Player wishing for an invulnerability


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One of my players got a hold of a magical lamp that summons an efreet to grant 1 wish for the summoner. The player wished: "I wish to be invulnerable".

The idea behind the wish is that it will twist and pervade any wish made into a negative effect. (The lamp was bestowed on the player by a disguised, evil rakshasa)

I could use some advice as to how to accomlish this so that the wish will be mostly negative effect, without breaking the character to be totally unplayable.

Similiar to this is also one other of my players. This person also got a wish from an efreet (main storyline stuff), after freeing him from 7000 years of captivity, only to wish the efreet to be his slave ("I wish for you to be my slave"). The way I handled this was basicly give him a ring of djinni calling with the said efreet bound to it and have 24 hours / every other day as the per summon limit. The advice I need with this player, is how to machinate the efreet's espace from this captivity and inflict great pain for this treachery.

The player character did send the efreet to fetch one other player character from a faraway place, and during that time, the efreet asked that person to steal the ring and in return would grant this person everything he ever desires (the person fetched was neutral evil wizard). But besides this, I could really use some help on how to free this extremely powerful being from the clutches of a lvl 6 chaotic evil character.

note: the party is all evil aligned, from lawful evils to chaotic evils, and on lvl 6.


Liberty's Edge

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I recommend a nice temporal stasis. No save- he's not trying to resist this gift, is he?

Dark Archive

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Freeze him in carbonite. He should be quite well protected.

The thing is, the player character already had the wish done, and in-game it has been some time (though nothing of note has happened since; no battles, no fights, etc)

I am aware of the temportal statis, or own pocket planes where time has stopped, for those who wish immortality (he was thinking of wishing for immortality first; he is quite new to the game and not so well versed in the lore or these "quips".), but I'd really like an effect that he has now. I think I can't use undeath really, since you can harm them. Making him a construct might work somewhat, but... again, the difference between a construct and a half-elf is quite visible (I think?)

Kinda late to have him in temporal stasis now (unless he is basicly blinked out of the current plane and cannot act with basicly anything on the prime material plane, thus, cannot be harmed...?)

Dark Archive

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I was going to say turn him into a grain of sand in the desert, that way he'll last forever, but you asked for non-character breaking. Have any damage he takes given to his nearest allies, so he never takes damage, but others take it for him.

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You could turn him into a Shadow, a la Undead Anatomy IV. He is "invulnerable" in that regular weapons can no longer harm him, but he also can't wield any physical weapons.

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Have you ever seen the weeping angels in the new Dr. Who? They turn to stone when they are looked at. You could play a similar angle with this character. Every time he is aware of an attack directed at him, he undergoes a flesh to stone spell that lasts for 1 or 1d4 rounds before reversing. Heck, have him turn into adamantine if you want. He gets to be invunerable to any attack, but will become partially irrelevant to fights in a frustrating manner that will feel like a curse.

Liberty's Edge

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Stasis only activates at the beginning of a combat, and then ends as soon as combat is over.

I guarantee, he'll be itching to undo his wish after the first game.

Scarab Sages

I was going to suggest the Imprisonment spell. Never worry about damage again.

bfobar wrote:
Have you ever seen the weeping angels in the new Dr. Who? They turn to stone when they are looked at. You could play a similar angle with this character. Every time he is aware of an attack directed at him, he undergoes a flesh to stone spell that lasts for 1 or 1d4 rounds before reversing. Heck, have him turn into adamantine if you want. He gets to be invunerable to any attack, but will become partially irrelevant to fights in a frustrating manner that will feel like a curse.

this basically turns him into a solo monster who is useless in group fights. Send him into a dungeon full of monsters and he will slowly exterminate them by himself. No reason he would be in a party.

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Shin Bilirubin wrote:
Have any damage he takes given to his nearest allies, so he never takes damage, but others take it for him.

This is great, but I think I can make it even better - instead of the damage going to his nearest ally, it goes to whoever he cares for most in the world. Baby sister is first to go, then mommy, then Francine (he never cared much for his father...) Only after everyone he loves in the world is dead, does he start taking damage himself.

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Being invulnerable, the PC can now no longer shave nor does any hair on his body wear down. Soon, he'll start tripping over his own beard, and cannot lower his arms any more due to overgrown armpits. Or everything gets concealment, because his lashes won't stop growing or fall out.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Instead of stasis, have him also completely unable to hurt other creatures as well.

Personally, I wouldn't be concerned with making the character unplayable. The character tried making an unbeatable or greedy wish, and well, frankly there are penalties to that.

The Wish spell has some very specific uses, and then a caveat:

"You may try to use a wish to produce greater effects than these, but doing so is dangerous. (The wish may pervert your intent into a literal but undesirable fulfillment or only a partial fulfillment, at the GM's discretion.)"

I'd say your character chose to tread the dangerous side of the line, so make him invulnerable, and also unhelpful to the party.

Also, if the player (when distinguished from the character) wants to complain about unintended consequences, wish-lore is replete with examples of mortals trying to one up fate, or the genie, and getting more than they bargained for.

Those are actually pretty darn good ideas. Adamantium certainly would fit into the whole invulnerability thing, as would being unable to harm or act during fights.

The character is chaotic evil, so I would assume he might have hard time to go to a temple to find remedy for this curse. Should be doubly fun!

Dark Archive

I was thinking right alongside RumpinRufus. Make him invulnerable (in some fashion) only when he is attacked and have it be a random length of time and that it renders him virtually useless or even dangerous while the effect is in place. Shins' idea was excellent, too. He no longer takes damage but his allies do.

You could also get even more tricky, he never said what he wanted to be invulnerable to. If you want to be generous, you could make it something useful. If you want to twist it as you said, then make him invulnerable to itching, or cats, or metal poisoning...or a specific creatures bite or venom, etc. Or worse, he's immune to unarmed attacks....from fairies.

Dark Immortal wrote:

I was thinking right alongside RumpinRufus. Make him invulnerable (in some fashion) only when he is attacked and have it be a random length of time and that it renders him virtually useless or even dangerous while the effect is in place. Shins' idea was excellent, too. He no longer takes damage but his allies do.

You could also get even more tricky, he never said what he wanted to be invulnerable to. If you want to be generous, you could make it something useful. If you want to twist it as you said, then make him invulnerable to itching, or cats, or metal poisoning...or a specific creatures bite or venom, etc. Or worse, he's immune to unarmed attacks....from fairies.

Ah, there is somewhat lost in translation, as we play in a different language than english. More to the letter, the wish would translate roughly to: "I wish to be unwoundable" or "I wish to be unable to be wounded".

So, there is somewhat specification about it. But yeah... I might probably go with the "flesh to adamantium" when being hit at. Thanks for the great suggestions!

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johnlocke90 wrote:
bfobar wrote:
Have you ever seen the weeping angels in the new Dr. Who? They turn to stone when they are looked at. You could play a similar angle with this character. Every time he is aware of an attack directed at him, he undergoes a flesh to stone spell that lasts for 1 or 1d4 rounds before reversing. Heck, have him turn into adamantine if you want. He gets to be invunerable to any attack, but will become partially irrelevant to fights in a frustrating manner that will feel like a curse.
this basically turns him into a solo monster who is useless in group fights. Send him into a dungeon full of monsters and he will slowly exterminate them by himself. No reason he would be in a party.

Think from a monster's perspective. If some crazy guy comes in my cave warren and starts trying to kill everybody, but turns into stone when hit, then I'm hitting him nonstop for the next hour while my Kobold buddies dig a deep hole right behind him. Then we push him in and cave in the hole. That constant threat of damage from several tons of rocks will probably keep him as a statue for several millenia until some foolhardy dwarves dig him up and unleash the now insane statue guy.

It would be better to stay in a group so monsters can't take horrible advantage of you while in statue form.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well, if a player would utter such a greedy wish, the universe would twist to make it happen in an unexpected way, even with the non-malicious source of an Efreet doing said twisting.

Encased in adamantite. Save for suffocation.

Well since he hasn't been in harms way yet, there hasn't been a test of his invulnerability, so the next time he takes any damage whatsoever, have him blinked out of existence until the fight is over. Eventually, he'll wish to take part in combat again.

Or, whenever he is struck have him turn into an adamantine statue of himself with full sentience, then make him RP as being an unbreakable statue that cannot move or talk for a few rounds. When combat is over, he rolls a fort save to return to normal form.

Just have him pop out of existence next time something's about to hit him. Permanently.

He can't be harmed if he doesn't exist.

I was thinking about a very strong permanent sanctuary, but that's less playable than the adamantine thing, and way less cool.

If you're looking for insperation on way's to corrupt a wish, there is a "corrupt the wish" thread in the games section. You might get some good idea's there (or if you know a wish is coming and have some time post it to see what someone else comes up with.)

Or, given your clarified translations to English:

Memmorath wrote:
"I wish to be unwoundable" or "I wish to be unable to be wounded".

Killing is not the same as "wounding" or "being wounded", a particularly malicious outcome would be for all attacks to be resolved as save-or-die effects. Or, save-or-suck, if you want to be a little nicer.

He can never be wounded, only killed or knocked (painlessly, and without wounds) unconscious, or similar negative outcomes. Or, temporary negative levels (with the requisite death when he gets hit a number of times equal to his level without rest). A pity prize could be to automatically return as a sentient undead (say, skeletal champion). As an undead, he can be damaged, but not "wounded", in the eyes of the universe.

My original, and really still preferred, idea was the adamantium statue mentioned above, for about 1d4 minutes. Duration to reset upon each successful attack / targeting of spell / physical hazard.

Turn him into what is effectively a permantent projected image with his level as the caster level. Have him demanifest and then reform after ten minutes of being dispelled or after he uses any spell through the image. Don't let him pass through solid objects, but other than that he's effectively intangible (thus invulnerable), fulfilling the wish.
Have him cease to exist for any time he is "resting" and reform where he "went to sleep".
Your option if you want him to slowly starve to death for being incautious in wishing.


I say totally roll with it. As a gm its your job to not just attack his strengths but to target his weaknesses as well. Doesnt mean he cant be buried alive. Doesnt mean he cant be suffocated unconscious, grappled, polymorphed, shrunk, shackled, entangled... trapped by magic walls... dropped into a volcano.

Some people would say thats not fair because a lot of encounters shouldnt know his 'unique traits' but 1: the word is going to get out pretty fast, and 2: that could be the part of the wish that's evil. Once the wish is granted you're enemies pick up on your trait instantly. You become a sh%7 magnet...

Just because he cant be wounded doesnt mean he cant feel pain. Have him get captured and tortured incessantly for days... Powerful wizards will want to see just how far this ability goes and try to tear him to bits to see 'how it works'... You hear that sound fezzik? Thats the sound of ultimate suffering.

Grand Lodge

Being Incorporeal meets his needs.

Liberty's Edge

what I would do is make him invulnerable to something he may want to happen to him like making him invulnerable to the effects of benifical magical items.

I have fun with twisting the wishes of my players as if I was a twited djinn myself...........LOL

last time I gave the players a ring of wishes they started talking about trying to sell it not once did they conciser actually using the wishes they ended up selling it for like a hundred gold because no-one else would buy it and they refused to use it. Perhaps I have ben a little to ruff with wishes...

Memmorath wrote:
Dark Immortal wrote:

I was thinking right alongside RumpinRufus. Make him invulnerable (in some fashion) only when he is attacked and have it be a random length of time and that it renders him virtually useless or even dangerous while the effect is in place. Shins' idea was excellent, too. He no longer takes damage but his allies do.

You could also get even more tricky, he never said what he wanted to be invulnerable to. If you want to be generous, you could make it something useful. If you want to twist it as you said, then make him invulnerable to itching, or cats, or metal poisoning...or a specific creatures bite or venom, etc. Or worse, he's immune to unarmed attacks....from fairies.

Ah, there is somewhat lost in translation, as we play in a different language than english. More to the letter, the wish would translate roughly to: "I wish to be unwoundable" or "I wish to be unable to be wounded".

So, there is somewhat specification about it. But yeah... I might probably go with the "flesh to adamantium" when being hit at. Thanks for the great suggestions!

So, he can still be poisoned, cursed and such?

Doesn't sound like this Wish was too game-breaking, really.

Memmorath wrote:

One of my players got a hold of a magical lamp that summons an efreet to grant 1 wish for the summoner. The player wished: "I wish to be invulnerable".

The idea behind the wish is that it will twist and pervade any wish made into a negative effect. (The lamp was bestowed on the player by a disguised, evil rakshasa)

I could use some advice as to how to accomlish this so that the wish will be mostly negative effect, without breaking the character to be totally unplayable.

Similiar to this is also one other of my players. This person also got a wish from an efreet (main storyline stuff), after freeing him from 7000 years of captivity, only to wish the efreet to be his slave ("I wish for you to be my slave"). The way I handled this was basicly give him a ring of djinni calling with the said efreet bound to it and have 24 hours / every other day as the per summon limit. The advice I need with this player, is how to machinate the efreet's espace from this captivity and inflict great pain for this treachery.

The player character did send the efreet to fetch one other player character from a faraway place, and during that time, the efreet asked that person to steal the ring and in return would grant this person everything he ever desires (the person fetched was neutral evil wizard). But besides this, I could really use some help on how to free this extremely powerful being from the clutches of a lvl 6 chaotic evil character.

note: the party is all evil aligned, from lawful evils to chaotic evils, and on lvl 6.


If there have been no combats yet perhaps the following.

Whenever he would take damage, instead that damage is passed to a person he cares about regardless of distance. Do this in order of the weakest to the strongest. I.E. kill his old dog first, then his parents, then his childhood friend.

If he cares for or values anyone in the party or the entire party then have it passed to them last so as to be able to eliminate all of his emotional ties.

Once all of the individuals he cares about are dead or if he insists he does not care about or value anyone in the party, but simply tolerates them have the damage start being passed to his gear. Make sure not to apply any special qualities or hardness here, simply calculate the damage he has taken and then apply that directly to his gear. When damaging his gear make sure to go for the most painful choices first. Choice items are things like handy haversacks, and weapons.

Once he is naked and without anyone that cares about him or for who he cares start trading damage for his renewable resources. I.E. spells, rounds of bane, things like that. Think up some reasonable but brutal ratio for each resource like 2 points of damage per level of spell or the same per round of bane.

If he still insists on playing his "Unwound-able" character after all this then simply chuckle and enjoy his fruitless flailing due to not having any gear or resources, therefore effectively playing a naked NPC class.


I know, I know this is mean, but gosh imagine the look on his face when he puts together the fact that the reason his loved one was slashed to death with a great axe is the fact that he made a reckless wish and then continued to be reckless in combat never questioning the source or price of his new "power".

It could also lead to some great RP as he is forced to desperately seek another wish so as to hopefully relieve himself of this ability.

Additionally it means that his character is playable all the way.

Silver Crusade

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I would make it to where himself, and anyone around, will never get into combat again. Somehow they always manage to dodge combat.

I like the adamantine form when attacked. But instead of making it like Flesh to Stone, where he's technically unconcious of what's happening, I'd make it so he was still concious and just unable to act or even speak. For added effect, he still feels everything that you would normally feel, like hunger, thirst, something itchy that needs scratching, the need to sneeze, the need to use the bathroom, etc. He just can't actually do anything about it. And I'd make the effect last for 1d6 hours, with every time he's attacked while in the adamantine form adding another 1d6 hours onto it.

I'd try to turn it into an "I have no mouth, and I must scream" kind of situation.

Grand Lodge

Give him DR 15/Magic. He is now nigh unkillable to regular means but anyone with a +1 dagger goes right through that. Or access to a wizard with magic weapon. He gets somethings quite use(less).

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The wish at once made me think of globe of invulnerability.
You could give him a permanent globe of invulnerability or the lesser version. That makes him immune to spells and spel-like abilities level 1-3 (lesser)or levels 1-4 including cure spells. As the spells name fits what he wanted that's ok. And it has a nice twist because he can't be healed, buffed, cured of debuffs by spells or spell-like abilities unless they are high level.

Globe of invulnerability

Madclaw wrote:
Give him DR 15/Magic. He is now nigh unkillable to regular means but anyone with a +1 dagger goes right through that. Or access to a wizard with magic weapon. He gets somethings quite use(less).

I would not feel cheated if a wish would grant me a permanent DR15/magic.

Grand Lodge

Umbranus wrote:
Madclaw wrote:
Give him DR 15/Magic. He is now nigh unkillable to regular means but anyone with a +1 dagger goes right through that. Or access to a wizard with magic weapon. He gets somethings quite use(less).
I would not feel cheated if a wish would grant me a permanent DR15/magic.

True, he's gaining some benefit from this. You could just switch the DR to DR 15/piercing or slashing or bludgeoning.

Madclaw wrote:
Give him DR 15/Magic. He is now nigh unkillable to regular means but anyone with a +1 dagger goes right through that. Or access to a wizard with magic weapon. He gets somethings quite use(less).

I was thinking of DR when he gave the wish, but they do seem a bit too strong a buff, when the whole idea behind this scenario was that a evil guy gives this player a lamp to make wishes, and have the efreet twist to wishes into something awful. The person who gave the lamp takes delight in watching mortals suffers from these kind of actions.

But now I suppose that DR 15 /bludgeoning and some form of vulnerability to blunt damage (shatters bones easily, etc) might do the trick. He wanted to be unable to receive wounds, basicly. So... have the bones shatter instead is a good idea?

Turning into adamantium and unable to act has more drawback than DR, since he can't participate in fights. With DR he would be kinda strong against slashing and piercing opponents (this might be done to accomplish greater sense of "oo I am so awesome now!" only to be met with a huge fighter with a really nasty 2-handed hammer that crushes his bones). Oh the multitude of choices...

Make him invulnerable to wounds but automatically fails his saves against mind-control. It might take a couple encounters for this to become evident, but when he turns on his allies unrelentingly, the tables will turn.

I like the 'ceasing to exist'-route.

Not as the immediate, unplayable solution, but rather as something he moves towards.

While not being invulnerable from the start (nothing states the entire effect of the wish has to be immediate), in the first fight, he might be affected by a permanent Blink Spell, starting out with a lower miss chance.
Over time the pros and cons can increase, making it harder for him to be hit, and for him to affect the world around him. At some point becoming incorpereal, the effect could increase until he cannot touch or affect anything on the material plane (or other planes for that matter).

Make the wish serve him by removing him from any situation where he could possibly be in danger, through teleportation. I'd recommend the teleport take him to a safe place at least 100 miles away, just to be sure.

He pulls a weapon? He might hurt himself with it. There's a teleport, leaving the weapon behind.

He takes out a scroll? That there is a potential paper cut. Better get him out of there, away from that hazardous parchment.

Buttering his bread? He might slip and nick himself with the knife. He be gone, leaving that dangerous tool behind.

An alternative solution is to actually make unkillable, apart from one specific way.
The achilles heel solution becomes much less of a boon, having a spiteful efreet who makes sure, that your weakness is written in the sky (or somewhere else for everyone to see).

So he can't be wounded, but he can be killed. Have it look like instant regeneration. Add up the points till it would go past negative con, allowing for any healing due to magic or time. At some point he just falls apart, all the 'wounds' now visible.

knightstar4 wrote:
So he can't be wounded, but he can be killed. Have it look like instant regeneration. Add up the points till it would go past negative con, allowing for any healing due to magic or time. At some point he just falls apart, all the 'wounds' now visible.

You mean that, it would look like the wounds he receive would be instantly "healed"? While in reality, he keeps taking damage; he just doesn't know or feel it? And after taking enough damgage to to go over the death threshold, he dies?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

last time I gave the players a ring of wishes they started talking about trying to sell it not once did they conciser actually using the wishes they ended up selling it for like a hundred gold because no-one else would buy it and they refused to use it. Perhaps I have ben a little to ruff with wishes...

You should be rough on folks when they make extravagant wishes intended to break the game. However if they use it for completely reasonable wishes, as defined by the spell description, then just let them have their wish and move on.

A ring of 3 wishes in a party of six? Sounds like 3 of them get wishes, which could mean an extra +1 on an important stat.

There are other minor things I might let a PC use a wish for, that aren't right inline with the spell. Wish for a Feat? Seems reasonable to me. Wish for your weapon to have 1 extra multipler of critical damage? ok. Or an extra step in the crit range? Ok. Want to wish for permanent DR 5/-? Sure thing buddy, but I'm also sticking you with a -5 to all damage you deal as well.

Story about some wish granting item:
A pc of mine once found a wish blade. It was back in AD&D and neither he nor I, as a player, had any clue what it was. For me it just seemed to be a magic sword that sometimes told me to make a wish.
It was a rapier and the first magic one my pc found. Up until then he has used nonmagical ones because he didn't want to use anything else.
So after some time we were fighting an evil cleric and some guys in full plate (which later turned out to be just skeletons) when I drew my rapier and at once it started to tell me to make a wish (again!). I went "Oh well if you insist: I wish this guy over there coud not cast any more". Two things happened: First the evil cleric (rather high level for us) looked puzzled because the spell he was casting fizzled and second my rapier had spent its last wish and was not magic anymore.
My GM was nice enough not not twist THAT wish because it was done with best intends and without wanting to powergame.

You could make him react to attacks like a superball reacts to hitting something. In this case, his invulnerability to wounds would translate to him bouncing around the room at high speed, a menace to everybody around him.

Shin Bilirubin wrote:
Have any damage he takes given to his nearest allies, so he never takes damage, but others take it for him.

This is my favorite suggestion so far. This puts the rest of the party in the position of wanting him fixed and fixed fast!

I would just give him immunity to non magic weapon damage, but also immunity to all healing spells so he has to actually use the rules of rest to gain HP back so he is a super drain on the party
besides that he could also not be able to eat or drink.

I am just tossing ideas out there you could just give him the dwarven trait of spell resistance equal to his level

Magic Resistant: Some of the older dwarven clans are particularly resistant to magic. Dwarves with this racial trait gain spell resistance equal to 5 + their character level. This resistance can be lowered for 1 round as a standard action. Dwarves with this racial trait take a –2 penalty on all concentration checks made in relation to arcane spells. This racial trait replaces hardy.

then use this to give him 20+ level for heal/cure spells so he cant ever be healed.

or just immune to all magic like the GHOLAM in WOT. He cant be healed, un cursed poision delayed, ect...

Grand Lodge

Bill Dunn wrote:
Shin Bilirubin wrote:
Have any damage he takes given to his nearest allies, so he never takes damage, but others take it for him.
This is my favorite suggestion so far. This puts the rest of the party in the position of wanting him fixed and fixed fast!

Problem is the PC is CE and may not care.

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I recommend you kill him for making a wish oh man I am so clever

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