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Mojorat wrote:Years ago I played in a game that used fumble rules the ranger at lvl 6 was fumbling about every 4 rounds. Really no one thinks hey let's make a wizard roll a d20 for every 2d6 he adds to fireball to see if he flubs it.
The ranger's level should have little-to-nothing to do with it, since the fumble occurs due to a natural 1 on the d20 in most cases, and also in most cases there is either a Dexterity check or a confirmation roll to confirm the fumble. Odds would therefore be very, very long that anybody should be experiencing an actual fumble every four rounds. That would a freakish occurrence of the dice, not anywhere near the norm.
Casters can experience fumbles, too, on ranged touch attacks, for instance. Casters are also not immune to rolling all 1s for damage dice or cure spells, nor are they guaranteed at making caster level checks, concentration checks, etc.. So it's not like this is such an imbalanced thing as to be truly game breaking.
Fumbles, like critical hits, are an option that can inject action and dynamics into a game. If your group doesn't like them, then they shouldn't use them. My group enjoys the random element. Fumbles in our game usually elicit the same laughter, shouting and energy that a fumble or interception in a football game does.
twice the number of attack rolls means twice the number of ones to have to recover from. If your 11th level you would have 3 times the opportunity to fumble as the lowest levels and so on.