing tactics or will pick a dumb tactics over another better option. F
or example we had to face four wizards at once. Rather than setting up a trap to face them on our terms with several nasty summons in play (my idea) their idea was to talk an evil dracolich into letting us kill him (because he was trapped, would return to his goodie).
I made the case that while trapped an chaotic evil intelligent undead that can live forever might well rather sit for a couple thousand years more than let himself be willingly killed but a party for the sake of being released. Yet that was seen as naively stupid of me to suggest. :\
While these equally are experienced players I find they are great min/maxers but lack alot in group tactics, understanding of evil, and any realm of foresight. I like the guys but ya know you might want to listen to the insanely smart guy in the robe when he speaks up. Maybe I should just let them get sacrificed for the great good, escape, then not res them to make a point to force a reroll.
Being money is not really an issue and theres no longer any perm penalty for dying not sure this would be enough. I thought about flesh to stoning them for awhile to "teach them a lesson in patience" but not sure thats a good thing, even if I dont leave them for very long. Been thinking about creating a demiplane and being more reclusive, assisting on missions but slowly backing away from why my character would see as foolish people.

So in our party of mostly 14 to 15th level characters we have an issue where the fighter and magus charge in while the pure cleric and my mystic theruge stay behind to cast. Usually the fighter (a two handed dwarf) hits so hard most things are not that big a challenges.
However the GM is ramping things up and we're fasting more and more casters, sometimes multiple casters with artifacts. I'm able to counter quite a bit and knock them out however I'm getting sucked into a role where the pure healer isn't healing well and we're getting very close to TPK.
For example in one fight when I had a very nice spell lined up for a demon/undead thing due to some bone head moves the fighter was dropped to dying, the magus was paralyzed and cleric (with no quicken..)wasted his turn doing something pointless. I had to burn my turn quicken Heal, then use spell synergy to pull out a remove paralysis/heal on the magus then throw up an emergency force sphere to keep from being splattered. Instead of a thank you for pulling out a record high four spells in the round (one quickened, two SS, one immediate towards next rounds swift) I was threatened like dirt for suggesting we be a little more careful next time.
Only reason I have just up and left their collective arses in combat is I'm CG (there CN) and the quest is for my god so i don't want to appear cowardly for RP sake there. Advice?
Artanthos wrote: You can't astral project into a place that has no magic.
Astral projection is subject to dispel magic.
Is there RAW on this. My understanding is you can use magic to move into an anti-magic/ no magic zone, just not within it. For example you could dimension step into a mage's antimagic radius but not back out.
FAQ top please so we can get an answer on this
Grayfeather wrote: fictionfan wrote: Which one just for the sake of my curiosity?
** spoiler omitted ** No, a homebrew. More of a mega-artifact. Its a staff containing one of the insane evil older gods. Think Lovecraft kind of evil. Not something you want just walking around on a prime. BTW I'm working on a custom version of repulsion/confusion/suggestion that closer you get to the item (which will be buried deep) it gets worse as you get closer, hopefully making someone forget why the hell they're at the spot to begin with.
Mr Jacobs,
Can we expect an epic level handbook-ish expansion by paizo crew? Also on your devil and demons discussion what about angels and other celestials, any background there? I'm about to take a planetar with the True Name feat, but theres not much info on them. What was he before? Do they get "promoted" to a solar later? Do you get promoted from a solar to something else?
fictionfan wrote: Which one just for the sake of my curiosity?
** spoiler omitted **
No, a homebrew. More of a mega-artifact. Its a staff containing one of the insane evil older gods. Think Lovecraft kind of evil. Not something you want just walking around on a prime.
James Jacobs wrote: Grayfeather wrote: Mr Jacobs,
Does Piercing Spell "Benefit" of +5 get doubled under Spell Perfection? This seems to be a wording issue that is hotly debated. Any time a rule wording is hotly debated, questions regarding that rule NEED and MUST be posted to the rules forums for FAQing and designer notice. This is precisely the kind of question that me answering makes it look like Paizo's house isn't in order. Mr Jacobs the post has been posted below and marked for FAQ. if you can get it to the FAQ teams attention that would be awesome. ll#1
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Per James Jacob this question should be marked for FAQ to get attention. Asking all to FAQ it on upper right hand on my first post to get this answered.
fictionfan wrote: However gate does not need that so level 17th and up can still get in. But can Gate take you to a plane you've never been to and know nothing about. It only says "a gate spell functions much like a plane shift spell, except that the gate opens precisely at the point you desire"
What if you don't know the location, I don't think "Take me to where ever Grayfeather is right now" is going to fly as Plane Shift you have to know where you're going.
Also back on the subject of warding off jerkwads that want to come in. I'm going to be perma-storing something here thats going to be very desirable (an evil artifact). That means its going to be a targeted location of powerful evil casters, demons, yada yada. I would like to not wake up to a legion of Pit Fiends digging up my front lawn.
Mr Jacobs,
Does Piercing Spell "Benefit" of +5 get doubled under Spell Perfection? This seems to be a wording issue that is hotly debated.

Bitter Thorn wrote: Grayfeather wrote: Kirth Gersen wrote: Allowing government to form a closed loop with big business, excluding the citizenry, is major folly.
Lobby money buys corporate stooges as canditates who then pass corportate-friendly laws so that corporations make more money (at the expense of actual working citizens), which they then use to buy more candidates...
Government in and of itself is a lobby group, anyone who doesn't realizes this is truly a fool. the government consumes, it does not produce anything. Any good from it (roads, military weaponry, police cars, fire trucks, etc) all come from private enterprise. Once the population is largely government jobs or services by those government jobs there the government owns those voters.
Those voters now support the privite enterprise crushing bureaucracy that has to grow to feed the needs of the ever growing Bureaucracy until there is nothing left. At a certain point theres too many people in the cart and not enough outside pushing. Its a cycle that failed for the soviets, cuba, north korea, so many others just as it has failed for softer socialist states. China is finally recovering from communism because its embraced corp/state capitalism.
Please put down the hammr & sickle, educate yourself, and get out of this Portlandia style low information voter cliche rhetoric. I disagree with Kirth on a number of issues, but I hardly think he could ever be described as "low information".
EDIT: I agree with your notion in general, BTW, but I think you have seriously mis characterized Kirth. It was done in jest. Like calling someone a hippy for being left center.

Wopp wrote: So....what a "poor" warrior can do vs Mirror Image?
Cleave/Great Cleave? no.
Whirlwind? no.
Arcane Sight potion? useless.
True Sight potion? no, True sight is a 5 level spell, cant be "put" in a potion (by the way, im not sure that true sight is able to detect the real target).
So, the only way is a totally meta-gaming blind combat?
I agree that this spell is not OP. Its a 2nd lvl spell, in the same class as invisibility. It costs nothing for an attack to swing. it cost the caster 3 levels of lower HD, base attack, feats, etc to get there and he can only cast it so many times a day. Sorry to tell you but magci is kinda powerful.
Now what can be done? Close your eyes. Thats it, you just knocked it from 12% chance or whatever to 50%. I wouldnt call it metagame, but is a bit cheap. Spell requires sight to work. Now you're screw verse others but thats still pretty nice. While no spells will let you see the true caster easily at low level i do argue that it limited help. Not going to help versus AoEs (including mundane like oil), gazes, yada yada.
fictionfan wrote: There is also another line of defense in order to plane shift you need
F (a forked metal rod attuned to the plane of travel)
I can see how you might get that for a one of the major planes, but a private demiplane?
Oh my, clever catch. I guess thats step one when I arrive there myself ^_^
And if so what other spells would this be? Including divine input spells like Augury, Commune, etc

Artanthos wrote: Layered Demi-Planes.
The first is small, well defended and only specific magics work. It has a portal leading to the second demi-plane. Planar travel is possible here and is the only means of egress other than the portal.
The second demi-plane has no magic and iron golems guarding the portal.
Specifics for the first demi-plane should include the following:
The school of divination is non-functional
The school of illusion is functional
The spell Screen is in place, concealing the portal and the defenders.
Well thought out sir. Think we're on to something here. I was thinking last night about a 2nd demiplane as well but more as a landing zone as a buffer for someone who got in would then need to Plane Shift to the second demiplane that they might not know of.
There is still the matter of astral/ethereal issues but I'd thinking these are going to be minor if Wall of Force at least gives me a first line of defense to know something is up.
Kayerloth wrote: I agree secrecy is your first and best line of defense.
Note that as written Plane Shift is likely not a feasible way onto your demiplane. You will arrive 5 to 500 miles off target. Not quite sure what this means if you are Plane Shifting to a plane/demiplane of limited small size, which at least initially yours almost certainly is, but thinking it can't be good. You need a Gate spell to do it without a permanent portal.
I'd want to keep the number of non permanent spells/effects to a minimum and try to keep those in the 24 hour or 1 day/lvl categories. If not permanent then someone (you most likely given secrecy concerns) is losing those spells and spell slots from their prepared list (or otherwise using resources). This would make your list above needing a fair bit of trimming I suspect.
Mage's Private Sanctum and Forbiddance are likely the best one two spell combo for preventing access to and divination of the area (and at the same time allow you to use divination while on your demiplane which a Limited Magic planar trait would not)
Don't overlook this bit from the section on Divination [Scrying]:
Quote: A creature can notice the sensor by making a Perception check with a DC 20 + the spell level. The sensor can be dispelled as if it were an active spell. Add Detect Scrying to your list of personal active spells.
Ok I have a few issues here. First it specifically says in the demiplane spell Creatures can only enter the plane by the use of planar travel magic such as astral projection, etherealness, or plane shift.
Secondly a plane is a container. You're either in the plane or your in another plane, not slightly outside the plane. So PS into a small plane means worst that can happen is you're at one extreme or another inside the small space of that plane. So no Gate needed.
Third I mentioned the spells would be scrolls but in a timeless trait plane they are permanent spells until i leave. This doesn't mean I can use spell slots and remem spells. Please read how the timeless trait works on planes.
Detect Scrying is a good catch, thanks.

Kirth Gersen wrote: Allowing government to form a closed loop with big business, excluding the citizenry, is major folly.
Lobby money buys corporate stooges as canditates who then pass corportate-friendly laws so that corporations make more money (at the expense of actual working citizens), which they then use to buy more candidates...
Government in and of itself is a lobby group, anyone who doesn't realizes this is truly a fool. The government consumes, it does not produce anything. Any good from it (roads, military weaponry, police cars, fire trucks, etc) all come from private enterprise at significant markup and waste. If we bought at the volume the government does we're save massively yet they play far more than MSRP because its nature is to waste. Once the population is largely government jobs or serviced by those government jobs there the government owns those voters.
Those voters now support the privite enterprise crushing bureaucracy that has to grow to feed the needs of the ever growing Bureaucracy until there is nothing left. At a certain point theres too many people in the cart and not enough outside pushing. Its a cycle that failed for the soviets, cuba, north korea, so many others just as it has failed for softer socialist states. China is finally recovering from communism because its embraced corp/state capitalism.
Please put down the hammer & sickle, educate yourself, and get out of this Portlandia style low information voter cliche rhetoric.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Buri wrote: We've told you what's available through the official rules. If you don't like the options we can't help with that. There are some spells that can prevent teleportation effects such as dimensional lock but that's going to be hella-expensive to apply to an entire demiplane unless you plan on keeping it tiny. Plus, that wouldn't even work against astral plane natives or ethereal creatures. I know of nothing that wards an entire area against divination effects. It's essentially impossible to completely have your own block of existence without it being possible for someone else to detect it as well.
Mind blank would work on you but does nothing for your demiplane. An infernal pact may be what you're looking for but that damns your soul to hell.
Buri I didn't mean to sound negative, I know what the demiplane spell does, im more thinking what to layer with it. So far thinking:
In the plane:
Various summoned creatures on patrol
Mage's sanctum, Dimensional lock, Hallow, Forbiddance, Alarm everywhere
Hero's Feast (not sure how that would work)
Invisibility purge all over
Various programmed illusionary "me", Simulacrum with disguise self, and shadow versions of myself walking around
Mages mansion as my residence, secure shelters for humanoids, tiny huts for summons creatures to sleep in. Guards and wards throughout. Clustered near by like a small village.
Apprentices on the grounds to aid is needed
Clone nearby
Wall of force walls (mentions blocking ethereal creatures, maybe astral too?)
On myself (sure i missed some and many overlap but for the cost of a scroll why not when its always on while you're there)
Contingency breath of life if i die
Mind blank
Resist energy
Protection from energy
Protection from Arrows
Protection from Spells
Protection from evil
Greater Spell Immunity
Spell Turning
Moment of Prescience
Mind Blank
Antilife shell
True seeing
Greater Arcane sight
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Detect Undead
Detect Charm
Dect the faithful
See Alignment
See invisibility
Spell gauge
Comprehend languages
Detect thoughts
Seek Thoughts
Discern Lies
Greater invisibility
Hide form undead
Freedom of movement
Spider Climb
Feather fall
False life
Mage Armor
Mirror image
Greater heroism
Paragon Surge
Prismatic sphere (to sleep in)
Entropic shield
Shield of faith
Divine Favor
Find Traps
Delay Pain
Water breathing
Water walk
Wrathful Mantle
Aura of Doom
Blessing of Fervor
Life Bubble
Spell Resistance
Holy Aura
Overwhelming Presence
Any more ideas?
Half elf
Two words: Paragon Surge
/drops the mic.
No serious half-elves rock. You give up +2 SR i get that over the elf but you get 1 Hp/lvl more, Skill focus (hello perception), great racial spell options, etc etc etc.
But yeah Paragon Surge /drool

Buri wrote: Only guaranteed way is to make a magically dead plane but that means you'd have to have a permanent portal to get to and from it. You could build a fortress on the other side to prevent access though. Say, a castle with "Guards and Wards" on it. Portal is terrible idea. That opens you up to even more suckage.
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Use the subjective magic trait to say only the creator can use conjugation (the teleport school) magic within.
How would that stop someone from teleporting in though? Or astral/ethereal native nasties? I thought about timelessness trait with dimension anchor carpet bombing and walls of force around the edges, ceilings and walls but thats only so secure.
Mirrel the Marvelous wrote:
Well, first of all, the invading nasties would have to know about the demiplane in the first place, and unless you've been advertising the fact that you have one, there is no reason to assume they do.
Valid point but lets assume they do because GMs never metagame data to NPCs, nasties, right? ;) Anyway lets say an astral nasty comes to see whats up, or a caster with some uberpowerful scry type detection. Whatever the case been discovered me has! How to protect ones self?
Kayerloth wrote:
PS: Here's something I posted recently that covered what my own Wizard tended to have in place
Don't forget Emergency Force Sphere. That really ticks melees off. ^_^
Summon baby summon. Maximized rod empowered monster summoning for the 1d4+1 options to make T-Rex for everyone. Then a Quickened Haste on them. All thats left is to kick back and watch.
How do I keep a demiplane with no door (plane shift in only) from nasties from astral or ethereal plane as well as enemy casters?
maouse wrote: yeh. its late. All us nutters come out. I just made a whip "rogue" build that can attack 60 people at level 11 and do 240d6 sneak attack damage total (and 60d4 + 90 * str bonus + 360 +240 bleed total). So yeh... whacked out stuff late at night, eh? Me's like to see this. Me smells fishiness but mes been wrong before.

Artanthos I say pet but more like an oncall ally with aligning goals. While I'm CG our homebrew quest is to stop an evil alliance from unleashing a now insane God of Magic/War from begin unleashed on the prime to do their bidding. This alliance is headed by a dracolich with epic evil wizards as its minions. So... i think thats kinda up in his wheelhouse.
I would still make offerings, be humbly respectful, and try to use diplomacy as to not offend. just because you have the power to make someone do something they don't want to do you can try to ask their assistance in something they might already do with an open implication that really I didn't have to. I think a little bit of respect and keeping the requests open and on task make unlikely that a NG angelic to be angry.
Sir Ophiuchus wrote: I personally wouldn't allow adding class levels to your outsider (or at least, you wouldn't get to decide what those levels were...), but that's more a reflexive dislike of the idea. Generally outsiders are what they are. That's sort of their thing.
Though a planetar is just fine, if you take the ability at 15th level.
As Gatherer818 mentioned you're no adding levels to the outsider, they have leveled. i would think an ageless being has more opportunity to advance that say a shortlife mortal. I understand you dont like it but its RAW.

Purgatus233 wrote: From Ultimate Combat:
Benefit: When you are adjacent to an ally with this feat, the first time you melee attack an opponent, you can spend an immediate action to take a 5-foot step, even if you have otherwise moved this round.
Normal: You can take a 5-foot step only if you have not otherwise moved in a round.
So I can't tell if this feat is simply incredibly poorly written, or whether I am missing some critical portion of the rules which makes it clear.
The way I had read and played this feat is that if I was adjacent to an ally who also had this feat when I first attacked an opponent during a round, I was able to use an Immediate action to take a five foot step, in addition to my normal movement if any for that round. I also recognize that as an immediate action, I could take that five foot step out of my own round, for instance if I make an attack of opportunity.
Mostly though I was using this to make multiple five foot steps within a round (two) so that I could get into flanking positions against enemies, which fits the feat's flavor text "You are skilled at surrounding your enemies."
Now, my friend who is a GM read this description and is convinced that this only applies once per encounter, because it doesn't say "the first time each round" or else that it only applies the first time you attack a specific enemy, because it says "the first time you attack AN ENEMY."
I don't think either of those readings are reasonable, but he's the GM and I'm not going to argue with him about it. I just swapped out the feat for another.
But this feat is very flavorful and handy, and fits with my character very well. I would like to be able to use it, but sadly am unable given its ambiguous wording. Help.
Its actually a pretty good NPC monster feat for custom creatures that attack in packs.
hogarth wrote: From the Monster Advancement section of the PRD:
(Emphasis mine.) Nice find Hogarth. I think that answers it.

Jmacq1 wrote: What exactly does True Name do? True Name
Prerequisite: You must be at least an 11th-level Wizard to select this discovery.
Benefit: Your researches into ancient tomes and your inquisitions of bound spirits have led you to one of the best-hidden secrets of the multiverse: the true name of an outsider—the name that defines the very essence of the creature and that gives the speaker control over the being. This outsider can have no more than 12 Hit Dice. Once per day, you can speak the common name by which the outsider is known, and the outsider travels to you as if you had cast planar binding upon it. It must obey you to the best of its ability, without pay or bargaining for its services, for its fear that you might release its true name to the wider world is enough to bring even the most recalcitrant of outsiders to bear.
If the creature is within 100 feet, as a move action, you may punish it by deliberately mispronouncing its name, wracking its very essence and giving it the sickened and staggered conditions for 1 round (even if the creature is normally immune to these conditions). You cannot use true name in an area of silence, but the creature does not have to be able to hear you for it to be harmed by the ability.
It is in your best interest to call this creature only sparingly, and occasionally reward it in some fashion to mollify its wrath. If you repeatedly fail to offer it a reward appropriate to its type and ethos, the creature may begin plotting ways to destroy the bond between you, whether by creating an accident that will destroy your memory of the name, by plaguing you with nuisances or dangers until you vow never to call on it again, or by actively seeking to destroy you through its own devices or those of an underling. If this creature is of a lawful type and you are violating its ethos, its superiors may even destroy it or you rather than allow you to contaminate their servant further. Worse, they may establish situations where it is necessary for you to summon this outsider, opening gateways to infernal or angelic interference, in order to gain a foothold on the Material Plane.
This is a spell-like ability.
Special: You may select this discovery multiple times. Each time you select this discovery, it applies to a different, specific outsider. If you select this discovery at 15th level or higher, the creature may have up to 18 Hit Dice and the call acts as greater planar binding instead of planar binding.
Jmacq1 wrote: Do Planetars already cast cleric spells as a cleric of their HD level? Because otherwise adding a level of Cleric means he'll just be a Planetar with 1st level Cleric abilities and 17 racial hit dice, from my understanding. My understanding is that you generally don't replace racial HD with class levels. The class levels just stack on top of already-existing racial HD. Spells Planetars cast divine spells as 16th-level clerics. They do not gain access to domains or other cleric abilities.
So adding a level of cleric should give them lvl 17th cleric spell access with domains (as a 1st lvl cleric). However for channeling I think it would just be the 1d6. However I would like input to support this based off standard monster rules.

Best thing to offer is things they can't get on their own. They can get immortality, magic, etc in game fairly easily at the high levels. Things they cant easily get with drawbacks that they will soon rebargin for to get rid of:
- Being appointed king of a realm (which the devil could then have invaded by a more powderful king)
- Being able to have at will spell functions (many limits can be done here or have the spells effect the caster the same as the target with no save)
- Fame, being recognized universally (instantly the most wanted criminal in the world0
- A rod that turns into any weapon, any magic item, etc you want at will (polymorphing the caster with it rendering it useless)
- Immunity to all forms of energy (including energy gained by eating, slow starvation)
- Making their skin as hard a diamond (make then roll Fortitude when hit to keep from shattering)
- Be able to travel between planes at will (ALL planes, including abyss, 9 hells, plane of earth, plane of water, etc)
- An army that can never be beaten (that insists on constant battle else will turn on the player)
- ability to change into anything as polymorph any thing (with no way to get out once changed, required devil immediately summon and ask if he wants out for "a small favor")
- godlike power (summons caster to a demiplane with tiny automations that look like people with full control over the plane)
- godlike intelligence (instant insanity with inability to be understand by anyone but the devil)
just some ideas.
So i want to take True Name to get a planetar for my pet. It allows up to 18 HD so being this is a 17 I wanted to give him a level or cleric, giving him access to 9th lvl spells, domains, maybe channeling, etc.
Is this possible and if being hes a 17th lvl cleric does it all stack? I would think so since unlike Summon Monster you are calling a specific individual.
thanks alientude, you rock
Trying to calculate this, but my heads about to explode..
ashern wrote: Hey all, my friend and I have been kicking around stuff to do with intensify spell, and other than the typical fireball application, I'm not really seeing much great use out of it. What are some effective ways you've used it, or personal favorite spells to combine with it? Its a great feat early on for certain spells (shock grasp turns into a no save 10d6 touch attack for a 2nd lvl spot for example) but has issues later on (by the time you can do it with fireball theres better options).
I loved this feat in 3.x, why did it not make it over? I think a 4 lvl penalty is fair for the trade off.
Jessica Price wrote: Removed post that tried to continue the debate that already got removed, and a couple of personal/inappropriate tone posts. Please move on. I notice the posts made to me were not removed. so much for equality for all ^_^
Strannik wrote: I second the suggestion of bard. Check out the archivist archetype. +1 here. Dr Who is most definitely a bard. No instrument though, performing with quick wit and sleight of hand.
Mr FuFu143 wrote: My players assisted Nazis Theres no good way to end this sentence unless its "remove the pin from the grenades in their mouths".
Mr FuFu143 wrote: because they were in a war with the dragons and a cult. They technically have a common enemy but I'm not sure what to make of this... Did I miss a memo? How does a 1930s-40s political party turned genocide machine make its way into pathfinder? <trying to suspend belief for sake of thread> Mr FuFu143 wrote: Should this be taken as an alignment alteration?
I'm completely stumped.
Seriously with all the issues mentioned above alignment is the problem? I think the issue is between the chair and the DM screen.
Ilja wrote: Doom inflicts a common condition that won't stack with a lot of other effects (like intimidate) and only give half the penalty of your spell. Giving an aimed penalty is better than a general - you don't cast Unstead Combatant and follow it up with a ref-save spell, you follow it up with a fort-save spell.
Also, doom is available to classes that aren't really famous for their awesome debuffings (they have a few but not close to sor/wiz or witch).
Ray of sickening also apply a lesser save penalty, and on top of that requires both a touch attack and the opponent failing a save, making a fairly hard to hit with spell.
Witches are already great debuffers, and giving them this too will make enemy saves more or less irrelevant (especially with the great duration).
The aimed penalty has precedence with Unprepared Combatant so I dont think thats out of line. Its also available to witchs already. However i agree maybe this should be maybe a cleric/oracle only line.
The intent wasn't an attack but enchantment. The idea of being about to cast charm spells without anyone being the wiser (including the target) sounds very cool. Example being in a Kings court, being in front of him, casting a suggestion no one else notices.
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I didn't see anything under spellcraft or stealth for this. Anything RAW on this?
GothGuru: I think 1d4 is too powerful and outlasts Monster Summoning per level. As far as the list heres what I got so far:
Non-humoniod Outsiders
Ijia: I don't see this as any more powerful that doom or ray of sickening which lower all saves by 2 as well as other stats. I could argue most will saves are save or dies as well (hold person, dominate monster, feeblemind, etc). Point is to have a debuff for all stats, particularly the two highest. If you want to make the save for these for there respective saves (Fort save for debuff to fort for example) thats possible.

Unsteady Combatant (based off Unprepared Combatant)
School enchantment (compulsion) [emotion, mind-affecting]; Level bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
The target takes a –4 penalty on skill checks and Fort saves.
Stammering Combatant (based off Unprepared Combatant)
School enchantment (compulsion) [emotion, mind-affecting]; Level bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
The target takes a –4 penalty on spellcraft checks and Will saves.
Beckoning Portal
School conjuration (creation or calling); Level cleric/oracle 6, sorcerer/wizard 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (see text)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect see text
Duration instantaneous, 1 round/level; see text
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
A lesser form of Gate this spell opens a portal that invites an outsider to enter. You have no control over the outsider, nor can any named being be summoned through it. The outsider will be randomly selected. It simply opens a portal in a random plane, near an outsider of random choosing without HD limitations. Anything from a sub HD creature to Pit Fiends may pass through but only one outsider by pass. The outsider passes through the portal and will behave as a standard outsider of that type in a way normal of its choosing (including attacking any present, even the caster). Outsider stays for 1 round per level before the portal collapses, sucking the outsider back through (regardless of how far it may have traveled in that time). Anyone else trying to pass into the portal will find that they pass through as if it was non-existent. Any attempt to trap, encircle, or otherwise keep or deal with the outsider will find it fails as it behaves very much like a summon monster spell.
Is an iron golem fast? What about a humming bird?

Ravingdork wrote: Flesh to stone just became the best save or die* spell in the game. It even prevents true resurrection and astral projection cheese.
Heck, petrify someone and then scatter them across the globe. That way you can't bring them back without killing them or first seeking out all the parts.
* I know it doesn't really kill the victim, but it often serves the same purpose.
Yeah S2F is more powerful than people think. Its not the perma Hold Person some suggest. It makes you mindless so no still spell, willed action, etc stuff. It also makes you unreachable from detection and ressing. Want to make lich that fears nothing poo a brick? S2F them, take them to a positive energy plane and stone shape them into several rocks, buildings, etc in the landscape. None of his little minions are going to be coming to save him, but if they did his body is going to be instantly torn to bits and burned away ;)
Seriously the ultimate "screw you" is to be flesh to stoned, shrink items to cloth and be worn as someones underwear. Nothing says powned like sharting on your enemy while you sleep.
Sorry guys I missed that.
Wizard 1 attacks Wizard 2 with a spell, let say dominate person. Both have spell turning up. Spell turns from wizard 2 to wizard 1 but whats happens next?
1: Spell lands as normal. I think this is unlikely as the spell is still a directed spell.
2: Spell is turned from wizard 1 back to wizard 2 again costing the spell levels it takes:
-2A: lands as normal
-2B: replaces back and forth til one of them runs out of spell levels then sticks as normal.
3: Universe collapses under all the bouncing, resulting in a rip in time and space to a parking lot space between GURPS and World of Darkness. Gygax gets a true res and Eliminster plane shifts to our time to become UN president.
I'm thinking 2B sounds most correct but I'm not hatin option 3.

Ravingdork wrote: If I am adventuring across the planes via astral projection and get petrified (such as by her) do I wake up in my real body? Or am I effectively trapped forever?
If I wake up in my natural form, and resume adventuring (either in my original body or with a new astral one) what happens when my petrified body is cured of its petrification?
Lets look at the RAW of the spell:
By freeing your spirit from your physical body, this spell allows you to project an astral body onto another plane altogether. You can bring the astral forms of other willing creatures with you, provided that these subjects are linked in a circle with you at the time of the casting. These fellow travelers are dependent upon you and must accompany you at all times. If something happens to you during the journey, your companions are stranded wherever you left them.
You project your astral self onto the Astral Plane, leaving your physical body behind on the Material Plane in a state of suspended animation. The spell projects an astral copy of you and all you wear or carry onto the Astral Plane. Since the Astral Plane touches upon other planes, you can travel astrally to any of these other planes as you will. To enter one, you leave the Astral Plane, forming a new physical body (and equipment) on the plane of existence you have chosen to enter.
While you are on the Astral Plane, your astral body is connected at all times to your physical body by an incorporeal silver cord. If the cord is broken, you are killed, astrally and physically. Luckily, very few things can destroy a silver cord. When a second body is formed on a different plane, the silver cord remains invisibly attached to the new body. If the second body or the astral form is slain, the cord simply returns to your body where it rests on the Material Plane, thereby reviving it from its state of suspended animation. This is a traumatic affair, however, and you gain two permanent negative levels if your second body or astral form is slain. Although astral projections are able to function on the Astral Plane, their actions affect only creatures existing on the Astral Plane; a physical body must be materialized on other planes.
You and your companions may travel through the Astral Plane indefinitely. Your bodies simply wait behind in a state of suspended animation until you choose to return your spirits to them. The spell lasts until you desire to end it, or until it is terminated by some outside means, such as dispel magic cast upon either the physical body or the astral form, the breaking of the silver cord, or the destruction of your body back on the Material Plane (which kills you).
When this spell ends, your astral body and all of its gear, vanishes.
So you get F2S'd on the second body thats there. You are able to end the spell when you desire however you are turned "into a mindless, inert statue". Think thats all by RAW so far. Heres where things get a little iffy ruleswise:
Mindless is not a condition for PCs. Its listed on creature types though: Mindless: No Intelligence score, and immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). An <X> with an Intelligence score loses this trait. That really doesn't help but it leads one to think mindless = 0 intelligence. So with that said:
Any creature capable of understanding speech has a score of at least 3. A character with an Intelligence score of 0 is comatose.
- So in summary: You are screwed. You do not have an awareness so even in the most liberal sense you can not "desire" it to end let alone dismiss the spell. Sorry RD, wish I had better news for you.