Ability to use Poisons


Was just wondering if there was any way to get the ability to use poisons without taking a class that has the poison use class ability? Is there a feat or an item that envenoms a blade, like a scabbard of poisoning or something similar?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

There is one item, blackfinger paste or something like that which lets you use poison for some time i think.

Sovereign Court

Some races, like drow and vishkanyas, get poison use as a racial or alternate racial ability.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Hopefully you are aware of this, but I'll also note anyone can use poisons, it's just with the small chance of poisoning yourself. You could go a different route and play a character resistant to poisons and then on the offchance you hit that bad spot on the percentile dice, you're unlikely to be affected anyway.

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You could have an Unseen Servant do it for you.

Liberty's Edge

DeathQuaker wrote:
Hopefully you are aware of this, but I'll also note anyone can use poisons, it's just with the small chance of poisoning yourself. You could go a different route and play a character resistant to poisons and then on the offchance you hit that bad spot on the percentile dice, you're unlikely to be affected anyway.

Totally this. Poison immunity is (sadly) about as common as poison use, and unlike poison use you can buy immunity in item form (Periapt of Proof against Poison, 27k). Most classes that are immune to poison get the immunity around level 9ish, so either pick one of those or play something with high fort and poison resistances (like a martial dwarf).

Note that the risk of poisoning oneself isn't just in applying the poison, it's also in attacking. Rolling a nat 1 causes you to expose yourself to the poison on your weapon, so merely having an item poison it for you will not help unless it also has a protection against this.

Personally, if I wanted to play a poison character I'd probably do a vivisectionist to get both that and sneak attack in addition to the ability apply poisons quickly. If it wasn't my main shtick, I would either buy the item before using poisons or wait until my class gave me poison immunity. If neither was an option, I would either go the "high fort" route or (more likely) simply avoid it.

There are a few 3.5 feats on poisons. One making you totally immune to one type (so lather it on where and however you please), and another giving +4 vs all poisons. If you are a barb with great fort, that should put you in the clear barring crazy bad luck.

3.5... it still has the answers, lol.

Liberty's Edge

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3.5 Loyalist wrote:

There are a few 3.5 feats on poisons. One making you totally immune to one type (so lather it on where and however you please), and another giving +4 vs all poisons. If you are a barb with great fort, that should put you in the clear barring crazy bad luck.

3.5... it still has the answers, lol.

That reminds me, there's a campaign trait for serpent's skull that makes you immune to one poison from a pre-determined list. Some DM's might be okay adapting that trait for other uses.

Brilliant idea stabbitty.

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