Gobbocast - A Pathfinder Online Podcast

Pathfinder Online

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Introducing GobboCast!

Here, we plan to not only be informative but entertaining as well. Not only will we have podcasts and blogs, but in the near future we'll have ways for the gaming community to become involved as well, so keep checking back with us. Now, who exactly are we?

GoboCast is an MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) podcast and blog network. The primary focus of the podcast is to feature, interview, promote, and review content for the up coming Goblinworks (www.goblinworks.com) MMO "Pathfinder Online".

Currently the goal is to host a PFO Game Element podcast episode bi-monthly, and a Community Spotlight podcast the alternate week. Game element podcasts focus on blogs, crowdforging threads, and pertinent information about Pathfinder Online. Community Spotlight episodes feature prominent leaders from Chartered Companies, Kingdoms, and community members. These episodes will allow the community to talk about their guild organizations, their plans, and offer their input.

Alongside these podcasts will be a regular stream of written blogs. Just like the podcast these will be broken into game element and community features. We will also allow listener submitted blogs. While we will not feature every one sent in, we will be actively looking through submitted entries to feature.

To contact us click the Twitter or Facebook icons at the right of the Gobbocast Podcast page. You can also send us an email at gobbocast@gmail.com or here on our thread.

Our First Episode: Krow and Arek's discuss the latest kickstarter, game element blogs, and popular forum topics.

A Word With the Community: For the second half of the program, Krow chit chat's with forum member Nihimon of The Seventh Veil!

Playing a part or just playing along - Sandbox vs. Theme Park: Khas discussing the decline of the themepark style game and the resurgence of sandbox popularity.

Goblin Squad Member

Listening to it now!

Shadow Lodge Goblin Squad Member

I love podcasts. Awesome!
Edit: I just listened to the whole episode. I enjoyed it. Keep it up.

Goblin Squad Member

Just finished listening.

What I liked:
-very good structure
-not digressing
-very informative
-guests and involvement from the first episode
-yay podcast feed that I can add to iTunes :)
-THANK GOD IT'S JOINT STEREO. Having different people on different ears makes me physically sick.
-While addressing topics that exploded on the forums you stayed objectively.

What I did not like:
-apparent lack of wind/pop-shields
-recording seems to be from ts3/vent whatever com software (recording locally in audacity and in the com software for backup seems to be way to go for podcasts.) If i'm mistaken ignore that.

In general I really liked the podcast and can only recommend it to anyone else. Both negative points are due to me being spoiled by Studio Podcasts.

Goblin Squad Member

Rather good. Definitely very informative, even with speculation with some topics, but the ideas from speculation is rather good.

Sadly Krows has static noise with some echo in it making it at times difficult to hear. also the volume level differs between Krows and Areks was a little too much, making the need for constantly having to adjust the volume.

The very deep voice of Nihimon was a shear surprise, I was expecting a soft tenor voice to match the name, seemingly Japanese name.

Papaver wrote:

Just finished listening.

What I liked:
-very good structure
-not digressing
-very informative
-guests and involvement from the first episode
-yay podcast feed that I can add to iTunes :)
-THANK GOD IT'S JOINT STEREO. Having different people on different ears makes me physically sick.
-While addressing topics that exploded on the forums you stayed objectively.

What I did not like:
-apparent lack of wind/pop-shields
-recording seems to be from ts3/vent whatever com software (recording locally in audacity and in the com software for backup seems to be way to go for podcasts.) If i'm mistaken ignore that.

In general I really liked the podcast and can only recommend it to anyone else. Both negative points are due to me being spoiled by Studio Podcasts.

Thanks you, very much, for the feedback! We knew the audio quality was... lacking. It is indeed a TS3 recording (pieced together in Audacity). Areks and Krows also don't have wind shields (something I'll be working with them both on for coming episodes).

Improving the audio quality is at the top of the list of things to do, right now.

Most importantly, it seems that you guys enjoyed the show other than the audio issues. YAY!

As we get used to doing them, we hope that the shows will progress more smoothly, audio issues get resolved, and we get more of you guys on the air to get your thoughts!

Keep the feedback coming, guys, we can't improve unless we know what we need to work on from the listeners perspective!

Again, thanks!

Goblin Squad Member

Cool deal!

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Frugal Broadcaster's Tip:
You can make an excellent pop filter from a wire coat hanger and a nylon.

If you can't stand the look of it and want a 'real' one, I recommend you get a double layer design,
like the one I use, a Middle Atlantic Split Screen Pop Filter.


Thank you for the recommendation, Azmyth, it is much appreciated!

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Would like to hear an interview from someone who will be playing evil to hear their point-of-view on alignment and the blog on the flagging system.

Goblin Squad Member

Listening to the first Podcast... Very cool, loving it.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Also listening. Love what I am hearing, especially the ideas on bounty hunting. Great ideas guys!

Goblin Squad Member

How about something a little more hard hitting hmm? Invite Andius on. He either comes off as more rational and cool headed than people think or you have effectively given him enough rope to hang himself. Pure win-win. ^_^

That aside I liked it.

Goblin Squad Member

Just got done listening to this and I loved it! Great work guys. Looking forward to more.

Goblin Squad Member

Love the criticism, that's the only way the product will improve! Keep it coming. =)

Goblin Squad Member

One other thing: When podcasts are concerned there is no noticeable difference in quality between a 128 kBit/s and a 64 kBit/s Bitrate so that is a way to reduce file size without loosing quality.

Goblin Squad Member


Awesome job with the podcast!

I'm totally impressed and looking forward to the next episode!

Spraga out... LOL

I think Ventrillo has a Voice Normalization feature that could help out with the audio levels, TS3 has this automatically turned on but doesn't really work very well.

Besides the audio volume issue which really wasn't that bad at all, I would suggest editing in some intro music for each segment of the podcast to take it to that next Epic level!

Next community interview suggestions/ Blaeringer!

Goblin Squad Member

I think I figured out our audio issues. The version of Audacity I was using was almost a year old, so when I exported the .wav to .mp3 it got all sorts of messed up. I installed the newest version last night and did some test recordings (using Audacity to record rather than TS3) and when I exported it sounded much, much better.

Thanks again to everyone for the feedback, comments, suggestions, and support!

Goblin Squad Member

Just to play it safe: a local recording does not have the quality fluctuation of an incoming transmission even if you record it with audacity. That is why I suggested a combination of individual local recordings over one recording from a comm software. If I misread your statement please ignore this. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Yeah the first episode was just me recording them on my machine locally. The next one I will walk them through setting up Audacity to record themselves and then send me the .wav's to I can mesh them all together.

I used to do this all the time, but it was years ago (back in the early days of WoW) so I'm a bit rusty on some of the details. Thanks again, Papaver for all the tips!

Goblin Squad Member

I tried to leave a comment, but got this error message:

ERROR: That reCAPTCHA response was incorrect.
Input error: Invalid referer

Never got the reCACPTCHA option

on a related note, I've never been fond of that Image recognition thing, I'm slightly visually impaired (semi color blind, and scrambled lettering is hard to read).

Pax actually has a voice assist attached to their's, first time I've seen that and very helpful!

Goblin Squad Member

DarkOne the Drow wrote:
The very deep voice of Nihimon was a shear surprise, I was expecting a soft tenor voice to match the name, seemingly Japanese name.

Not Japanese, most of the names that I really dig are evolved from Greek and Latin.

"Nihimon" is the "nothing man". It's a play on the fact that he doesn't really exist.

Nihil - pronounced a lot like the "Nile" river, just drop the "l".

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:

I tried to leave a comment, but got this error message:

ERROR: That reCAPTCHA response was incorrect.
Input error: Invalid referer

Never got the reCACPTCHA option

on a related note, I've never been fond of that Image recognition thing, I'm slightly visually impaired (semi color blind, and scrambled lettering is hard to read).

Pax actually has a voice assist attached to their's, first time I've seen that and very helpful!

Should be fixed, now. Thanks for pointing it out!

Goblin Squad Member

Great job, all! Can't wait for the next episode!

We enjoyed the podcast, but we feel it could use a foot notes section under each podcast so we can read along while we listen to the pod cast or to check your sources and chime in on conversations and threads you reference.

What would be the ETA on episode two as we are really looking forward to it.

Goblin Squad Member

We plan on doing this particular podcast every two weeks. I'll make note of the footnotes request. Thanks for the input =)

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
DarkOne the Drow wrote:
The very deep voice of Nihimon was a shear surprise, I was expecting a soft tenor voice to match the name, seemingly Japanese name.

Not Japanese, most of the names that I really dig are evolved from Greek and Latin.

"Nihimon" is the "nothing man". It's a play on the fact that he doesn't really exist.

Nihil - pronounced a lot like the "Nile" river, just drop the "l".

Thanx for the information and explaination.

Scarab Sages Goblinworks Executive Founder

I've added a link to the Gobbocast site on PFOFan.com

Goblin Squad Member

Well done. Very informative for those who have not had the time to keep up on all the topics on these boards or want to hear from fellow community members in a new way. I can also foresee these podcasts becoming a wonderful educational tool for players who are newly coming into PFO.

Dakcenturi wrote:
I've added a link to the Gobbocast site on PFOFan.com

Thank you Dakcenturi. We launched with the PFOfan.com link on ours as well.

Dr. Feel Good wrote:

We enjoyed the podcast, but we feel it could use a foot notes section under each podcast so we can read along while we listen to the pod cast or to check your sources and chime in on conversations and threads you reference.

What would be the ETA on episode two as we are really looking forward to it.

Our next episode should be a Community Spotlight, and be added sometime Friday. Areks and Krow will be doing a podcast every other week, and then Krow takes on the next week with community guests as the other talent.

We do take submissions for blogs and editorials through our email address (gobbocast@gmail.com) and will look for other ways to bring in the forum community and improve things all around.

You know, we get so many people coming to the board with the same misunderstood impression of how PvP is going to be in PFO. It would really help everyone involved if you could put together a podcast outlining the differences between PFO and games like Darkfall or Mortal Online. Such a podcast would get a TON of views as well ;)

Goblin Squad Member

I can assure you, PvP in all aspects will be covered... a solely PvP episode will likely come after they have fleshed out bounty hunting, death curses and the other items Stephen Cheney said would be in the next blog.

We'll attempt to spell out what PvP is and isn't in PfO (based off of released information)... just take into account that the formations and siege warfare concepts still haven't been expanded upon. While that is technically PvP, that'll probably fall into an episode on warfare later down the line.

Goblin Squad Member

Great podcast, cant wait for the next one!

Goblin Squad Member

Just found this; thank you very much!

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

I was just wondering what has happened to these wonderful Podcasts? It has been a month since the last one, and I really, really enjoy them :) Any ETA on when the next one might be broadcast?

Goblin Squad Member

Hmmm... Gobbocast has vanished inexplicably... and the last person interviewed was Andius. Coincidence? Or Conspiracy? You be the judge!!!!

~~seriously another blogger of my acquaintance shared that there are some serious technical issues going around. My thought: Java. Unknown, just a hunch as Oracle keeps generating patch after patch after patch for it.

Goblin Squad Member

hmmmm... yes... Andius was the last to see the Goblincast... maybe he dealt out some under the counter justice.

Goblin Squad Member

Hasn't vanished... we've got three shows recorded... but on multiple fronts RL lag has show it's ugly head. So yes, we are still here, we actually have through episode 6 recorded.

Goblin Squad Member

Looking forward to it, Areks. Any chance you'd give us a teaser about what to expect?

Goblin Squad Member

I am beside myself with anticipation. I have listened to the other 3 episode a number of times.

Goblin Squad Member

Well there is an interview (or two ;) ) with outstanding members of the community. That is followed by a round table between myself and two others, one of which is a long-time Eve player with some interesting input on the "Blood on the Tracks, I Shot a Man, and Screaming for Vengeance". The latest episode is myself and Krow back together again for the first time since episode 1. We cover "Are You Experienced, If I had a Hammer, and Murder by Numbers".

So to directly answer the question, no we haven't gone anywhere. ALL of us have been very busy, some with the Podcast, some with other duties, and all of us have been contending with a bit of RL lag... none of which was anticipated and all of which demanded immediate attention.

It is not our intent to keep the PfO masses waiting. I guarantee you, the episodes will be released as soon our team is finished with them.

Goblin Squad Member

I just went though all the podcasts and have been catching up on Khas' blogs (sadly work computer won't let me do so from my desk). Fantastic stuff. I can see improvement in each podcast. Can't wait to see/hear these next coming episodes!

Goblin Squad Member

I just posted a new blog this-morning!

Does anyone have any topics upon which they'd like me to wax poetic?

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New episode is up! The next 3 are in the queue already =D

Sorry about the delay folks, RL has settled down, by and large, on all fronts and we'll be cranking them out for you!

Goblin Squad Member

Neat. Will listen to it on my way to work.

One completely unprofessional tip: Podcasts still sound great at 64KBit/s Bitrate and you save a lot of webspace :)

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