Krisam |

I'm running Burnt Offerings for play-by-email on Yahoo Groups, and player dropout has left some openings. I'm looking for one or two people either willing to take over an existing character (female half-elf rogue or female half-elf barbarian) or to create a new character using only core races/classes, who has been captured by the goblins of Thistletop and will be released shortly by the party.
Again, this is for pbem, NOT pbp.
Preference will be given to players who can spell and punctuate correctly. If you're interested in one of the existing characters I can tell you more. If you want to make a new one, right now I'm just looking for a short background/concept - don't go to all the trouble of making a whole sheet.
The current composition of the party is:
male half-orc wizard (evoker)
female human paladin (Sarenrae)
male gnome cleric (Desna)
male human fighter (possible the player may drop out)
female half-elf rogue (up for grabs)
female half-elf barbarian (up for grabs)

Zack Muad'Dweeb |

Okay, so it's a trifle cliche, but he'd sorta be like Caine from Kung Fu, he's walking the earth, helping people and getting into adventures. The twist is that he's winging it the entire time. Everything he claims to know about martial arts he's learned from bogus "secret manuals" he bought off of an unscrupulous peddler.
Clearly, his career as a martial arts master is off to a rocky start if he's been captured by goblins.

rathandal |

I'd be willing to pick up the Rogue. What level is she? I'm new to the PbP (or PbEm for this matter) but have been gaming for near 20 years, and I am quite familiar with Pathfinder, after having been a GM for near 10 years.
I've heard a lot about Rise of the Runelords, and would love to play it. How often are you hoping to have posts?
Let me know if interested!

Edelsmirge |

I am interested in playing human male Rogue Swashbuckler/Scout, sort of a devil may care fellow who lives by the seat of his pants and doesnt think things through too deeply (low int)but who is quick witted (medium wisdom), very strong, and fairly quick on his feet. He grew up in the slums and instead of adhering to violence he instead decided he would use bags of steel marbles (saps) as weapons to render his foes unconscious. He's a guy who is charming (medium charisma)and likes tinkering with strange magical toys since he was a kid (use magic device)so for a build I am looking at either using wave strike to feint as a swift action to get my sneak attacks or the midnight stalker chain and going with adopted trait to get low light vision somehow aka, he grew up in the slums so developed a better then normal ability to see in the dark. Alternately if you go with the other guy picking up the rogue, I can take up another class and background. I dont feel like a barbarian. Never have liked the class.

Krisam |

rathandal: The entire party is level 3. I'm hoping for posts at least once daily, but down to 3-4 times a week is also acceptable. I'll PM you some information on the rogue in a bit, so you can see if she's still interesting.
Edelsmirge: Feel free to post different concepts in the event that the rogue is taken.

rathandal |

rathandal: The entire party is level 3. I'm hoping for posts at least once daily, but down to 3-4 times a week is also acceptable. I'll PM you some information on the rogue in a bit, so you can see if she's still interesting.
Edelsmirge: Feel free to post different concepts in the event that the rogue is taken.
Excellent - I can easily do twice a day. I'm sure the concept will be fine. Looking forward to getting the Rogue's info

Fabian Benavente |

I want to read the Player's guide to come up with a character better suited for the AP but for starters...
Would you consider a young Shoanti druid?
He's basically just left his tribe, which was the only thing he knew, looking for his older brother who left the tribe a few months ago because of a feud.
My druid went into Sandpoint and was shocked at 'modern culture'. He hasn't found his brother but got himself into trouble looking for him.
From here I would need to read up some more and know a little bit more of where your campaign is to make him as a good a fit as possible.
For a role, I would play an upfront melee fighter (along with animal companion) with support magic (healing or otherwise).
Let me know if the above interest you and I can develop this some more.

Krisam |

Fabian: Sure, a Shoanti druid would be fine. What quah were you thinking of taking?
A little more information on the party:
The goblin raid on the Swallowtail Festival was on Rova 1, and it's currently Rova 21. The party has just launched their second assault on Thistletop (the first one got them through the bramble maze, the second into the goblin fort). They've pretty much cleared out the goblins and have made it to the first level of the dungeon.
Feel free to ask about anything else you want to know.

![]() |

Just had a Rise of the Rune Lord game fold on me after the second encounter. I have never payed past that. I would be honored to take over the female half elven barbarian. If you have stats for her I will play her as is, and if you want me to gen up stats for her, or tailor her slightly that would be easy to.
I am an experienced pbem player and relatively new to pbp. I played GURPS pbem for years. I too have a little used (recently) yahoo account.

Fabian Benavente |

Fabian: Sure, a Shoanti druid would be fine. What quah were you thinking of taking?
A little more information on the party:
The goblin raid on the Swallowtail Festival was on Rova 1, and it's currently Rova 21. The party has just launched their second assault on Thistletop (the first one got them through the bramble maze, the second into the goblin fort). They've pretty much cleared out the goblins and have made it to the first level of the dungeon.Feel free to ask about anything else you want to know.
I was thinking of the Shriikirri-Quah (Hawk Clan) given their proximity to Sandpoint. My druid would be enthralled with flight, freedom, etc. I, of course, will take a hawk animal companion so the animal would be the least intrusive possible and would be able to follow the druid around without too much of a stretch of imagination.
Would you entertain an eagle (hawk) shaman archetype (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/druid/archetypes/paizo---drui d-archetypes/eagle-shaman)?
Ok, now for the bad news: Swallowtail Festival and Thistletop means nothing to me right now but I'm a quick reader. :)
When do you need a more formal application and what do you require to make your decision?

Krisam |

Skorn: Sounds good.
Fabian: Yes, the eagle shaman would be fine. Don't worry about not knowing the background of the AP - your shaman wouldn't either, after all.
I don't need a formal application; in a day or so I'll pick from the applications here.
Character roundup - so far we've got:
Zack Muad'Dweeb - a martial artist monk
an anonymous person - female human barbarian (brutal pugilist/drunken brute)
rathandal - willing to take on our current female half-elf rogue
Fabian Benavente - an eagle shaman Shoanti druid
Edelsmirge - human male rogue (swashbuckler/scout)
Skorn - willing to take on our current female half-elf barbarian
If I missed anything let me know.

Kor BloodRage |
I'd be interested in the half-elf rogue, either continuing with that character or creating my own build, I could keep the name and race.
If I built my own, she'd be the trasure hunting type, looking for the next big thrill and a way to get rich quick. She's a decent person, jsut not the overly righteous type. When its time for a fight she's hrd to find, until she's suddenly behind you with a blade to your back, why play fair when you can play dirty?
mechanically i'm thinking NG or CG duel weilding. Lots of skills, mix between dex and cha based. She's a skill moneky with some nice damage potential when she can sneak attack and hit.
Edit: I'd also consider playing a bard. Who wouldn't want a lovely lady to foolow them about, singing of their exploits and making sure they get all the respect/loot they cna for reward for their deeds. And what aprty wizard wouldn't love to let her cast the buff spells and let them concentrate on blasting monsters!
mechanically she'd be a knowledge/skill monkey with lots of buffs, great for that party "face" and some offense to chip in. Count on her to do something unconventional.

Fabian Benavente |

Fabian: Yes, the eagle shaman would be fine. Don't worry about not knowing the background of the AP - your shaman wouldn't either, after all.I don't need a formal application; in a day or so I'll pick from the applications here.
Alright, let me know if you need anything else at this time to make up your mind. In the meantime, I'll start reading the Player's Guide.

Edelsmirge |

if you decide to go with someone else taking the rogue and you still find me worthy of playing, the other build I am interested in is a human Cad fighter going with two weapon fighting with a trident and net. This guy is a reposition dirty fighter sort who uses quick draw and the net and trident feat chain to control the flow of the fight. He was classically trained to be a gladiator but liked the streets and the fights he got there more, and ran away from slavery thus having to become a bit of a scum to stay below the radar.

Krisam |

While the player who might have been going to drop out is staying, meaning there's only two spaces in this game, I'm also running the same AP for a different group of 2nd level, and they could use one more. So in the end, I've selected 3 characters to join our campaigns.
Zack Muad'Dweeb, rathandal and Fabian Benavente, I'll PM you today. Everyone else, thanks for your interest and your interesting characters. Good gaming to you all.