cmastah |
Here's the thing, a friend of mine in a campaign I'm running is playing a ranger and is going to have to choose a favored enemy. Choosing a favored enemy based on his background is going to be tough (his character has amnesia and a history of MUCH travelling) while choosing one based on frequently encountered enemies is also problematic given that the campaign will take place over many different terrains and planes. He's going to fight everything from undead to outsiders to plants.
Any tips (he's also playing the spell-less ranger who sadly can only stealth attack on a favored enemy)? Range is probably the main reason why rangers dish out low damage with bows/crossbows, but he won't be fighting enemies at long range. I WANT to give him the chance to shine, but I can't think of how to accomodate attacking at long range (and I don't mind messing with battles here and there to let each member shine).
Favored enemy is quite important for a ranger, but I haven't a clue what to recommend.

Azaelas Fayth |

Guide or "Woodland Skirmisher" Archetypes are excellent if available.
Otherwise, I might use Goblinoid, Outsider(Evil), Undead, or some other common enemy.

Kolokotroni |

First have a talk about why he wants to play a ranger. A woodsy inquisitor might be a better choice for him then a ranger. It really sucks when as a ranger you spend long amounts of time not dealing with favored enemies and terrain. If you expect that to be an issue, try to suggest a different class.
That said, you have a few options. First if you are ok with 3rd party material. I'd recommend the Super Genius Games product Ranger Knacks. It offers some additional options to ranger players. Basically you can trade out certain ranger abilities (like favored enemy and favored terrain) for 'knacks'. They arent as 'powerful' as what you trade for, but many of them are more universally useful then favored enemy or favored terrain.

Bearlock |
Well if you're not planning on too many long range encounters, maybe encourage him to not focus on it so heavily and go with something like a switch-hitter build. If he does that you could have him take a look at the Freebooter archetype as well. It will give him a group buff to use instead of favored enemy, that can help him shine. Nobody complains about being buffed.
Other than that I will second the Guide as well. Flavor it as his training or skill or whatever in observing weaknesses of his enemies and exploiting them.

Kolokotroni |

Since the OP is the dm, I have to assume he would know if humans were going to be as common as they are in published adventures. For pre-written stuff sure, humans usually turn up fairly often, but in a homebrew game who knows? I have played in adventures where I didnt see a human the entire campaign.

cmastah |
Since the OP is the dm, I have to assume he would know if humans were going to be as common as they are in published adventures. For pre-written stuff sure, humans usually turn up fairly often, but in a homebrew game who knows? I have played in adventures where I didnt see a human the entire campaign.
Pretty much this, the guys have encountered two towns with human populations, but from the next town onwards they'll be coming across:
1. A town whose highest population are pacifist awakened cockroaches (or roachlings, not sure what I'll go with, I'm treating even the most evil of them to be little worse than a disney villain) and ratfolk, and the rest are comprised of suli-jann, efreetis, different types of genies, rakshasas, devils and....aliens.
2. A mad civilization of dwarves that've followed the insane ramblings of eight delvers (who receive their visions from creatures of the dark tapestry).
3. A forest that's contested between fey and elves turned elven abominations due to many years in worship of lamashtu.
4. The lawful equivalent of Heaven.
5. A distant planet.
6. Hell.
I think it's fair enough to say that the number of humans they'll meet can be counted off on one hand.

cmastah |
I had considered the guide archetype, but the problem is that it's only usable once a day against a SPECIFIC foe. I'm aiming for that half the time they'll be in combat.
I DID bring up that maybe the guy ought to consider rolling up a different range-worthy class (like a ranged rogue or fighter) but he's decided to stick with this class. As for why ranged, he feels that the group has enough people who'll be going melee.
The knacks idea is interesting, but the guy would prefer to deal damage rather than help out with buffs.
Honestly? If he doesn't notice that the stealth attack only works against favored foes, I certainly won't bring it up myself.

beej67 |

Thalandar wrote:Take human. There are always humans running aroundThis. Plus, it will give you a chance to actually use the "+2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks".
The hard part about "favored enemy human" is explaining it to the GM. If he's got amnesia, then that works great, it's the GM's responsibility to explain it to him.

Talynonyx |

uriel222 wrote:Thalandar wrote:Take human. There are always humans running aroundThis. Plus, it will give you a chance to actually use the "+2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks".+more.
The hard part about "favored enemy human" is explaining it to the GM. If he's got amnesia, then that works great, it's the GM's responsibility to explain it to him.
Why is it hard to explain that?

Mysterious Stranger |

Assuming you are going to be a good aligned group Evil Outsider is usually good. Even if you are not on a plane with evil outsiders they are often summoned by your opponents. Magical Beasts are another good choice. Not sure if celestial and fiendish creatures still count as animals if so animals would also make a good choice. Depending on the campaign undead can also be a good choice. Taking down the minions is often as important as dealing with the BBEG. Sure the glory goes to the character who takes out the BBEG, but the minions usually need to be dealt with first.